Serve as Contrast Team in a ‘Dad with Baby’ Show

Chapter 25: Going to!


What happened at the 'Moonlight Poetry Meeting' was handled so quickly that no one else even noticed it.

Therefore, for more than half a day, others did not know that this high-end club, which had existed in Chongqing City for many years and had a very high threshold, had its outer door closed and the interior had long been completely sealed off.

It was not until the afternoon that a police notice was issued: After investigation, it was found that Moonlight Poetry Club had many illegal activities... The club's legal person, operator Wang and staff, the founder of the Chuanzhi Fund Sun, and the vice chairman of Huayu Group Yang... have been arrested by the police, and the case is under further investigation.

Unlike previous reports, in this report, the police listed all the people involved in great detail. Even though they did not directly name any of them, the detailed and straightforward descriptions did not seem to make any difference whether they were censored or not.

The police report included, in addition to the men arrested at the scene, the club's operating records and other people who participated in illegal "services", totaling as many as 70 people.

Since the identities of most of these people are not simple, including many company executives, wealthy businessmen, and social celebrities, and even a few industry experts and caring people, as soon as this notice was issued, the Internet and the news media circle exploded in an instant.

In just a few minutes, the real names, photos, and complete information of these people were dug out by netizens.

The Internet was in an uproar.

Oh my god! Shocking news!

I went back to look at the person who issued the notice, and it turned out to be true!

My ‌ !!!

If it wasn't for the official notification, I wouldn't have believed that such a thing really existed.

This is probably the biggest news I have seen this year.

No, to correct the above post, this is probably the most shocking news I have seen in my 23 years of life.

It's so scary.

After the shock, voices of condemnation and cursing began to fill the air.

Any news or topic about this incident or those people would become a hot topic in a matter of minutes, and the comments section would be filled with nothing but curses:

What a beast! What a scum!

They all look bright and beautiful on the outside and have prominent status, but in reality they do things worse than pigs and dogs!

Comparing them to pigs and dogs feels like an insult to them. They are not worthy of being human beings, and they are not worthy of existing in this world.

Sentence them all to death!

Those scum deserve to die a thousand times!

wxYoung girls and children must be sentenced to death! Even if they don't die, they will be sentenced to life imprisonment.

Is there any netizen who can tell me roughly when those people will be executed? I have bought the fireworks and I plan to apply to set off fireworks to celebrate where they die.

It's not a pity for scum to die.

While the internet was in uproar, Lin Cheng's side was very quiet.

After taking a quick look at the online news and netizens' comments, Lin Cheng put away his phone.

It was already dark outside. Lin Cheng glanced at the time and got up to wake Lin Momo up.

When Lin Cheng reached the door of Lin Momo's room, he saw that the girl had woken up and was sitting on the bed in a daze.

At this moment, Lin Momo's eyes were a little swollen, her hair was messy, and her face looked a little dazed.

It looks... kind of cute.

Lin Cheng thought about what netizens had said before, of course, one’s own children are pleasing to the eye no matter how you look at them.

Lin Cheng walked over and brought Lin Momo back to her senses with his voice.

Lin Momo came back to her senses, turned around and saw Lin Cheng, her eyes lit up and she blurted out "Dad".

Hearing Lin Momo call him "Dad", Lin Cheng's heart moved slightly.

After knowing that this was his daughter, and hearing Lin Momo calling him "Dad", Lin Cheng suddenly had a different feeling in his heart.

I felt a little excited, a little satisfied, and also an indescribable sense of responsibility.

In short, it's amazing.

"Hmm?" Lin Momo, Lin Cheng subconsciously lowered his voice.

"What's wrong?" Lin Cheng asked again.

"I just had a nightmare," Lin Momo said, and then added: "I dreamed that some bad guys wanted to catch me, and then they all turned into scary monsters, opening their bloody mouths to eat me alive..."

Thinking back to that twisted and terrifying dream, Lin Momo still felt a lingering fear.

The girl's nervous look made people feel a little distressed.

Just when Lin Cheng wanted to tell her that dreams were all fake, Lin Momo patted her chest, took a long breath, looked up at Lin Cheng, smiled and said, "You, Dad, will arrive in time and drive those monsters away."

"Really?" Hearing Lin Momo's narration, Lin Cheng's mouth corners slightly raised.

Lin Momo nodded and whispered, "I was actually a little scared at that time, but you came. Thank you..."

Lin Momo thanked Lin Cheng for saving her.

Lin Cheng knew that Lin Momo recalled what happened in the Baihe Club.

The child actually didn't know what it meant for her to be taken to that room and what would happen next, but Lin Cheng, as an adult, knew. He couldn't imagine what would have happened if Lin Momo hadn't called him and if he hadn't arrived in time.

Unfortunately, this did not happen.

Looking at Lin Momo, Lin Cheng suddenly felt fortunate.

At this moment, Lin Momo screamed "Ah!" and suddenly raised her head.

"What's wrong?" Lin Cheng asked, his voice nervous.

"Is it Sunday now?" Lin Momo asked Lin Cheng.


Seeing Lin Cheng nod, Lin Momo's little face wrinkled instantly, and she thought of a serious problem: they did not go to participate in the recording of the program.

According to the rules of the first two recordings, the father and the child should have arrived at the recording site on Sunday afternoon to prepare, but now it’s already too late…

"What should we do? We missed the recording time. Will the production crew punish us?" Or just don't let them record.

Lin Momo looked at Lin Cheng nervously and self-blamingly: after all, it was because of her that Lin Cheng was delayed in recording.

"It doesn't matter. You don't have to record the next show." Lin Cheng said to Lin Momo.

After bringing Lin Momo back, Lin Cheng asked his men to contact Liu Cuifang.

Because he didn't want to make Liu Cuifang worry, Lin Cheng asked his men to tell Liu Cuifang that Lin Momo was taken to participate in the recording of the next episode.

The recording time was mentioned in the previous contract, and Lin Momo was also taken away on Sunday afternoon in the previous two episodes, so Liu Cuifang did not doubt it.

Lin Cheng planned to let Lin Momo rest for a few days, and then take her to meet Liu Cuifang after her emotions calmed down, inform her of Zhang Xiaoqiang's affairs, and talk to her about Lin Momo's life experience.

As a father, he will take care of Lin Momo, and at the same time, he can also take care of Liu Cuifang's life and retirement issues.

Lin Momo didn't know that Lin Cheng had already considered so many things in his mind, nor did she know that Lin Cheng asked Chen Yu to turn down the show because he didn't want her to be tormented by the program crew again after experiencing such a shock. When Lin Momo heard that Lin Cheng would not go, she felt as if she had heard some bad news, and her whole face fell.

"Can't we go record anymore?" Lin Momo asked in a low voice, with a look of disappointment on her face.

Lin Momo looked at Lin Cheng and asked again: "Is it because we are missing that the production team doesn't want us to participate?"


"That's why..."

Seeing the disappointment on Lin Momo's face, Lin Cheng was a little surprised.

"Do you want to participate in the program recording?" Lin Cheng asked. Although it was unexpected, he did guess what the girl was thinking from her expression at the moment.

Of course, when Lin Momo heard Lin Cheng ask this, she nodded with her hand.

"Is it too late to go now? Can we talk to the program crew and ask them to give us another chance?" Lin Momo's eyes were filled with nervousness, anticipation, and a determination not to give up.

The reason why Lin Momo insisted on participating in the show was actually just because she wanted to spend more time with Lin Cheng.

She knew that Chen Yu took her in just to record the show with Lin Cheng. If the show was gone, she would be separated from her father.

I will probably never see my dad again.

Lin Momo did not tell Lin Cheng about her little thoughts.

After looking at Lin Cheng and thinking for a while, Lin Momo finally found a reason.

"Since we have already participated in the program recording, we can't give up halfway," Lin Momo looked at Lin Cheng and said with a 'serious' face. After a pause, she continued: "Besides, it's not easy for you to become a little famous. If you don't go to the recording now, you might become obscure again in the future."

As to whether Lin Cheng was popular or not, Lin Momo heard about it from the conversation between Chen Yu and others.

Listening to Lin Momo's reasons for insisting on going, and then looking at Lin Momo's serious look, Lin Cheng couldn't help but laugh.


After a pause, Lin Cheng said, "Then go."

"Really?!" Lin Momo's eyes lit up, full of surprise.

"Well," Lin Cheng nodded, and then said, "Go if you want to."

"But will the production team not allow us to go back?" Lin Momo asked worriedly.

"No." Lin Cheng's tone was firm.

"That's it." Lin Momo felt relieved and nodded happily.

At the same time, looking at Lin Cheng, Lin Momo was stunned. She made a surprising discovery: Lin Cheng actually smiled.

During their previous interactions, although Lin Cheng would occasionally smile, his smile was usually not very obvious, not like it is now, which is warm and makes people feel very friendly.

"Let's come and eat." Lin Cheng said to Lin Momo.

After being reminded by Lin Cheng, Lin Momo realized that she was really a little hungry.

"Yes." Lin Momo nodded, got out of bed obediently, and followed Lin Cheng to the restaurant.

Halfway through the walk, Lin Momo suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong?" Lin Cheng asked.

"Aren't we going to record a show?" Shouldn't they pack their luggage now

"Eat first, and then clean up after the meal." Lin Cheng said.

"But it's too late."

"It won't be too late."

After hearing Lin Cheng's words, Lin Momo pursed her lips and remained silent for a moment, then said, "I can clean up first, and then eat on the way."

Despite Lin Cheng's assurance, Lin Momo was still worried that their lateness would affect the recording of the program.

The father and daughter looked at each other. Under his daughter's insistence, Lin Cheng finally gave in and compromised, "Then hurry up and pack it up."

"Hey!" Lin Momo curved her eyebrows and smiled.

Although he said this, Lin Cheng stuffed a steamed bun into Lin Momo's hand and started packing his luggage.

In fact, the father and daughter didn't have much stuff. Lin Cheng only packed a few sets of clothes for changing, and Lin Momo only brought a few sets of clothes that Xu Jia had told her to wear when recording the show here.

After the two of them finished packing, Lin Cheng made a phone call to Chen Yu, asking him to contact the program crew to continue the recording.

After Chen Yu on the other end of the phone hung up, he looked distressed: he had just told the program crew that they were going to breach the contract and withdraw from the recording of the program, and now he was asked to tell the program crew that they were going to continue recording

This isn't about the program crew, this is about him!

While Chen Yu was complaining, he called the program crew.

Chen Yu originally thought that this matter would require a lot of trouble, but unexpectedly, after he explained his intention, the chief director of the program not only did not show any unhappiness, but on the contrary, he very politely said that he would immediately arrange for the program team's car to pick up Lin Cheng and his daughter, and the program team would also handle other matters.

Compared with the company's cold reception in the past and the current treatment, Chen Yu was almost moved to tears.

Of course it is the amount of resources.

Here, the program crew's car quickly arrived at Lin Cheng's residence and picked up the father and daughter.

Sitting in the familiar business car of the program crew, Lin Momo finally felt relieved.

In the car, Lin Momo seemed very excited.

Although Lin Momo didn't say a word along the way and quietly leaned against the car window to look at the scenery outside, her swinging feet revealed her inner excitement at the moment.

On the side, Lin Cheng looked at Lin Momo out of the corner of his eye.

Originally, Lin Cheng was worried that what happened in the afternoon would leave a psychological shadow on Lin Momo or have a negative impact on the child's spirit and emotions, but now it seems that his worries are unnecessary.

Perhaps it was due to the child's inherent self-protection awareness and memory that would automatically filter out some unpleasant things, or perhaps it was because Lin Momo had experienced too many unfriendly things since she was a child, which made her subconsciously learn to relieve herself. Now Lin Momo seemed to have returned to her previous state of being very positive about everything.

"Are you happy to be recording a show?" Lin Cheng asked.

"Yeah." Lin Momo nodded.

Thinking of something, Lin Momo's brows suddenly frowned vividly.

"What's wrong?" Lin Cheng asked.

"I left the recipe I wrote at home..." Lin Momo said with regret.

Knowing that their job for the week was to be a small restaurant owner, when she returned home on Friday night, Lin Momo specifically asked the grandmothers living upstairs and downstairs next door about some of their specialties, and she also made a note of the recipes to bring to the show.

As a result, because she was taken away suddenly, her schoolbag and all her belongings were left at home.

"I only remember some of them. For some complicated dishes, I can't remember some of the processes in between." Lin Momo muttered softly.

Looking at Lin Momo's palm-sized face full of sorrow, Lin Cheng felt a little distressed, but also a little amused.

"It's okay, just remember whatever you can." Lin Cheng comforted her, and his eyes softened as he looked at Lin Momo.

Taking the child's acceptance into consideration, Lin Cheng did not hastily tell Lin Momo that he was her biological father, nor did he consider whether to tell her about her life experience.

Looking at Lin Momo quietly, Lin Cheng suddenly asked: "If you had a father, what kind of person would you want him to be?"