Serve as Contrast Team in a ‘Dad with Baby’ Show

Chapter 28: One-day restaurant


Lin Cheng: “???”

Looking at Lin Momo covering her head with her hands and trying to suppress her pout, Lin Cheng's mouth twitched slightly.

—So, he is disgusted with it

After the father and daughter stared at each other for a few seconds, Lin Cheng said very calmly, "Go wash."

Seeing the girl's small eyebrows wrinkling at a very fast speed, Lin Cheng felt angry and amused at the same time.

Lin Cheng turned his hand over and tapped Lin Momo's forehead with the back of his finger, and then asked: "Do you want to wash yourself?"

After busying around in the store for several hours, Lin Momo's hair, which had been neatly combed, was now a little messy, and she didn't know where the dust got on her cheeks, leaving a few black marks.

"I washed..." Lin Momo was about to retort, but she stopped talking halfway through.

Finally, Lin Momo added very quietly: "I just washed my hands..."

Seeing Lin Momo's deflated look, Lin Cheng raised the corner of his mouth slightly.

"Go wash the dust off your face." Lin Cheng said.


While Lin Momo was washing her face, Lin Cheng took off his coat and prepared to continue Lin Momo's work and continue to clean up the store.

Lin Cheng did not start cleaning immediately, but checked every corner of the store first.

After reapplying for payment, the water, electricity and gas in the store have been opened: Lin Cheng has tested them one by one, and the pipelines in the store are still intact and basically usable. There are some minor problems with a few tables and some facilities in the store, which should be usable after repairs.

Lin Cheng made a brief calculation in his mind before taking action.

Lin Cheng first helped Lin Momo move a few tables and large cabinets to one side of the store, freeing up some space inside the store for easier operations.

At this time, Lin Momo came back after washing her face. Seeing Lin Cheng moving the table, Lin Momo quickly ran over to help.

In the end, before Lin Momo could make a move, Lin Cheng spoke up to stop her.

"What are you doing?" Lin Cheng asked, looking at Lin Momo who was about to come up with her sleeves rolled up.

"I, I can help you." Lin Momo looked at the edge of the table, looking eager to try.

Just when Lin Momo and the audience in the live broadcast room thought that Lin Cheng would throw out a sentence without any rebuttal in the next second: "Don't use it", an "accident" happened: looking at Lin Momo, Lin Cheng actually explained very patiently: "This is very heavy, you move it."

After saying this, seeing that Lin Momo looked like she would not stop until she could help him, Lin Cheng had no choice but to look around the store again, and finally found someone who could get Lin Momo to do something.

"If you need help, there are dishes in the kitchen cabinet. Please take them out and wash them, then count them."

"Okay!" Lin Momo was full of energy after having the job. By the time Lin Cheng finished speaking, she had already quickly run to the kitchen.

Although it is called a kitchen, in fact the cooking area and the dining area are separated by only a partition.

Lin Momo found the pile of dishes that Lin Cheng mentioned in the kitchen. After taking out the dishes, Lin Momo set her sights on the large pots used for cooking next to them.

Lin Cheng was outside when he saw Lin Momo preparing to move the big pots. His temples throbbed and he quickly stopped her: "Put the pots down, I'll wash them. You just need to wash the dishes and plates."

Hearing Lin Cheng's words, Lin Momo could finally let go of the big pot.

Lin Momo found a basin, moved a small stool, sat in the kitchen and began to wash the dishes carefully.

After looking at Lin Momo a few times and confirming that the other party would not come up with any other tricks, Lin Cheng, who was outside the room, withdrew his gaze and began to deal with the equipment and tables, chairs and benches outside the room.

In the live broadcast room, everyone was surprised to see Lin Cheng repairing tables, chairs, benches, installing lights and changing sockets:

Lin Cheng can actually repair these? !

It's a bit surprising. I thought that among these fathers, only Gao Yuankai would be able to do these repair things.

I thought so too... After all, Gao Yuankai's group was established as the "all-round dad" from the beginning of the show. Repairing furniture, small appliances, cooking and cooking are naturally no problem for them.

Someone mentioned Gao Yuankai's group, and someone in the barrage compared the two.

Although Gao Yuankai seems to be more powerful, but why do I feel that Lin Cheng is more solid

Indeed, the characterization of the father in Gao Yuankai's group was a little too obvious.

In comparison, Lin Cheng's performance, although exciting, does make people feel more realistic.

Haha, I don’t know what the others think, but I just like watching live broadcasts like Lin Cheng and Lin Momo.

Me too, I really like this kind of real live broadcast.

I agree. Watching Lin Cheng and Momo’s live broadcast seems boring at first glance, but you will be addicted after a second glance.

Yes, yes, yes! It’s so addictive!

‌Si Li.

During the regular meeting, Wang Xi, who was still holding his phone and watching the live broadcast, nodded in agreement after seeing the comments from the audience.

"It's the top." Wang Xi muttered softly.

After that, Wang Xi pulled Zhou Qi next to him and whispered, "Besides, do you think Brother Cheng has changed?"

"What's changed?" Zhou Qi came over and watched the live broadcast with great interest.

"I also said that. Anyway, the feeling has changed."

—There were no changes in other aspects, but Wang Xi always felt that Lin Cheng's attitude towards Lin Momo had changed a lot.

"I have to say something..." Wang Xi touched his chin and said, "I feel like Brother Cheng seems to be more gentle than before? A lot more, more like a father?"

"Now that you mention it, it seems to be true." Zhou Qi nodded.

‌ Over…

Is Brother Cheng's speed of success a bit too fast

Zhou Qi was secretly surprised again.

This way.

Lin Cheng was outside repairing tables, chairs and benches.

At this time, Lin Momo came out with a basin of water.

The plate was put down beside Lin Cheng at a distance. Lin Momo said nothing and ran back to sit on it. The small stool was also moved out.

Next came a pile of unwashed dishes.

There were quite a lot of dishes, so Lin Momo moved one pile at a time. She ran back and forth several times before she finally moved all the piles of washed dishes out of the kitchen.

Seeing Lin Momo's movements like an ant moving house, Lin Cheng tried to hold back, but finally he couldn't hold back and asked, "What are you doing?"

"Well, what are you doing?"

"The light inside is too dim. I'm afraid I can't wash it clean enough. It's brighter outside." Lin Momo explained to Lin Cheng, and then she smiled guiltily at Lin Cheng.

"I won't affect you." Lin Momo said seriously, then moved a small stool and sat beside Lin Cheng at a distance, and began to wash the dishes seriously, occasionally sang a few words of the show's theme song.

Lin Momo did not try to disturb Lin Cheng on purpose, but the position where she sat would indeed affect Lin Cheng's repairing of things.

But Lin Momo knew that her little trick had already been seen through by the audience with sharp eyes in the live broadcast room:

I saw that the lights inside were quite bright.

Haha, I think Momo just wants to stay here alone.

It should be said that Momo was simply working with her dad.

I agree. I saw an article before that said children will subconsciously stay with their relatives and people they like. It seems to be true.

The audience can see what Lin Momo is thinking, and Lin Cheng can naturally see it as well.

When Lin Momo wasn't paying attention, Lin Cheng had a smile on his face that he tried to suppress.

The father and daughter continued to do their own things, and the live broadcast was quiet.

At this moment, Lin Momo suddenly realized something, stopped, and called Lin Cheng: "Dad."

"Hmm? What's up?"

"Do you think I'm a beggar?"

When asking this question, Lin Momo's face looked serious and solemn.

Lin Momo is still a little upset about the incident in which she mistook a passerby girl for a beggar this afternoon.

Hearing Lin Momo's sudden question, Lin Cheng was stunned, raised his head and looked at Lin Momo seriously.

Although... In Lin Cheng's opinion, his daughter is still very lovely.

Here, Lin Cheng was watching, and Lin Momo suddenly felt uneasy.

"I usually like to be clean!"

It seemed that trying hard to prove herself was like begging for food, Lin Momo explained anxiously.

"Also," Lin Momo said, pulling on her worn-out T-shirt, "This shirt is just a little old, but it's also clean."

This is Lin Momo's own dress, but it has been worn for a long time, so the color looks a little old, as if it has been washed clean. There are some small holes and unstitched places on it, which her grandmother has helped her to mend.

In short, although her appearance today does look a lot more 'glamorous' than the beggars on the street, they are essentially the same.

Looking at Lin Momo, Lin Cheng nodded and said affirmatively: "Yes."

Hearing Lin Cheng's words, Lin Momo's brows suddenly curved.

"That's right, not alike at all." Lin Momo muttered as she lowered her head and smoothed the edge of her clothes.

There was originally a small hole here, which was accidentally poked through by a piece of wire when she followed her grandmother to the recycling station. Later, her grandmother sewed a small flower here for her, which just covered the hole.

Lin Momo gently touched the small flower to flatten it.

Lin Cheng noticed Lin Momo's little move and suddenly said, "I'll take you to buy new clothes tomorrow."

Lin Momo believed what Lin Cheng said and would not just say it to fool her, but she thought that Lin Cheng wanted to use the funds they had earned from the show to buy her new clothes. She was shocked and shook her head like a rattle.

"There's no need to buy new ones. What I have now is enough. I have a lot of new clothes in my bag." Lin Momo said that those were given to her by Chen Yu and the others, and she had only worn them a few times.

Seeing Lin Momo's painful and nervous look, Lin Cheng didn't continue talking to her, but was recalling if there was any shopping mall near the place he passed by today so that he could buy some clothes for Lin Momo.

So sad...

This conversation between the father and daughter is a bit funny and a bit sad.

At this time, more people popped up to comment in the barrage area.

Yeah... By the way, the clothes Momo was wearing were really old. I was shocked when she came out after changing her clothes.

Indeed, at first I thought it was some kind of old-fashioned style, and it does look like it.

It must have been worn for a long time.

Oh my god, I still keep the clothes I've been wearing for so long

When buying children's clothes, you should buy them a little bigger when they are new, and then they can be worn for a long time.

This... is too frugal!

Are you sure what I'm watching is a celebrity reality show?!

This question is asked by many people in the live broadcast room.

Some clothes can still be worn for two more years. It's nothing for ordinary people, but it's too shocking for celebrities.

Are out-of-date stars so miserable

That's definitely true, but some out-of-date celebrities can still live like ordinary people.

Indeed, although some stars appear to be glittering on the outside, if they receive endorsements and announcements, they will not earn a penny. On the contrary, they may still need to bear the expenses of the team and some high-value loans, so they are obviously better off than ordinary people.

Lin Cheng is pretty miserable, I think he hasn't had any announcements in the past few years.

And it seems that he was hidden by a black company before.

It's no wonder. Once negative information is exposed and his image collapses, not only will his endorsement be withdrawn, but he may also face a very high penalty for breach of contract. Not to mention that his assets are zero, his assets and liabilities may even reach tens of millions.

Really miserable…

Suddenly I feel that it’s not bad for me to be an ordinary bricklayer.

Lin Cheng and Lin Momo on this side didn't know that a piece of clothing had caused a discussion in the live broadcast room.

Lin Cheng repaired a few tables and chairs, and looked at Lin Momo again.

"Have you finished washing?"


When Lin Momo once again moved the dishes back to the kitchen bit by bit like a fool, Lin Cheng had already taken a step ahead of her and washed all the dishes at once, put them in a basin, and carried them into the kitchen.

The two continued to clean up, and put all the tables, chairs, benches, equipment and supplies in the store in appropriate locations: a small cabinet was placed at the door of the store to serve as a cashier, a table with four chairs in the dining area, and a small table was placed at the back of the store to serve meals and take away food for diners...

After cleaning up the store, Lin Cheng came to the innermost part of the store where sundries were piled up.

After taking a careful look at this temporary "storage room", Lin Cheng began to clean it up and moved the sundries out of the corner.

"Do we want to take these away?" Lin Momo asked doubtfully.

"Move to some other place." Lin Cheng explained.

The upper part of this pile of junk is the attic built by the store for living and sleeping. If the junk below catches fire, it will be very dangerous.

Lin Momo nodded and started to help clean up.

Lin Cheng moved out the sundries, while Lin Momo sorted them out on the side, keeping the useful items and putting the ones that could be used soon into a pile. Finally, she put the unused items together, preparing to take them to the opposite garbage recycling point to throw them away.

"Dad, can I keep this box?" Lin Momo asked, pointing at a cardboard box in front of her. Inside the box were more than a dozen bottles that Lin Momo had sorted out before.

Looking at the cartons and the dozen or so bottles that had been processed and neatly placed in the cartons, Lin Cheng's temples throbbed. He had obviously guessed Lin Momo's purpose in packing these things.

In Lin Momo's cognition, these bottles are still equivalent to valuable things that can be sold for money.

“So…” Seeing Lin Cheng talking, Lin Momo felt a little depressed.


Lin Momo's face, which was originally covered with dark clouds, suddenly became sunny and bright.

"What?!" He looked at Lin Cheng with surprise and asked as if to confirm.

"Yes, but you have to clean it up properly so as not to affect other people passing by."

“I’ll put it… here!” Lin Momo moved the box to a small corner in the store that would not affect business.

Afterwards, Lin Momo found a pen, drew decorative small flowers on the box, and wrote the words "Small Recycling Station for Renewable Resources" on it.

"This way, if a customer in the store finishes a bottle, they can keep it here, and then..." Then they can sell it for money.

At this moment, Lin Momo's whole body brightened up.

Seeing Lin Momo's happy face, Lin Cheng also smiled.

"Keep cleaning up."


It took most of the day, until almost evening, for the father and daughter to clean up the area inside the store thoroughly. Lin Cheng checked again and found that the remaining electrical equipment in the store was basically usable.

The two of them carried a basin of water outside the store, scraped off the oxidized spots on the glass door that made the menu slogans visible, and then wiped the entire glass until it was crystal clear.

Finally, when they saw the missing words "Liuming Restaurant" on the door sign, both the father and daughter had the same frowning expression on their faces.

Originally, a few pieces of the store name had fallen off, but if there was a small mark underneath, you could even tell that it was called "Liu Ming Restaurant."

Re-doing the door is too expensive.

The father and daughter looked at each other, and finally decided to remove the two dots left on the top of the character "六", remove the half-missing character "明", and then remove the remaining dots on the top of the character "六" and install them on the half-missing character "小".

Thus, the "Liuming Restaurant" was transformed into the "Yiyi Restaurant".

Finally, the two of them put up the temporary business sign (which had been renamed "One-Day Restaurant") and health certificate provided by the program team in a conspicuous place in the store, and the job was done.

After another look, their small restaurant finally took shape.

At this time, Lin Cheng's phone rang.

It was the food delivery guy calling.

At this time, the owner of the restaurant next door helped them contact the delivery company to deliver food to restaurants and catering stores. According to the restaurant owner, in the morning these guys usually go to large vegetable markets to purchase ingredients in large quantities at preferential prices according to customer requirements, and then deliver them to each restaurant. In the afternoon, if there are leftovers due to over-buying, or if customers need them suddenly, they will be packaged and the price will be more favorable.

The young man came to the store quickly, carrying a large basket of vegetables in his hands.

"Because you also know that you need more, I prepared the same amount as other small restaurants. According to your requirements, all the dishes are regular."

Lin Cheng and his friends can cook complicated and hearty dishes anyway, so it's just right for them to have regular dishes.

Lin Cheng counted the vegetables in the basket, took out the money provided by the program team and paid the other party.

Seeing Lin Cheng pay 600 yuan to the other party, Lin Momo felt a trace of pain on her face.

Noticing the little expression on Lin Momo's face, after the other guy left, Lin Cheng raised his hand and tapped Lin Momo lightly on the forehead.



With the ingredients, Lin Cheng prepared to start cooking dinner for two.

In the kitchen, Lin Cheng familiarized himself with the pots, pans, and various equipment, and then prepared to start.

As a result, when he looked up, he saw Lin Momo secretly hiding behind the window of the kitchen partition, staring at him nervously.