Serve as Contrast Team in a ‘Dad with Baby’ Show

Chapter 16: Make dumplings


"Making dumplings is actually very simple." The father and daughter stared at each other for a while, and Lin Momo said to Lin Cheng.

In the slightly guilty words, apart from the encouragement, they also sounded like a lie.

Lin Cheng did not comment on Lin Momo's statement.

Since both the father and daughter had no experience in making dumplings, they finally decided to use some flour to experiment.

According to the proportions given in the program, the two people first prepared the required flour, yeast, improver and water.

Lin Cheng started to knead the dough while Lin Momo lay on the chopping board, staring at him intently.

"Is it done?" Lin Momo asked after a while.

"No." Lin Cheng kneaded the dough several times until it achieved the 'smooth surface' mentioned in the process.

"Are you okay now?" Lin Momo continued to chase.

Glancing at the girl next to him who was eager to try, Lin Cheng's mouth twitched slightly, and he laughed secretly.

"Not yet." Lin Cheng looked at the time, put the kneaded dough into the dough bowl, covered it with a layer of wet gauze, and said to Lin Momo: "Wait about another hour."

The temperature has been high in recent days, which makes it very convenient to proof the flour. It can be proofed directly at room temperature.

While waiting for the dough to rise, Lin Cheng left to do other things, but Lin Momo insisted on staying by the kneading basin.

There seems to be no change in the dough rising process.

Lin Momo pouted.

Perhaps she waited too long, and later Lin Momo didn’t even know when she fell asleep.

When Lin Momo woke up, the dough basin covered with gauze in front of her had swelled up. When she lifted the gauze, she saw that the small ball of dough in the basin had turned into a large, white and plump basin.

Lin Momo curiously stretched out her finger and poked it. The dough was soft and the part that was poked would bounce back a little, leaving a shallow finger-shaped indentation.

It's a bit fun.

Lin Momo smiled secretly, and stretched out her finger to try again.

At this moment, Lin Cheng's voice suddenly came from behind.

"Lin Momo."

Lin Momo's back stiffened and she quickly shrank back.

"W-what?" Lin Momo turned and looked at Lin Cheng, subconsciously putting her legs behind her back, looking like she had done something wrong.

"Don't poke me." Lin Cheng said.

"I didn't, I just wanted to see if the dough was ready"...

Before Lin Momo could finish the last few words, she met Lin Cheng's stern gaze and immediately became intimidated. She admitted her mistake and said, "Yes, I just think this is a bit fun."

Hearing Lin Momo's reason, Lin Cheng's mouth twitched slightly.

"This is not for playing." Lin Cheng said as he walked to Lin Momo and pinched the dough.

Feeling... It's really good.

Lin Cheng thought so in his heart, and lowered his head to meet the girl's questioning eyes, as if saying "you poked it too", Lin Cheng's expression paused.

"I'm checking whether the dough has risen well." Lin Cheng said seriously.

Hearing this, Lin Momo's eyes lit up, and she moved closer to the basin, asking expectantly, "Is it ready?"

Lin Cheng: “…” He was not sure if he should tell the other party now that according to Lin Cheng, the dough needed to be proofed a second time, which meant he needed to wait another half an hour. Would the kid collapse on the spot

"Wait a moment." Lin Cheng said, kneaded the dough again, and started the second fermentation.

Lin Momo watched eagerly by the side for nearly half an hour, and finally the flour was completely fermented.

The live broadcast room barrage area was full of congratulations:

Congratulations to Momo and dad for completing the big task of kneading dough!

Haha, I thought this part would go wrong, but it didn’t.

It looks like dad and baby have made a good dough.

Although it is true, kneading the dough is just a small step. Rolling out the noodles and making dumplings will be more difficult, right

The audience outside the screen subconsciously began to get nervous.

In the screen, Lin Cheng watched the video on how to roll out dough again.

Afterwards, Lin Cheng began to knead the dough again according to the method learned in the video, kneading it into long strips, cutting it into small dough pieces of equal size, and then flattening the dough pieces, pinching the center of the dough piece to rotate it while rolling the dough piece with a rolling pin.

Throughout the whole process, Lin Cheng's operation seemed skillful and smooth, and at first glance, it looked quite professional.

After a few seconds, a dough in the shape of a fried egg was born.

"There is lace here." Lin Momo said, pointing at the 'fried egg'.

Lin Cheng said nothing, took a few other small pieces of noodles and tried again.

As a result, several "fried eggs", "clouds", "triangles" and several "little hearts" appeared out of nowhere.

Lin Cheng raised his eyebrows when he caught a glimpse of Lin Momo standing aside, leaning on the chopping board, standing on tiptoe, looking eager to try.

"Want to try it?"

"Yeah." Lin Momo nodded.

Seeing this, Lin Cheng handed her the rolling pin.

Lin Momo took the rolling pin and dough and started preparing them in an orderly manner, muttering, "It's really simple."

However, Lin Momo's boasting lasted only three seconds before she suffered a setback.

Originally, she watched the video and the boss of the bun shop rolling out the dough, and it was easy and fast. But when Lin Momo did it herself, the dough seemed to be unresponsive.

Lin Momo wanted the dough to grow bigger to the left, but the right side kept getting longer and longer. She wanted the dough to stay still, but it seemed to have grown legs and was chased all over the chopping board by the rolling pin.

"Let me do it." Lin Cheng said. After all, the dough he rolled could be barely understood as "round" in his consciousness.

"Okay..." Lin Momo moved away from the chopping board, but her eyes were still fixed on the dough with a look of disappointment.

"I know!" Lin Momo suddenly thought of something and said excitedly.

Before Lin Cheng could reach her, the girl ran to the kitchen and took out a plate from the cupboard.

“You can use this!” Lin Momo said. She first kneaded a dough into a ball, then pressed it hard with the bottom of a plate. The dough was flattened in the center of the bottom of the plate. When it was turned down, it was a perfect circle.

Seeing Lin Momo's actions, the barrage area became lively again:

Boy, this is also possible!

Haha, my daughter is so smart.

Momo: It's another day that I have to come up with ideas for this family.

Although the dough made in this way is not as firm as the one rolled out, it is indeed very round, hahahaha.

Not only round, but also fast.

"How is it?" Lin Momo asked Lin Cheng with shining eyes.

Lin Cheng had a faint smile on his face: "Okay."

"Let me do it." Lin Cheng took the plate from Lin Momo and sprinkled a layer of flour on it to make it easier to demold.

Next, Lin Cheng cut the dough into small pieces, and Lin Momo was responsible for kneading the small pieces of dough into balls, carefully sprinkling a little flour on them, and finally bringing them to Lin Cheng, who pressed them into dough sheets.

The work of rolling the dough is done by Lin Cheng, an adult, and the efficiency is much faster than before.

During the period, the father and daughter looked serious and no one said anything, but they cooperated with each other unexpectedly well.

What was even more surprising was that just this live broadcast of the two people repeatedly pressing each other's faces increased the number of online viewers in Lin Cheng's live broadcast room by more than 20,000 in just two or three minutes.

In addition to the scene before when Lin Momo was staring at the dough in a daze, and the picture was like a still moment of the rising dough, at this time, the number of stable viewers in Lin Cheng's live broadcast room had reached more than 150,000.

Even the strange tag #father-daughter assembly line dough production workshop# became a hot search. Although it was ranked low and was only a flash in the pan, it was enough to surprise Chen Yu and others in front of the computer.

"It's actually on the trending search?!" Wang looked at the screenshot on his phone again and again to make sure he was not seeing things.

“But then again, what exactly did the audience see when Brother Cheng and his friends were rolling out the dough?” Why did he gain followers

Wang Xi looked puzzled.

Chen Yuqi was also a little confused. After thinking for a while, he said uncertainly, "Maybe this part is more relaxing and exciting?"

Because the program team gave the camera special treatment, Lin Cheng and Lin Momo had no idea what was happening on the Internet.

The father and daughter here have completed all the preparations before making dumplings.

Since it was their first practice, the two did not try to make the most difficult fillings, but instead chose the red bean paste filling which did not require further preparation and was easy to operate.

"I know how to make this!" Lin Momo volunteered. Then, she took a piece of dough, scooped a ball of red bean paste in the center of the dough, and started to fiddle with it according to the first basic method of making dumplings in the diagram she had drawn before.

While wrapping, Lin Momo did not forget to explain it to Lin Cheng solemnly.

"Just like this, one hand holds it up, the other hand wraps it, this finger presses this side, this finger pulls the other side over, and pinches it..."

Lin Momo wrapped the buns very well, and after pinching them for a while, the outline of half a bun had begun to appear.

"See, that's it. Isn't it simple..."

Before Lin Momo finished speaking, the red bean paste-filled bun that was already half-wrapped leaked out with a "crunch".

Lin Momo's shivering expression froze on her face: The slap in the face came too quickly...

"No, it's okay, just pinch it again and it will be fine." Lin Momo said.

Although she tried her best to save the bun, the situation only got worse.

In the end, not only did the whole bun become strangely shaped, it also looked like it had been beaten by other buns, with blood all over its head.

Looking at the buns in her box, Lin Momo lowered her head, not daring to look at Lin Cheng.

This is still the simplest basic version of steamed buns, but she also drew peanut buns, sugar buns, twisted dough buns... and many more.

Perhaps because he didn't want to see the girl's disappointed expression, Lin Cheng took the bun from Lin Momo and looked at it carefully, then said, "You demonstrated it very clearly. I roughly understand it."

Lin Cheng also made a bun according to Lin Momo's instructions - it was indeed not as easy as he had imagined.

After some attempts, Lin Cheng managed to make a bun that looked more like a steamed bun.

It's just too slow.

If they make and sell buns at this rate, they will probably starve to death.

The father and daughter looked at each other silently.

When wrapping the next one, Lin Cheng simply kneaded the dough except the filling into a ball.

As long as the dough wraps the filling, it means the same thing, and other formal things are not important.

Finally, in order to distinguish the buns, Lin Momo and Lin Cheng decided to put a red bean in the middle of the red bean bun, pinch a small tip on the sugar bun, two on the peanut bun, three on the pork bun, and four on the vermicelli bun...

In the live broadcast room, more comments passed by:

This is also true?! Haha.

As long as your thinking doesn't slip, there are always more solutions than problems, hahaha.

I was learning how to make dumplings and how to prevent them from tipping over in the live broadcast room.

Here, looking at the ugly buns on the chopping board, Lin Momo's face suddenly showed a worried look.

"Will no one buy our buns?" Lin Momo whispered. This is a serious question.

Lin Cheng glanced at Baozi and said nothing.

The two of them put the sample buns into the steamer.

After a while, the aroma of red bean paste filled the whole room.

The originally ugly buns turned into white and plump buns after being steamed, and they didn't look so ugly anymore.

Lin Momo was still admiring the buns made by her family, while Lin Cheng looked at the time and prepared to take her out.

The two of them still had some fresh vegetables and meat to buy, and their destination this time was several vegetable markets in the city.

According to the landlady, vegetables at the evening market are much cheaper than at other times.

Which food is cheaper in which market? That day, the landlady specially sorted out a strategy and time period for Lin Cheng and his partner before leaving.

"Let's go." Lin Cheng called Lin Momo again.

Seeing that Lin Momo was still staring at the buns, Lin Cheng simply took two buns that had been cooled for a day from the plate, put them into the lunch box, and stuffed it into Lin Momo's arms.

"No." Lin Momo shook her head.

"Nothing?" Lin Cheng looked at Lin Momo suspiciously and said.

“Not this one, that one.” Lin Momo pointed at the three pointed buns in the lunch box, then pointed at a pointed bun on the plate and said.

Lin Cheng's temple throbbed.

These buns are all made with red bean paste filling. What’s the difference between one with a pointy end and the other with a pointy end

Lin Cheng complained in his heart, but still changed a bun for Lin Momo.

"Let's go."


The two men rode out on a tricycle.

Lin Cheng was riding the bike in front, while Lin Momo was sitting in the back of the bike, quietly eating buns.

The bun skin is soft and fluffy, and the sweet bean paste immediately rushes into your mouth as soon as you bite it.

Lin Momo's eyes lit up.


"Hmm?" Lin Cheng responded.

"Our buns are super delicious." Lin Momo said proudly.

Although the appearance is not very good, but the taste has not been reduced at all.

Lin Momo ate the buns happily until she finished one. She left the other pointed bun in the lunch box and carefully closed the lid.

This is for Lin Cheng.

The reason why Lin Momo insisted on taking this one just now was because this one was the best looking among all the buns.

At this time, Lin Cheng's bike had already arrived at the first destination: near the Yulin Street Vegetable Market.

When the tricycle came to a three-way alley, Lin Momo had already pointed in one of the directions without waiting for Lin Cheng to check the road signs and navigation.

"Dad, over there!"

Lin Cheng looked at the road sign and confirmed the navigation, and found that the direction Lin Momo pointed to was actually correct.

Although Lin Momo couldn't clearly know where the entire city was, she still had an impression of the places she had been to.

I brought my grandmother to this vegetable market a few times when her legs were better.

The vegetables at the evening market here are very cheap, and you can buy all the remaining vegetables for one or two yuan. And a few hours later, vendors will pile the last unsold vegetables in the basket in the middle, and you can take them for free.

But after grandma injured her leg, they rarely went out to buy groceries and cook for themselves.

Lin Momo came to participate in the recording of the program, and Chen Yu and others arranged a caregiver and regular medical treatment for her grandmother.

When Lin Momo returned home this weekend, she was pleasantly surprised to find that her grandmother's legs and feet had improved a lot after comprehensive treatment and should be back on track soon.

Thinking of this, Lin Momo showed a happy smile on her face.

Lin Momo pulled at the back of Lin Cheng's coat.

Hearing the other party's response, Lin Momo whispered: "Thank you."

She knew that Chen Yu and the others did this because she and Lin Cheng participated in the recording of the program together.

Hearing Lin Momo's "thank you", Lin Cheng's expression paused slightly, somewhat puzzled as to what she was "thanking" about.

However, Lin Cheng didn’t take the child’s sudden remark seriously.

Lin Cheng parked the tricycle in the non-motorized vehicle area next to the vegetable market and took Lin Momo into the vegetable market.

Here, the two bought cabbage.

After Lin Cheng paid the money, he turned around but didn't see Lin Momo.

Lin Cheng looked around and found that Lin Momo was standing motionless like a pillar on the roadside not far away. Opposite her was a noodle shop where the owner and his wife were preparing the first batch of buns to be sold tomorrow morning.

When Lin Momo was about to return and call Lin Cheng, Lin Cheng had already walked to Lin Momo's side.

So, one pillar became two pillars, one high and one low.

Watching the boss and his wife making dumplings so quickly, almost in just a few seconds, both the father and daughter were silent.

Lin Momo silently compared the difference between her own bag and the other person's bag: they were obviously similar, but for some reason, she just couldn't wrap it well.

"Dad, have you learned it?" Lin Momo pulled Lin Cheng's sleeve and asked.

"Probably." Lin Cheng tried his best to remember the boss's and his two companions' opinions.

"Let's go." Lin Cheng called Lin Momo, they had to go to the next vegetable market.

The two went to three other vegetable markets.

The last vegetable market was next to a small residential area near Jiaming Road, where they were going to buy green onions and shallots.

"Dad, you can go to the left." Lin Momo pointed to a small path on the side and whispered to Lin Cheng.

If you walk along this path, you won't pass by places where chickens and fish are slaughtered outside.

Lin Cheng did not doubt Lin Momo's intention, but turned his head to look at the girl.

"Have you been here before?"

Lin Momo nodded.

Lin Cheng withdrew his gaze. Because the light from the flashlight was too dim, he did not notice that there was something wrong with the girl's expression.

After parking the car, Lin Cheng called Lin Momo again.

The two ran straight to the stall selling onions.

Halfway through the walk, Lin Cheng realized that Lin Momo had not followed him. Turning back, he saw that Lin Momo was standing behind a signboard near a vegetable market not far away, looking at him but not following him.

"Lin Momo, come here." Lin Cheng called her.

When I went to several vegetable markets to buy ingredients before, this child would actively come over and help get things, but this time he didn’t follow

Lin Cheng was a little surprised.

Lin Momo pursed her lips and didn't move.

"Don't want to leave?" Lin Cheng asked again. He thought the child was tired or had a bad temper.

Lin Momo nodded, then shook her head.

Lin Cheng was helpless: "Then stand there and wait for me, don't go far away."

Lin Cheng walked to the stall alone to buy onions.

This way.

Lin Momo has been standing behind the light box waiting for Lin Cheng.

Suddenly, someone grabbed her from behind, and the huge force almost made Lin Momo fall.

"You little bastard, it's you again!"