Serve as Contrast Team in a ‘Dad with Baby’ Show

Chapter 3: What talents do you have?


"I always feel like something is missing." Staring at Lin Momo, Xu Jia whispered.

"What's wrong?" Chen Yu asked.

"If I have to say something, it's probably the temperament that's not right," said Xu Jia.

Nowadays, every child is the treasure of the family. Even when facing outsiders, they always look innocent, lively and confident. But Lin Momo is different.

Although she tried her best to hide it, one could still sense her nervousness and restraint.

"You don't have to be so nervous, relax a little." Xu Jia said to Lin Momo.

Lin Momo nodded.

After thinking for a while, Xu Jia asked again: "What can you do?"

"Cleaning the house, washing clothes, cooking, knitting sweaters, and picking up..." Lin Momo's voice became lower and lower, and she stopped talking halfway through.

"What are you picking up?" Xu Jia asked.

Lin Momo bit her lower lip, shook her head and said nothing.

Xu Jia frowned slightly: What Lin Momo said might be useful in real life, but it is meaningless or has no highlights in a reality show.

"Besides what you just said, what else can you do?" Xu Jia asked again.

“No more…” Lin Momo thought for a moment and said in a low voice.

For the first time, Lin Momo felt a little embarrassed because she didn’t know much.

Xu Jia frowned even deeper.

"What about other things? I mean talents. Think about it, what can you do?"

During the recording process of a reality show, talent show is also a very important part. When completing certain tasks, the program team is likely to prompt the children to perform their talents. If Lin Momo has no talents, that would be too unreasonable.

Lin Momo shook her head.

“Can you play any musical instrument?”

Lin Momo shook her head.

"What about singing and dancing? If you can't dance, you can always sing, right?" Xu Jia asked, taking a step back.

Lin Momo nodded, then shook her head.

"Yes or no?"

“We were taught the school song at school,” Lin Momo whispered.

Xu Jia looked at Chen Yu helplessly.

Chen Yu coughed lightly and explained: "This child's family situation is rather special..."

Hearing this, Xu Jia sighed, and had to look at Lin Momo again, and said in a slightly lighter tone: "When you go to participate in the program recording, you must not sing your school song, understand?"

Lin Momo responded: "Okay"

Xu Jia thought for a moment and said, "It's too late to learn any talent at the last minute, so let's just practice singing."

Xu Jia asked Chen Yu to find some simple English song scores and asked the program team for the theme song of "Living with Dad".

The task of teaching Lin Momo to sing was given to Wang Xi and Zhou Qi who came to work.

Wang Xi took the score and looked through it, then asked Lin Momo, "Do you know how to read the score?"

Lin Momo shook her head.

"Where's the simple musical notation?"


Wang Xi and the others had no choice but to teach Lin Momo the lyrics one by one.

"I sing a line and you follow me, okay?"


“Let’s begin. On a happy planet lives a happy family of three…” Wang Xi sang the first sentence of the theme song.

Lin Momo immediately sang along.

Originally, Wang Xi had already prepared himself mentally that "even if Lin Momo doesn't sing well, he should not discourage her and should encourage her." However, what was surprising was that Lin Momo's singing was not out of tune at all and her pronunciation was clear.

"Let's move on." Wang Xi tried to teach Lin Momo the next few sentences, and Lin Momo sang every sentence accurately.

Suppressing his surprise, Wang Xi sang the entire song with Lin Momo.

After singing it successfully for the first time, Wang Xi was planning to take Lin Momo to learn it again to deepen her memory, but unexpectedly Lin Momo said, "I can do it myself."

"You? Are you saying you can sing this song yourself?" Wang Xi asked in disbelief.

Lin Momo nodded.

Seeing this, Wang Xi handed the lyrics sheet to Lin Momo with suspicion: "Then why don't you sing it yourself?"

"Okay." Lin Momo took the lyrics list, looked at it once, and then didn't look at it again, and started singing a cappella.

The light melody, lively lyrics, and the girl's unique clear voice make the song seem infused with soul, making it exceptionally beautiful.

Listening to Lin Momo singing the entire song word for word and tune for sure, Wang Xi and Zhou Qi looked at each other and saw surprise in each other's eyes.

"This child must be a genius." Wang Xi sighed with his mouth half closed.

Zhou Qi nodded in agreement: Or maybe Lin Momo has an amazing talent in music.

"Before, I was worried that she didn't have any talent and would be outdone by other children. Isn't this a talent?"

The two quickly thought that when the program crew was recording the theme song, if Lin Momo could maintain her previous state, she might be able to "stand out" from the entire theme song. They immediately became excited, and pulled Lin Momo to sing several times, and even recorded a video.

In the afternoon, when Chen Yu returned to the practice room, Wang Xi and Zhou Qi told each other the good news, but Chen Yu looked depressed.

"What happened to Brother Chen Yu?"

"I have communicated with the people from the program team, and they said that the theme song has been almost completed and we don't need to re-record it." Chen Yu said in a deep voice.

Hearing Chen Yu's words, the two people on the side also showed dissatisfaction.

"Why? Why can't we record the ones that were added later? It was originally a song that was edited. How much trouble would it be to add in what Brother Cheng and the others recorded later?"

"That's right, and Brother Cheng is the only professional singer among the five groups of stars." According to the convention of similar programs, the main part of the theme song should be sung by professional singers.

Chen Yu frowned and said nothing.

—There is another reason he didn’t mention.

This time, in order to promote a new star with high popularity, the company not only put him in the program as a substitute dad, but also secured the right to sing the theme song for him.

According to the information he had heard: the company had already bought the copyright of the song, and now the lyrics, composition and arrangement of the theme song all bear the name of that young idol.

The other three groups of stars were dissatisfied, so they asked the companies and studios behind them to put pressure on the program team, with the sole purpose of singing a few more lines in the theme song.

The three groups fought till the end, and there was nothing left for them to say.

Seeing her boyfriend's indignant look, Xu Jia, who came over at the same time, looked hesitant, not knowing whether to tell Chen Yu the truth she heard.

Today, the makeup artist of one of the top young actresses in the company had something to do, so she asked a few of them to help out temporarily. While helping them with their makeup, she accidentally heard them talking about this matter with their agent.

Duan Bei is a new talent that the company has been promoting recently. The capital force behind him is very strong. The main reason they let him participate in "Living with Dad" is to create a character for him.

The company has put a lot of effort into making Duan Bei more prominent in the show and get him a higher screen time.

One of the company's methods is to squeeze Lin Cheng into the show.

Although the five families participating in the show are recorded separately, once they are edited together and broadcast, viewers will compare the five families.

The agreement reached between the company and the program team was to use Lin Cheng's group as the control group and use the shortcomings of Lin Cheng's group to highlight the strengths of other groups.

In addition, in order to increase the topic and create suspense, the program team may make some malicious editing, and Lin Cheng's group will be the ones to be targeted.

At this moment, Chen Yu's cell phone rang. It was a call from the program crew, informing them to prepare to start recording.

Chen Yu frowned. "Ahead of schedule? According to the previous arrangement, shouldn't the recording start the day after tomorrow? How come it's ahead of schedule?"

"Because the schedules of several other teachers have been adjusted, we can only adjust Teacher Lin's schedule accordingly." The program crew explained on the phone, paused, and then said, "The recording time is tomorrow morning. Our directors will go there to install the equipment around 8 a.m. and start recording at 9 a.m. We will first record the pre-departure interview and pilot film. You guys should be ready."

After saying that, the person on the other end hung up the phone.

Seeing Chen Yu put down his phone, Wang Xi quickly asked, "Brother Chen Yu, what do you mean? You just said that the recording time has been moved up?"

"How early should it be?" Zhou Qi also asked.

"Early tomorrow morning." Chen Yu now wanted to curse.

Three days was already tight enough, and now he was told that he only had one night left to prepare. How could he possibly make it in time

The point is that he had already told Lin Cheng in advance that the recording time would be the day after tomorrow. According to Lin Cheng's usual style, if he said it would be the day after tomorrow, he would definitely show up on time the day after tomorrow, but if the time was changed at the last minute, he would most likely face the situation that he might not be able to find Lin Cheng even if he searched the entire C city.

Wang Xi and his companions were also dumbfounded.


"It's still morning?!"

"We won't have enough time for this!"

"Yes, there are many things that are not yet prepared!"

Chen Yu rubbed his aching head and looked at the two of them: "Stop talking nonsense. We still have one night left. Just hurry up and prepare as much as you can."

"What about Brother Cheng?" Wang Xi asked.

As expected, after hearing Wang Xi say this, Chen Yu felt unwell.

Wang Xi shut his mouth awkwardly, pulled Zhou Qi along, and started working separately.

After a while, Zhou Qi brought another piece of bad news.

"Brother Chen Yu, I have a problem. I just called the landlord of the house we reserved for filming, but since our previous tenants haven't left yet, they can't hand over the house to us in advance."

"Then change one, and call other houses to see if there is one that can be moved in right away."

"Okay, I'll call right away."

Half an hour passed.

Zhou Qi made more than a dozen phone calls and asked more than twenty houses online, but still couldn't find a house with the right size and location that could be moved into immediately.

"Brother Chen Yu, what should I do? I have looked for everything I could, but I really can't find it." Zhou Qi said with a sad face.

"If it really doesn't work, why don't we go to a hotel to shoot?" Wang Xi suggested.

Chen Yu shook his head and said, "The hotel is too fake. If the sharp-eyed audience finds out it is a hotel, and a few people deliberately try to discredit it, it will be even more troublesome later."

"What should we do now..."

Chen Yu didn't say anything. After holding it in for a long time, he finally managed to say, "Just send the child to Lin Cheng."

The three people nearby widened their eyes: "Are you serious?!"

"What else can we do?" He had originally planned to take half a day to have Lin Cheng and Lin Momo have a meal together, to talk and get to know each other. Now he could only make use of the last night to force the "father and daughter" to get to know each other.