Serve as Contrast Team in a ‘Dad with Baby’ Show

Chapter 53: farmer?!


After the audition, Lin Cheng and Zhou Haihua walked out of the filming set.

When Lin Cheng finished the audition, Lin Momo went to greet him.

But when she saw Zhou Haihua, who was looking at her with a sullen face, Lin Momo was startled and subconsciously shrank behind Lin Cheng.

She always felt that the way he looked at her was as bad as someone who was going to kidnap a child.

"What's wrong, Xiao Momo? Are you scared by my outfit? Don't be afraid, I'm playing a villain." Zhou Haihua explained to Lin Momo with a loving face.

Director Liu, who was walking over, also nodded and agreed: "Yes, Grandpa Zhou played a grassroots organization that contributed to the motherland. It's true."

While looking at Lin Momo, Director Liu's eyes also flashed with a hint of 'calculation'.

In fact, Director Liu and Zhou Haihua were thinking the same thing at this time.

In the morning, just after Lin Cheng and Lin Momo left, Mr. Li sent Director Liu a clip of Lin Momo filming on the set of Where Are You?. Zhou Haihua was there at the time, so he asked Mr. Zhou to watch the clip together.

Both of them who watched the clip were amazed by Lin Momo's performance in the play - what amazed them was not Lin Momo's superb performance skills in the play, but the naturalness of it without any sense of disobedience.

In that performance, Lin Momo's acting was so real and natural that it made me feel as if she was 'Xu Duo'.

Director Liu was very surprised by this.

Zhou Haihua was particularly fond of Lin Momo's performance.

So, after some discussion, the two of them thought about letting Lin Momo play a part in their play.

Zhou Haihua and Director Liu stared at Lin Momo for the entire afternoon. In fact, they were just trying to figure out which role in the play was more suitable for Lin Momo.

Lin Cheng finally noticed the overly enthusiastic looks of the two and asked them, "What's the matter?"

"Well, it's like this," Director Liu explained with a light cough: "We have already watched the sample of Momo's performance in Teacher Li's play. To be honest, it's very good. We have a child role in our play, so..."

After a brief explanation, Director Liu took advantage of the break to bring Lin Cheng and Lin Momo to the temporary office area on the set.

"This is a role that Teacher Zhou and I have chosen that is more suitable for Momo. You can play it." Director Liu handed a script to Lin Cheng as he spoke.

The audience in the live broadcast room also saw the script in Lin Cheng's hand through the camera.

What is the first one? The daughter of Xu Yunyi? I remember that in history, Xu Yunyi's daughter was separated from her family when the enemy invaded. Later, she was picked up by a farmer and fled and suffered a lot until she was found many years later.

This is too pitiful!

What is the second one? It's half blocked, so I can't really see it.

‌Like a flower child

This is also pitiful.

If I'm not mistaken about the third one, it looks like a scavenger kid

I'm going to be so miserable...

Tsk tsk, why does it feel like the scripts the director picked for Xiao Momo are either about fleeing or scavenging.

Hahaha, how pitiful! Can Momo not get rid of the label of 'beggar'

I don't accept it! Our Momo is so cute, how can she be a beggar? Another audience member refuted.

As soon as these words came out, other audience members immediately echoed:

That’s right, he is a celebrity’s child after all, so how come he has become a beggar

Although this drama is set in a war-torn era, there should be quite a few wealthy characters in the drama. Our little Momo is so pretty, why not let her play the role of a warlord's daughter or something

If she is not a warlord's daughter, at least she should be a "returned merchant's daughter". Who would she embarrass as a scavenger? !

—Who are you blaming

Here, Lin Cheng’s thoughts about the script were the same as those of the audience in the live broadcast room.

Seeing Lin Cheng frowning as he held the script, Director Liu seemed to have guessed what he was thinking. He coughed dryly and explained, "It's mainly because after reading the clip that Teacher Li sent me before, Teacher Zhou and I both felt that Momo would be more comfortable playing a similar role... She has experience and it would be easier for her to get started."

"But there are still many roles for young actors that have not been decided yet. There is also one that is suitable for Momo, you can try it out." After that, Director Liu took out another script from his bag behind him. They are: a child passing notes outside a teahouse, a homeless child whose family was killed, a homeless child rescued in a church, the daughter of a photo studio owner...

Seeing that Lin Cheng was still frowning, Director Liu smiled guiltily and said, "It's mainly because the other characters are not very recognizable..."

There are indeed characters similar to the children of chaebols in their drama, but Lin Momo's performance in "Where Are You?" left such a deep impression on Director Liu and Zhou Haihua that they both subconsciously hoped that Lin Momo would bring that feeling to "Reverse".

"You can take your time to choose this role, don't make a decision in a hurry." Director Liu said embarrassedly again.

Lin Cheng nodded, took the script, and did not make a decision immediately.

Unlike other jobs, Lin Cheng was obviously much more cautious about Lin Momo's script. He needed to consider many aspects, such as: whether the filming was dangerous, whether the story happening to the character would have a negative impact on the children, the filming time and so on.

Because the rehearsal in the morning went smoothly, in the evening, the filming of the scene between Lin Cheng and Zhou Haihua officially began.

With the experience from the previous time, Lin Cheng's performance this time was obviously more mature than the last time. In addition, Zhou Haihua was guiding Lin Cheng intentionally or unintentionally in the play, so this scene was filmed very smoothly.

In the remaining time, Lin Cheng still needs to shoot two more personal scenes.

The first solo scene was filmed at night, which was the part where Lin Annan took a cruise ship overnight to come to the motherland.

—He returned to his motherland at the invitation and encouragement of his friends. When he saw his war-torn motherland and his displaced compatriots across the river, the businessman's eyes revealed for the first time an irrepressible anger and passion.

Such emotional changes are not acted, and Lin Cheng is not a professional actor and has not received professional training.

Therefore, when filming this section, Director Liu spent a long time discussing the play with Lin Cheng, and invited an old actor who was still in the crew as external aid. After several trial performances, Lin Cheng finally completed the filming of this section.

Although Lin Cheng's performance in this section cannot be said to be stunning, it is still noteworthy.

It was almost two in the morning when the crew finished work.

Lin Cheng returned to the rest area next to the set from the filming outside. At this time, Lin Momo did not listen to Lin Cheng's words and go back to their temporary room to sleep after dinner. She stayed in the rest area, curled up on a chair, and covered herself with a small blanket found by the crew.

"Thank you for your help." Lin Cheng walked over and thanked the staff.

Hearing this, the staff quickly waved his hands and said, "No trouble, she is very well behaved."

Lin Momo did not run around in the crew like some other children. Lin Cheng asked her to be good, so she sat quietly on a chair in the rest area, holding a notebook and a pen, muttering to herself and calculating accounts.

that is…

"I originally wanted to take her to bed, but she refused to leave and insisted on waiting until you finished filming," said the staff member.

"And," the staff member handed Lin Cheng another lunch box, "This is what she said she would leave for you."

This was the crew's working meal in the evening. Lin Momo specially saved some for Lin Cheng because she thought the barbecued pork buns were delicious.

Because the shooting schedule in the evening was very tight, Lin Cheng and the others did not stay with the crew for dinner.

Lin Cheng raised his head, took the lunch box from the staff with one hand, leaned over and picked up Lin Momo with one hand.

Lin Momo was startled when she was suddenly picked up, but she seemed to recognize Lin Cheng in her sleepy eyes. Lin Momo yawned again, rubbed against Lin Cheng, and continued to sleep.

This time, Lin Momo seemed to be sleeping peacefully.

The staff nearby couldn't help but laugh when they saw this.

"Generally, children tend to stick to their mothers. It's unusual for her to be so attached to her father. So it seems that you are the one who is better at taking care of her?" the staff member said casually.

Hearing this, Lin Cheng was indeed slightly stunned.

—Lin Momo doesn’t have a mother, and her behavior actually reflects her lack of security.

Lin Cheng did not explain, but just replied: "She is better when she takes care of herself."

As soon as Lin Cheng said this, the audience who were still in the live broadcast room jumped out:

Lin Cheng's words made me feel inexplicably sad.

Celebrities are so busy that they probably have little time to take care of their families.

But wasn’t Lin Cheng very confused before

Even if you are not popular, you still have to make money to support your family, right? And don’t think that only popular stars are busy. I heard that these outdated stars actually have a hard time working. Just because they earn less money, they have to take jobs big and small.

No wonder Momo gives me such an independent feeling...

Here, back in the room temporarily arranged by the crew, Lin Cheng put Lin Momo down and opened the lunch box she left for him.

There were two buns inside, one of which had a corner missing.

It can be seen that after Lin Momo took a small bite of the bun, she was afraid of being rejected, so she tore off a small half with her hands.

As for the other whole bun, probably because the crew members saw how stingy she was, they couldn't bear to give her another one.

After an hour, the two buns had become cold, but Lin Cheng didn't mind and ate both of them.

The next day, the crew continued filming.

Lin Cheng had a solo scene scheduled to be filmed in the morning. This was also the last scene of 'Lin Annan' in the entire drama, and Director Liu asked him to shoot it today.

—In the ten years since returning to his motherland, Lin Annan donated supplies to the war zone, purchased anti-inflammatory and hemostatic drugs everywhere, borrowed money from international banks in his own name, raised funds from the Chamber of Commerce, and used his own cargo ships to collect supplies for the army...

Today, Lin Annan has gray hair at the temples. He has taken off his western suit and put on a straight and calm Zhongshan suit.

At this time, he was signing a donation letter in his study: to contribute all the Lin family's overseas production technologies to the country, to donate the Lin family's former factories, materials and houses in the country to the country, and to return the national treasures that had been collected to the country.

Although the entire filming process was censored and the audience in the live broadcast room could not see Lin Cheng's specific performance process, when they saw Lin Cheng appear in front of the camera in this look and a Zhongshan suit, the barrage area instantly became lively.

Wow! It's totally different from before!

Although he looks older because of makeup, Lin Cheng looks really handsome like this. He is so handsome and has such a good temperament.

I am impressed by his handsomeness again.

I feel that Lin Cheng is very suitable for this role.

Moreover, Lin Cheng's appearance is very suitable for being an actor.

Haha, that makes sense. That's why Lin Cheng insisted on being a singer for so many years. He should have switched careers and become an actor!

That is, as an actor, he would have been famous a long time ago.

Just when everyone was discussing that Lin Cheng was an actor who was held back by singing, a different voice jumped out:

No, no, no, you didn’t listen to Lin Cheng’s songs, they are super annoying!

Although I don’t know why Lin Cheng has been so unpopular in recent years, I listened to his songs on a small platform and they were really enjoyable!

While the audience was still discussing, Lin Cheng had already changed out of his filming costume and put back into his own clothes.

This is the last day of recording for this episode of "Living with Dad".

At this time, the director team was already waiting outside the crew.

Seeing Lin Cheng walking out with Lin Momo, the director greeted them warmly.

"It's been another week since we last met. How have dad and baby been doing this week?" the director asked with a concerned look on his face.

"Pretty good." Lin Momo nodded.

"So, have daddy and baby completed their tasks for this week?"

"It's done." Lin Momo nodded again, took the initiative to step forward, handed the money to the director's team, and attached her account book.

This week, excluding their food expenses, including cash, money in their cell phones, and 10% of the after-tax remuneration of 4,000 yuan that they received after signing a contract with the crew of "Reverse" and completing a shoot, Lin Momo and Lin Cheng saved a total of 6,108 yuan this week.

After taking the exact six thousand yuan from Lin Momo, a look of surprise flashed across the director's face.

Even though she had watched the entire live broadcast this week, she still found it a little unbelievable at this moment.

—Originally, the family backgrounds that Lin Cheng and Lin Momo were drawn to were not easy, and the income from being extras was very unstable. Moreover, most of the time they could not eat the working meals provided by the crew and had to pay for their own meals.

The 1,745 yuan set by the crew at the beginning was actually quite difficult, but neither she nor the director had expected that Lin Cheng and Lin Momo would actually get the main roles in just one week.

For a moment, the director didn't know whether to say that this "dirty-handed" father and daughter were lucky or really unlucky.

"Congratulations to dad and baby for completing the mission." said the director.

After a pause, the director asked Lin Momo again: "Baby, do you think this week's work at the film and television city is interesting?"

"Very interesting." Lin Momo nodded and replied.

The director asked again: "So compared to working in the film and television city and your previous life, which one do you think is more interesting?"

"Open a small restaurant!" Lin Momo answered without thinking, and then added: "I like to open a small restaurant."

Lin Momo's answer caused a burst of excitement among the audience in the live broadcast room:

Hahaha, I saw the seriousness in Momo's eyes.

Momo: I really like opening a small restaurant (super serious).

It's a shame, but in Momo's eyes, being a small restaurant owner has more prospects than being a movie star.

It’s over, it’s over. I suddenly feel that the roles that the director picked for Momo before... were really good ones.

The director here couldn't help but smile.

"But it seems that there is no alternative option of opening a small restaurant in the family background next week," the director said after taking a look at the card in his hand, pointed at Lin Momo, and said, "But it is a very good and interesting option. Which one we draw depends on the luck of dad and baby."

As the director finished speaking, a staff member came over holding the box that Lin Momo was familiar with.

"Now, dad and baby, come and draw lots."

Lin Momo looked up at Lin Cheng, and when she saw Lin Cheng nodded and said "Go", she took a deep breath and walked towards the box.

The moment Lin Momo pulled out the family background card from the box, not only did the audience and the director team in the live broadcast room become nervous, but even Lin Cheng became nervous for a rare moment.

Lin Momo pulled out an orange-yellow card.

When I opened it, it contained family background information.

Dad’s occupation: Owner‌/operator‌ of Happy Bowl Farm.

Home address: Happy Bowl Farm Accommodation Area, Group 5, Dafeng Village, Suburban District, Z City. (The farm covers an area of 570,000 square meters, including hotel accommodation area, breeding area, farmland planting area, orchard area, animal interactive recreation area. It is a modern farm integrating tourism, leisure and entertainment, children's parenting activities, planting and breeding, and sales of fruits, vegetables, meat and poultry.)

Annual family income: approximately ±6 million yuan.

Means of transportation: Farm work car, farm business and privately owned SUVs.

Financial situation: The farm's minimum fixed expenditure is 12 million yuan a year (including employee salaries, water, electricity, gas and other expenses generated by farm operations, material purchase and storage costs, necessary investments in farms, farmland and orchard operations, and other costs).

Liquidity: Current available capital is 1.5 million.

The background cards that Lin Cheng and Lin Momo drew were different from the previous times. This time, the cards did not specify the money-making tasks that the two of them needed to complete in this period.

At this time, the director explained: "This time, the farm owner has agreed to provide the farm to the program team for full use. Since the farm involves a large amount of funds, the task of dad and baby this week is to keep the farm running normally."

Seeing the family background this time, the barrage in the live broadcast room was immediately flooded with flowers 666:

Emma, I finally got a chance to win.

Oh my god, does this mean that Lin Cheng and Momo have been directly upgraded to farmers this time

The program crew is so generous!

The program crew finally did it!

Haha, it should be said that dad and baby are finally in luck!

Momo: Happiness comes too suddenly.

I think from Momo's expression, she doesn't realize that she has suddenly become a "rich second generation".

So, among the five groups of families this time, Lin Cheng's group got the best draw

I just took a look around other live broadcast rooms and it seems to be like this.

Because Lin Cheng's filming time was slightly extended, he was the last family to draw lots. At this time, the other families had already finished drawing lots.

Bai Yulin got the job of a violinist in a symphony orchestra, actor Gao Yuankai got the job of a food channel editor, substitute dad Duan Bei got the job of an assistant in a children's interest organization, and Zheng Chengye got the job of a financial analyst.

Compared with other groups, Lin Momo's family's financial conditions this time seem to be the best.

It took four attempts to finally get this one victory. It was not easy... Everyone sighed with emotion.

But there are different voices:

Am I the only one who noticed that there is a positive and negative sign in front of the 6 million in revenue

I discovered that, too. Does that mean a farm can make money or lose money

In just one week, Lin Cheng couldn't possibly make the farm lose money, right

It’s hard to say…

I am more concerned about Lin Cheng, a singer. Is he sure he can handle the farm management

When this question popped up, the barrage area instantly became quiet...

"Has Momo ever been to a farm?" the director asked carefully at the scene.

Lin Momo shook her head subconsciously, thought about it, and asked seriously, "Are we going to plant some crops?"

"Not exactly." The more work on a farm like this lies in its management.

After a pause, the director continued: "But there are a lot of fruits, vegetables, flowers, and small animals on the farm. I believe the baby will live a very happy life."

As for whether dad is happy or not, I won’t say.

The director muttered to himself.

After the director finished speaking, this episode of the program officially ended.

Before leaving, Lin Cheng took Lin Momo to the crew of "Where Are You?" and "Reverse" to say goodbye to the crew, and then boarded the car arranged by the crew and arrived at the airport.

At this time, at the other end of the airport, Mr. Lin had just got off the plane.

Mr. Yu Lin had a heart surgery in the past. He is old and doesn't travel far often in recent years. Therefore, even if there is a private plane, they dare not let him take off easily.

So Mr. Lin went through a whole set of medical examinations and spent most of the day going through so much trouble until the doctor gave him the OK, and he was finally able to board the plane.

An hour ago, the old man's plane arrived at the airport closest to the film and television city, and he underwent a series of follow-up physical examinations.

Finally being 'released' from the airport lounge, Grandpa Lin couldn't wait to go to the film and television city to find his precious great-grandson.

As a result, the old man was stopped by Zhou Ming before he took two steps.

"Old man, please wait. It seems that the young master and his friends have already arrived at the airport and are preparing to go back."

"Are you ready to go back?" Mr. Lin was stunned and took out his mobile phone, only to find that this episode of the live broadcast had ended.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier? It's you who insisted on taking me for a physical examination..." Old Master Lin frowned, muttered in dissatisfaction, and asked, "Where are they now?"

"I contacted the program crew and the flight I booked was one hour away from departure. If they haven't boarded the plane, they should be in the regular domestic departure area," Zhou Ming said.

"Why don't you go away quickly?" He kept looking at her.

The group took the airport shuttle bus and headed towards the domestic departure area.

"By the way, what family background did Momo draw this time?" Grandpa Lin asked in the car: Having missed the live broadcast, he still doesn't know what life his precious great-grandson will be like next week.

"Happy Bowl Farm Management." Zhou Ming replied.

Hearing this "family background", Mr. Lin frowned slightly.

Zhou Ming, who was standing by, also had an expression that seemed to be hesitant to speak. After hesitating for a few seconds, Zhou Ming spoke: "This time, this farm..."

Before Zhou Ming could finish his words, the old man interrupted him with a wave of his hand: "It's okay, just leave it to him to deal with. If he can't handle it, he can just go back to the entertainment industry and continue to be a has-been star."

As they were talking, the mobility scooter had already arrived outside the domestic departure hall.

Seeing the crowd of people gathered outside the gate, Mr. Lin was a little dumbfounded.

"What's going on?" asked Mr. Lin.

"They seem to be fans of Master and his friends."

Because of the broadcast of the program "Living with Dad" and the previous controversy caused by Le Bai and Sun Yimeng on the Internet, Lin Cheng and the program have become more well-known. Lin Cheng and Lin Momo now have a lot of wild fans.

Knowing that Lin Cheng and Lin Momo were going back from this airport, many fans living in this city came to the airport to watch.

"That's not bad..." Old Master Lin grumbled. Although he didn't show it on his face, he was still somewhat satisfied that Lin Cheng finally had a fan after being unknown for so many years.

At this moment, through a large number of fans' heads, Mr. Lin finally saw two familiar figures who had entered the airport lobby.

"Stop, stop, stop, let me down!"

Mr. Lin ordered the mobility scooter to stop, and before Zhou Ming could get off to help him, he got out of the car and walked quickly towards the group of people on crutches.

There were many fans of their idol, plus some onlookers. At this time, Mr. Lin was already blocked by a lot of people.

Seeing Lin Cheng and Lin Momo heading towards safety, Old Man Lin became anxious. Without waiting for Zhou Ming to catch up, he pushed through the crowd and squeezed his way inside.

"Let go, let go."

The old man was trying to squeeze forward when he was supported by a young girl.

The girls were all civilized volunteers at the airport because they had watched "Living with Dad" and liked Lin Cheng and Lin Momo's family very much. When they heard that they were going to board the plane here, they couldn't help but come over to watch.

"Uncle, are you going to board the plane? You've gone to the wrong door. This door is far away. Don't go through this door. Besides, there are fans and onlookers here. It's so crowded that you may not be able to squeeze in. Be careful not to get squeezed. Let me help you go to the door over there." The young girl said as she helped Mr. Lin walk out...

"No, I'm not boarding the plane, I..."

"What did you say?" There was some noise around, and the girl didn't hear clearly what Mr. Lin said, so she just supported him and continued to walk towards the group of young people.

So, in order to see his great-grandson, Mr. Lin, who had finally squeezed in halfway, was helped out by this caring fan...

Lin Cheng and Lin Momo, who had already boarded the plane, were unaware of what had happened here.

After returning to City C by plane, Lin Cheng and Lin Momo did not go home immediately. Instead, they got into the program crew's car and drove in another direction.

"Dad, aren't we going home?" Knowing that this direction was not the way home, Lin Momo asked Lin Cheng in confusion.

"Let's go to the recording studio first." Lin Cheng replied.