Serve as Contrast Team in a ‘Dad with Baby’ Show

Chapter 51: Audition


Although Lin Cheng asked Le Bai's assistant to delete the video used for hype, some staff members in the building still secretly took photos of the group of people together and posted them online.

The presence of an award-winning actor and a popular figure in the photo quickly sparked a heated discussion among netizens.

Ah, I actually saw Le Bai and Sun Yimeng in the same frame! What kind of fairy photo is this

Where is this, by the way

Is this the set of "The Moon Hidden in the River Night"

Le Bai has posted a photo of the crew before, but judging from the background, it doesn’t look like this.

This should be the crew's actor recruitment site, right

Wasn't it rumored that the two male protagonists were not on good terms? They went to the actor recruitment site separately and would never appear in the same frame. But I saw that the atmosphere between Le Bai and Sun Yimeng seemed to be good.

It's just a rumor on the internet, maybe they are actually a good friend in private.

That's good, I like both of them...

After everyone finished talking about the two male protagonists, they quickly turned their attention to the other people in the photo:

Who is this person next to Le Bai? I don't think I've seen him before. Some netizens circled Lin Cheng in the photo and posted it.

The main thing is that the person in the photo is so good-looking that it’s hard to ignore him.

It looks familiar, but I can't remember where it is.

Could he also be the male actor in "The Moon Hidden in the River Night"

The crew officially announced that we didn’t see any stills of him.

Just when many netizens were speculating, someone who knew Lin Cheng came out to clear up the confusion for everyone:

Haha, the person in the photo is Lin Cheng, not someone from the crew. He should be recording "Living with Dad".

I only got to know Lin Cheng recently when I was watching "Living with Dad".

Is this a celebrity parent-child reality show? Some netizens asked: Where is the child? Why can't I see the child

Here it is.

A fan in the live broadcast room circled Lin Momo's location in the photo - the bottom edge of the photo, and the black head that popped up was Lin Momo.

Haha, it made me laugh to death.

I haven't watched variety shows for a long time, and I think it looks pretty good.

Where can I watch the live broadcast? I'll go check it out.

As the popularity of the two words "Lin Cheng" increased, an entertainment celebrity came out to point out the relationship between the people in the photo: the person on the far left of the picture is a big-name agent of Xingshi Entertainment Company, Le Bai and Sun Yimeng are the first two artists he brought in, and as for Lin Cheng, he was also an artist under Sun Yanzhou, even before Le Bai.

This incident once again sparked a heated discussion:

Shit, was Lin Cheng also brought out by such a middleman

It feels very powerful.

So, does this picture include artists from three generations, old, middle-aged and young

Haha, although, using the word 'old' to describe Lin Cheng is too much.

That is, even though he already has a child, Lin Cheng looks so young.

And handsome too!

I’m a fan.

Even Chen Yu, a senior, did not expect that a photo and an episode could actually help Lin Cheng gain a lot of fans online.

But as Lin Cheng's popularity on the Internet increased, many fans of Le Bai and Sun Yimeng also jumped out to express their dissatisfaction:

Who is Lin Cheng? Please don't try to take advantage of the teacher's popularity.

Our brother obviously doesn't seem to be familiar with this person. Can he please stop doing any bundling operations

You are such an unknown person, could you please not come out and get in the way

Why did Lin Cheng come to the "Moon Hidden River Night" actor recruitment? Could it be that he wanted to use his agency to get into the crew to film

An eyesore...

There were also rebuttals: Please, if you have poor eyesight, I suggest you go and have a look. Lin Cheng is obviously more handsome and more elegant than the other two, okay

This is true. But such a rebuttal was quickly drowned out by the comments of fans.

What's the use of just having good looks? I checked it out. It seems that Lin Cheng is just good at singing. Does he have acting skills? Can he act

With obvious organized influence, the topic #Outdated male artist trying to gain popularity# quickly became a hot topic.

Many fans of Le Bai and Sun Yimeng also participated in this "crusade".

However, before anyone could follow suit and comment, the trending search was removed at an extremely fast speed, and even the previous topic could not be found.

A "storm" was quelled before it could even cause any waves.

Lin family.

Looking at the hot search topic that has disappeared, Mr. Lin is very satisfied with the efficiency of his subordinates this time.

Zhou Ming, who was standing aside, hesitated for a moment and said, "Old man, actually according to the saying in the entertainment industry, black and red are also red..."

Although the words from the two fans online were not very nice, after this incident, the number of viewers in Lin Cheng and Lin Momo's live broadcast room increased a lot.

Hearing Zhou Ming's words, Old Master Lin glared at him in dissatisfaction and said, "What are you talking about? People in our family are only allowed to be red, not black."

After a pause, Mr. Lin continued, "Besides, I don't need that bastard Hong either. I hope he can't make it in the entertainment industry anymore and quickly come back to work properly!"

“I don’t know what’s the point of these crap in the entertainment industry…” Mr. Lin muttered with disdain, while taking the tablet and continuing to watch the live broadcast with relish.

Here, Lin Cheng and Lin Momo were unaware of the "turmoil" that had occurred on the Internet.

At this time, the two had arrived at the 17th floor of the building according to the address recorded on the note.

There was a sign at the elevator exit that said 'Recruiting actors for the cast of 'Reverse'', and following the direction of the arrow, the two found Room 1703.

This is not a very big office.

At this time, a man in his early forties wearing glasses was sitting at his desk, sifting through a pile of actor information in front of him with an irritable look on his face.

Noticing that there was someone at the entrance, the man was stunned for a moment before he asked, "Are you here to sell something? Or are you here for an interview?"

The last sentence makes the man feel a little unsure.

"I'm here for an interview," Lin Cheng said, and then added, "My name is Lin Cheng, and Mr. Li recommended me here."

"The teacher said it's you." After Lin Cheng introduced them, the man stood up from his desk and invited Lin Cheng and Lin Momo into the office: "Come in and sit down."

"My name is Liu Zong. I'm the chief director of 'Reverse' and a student of Mr. Li. Before you are confirmed to join the crew, you can call me by my name first."

"The teacher briefly told me about your situation yesterday on the phone." After a pause, Director Liu continued, "I still need to explain some things to you first."

"'Reverse' is a script invested by the government, and it is also a play that expresses patriotic feelings. Did you do any research on this play in the early stages?"

Lin Cheng nodded.

—"Reverse" tells the story of overseas students, scientists, and entrepreneurs returning to their motherland and contributing to the great cause of their motherland when the country is in crisis.

Director Liu also nodded and continued, "Since you have a general understanding, I will not say more. The 37 leading actors of "Reverse" have been confirmed. They are all experienced actors. Although the remaining 89 roles are not the main actors and do not have many roles, we also hope to achieve excellence."

After that, Director Liu looked at Lin Cheng again and said, "Although you were introduced by our teacher, if you don't meet our requirements for the role, you can't join the filming."

"Okay," Lin Cheng nodded, and then said, "I can try."

"Okay, then you can try out a scene later."

After Director Liu finished speaking, he began to search through a pile of documents on the table.

These are the remaining actors, roles and scripts that have yet to be finalized.

After flipping through it briefly, Director Liu casually pulled out a script and handed it to Lin Cheng: "This is it, take a look."

Lin Cheng took the script, glanced through it, and asked Director Liu: "When will the audition be?"

"Right here. Okay, Teacher Zhou is here to help interview a few actors. You guys come over here." As he said that, Director Liu led the way and brought Lin Cheng and Lin Momo to the next door room 1704.

Seeing Director Liu's actions, the audience in the live broadcast room were dumbfounded:

That’s it

Is this too hasty

Is this really the crew of "Reverse"? Why does it feel a bit watery? And this director is too casual, isn't he

The configuration of this crew... To be honest, if I didn't know about it, I would have thought it was a scam workshop.

Among the full screen of complaints, there are also one or two explanations:

Haha, that’s what Liu Zong is like.

Don't be fooled by the fact that Director Liu looks like an old man taking a walk, he is really amazing. Last year's hit "Operation Chenghai" was directed by him.

Here, Lin Cheng and Lin Momo followed Director Liu to Exit 1704.

"There are still two people finishing up inside. Okay, take a look at the script. You'll be the one waiting for them in a while."

Lin Cheng nodded and looked inside the house.

Sitting at the head of the room was a white-haired old man, this man should be the Teacher Zhou that Director Liu mentioned.

On the stage in front of him, two young actors were auditioning: one played the husband who wanted to return home, and the other played the wife who was worried about her husband's safety and tried to persuade him to stay abroad.

Zhou Haihua stopped this scene before the two actors finished performing.

"Stop, stop, stop. What are you two doing down there?" Zhou Haihua said.

Hearing this, the two actors looked at each other in confusion.

"I, we are performing." The actress said in a low voice.

"Performance? I thought you were arguing!"

"So, actor, do you need to pee urgently?"


"No, I thought you were in a hurry to pee and were looking for a toilet." After that, Zhou Haihua looked at the actress next to him and said, "And you, did a fly get into your eye? I didn't ask you to cry, why did you blink your eyes so hard? Aren't you afraid that your colored contact lenses will pop out?"

Faced with Zhou Haihua's sharp words, the two Taiwanese actors looked embarrassed.

His words were so unbearable that even the audience who happened to witness this in the live broadcast room couldn't stand it:

Damn, that's too much.

So scary.

Who is this old man? He speaks so harshly.

You can go and check who this old man in front is.

Zhou Haihua, a national treasure actor!

Woc? So awesome

Yes, he is so awesome. To be precise, he should be a national treasure-level film and television artist.

While watching his precious great-grandson's live broadcast at the Lin family, Mr. Lin saw the comments in the barrage and pursed his lips in disdain, snorting: "It's just a piece of shabby showmanship. He calls him a national treasure and an old artist... Bah."

Butler Zhou, who was standing by, heard what Mr. Lin said, smiled secretly, and did not dare to refute.

Looking at the two actors in the live broadcast whose faces turned blue after being criticized by Zhou Haihua and who almost cried as they left the interview room, Mr. Lin couldn't help but complain a few words. Without saying anything, when he saw Lin Cheng walking towards the room, the old man also subconsciously became nervous.

Lin Cheng came to the stage.

When Zhou Haihua saw Lin Cheng, a hint of surprise flashed across his eyes, but he quickly concealed it.

"Audition?" Zhou Haihua asked Lin Cheng calmly.

"Yes." Lin Cheng nodded towards Zhou Haihua, as if greeting him.

Hearing this, Zhou Haihua didn't know what Lin Cheng was acting out, so he said directly: "Then let's get started."

The role Lin Cheng got was a Chinese doctor named Fuderui, who had lived in Country A with his family. When he learned that his motherland was in trouble, the doctor came to his motherland with his scalpel and a box full of anti-inflammatory drugs.

The script that Director Liu drew for Lin Cheng was about the doctor coming to the motherland, facing the interrogation of the enemy army, dealing with the other side calmly, and finally successfully delivering the anti-inflammatory medicine to the war zone.

There should have been other actors acting in this scene, but there was no one on the set, so Lin Cheng could only perform without objects.

Lin Cheng made a gesture as if he was carrying a suitcase, walked expressionlessly from one side of the stage to the center of the stage, and stopped.

After a few seconds of pause, Lin Cheng said, "These are my personal belongings."

After pausing for a few seconds, Lin Cheng raised his voice slightly and continued: "What qualifications do you have to interrogate other people's property on their land?!"

"It seems pretty good..." Director Liu sat down next to Zhou Haihua, looked at the script, then looked at Lin Cheng on the stage, and whispered.

When performing the scene of 'facing enemy interrogation', some young actors would express nervousness and an eagerness to pass the interrogation according to their own understanding. In this way, their performance lacked the confidence and temperament of 'I am the host here, you are the guests, how can the host follow the guests' wishes'.

Some actors acted too passionately and too hard, lacking rationality and composure.

It cannot be said that Lin Cheng's acting skills are very good, but his calm and composed attitude just happens to meet the needs of the character's performance.

Hearing Director Liu's words, Zhou Haihua on the side did not comment and continued to stare at Lin Cheng on the stage.

It was not until he noticed a strong gaze staring at him that Zhou Haihua turned his head to the side—and then he saw the child standing in the corner of the room staring at him blankly.

Zhou Haihua touched his face subconsciously: It’s not dirty.

It was not until he felt a little uncomfortable being stared at by Lin Momo that Zhou Haihua could not help but wave at Lin Momo: "Come here."

Lin Momo came to Zhou Haihua as she said.

"Why are you staring at me?" Zhou Haihua asked suspiciously.

"I..." Lin Momo was a little nervous facing this fierce old man, but she still answered in a low voice: "I'm afraid you will scold my father."

Hearing this, Zhou Haihua was stunned at first, and the next second he almost couldn't help laughing.

"Is that your dad?"

"Yeah." Lin Momo nodded, and then said: "My father acted very well. If you think there is anything wrong, you can tell me."

In short, don't scold Lin Cheng like you scolded the two people mentioned above. Those two people looked so miserable when they were scolded away. Lin Momo didn't want Lin Cheng to be scolded.

Hearing this, Zhou Haihua finally couldn't help laughing.

"I don't like swearing, what are you afraid of?" Zhou Haihua retorted.

Director Liu on the side: Hehe…

After Zhou Haihua finished speaking, he watched Lin Cheng's performance for a while and commented: "As for your father's performance, it was okay."

Hearing the other party's words, Lin Momo's eyes were filled with surprise, and she excitedly chased after her mother, "So can we stay in the crew?"

"That's not necessarily true. We'll have to wait and see." Zhou Haihua said slowly.

"You can sit down and watch with us." Zhou Haihua pointed to the chair next to him and asked Lin Momo to sit down.

Glancing at the chair next to Zhou Haihua, Lin Momo whispered "thank you", then pulled open the chair next to Zhou Haihua and sat down.

Zhou Haihua: “…” What’s the matter? This little girl still despises him

Lin Momo didn't dislike Zhou Haihua, she just simply thought that this old man was a little scary.

Lin Momo sat down, and the others continued to watch Lin Cheng's performance on stage.

While watching the performance, Zhou Haihua would steal a glance at Lin Momo from time to time, feeling secretly unhappy: he didn't even have a grandson yet, but that Lin guy secretly thought he even had a great-grandson.

On the stage, Lin Cheng finished this part of the performance. Director Liu touched his chin and nodded several times.

"I think it's pretty good." Director Liu was the first to comment.

They choose actors mainly based on whether they are suitable for the role and the background of the script. Lin Cheng's temperament and acting state are exactly what he wants.

Director Liu looked at Zhou Haihua again and asked, "Teacher Zhou, what do you think?"

"His acting skills and lines still need to be polished, but it's okay." Zhou Haihua said pertinently.

Director Liu was almost moved to tears when he heard this.

—They have interviewed hundreds of actors in the past few days, but most of them were scolded away by a few veteran artists. Now, no one even dares to come to their crew for an interview.

Being able to make Zhou Haihua say "it's not bad" is already a huge affirmation.

"Then stay here for now? Have you decided on the role for now?" Director Liu asked.

"Let's decide," Zhou Haihua said, and then added, "Just play the role of Lin Annan."

Director Liu:

"Isn't he playing Fuderui?" Why did he become Lin Annan

In the play, Lin Annan is a wealthy businessman who returned from overseas. He did not leave many outstanding deeds, but he did make great contributions to the country.

Director Liu was confused.

"Didn't you just randomly give him the script for Fuderui?" Zhou Haihua rolled his eyes at Director Liu, then said with a smile, "Let him play the role of Lin Annan, there's no way he can go wrong."

Director Liu still looked confused.

After Lin Cheng's role was confirmed, the only thing left was to sign a contract with the film company.

In the office, after the details of the contract were agreed upon, both parties began to discuss the issue of remuneration.

"As for the pay, can you first tell me your expected price range." The person from the film production company said to Lin Cheng.

Lin Cheng did not reply to the other party immediately, but lowered his eyes to look at Lin Momo beside him.

Lin Momo was a little confused and started to calculate by counting on her fingers.

"Is this much okay?" Lin Momo turned her head to look at Lin Cheng and showed him three fingers.

Before Lin Cheng could speak, Lin Momo thought for a moment, then quickly extended another finger and said, "This is still the best."

"Okay." Lin Cheng chuckled.

Across from them, the film crew looked at Lin Momo and raised four fingers, nodded, and said, "There's no problem with this price."

The two sides reached a consensus very easily.

The film company's legal staff drafted the contract on the spot.

"Take a look. You can sign if there are no problems." The person from the film production company handed the contract to Lin Cheng.

Lin Cheng opened the contract. The front part contained the previously agreed contract terms, and the end contained Lin Cheng's remuneration for this performance: 40,000 yuan.

Officially invested dramas are different from popular commercial TV dramas. From costs to actors' salaries, there are reasonable pricing. Lin Cheng's role in the drama does not have many scenes, so the salary of 40,000 yuan is actually very reasonable.

After reading the contract, Lin Cheng signed his name at the end.

Lin Momo, who was standing aside, stared at the string of numbers on the pay list with a look of astonishment on her face.