Serve as Contrast Team in a ‘Dad with Baby’ Show

Chapter 56: Great grandfather


In order to prepare a gift for her great-grandfather whom she was about to meet, Lin Momo stayed up very late.

However, on the next day, Lin Momo still got up early in the morning and couldn't wait.

Lin Momo took out the clothes she thought were the best from the closet and put them on, then combed her hair neatly.

Looking at herself in the mirror, Lin Momo grinned and muttered "really beautiful", then nodded with satisfaction, then turned around and started to pack other things.

When Lin Cheng got up, he saw that Lin Momo had already changed her clothes and was standing neatly at the door, ready to go.

Lin Cheng's mouth twitched slightly, and he said, "Put down your schoolbag."

Hearing this, Lin Momo shook her head and said, "I'm going to carry this out later."

Lin Cheng glanced at the time, helpless, and said: "Have breakfast first, and then we will set off."


Seeing Lin Momo put down her schoolbag reluctantly, Lin Cheng turned and went into the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

At the dining table, Lin Momo finished a bowl of noodles at the fastest speed ever, and drank a large glass of milk. After that, she began to stare at Lin Cheng sitting opposite her.

At this time, Lin Cheng was eating breakfast leisurely, while holding his mobile phone in one hand and processing some work.

Lin Momo felt a little anxious seeing this, but she didn't know how to remind the other party.

Perhaps it was because Lin Momo's gaze was too intense, it was hard for Lin Cheng not to notice it.

Realizing that his daughter seemed to be looking at him, Lin Cheng raised his head.

When Lin Momo's eyes met, he found that her eyes were full of an expression of "let him eat faster", and the corner of Lin Cheng's mouth twitched again.

"It's still early. Grandpa hasn't gotten up yet. Let's go later." After saying that, Lin Cheng looked at the time again and said, "We'll leave in a quarter of an hour."

"All right… "

Lin Momo held Lin Cheng's phone and spent a long 15 minutes.

Finally, Lin Cheng cleaned up the dishes, changed his clothes, and took her out.

Along the way, Lin Momo seemed very excited. She leaned on the car window and sang a few lines of the theme song of "Living with Dad" from time to time.

However, not long after, Lin Momo gradually calmed down.

Noticing that Lin Momo suddenly stopped talking, Lin Cheng looked down at her.

"What's wrong?" Lin Cheng raised his hand and rubbed Lin Momo's head and asked.

"Well, that's..."

Lin Momo twisted her fingers and buried her head in confusion for a while before she looked up at Lin Cheng and asked cautiously, "Will great grandfather dislike me?"

Lin Momo's voice was filled with nervousness and anxiety: What if great-grandfather doesn't like her and is unhappy to see her

Seeing Lin Momo's worry, Lin Cheng's heart tightened, and he gave Lin Momo an affirmative answer: "No, great grandfather likes you very much."

Hearing this, Lin Momo's eyes finally lit up, but she asked uncertainly, "Really?"

"Yes, it's true." Lin Cheng nodded and said, "You have actually met my great grandfather before."

"I've seen it?" Lin Momo widened her eyes in disbelief.

Just when Lin Momo was about to ask when she met her great-grandfather and why she didn't know about him, the driver's voice suddenly came from the front seat.

"Master, we're here."

At this time, the car had already entered the gate of the Lin family.

Seeing Lin Cheng's car coming in, the security personnel at the door came forward to greet him.

On the other side, the villa.

At this time, Mr. Lin was sitting in his own garden, sulking.

At this time, Butler Zhou came behind Mr. Lin.

"Master, the eldest young master and his friends are here." Butler Zhou said with a smile.

Mr. Lin was still angry because he didn't see his precious great-grandson at the airport. He didn't notice that Butler Zhou was talking about "them". Hearing the other party's words, Mr. Lin waved his hand indifferently and said, "Come on, come on. What's the matter? Do I have to go to greet him when he comes home?"

"Besides, there is no food for him in this house, so what is that bastard doing here?" Old Master Lin stood up from the recliner and said another dissatisfied sentence.

"Let him roll."

"Ahem, he's already come in." Butler Zhou gave a dry cough and reminded.

Hearing this, Mr. Lin turned around and saw Lin Cheng standing next to Butler Zhou.

Looking at Lin Cheng, Grandpa Lin's "roll" was still stuck in his throat, and then a small figure moved out from behind Lin Cheng nervously.

Two pairs of eyes, one big and one small, met.

"!" Mr. Lin was stunned at first, and then his facial expression changed from disgust and impatience to surprise at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Xiao Momo! Oh, it's our Xiao Momo." Grandpa Lin stood up from the recliner excitedly and walked towards Lin Momo.

Looking at the old man in front of her, Lin Momo was dumbfounded.

"You, you are not the illegitimate fan that day--" Aren't you the illegitimate fan grandpa

When he heard the words "private fans", a hint of embarrassment flashed across Mr. Lin's excited face.

After coming back from Binjiang Yipin where Lin Cheng lived that day, Grandpa Lin specifically asked Zhou Ming and a few other young people what the term "private fans" meant. After learning the true meaning of the term, the old man felt very bad.

"Well, I'm not a illegitimate fan. I'm your father's grandfather, Momo's great-grandfather." The old man explained to Lin Momo in a gentle tone, trying to erase the label of "illegitimate fan" from his great-granddaughter's mind.

At this moment, Lin Momo's mind was filled with the idea that the illegitimate fan was her great-grandfather and her great-grandfather was the illegitimate fan, and she was still a little confused.

But Grandpa Lin quickly explained, "Grandpa went to the small restaurant to see you, and also went to the place where you and your father lived to see you, because Grandpa missed our little Momo so much, and couldn't wait to see you."

The love and excitement in the old man's eyes were genuine. Feeling the old man's kindness, Lin Momo suddenly smiled at him.

"I've always wanted to meet my great-grandfather." Lin Momo said loudly—ever since she found the name 'Lin Yuanchang' in the household registration book.

Hearing Lin Momo say this, Mr. Lin's heart was filled with joy, and his whole face was instantly filled with happiness.

"Okay, okay," Old Master Lin said several "Okays" in a row, and then said, "Our Momo has prepared a lot of gifts. Come quickly and go and have a look with Grandpa."

As Grandpa Lin spoke, he excitedly took Lin Momo's hand and walked into the house.

The crutch next to the recliner was no longer needed, and Lin Cheng next to it was also no longer needed.

An old man and a child walked into the house.

Grandpa Lin first took Lin Momo around the entire villa, introduced the house to her one by one, and finally, took Lin Momo to the room that had been prepared for her in the morning.

"This is Momo's room." Grandpa Lin said as he motioned to the nanny beside him to open the door.

Lin Momo was stunned by the sight - the whole room was very, very big, and it looked very warm light pink, with a big bed decorated in beige with pink decorations, cute cabinets and other furniture...

Among them, a huge cabinet with glass doors attracted Lin Momo's attention.

The cabinet is filled with various dolls.

At the top was a row of Mickey and Minnie dolls, which looked very similar to the ones that the charity organization had distributed when Lin Momo was recording the show. At that time, Lin Momo thought that the best-looking dolls distributed were these, so she was deeply impressed.

The row below was a row of khaki caterpillar dolls, exactly the same as the one Lin Cheng gave her. The difference was that the caterpillars in this row were all dressed in custom-made little skirts, which made them look... ugly and delicate.

The faces of the next few rows are all SpongeBob SquarePants dolls, with various expressions and styles.


"Why is Patrick not here?" Lin Momo pointed at the dolls in the cabinet and asked puzzledly.

The cabinet is almost entirely filled with SpongeBob SquarePants and Squidward dolls, with a SpongeBob SquarePants and a Squidward placed there, but there is no Patrick Star.

"You mean that mentally retarded pink fat guy? Yes, yes, yes, he's over there." Grandpa Lin pointed to a pink figure in the corner and said to Lin Momo.

This style of dolls, SpongeBob SquarePants, Patrick and Squidward are sewn together, otherwise, Mr. Lin would not want the pink fat man that was given as a gift with the "buy one, get one free" offer.

"And here, here are the books prepared by Lin Momo. Oh, and there are also clothes..." Old Master Lin pointed to several other places and said to Lin Momo.

Coming to the closet and looking at the full closet of clothes, Lin Momo opened her mouth slightly.

"These are the clothes that great grandfather picked for our little Momo. Don't they look good?" Grandpa Lin asked expectantly.

Lin Momo nodded stiffly and couldn't help but stare at the clothes a few more times - she felt that the style of these clothes was very familiar, just like the pink clothes hanging in the closet on the other side of her house.

Thinking of something, Lin Momo's eyes moved and she looked at Grandpa Lin: "I know! Are those clothes in the house where my father and I live also given to me by my great-grandfather?"

Mr. Lin was a little surprised by Lin Momo's observation skills, but he nodded.

"Thank you, great grandfather." Lin Momo said.

"I also have a gift for my great grandfather."

"Momo, did you prepare a gift for me? What gift?" Grandpa Lin was looking forward to it.

"This." Lin Momo said as she took out the gift prepared by her father, Grandpa Lin, from her schoolbag.

When handing the gift to Grandpa Lin, Lin Momo felt a little embarrassed, because compared with the gift given to her by her great-grandfather, her gift seemed not so good.

This is an A4-sized paper, folded in half. Lin Momo painted the front with a gray-green background, and added small yellow flowers and blue ribbons. It looks like a greeting card.

Although it is hand-painted, you can see the care that Lin Momo put into preparing this gift from every stroke.

Looking back, on the back of the greeting card was a message written by Lin Momo: Hello Great Grandpa: I am Momo, and it is the first time I meet you. This is a gift I prepared for you, I hope you like it.

It was just a simple sentence, but Mr. Lin was deeply moved.

"There's more on the outside." Lin Momo reminded.

Grandpa Lin turned over the greeting card, and on the inside was a painting. In the middle, Lin Momo drew the backs of three people, one tall, one medium, and one short. Lin Momo divided the background below into four parts, and drew four paintings of different architectural scenes in each of them.

"This is… "

"These are the places my dad and I visited during the past four weeks while filming the show. I drew the ones that I thought looked the best."

After that, Lin Momo pointed to each of the background paintings and explained to Grandpa Lin: "This is a theme park not far from where my father and I lived when we went to record the first episode of the program..."

"This is on the street where our little restaurant is..."

"This is in the film and television city. There are many snack bars and cold drink shops on this street."

"You got a lot of free milk tea and coffee here, right?" Grandpa Lin asked with a smile after taking Lin Momo's hand.

Hearing this, Lin Momo looked at the old man in surprise, as if asking how he knew that.

Mr. Lin smiled and explained, "I've watched every show you and your father have done."


"Of course." At this point, Mr. Lin took out his tablet and showed it to Lin Momo: "Look, I also let you vote."

Although the fan support value of Lin Cheng and Lin Momo's live broadcast room is still the lowest among the five families, and far behind the other groups, Grandpa Lin has become the number one on the fan support list of Lin Cheng's live broadcast room with his amazing perseverance.

Mr. Lin is quite proud of this.

Outside the room, Lin Cheng pushed the door open and took a look at the old man and the young boy inside. Seeing that Lin Momo did not reject Grandpa Lin, and the two of them were already sharing interesting things during the recording of the program in a familiar manner, Lin Cheng smiled and went to answer the phone with peace of mind.

The call was sent by the heads of several subordinate mobile companies, and their purpose in calling was to tell Lin Cheng that Lin Xiao had arrived and was preparing to start layoffs in a big way.

Hearing this, Lin Cheng sneered: "I understand. Don't pay attention to his decision. Next week's general meeting will be moved to Saturday. I will announce the company's new personnel appointments at the meeting."

This way.

The confrontation between Lin Momo and Old Man Lin has been discussed from the previous show to the next episode's task.

"Next week my dad and I are going to farm and raise poultry and small animals." Lin Momo said to Grandpa Lin.

Hearing this, Zhou Ming, who was standing outside the door, opened his mouth, wanting to correct Lin Momo's statement: their task next week is to be the managers of the farm, to run it, like running an amusement park or a super-large farm stay, not to do unmanned work like farming and feeding pigs.

However, when Zhou Ming was about to say it, he was stopped by Old Man Lin.

"Is that so?" Mr. Lin nodded in agreement with Lin Momo and asked, "Are you confident that you can complete the task?"

"I don't know." Lin Momo shook her head.

The information on the family background card indicated that their annual income was ±6 million, but in Lin Momo's concept, there was no difference between 600,000, 6 million, or even 600 million.

"But I've never grown vegetables before, so I don't know if I can grow them well." Lin Momo said in a low voice with a worried look on her face.

According to what is said online, farming is not a simple task. Different types of vegetables have different sowing times, required temperatures, soils, irrigation amounts, and fertilization methods.

Lin Momo was not sure if she could do it well.

Seeing his great-granddaughter's sad face, Grandpa Lin felt a little distressed. He waved his hand and said, "It's just farming. Momo doesn't know how to do it. Grandpa can teach you. If we learn it at home, we won't be afraid of anything when we go on the show to farm."

"Really?" Lin Momo's eyes lit up and she asked, "Grandpa, can you farm?"

"Of course. Farming is not difficult. Great-grandfather knows everything." Grandpa Lin said confidently. After that, he took Lin Momo to the garden behind the villa and asked someone to bring professional tools for gardeners to plant flowers.

After hearing the old man's bold words, Butler Zhou and Zhou Ming and others who were following behind looked at each other silently, all with faces full of shame.

The Lin family had been engaged in business for several generations. Grandpa Lin had at most some theoretical knowledge of growing flowers, but he didn't know how to grow any crops.

After the garden was cleared, the workers brought their tools, and Mr. Lin directly targeted a camellia and prepared to dry it.

"This is a flower, different from vegetables." Lin Momo couldn't help but say.

Mr. Lin waved his hand nonchalantly, saying, "Growing vegetables and flowers are all planting. No matter how things change, the essence remains the same. The truth can only be found through practice."

—It seems to make sense

Lin Momo nodded as if she understood, and continued to listen to Grandpa Lin's teachings attentively.

Here, Grandpa Lin had already dug out the camellia plant by the head, and then dug up the soil next to it to fill the hole.

"Look, this flower is outside now. Let's do this. Loosen the soil around it, dig a hole of similar size in the soil, put the flower in it, fill it with soil around it, sprinkle some granular fertilizer around it, water it, and finally pat the soil to make it firm. That's it."

"Then it's time to sow the seeds," the old man said, breaking off a few camellia heads and saying to Lin Momo, "Let's assume that these flower heads are seeds. It's still the same. Loosen the soil, dig holes..."

While Grandpa Lin was explaining, he asked Lin Momo to demonstrate.

Lin Momo was listening attentively at the side.

These two people perfectly illustrate what it means that one dares to teach and the other dares to learn.

Looking at the camellia that the old man had dug out and planted again, now crooked and scattered, a drop of cold sweat fell on Zhou Ming's forehead.

"The old man is wasting resources!" Zhou Ming couldn't help but whisper.

‌That camellia, that variety, that quality, is really expensive!

Zhou Ming wanted to go up and stop Mr. Lin, but was stopped by Butler Zhou at the side.

Butler Zhou shook his head at Zhou Ming and the other gardeners who were trying to persuade Mr. Lin to stay, and said, "Let Mr. Lin go. It's been a long time since I saw him so happy and energetic."

Before Butler Zhou finished speaking, he saw that Mr. Lin, who was not far away, had already stretched out his claws to a bonsai tree, preparing to use the bonsai to explain to Lin Momo the principles of maintenance and pruning of fruit trees.

With a sound of "crack", another valuable bonsai was "disfigured" by the old man's evil claws.

Butler Zhou: “…”

Gardener: My heart is bleeding.

Fortunately, artificially planted flowers and plants have reached a certain time when they need to be pruned, the soil turned, and some of the flower heads and branches and leaves removed.

It's just that the old man's actions brought forward the work that they could have started two months later.

—But at least the old man helped them complete half of the work.

The gardeners comforted themselves in their hearts.