Serve as Contrast Team in a ‘Dad with Baby’ Show

Chapter 44: Extras


Lin Cheng took Lin Momo out of the small building where they lived.

Although it was still early in the morning, there were already many people hurrying on the road.

The largest number of people gathered in front of one of the electronic display screens.

"Dad, what's going on over there?" Lin Momo asked, shaking Lin Cheng's hand.

"Some crew information." Lin Cheng said, and brought Lin Momo to the display screen.

At the same time, some official information about the crew recruiting actors was scrolling on the display screen.

Most of the people recruited here will become supporting roles in the crew, and Lin Cheng, a minor actor, has too many connections.

There are also many business cards and QR codes of group leaders pasted densely around the display screen. Some of them are real and some are fake, so it is difficult to judge which information is useful.

After Lin Cheng quickly glanced at it, he took Lin Momo away.

The two of them arrived at the nearest logistics service area, where there was a diagram hanging in the notice board on the right side of the service area door.

"Is this the map of this place?" Lin Momo looked at the display map in front of her and asked curiously.

The specific layout of the film and television city could not be found on the Internet, so the only thing Lin Cheng and Lin Momo had now was a tourist map layout they received at the entrance yesterday. The general structure of the two maps was somewhat similar, but they did not look alike.

"This is a fire map." Lin Cheng said.

To be precise, this is a fire safety emergency evacuation diagram of the film and television city.

This schematic diagram shows in detail the zoning of the entire film and television city, the fire-fighting facilities arranged along the roads, and the refuge and emergency evacuation routes for personnel.

Although it is not as intuitive as a real map, this map is at least much more accurate than the tourist map and can barely be used as a map.

Lin Cheng compared the filming locations of several key crews, determined the approximate locations on this schematic diagram, and summarized the most economical and practical routes.

"Let's go." After noting down the route, Lin Cheng took Lin Momo to their first destination—the filming location at A-6-3 Feng Street.

Here, the crew of "The Wave" is filming.

This is a Chinese TV series adapted from a literary work. It tells the story of a group of progressive young people and the love story between the male and female protagonists before the full-scale outbreak of the war...

When the father and daughter arrived at the filming location, there were already many people waiting outside the filming location.

With so many people, it was obvious that quite a few of them must have learned from certain information groups or group leaders that the crew might use extras in today's filming, and this time they arrived outside the crew early to wait.

Many of these people had even put on their own national day clothing in advance.

Lin Cheng took Lin Momo to a less crowded place outside the crew and stood there for a while.

Standing next to them was a middle-aged man in his forties, holding several sheets of information about the crew in his hands. It seemed that he had become a 'permanent resident' of the film and television city.

Seeing Lin Cheng and Lin Momo beside him, the man showed a surprised expression and took the initiative to strike up a conversation, "Brother, you look unfamiliar. Are you new here? Are you here to be an extra?"

It's no wonder the man felt strange, mainly because these two people, one big and one small, didn't look like extras.

Hearing the man's question, Lin Cheng did not comment, and replied to him succinctly: "Just to make a living." He did not tell the other party that they were recording a program.

When the man heard Lin Cheng's words, he was silent for two seconds, then smiled and said with a sense of regret: "It's not easy to make a living. It depends on luck. If you are unlucky, you will probably end up like me."

“That’s very interesting…” the man muttered, shaking his head again.

After saying that, the man looked at Lin Cheng and Lin Momo, then changed the subject and chuckled, "But it seems your luck is pretty good today."

"This crew is generous, and the work is not tiring." The man said - according to first-hand information he had received, the three scenes that the crew of "The Tide" planned to shoot today would require extras. If he was lucky enough to be picked by the crew, he would have work for the day and might even get a meal at noon.

This is why so many people flocked to the site as soon as the news came out.

As if they wanted to chat, the man pulled Lin Cheng aside to chat for a while.

At this moment, a staff member with a walkie-talkie in his hand walked out of the filming site.

Before the extras on this side could come forward to be chosen, the staff member shouted in the direction where everyone was looking: "Extras over there, all step back and don't block the normal passage."

As soon as the man finished speaking, several commercial vehicles drove to the filming site one after another.

As a young male star got out of the car, a group of fans waiting outside the venue immediately screamed.

"Jing Xiaoyan!"

"Brother is so hardworking!"

"Come on, brother!"

"Brother, please take care of your health when filming. We all love you!"

Here, the middle-aged man standing next to Lin Cheng pointed in the direction of Jing Xiaoyan and introduced him to Lin Cheng: "Look, that's the leading actor of this drama."

Lin Cheng nodded to indicate that he knew.

After the leading male role, the second male role, the second and third female roles, as well as some other important supporting roles also arrived on the set one after another.

As this happened, more and more people gathered outside the set, and it became more and more crowded.

After looking over all the main actors, Lin Cheng took Lin Momo's hand and prepared to take her away.

Seeing this, the middle-aged man next to him looked puzzled.

"Are you leaving? Not waiting anymore?" the man asked: Although judging from the current situation, the competition for extras may be a bit fierce, it is not completely impossible to have a chance.

Lin Cheng did not explain to the other party, but simply replied: "Go look somewhere else."

Although Lin Momo didn't understand why Lin Cheng wanted to go somewhere else, she still followed him obediently.

After the father and daughter left the filming location of "The Waves", they headed towards the next planned filming location.

Neither of them knew that shortly after they left, some of the extras outside the set received the news.

"What? Changing the play at the last minute?"

"Are the previously scheduled scenes not being filmed today?"

"Do you need extras today?"...

The extras were talking about the matter. During this process, some of them had received more accurate information and left one after another, including the middle-aged man who had chatted with Lin Cheng before.

Here, Lin Cheng and Lin Momo, father and daughter, had not walked far when they once again met a middle-aged man riding a small electric bike passing by from behind.

Seeing Lin Cheng and his daughter, the middle-aged man greeted them.

Facing Lin Momo's puzzled eyes, the man sighed and explained: "The crew actually changed the play at the last minute... and you are lucky to leave early..."

The man briefly told Lin Cheng and the others what happened on the set of "The Waves". After chatting for a few words, the man rode away on his electric scooter - he had to rush to the next set.

Watching the other party leave, Lin Momo looked up at Lin Cheng.

"Dad." Lin Momo pulled Lin Cheng's hand again.


"Didn't you know this a long time ago?" Lin Momo stared at Lin Cheng seriously and asked.

The middle-aged man thought that Lin Cheng was lucky to leave early, but Lin Momo always had a feeling: Lin Cheng seemed to have known that there were no need for extras there.

Hearing this, Lin Cheng nodded calmly.

There was an incredible light in Lin Momo's eyes.

"How did you know?" Lin Momo looked at Lin Cheng in surprise and asked.

"Guessed," Lin Cheng threw out two words, paused, and added: "Based on the plot of that drama."

Among the TV series and movies currently being filmed in the film and television city, Lin Cheng has selected several dramas that he focuses on, and "The Tide" is one of them.

The content of this drama is said to be highly faithful to the original novel. So, last night, Lin Cheng looked up the information about these dramas on the Internet. In addition to paying attention to the official cast of the crew, he also read the original novel of "Tide Waves".

According to the original plot, this drama does require a lot of extras.

But in most cases, these are unimportant scenes, and the crew only needs to record the background of the extras at one time, and then edit and insert them into the TV series.

Throughout the entire drama, there are six places where a large number of extras really need to appear on the scene as background boards: the heroine and the hero meet at the dock, the hero is in crisis and is rescued by the heroine...

All of this requires the presence of the heroine.

But just now, Lin Cheng didn't see the heroine among the main actors who had not yet walked into the set.

It is very likely that the director of "Tide" changed the filming content at the last minute because the actress playing the leading female role failed to arrive on time.

Although Lin Momo could only understand half of Lin Cheng's explanation, it did not stop her from thinking that her father was very capable.

Soon, the two arrived at a shooting location in another area.

Here, several crews are filming at the same time, and the county town seems quite chaotic.

About thirty or forty men and women were standing near the set, fiddling with their cell phones.

These people have not received any definite information about which crew needs what kind of extras. The reason they wait here is to try their luck - if a crew needs people at the last minute or the director changes the script at the last minute, the crew staff may find some people on the spot to participate.

There seem to be many such cases.

Just as Lin Cheng and Lin Momo were walking to the outskirts of the set, they saw one of the crew members shouting to the extras around them, "We're filming the enemy raiding the village over here. We need a bunch of villagers to escape. Those who are in trouble, change clothes and start filming immediately!"

As soon as the staff member finished speaking, the surrounding extras stood up, and a large group of people rushed towards the direction the staff member was pointing.

Everyone's target was the clothes in several large baskets next to the staff.

By the time Lin Cheng and Lin Momo approached, most of the clothes in the basket had been taken out.

Lin Momo walked up to the staff and asked nervously, "Uncle, do you need anyone else?"

"Yes." The staff member said nonchalantly, and pointed to a few baskets next to them and said to Lin Cheng and Lin Momo: "Look over there, if there are still clothes, change into them. If there are still some, we can help."

Hearing this, Lin Momo quickly ran towards the basket.

The better and cleaner clothes in the basket had been picked up by the people in front, leaving only a few dirty and torn clothes that made people doubt whether they were still wearable.

Lin Momo searched around painstakingly and finally found two sets of clothes that were barely wearable. She picked them out excitedly and handed them to Lin Cheng.

"Dad, look, there are two good ones here!"

The two sets of clothes in Lin Momo's hand were just enough for the older Lin Cheng to wear. Although the other set was also for adults, she should be able to wear it if she tucked it in.

Lin Cheng's eyes twitched when he saw the two sets of clothes in Lin Momo's hands. They were dirty and torn, and even had a strange smell because they had been used countless times for filming.

In the end, Lin Cheng took the larger set from Lin Momo and asked Lin Momo to put the other set back.

In the live broadcast room, many viewers were already excited when they saw this shooting costume. Then, seeing Lin Cheng actually put on this costume, everyone exploded instantly:

Oh my god! Lin Cheng actually wore such dirty clothes!

Judging from the previous few episodes, I dare say that Mr. Lin is definitely a mysophobe!

I never thought... that... I actually wore it.

It's so miserable.

If it were me, I would never wear such dirty shooting clothes that I don’t know what they have been through, even if I die.

It can be said that it is all due to the pressure of life.

Suddenly I understand the hard work of extras and feel sad...

"Shouldn't I change?"

Here, Lin Momo saw that Lin Cheng had changed into the clothes for the photo shoot, but she herself didn't, so she started to ask.

"You don't need to." Lin Cheng said affirmatively, paused, and explained: "The filming here is not suitable for children."

Lin Cheng looked towards the set.

At this moment, on the street where the filming is about to take place, the crew members are making preparations before the filming, and the extras who have changed their clothes are standing aside waiting for the filming to begin.

The whole scene was extremely chaotic, and Lin Cheng had already anticipated that the scene would become even more chaotic when the filming officially began.

Lin Cheng looked around the scene and finally took Lin Momo to the edge of the filming site, close to the backstage, and told her, "I'll go shoot later, you stay here and don't run around."

Although Lin Momo felt regretful that she couldn't join the filming to earn money, she nodded obediently after hearing what Lin Cheng said, "Okay."

Lin Cheng was still worried, so he said to a girl who didn't look too busy, "This is my child. It's not convenient to take him to the photo shoot later. I'd like you to take a look at him."

Hearing Lin Cheng's words, the young lady at the venue was stunned.

Although the staff of "Live with Dad" had already communicated with the crew in advance about Lin Cheng's request to join the crew to record the program, she, a small stagehand, didn't know about Lin Cheng yet. However, the stagehand looked at Lin Momo and thought that it was just a matter of looking at the child, so it was not a big deal, so she agreed without thinking.

"Okay, I'll take a quick look." said the stage manager.

Hearing this, Lin Cheng thanked the stage manager and glanced at the cameraman who was filming in the distance, signaling him to help keep an eye on Lin Momo. Only then did he feel relieved to leave Lin Momo here and went to the front to prepare to start filming.

At the scene, the crew had already installed the filming equipment. After confirming that everything was correct and all departments were ready, the assistant director shouted again: "Extras, are all the extras in place?"

"Begin preparations. You are going to act out the roles of villagers being hunted by local forces. When the sound of machine gunfire is heard, you will run forward along this street. If anyone cannot run or cannot stand and falls down, do not move. Be careful."

After the assistant finished speaking, with the sound of simulated gunfire outside the venue, a group of extras rushed forward all at once.

Lin Cheng and others in the crowd also "ran away vigorously".

There were no major problems in a scene where the protagonist arrived and the villagers were running for their lives. After taking it once, the director called out "cut".

Lin Cheng finished the work and was about to take off his clothes and leave with Lin Momo to collect the money, but he was stopped by an assistant on the scene.

The rest of the extras were also called over at the same time.

"You, you, and you...those of you wearing dirty, torn clothes, stay here for a while, we still have the next scene!" the assistant director said, and then said, "The next scene will show the devastated scene that the protagonist's team sees when they arrive at the village after the enemy raid. You can just lie on the ground."

—There’s another one

Lin Cheng frowned.

Because he was worried about Lin Momo, Lin Cheng didn't plan to participate in the filming of the next scene.

However, before Lin Cheng could take off his filming clothes, a staff member walked over and casually smeared fake blood on his clothes without waiting for him to open his eyes.

"Okay, go find a place to lie down."

Lin Cheng: “…”