Serve as Contrast Team in a ‘Dad with Baby’ Show

Chapter 71: Livelihood issues


She had saved this money for a long time and had secretly kept it at Zhang Ma's house next door. Because she was afraid that Zhang Xiaoqiang would come back to ask her for it after Lin Momo left, she planned to let Lin Momo take it all.

“Take good care of yourself when you are outside, pay attention to hygiene, be sweet-mouthed, don’t interrupt others when they are talking, and say thank you when others help you... Don’t cause trouble for others, okay?” Liu Cuifang was uneducated and could only tell Lin Momo what she knew over and over again.

"Okay." Lin Momo agreed.

Only after the nurse arrived did Lin Momo feel at ease and leave with the two assistants.

On the way, Lin Momo learned the names of the two people.

The young male assistant wearing glasses is called Zhou Qi, and the chubby young lady is called Wang Xi. They are both newly recruited intern assistants of the company.

When they arrived at the company, Zhou Qi and Wang Xi took Lin Momo and hid from place to place, and finally came to a small room.

"Is this the practice room you mentioned? It's just a storage room!" Wang Xi complained.

"Keep your voice down. Brother Chen Yu told us to keep a low profile." Zhou Qi said in a low voice.

"Recently, a new group of trainees came into the company, and there weren't enough practice rooms. How could they lend us a good practice room? It's good enough to have a place to stay. I had to use my personal connections to borrow the key."

Wang Xi waved his hands helplessly: "Okay, it'll only be two days anyway." The filming crew will come for a trial shoot in two days, and Lin Momo will be sent to be with Lin Cheng at that time.

Wang Xi lowered his head and looked at Lin Momo. He wanted to comfort her that the hardship was only temporary and she could overcome it with some effort. However, thinking of Lin Momo's previous living environment, Wang Xi said no more.

"Time is running out, so we have to practice hard. You will stay here for the next two days." Wang Xi pointed to the storage room in front of him and said to Lin Momo.

Lin Momo nodded, indicating that she understood.

For the entire afternoon, Wang Xi and Zhou Qi first let Lin Momo watch some similar parent-child reality shows, and then began to practice with Lin Momo.

Wang Xi: "Before the show officially starts, the production crew will usually go to the celebrity's home to shoot a pilot film. At that time, the director team may ask you some questions. You should act naturally, as if you are at home, and just answer whatever they ask you."

Lin Momo: "Okay."

"Then let's try it again. Remember what we told you, come on, start."

When Wang Xi shouted "Start", Lin Momo quickly waved in the direction of the phone camera: "Hello everyone, my name is Lin Momo."

After that, Lin Momo picked up the 'photo' that Wang Xi had drawn for her, pointed at the stick figure on it and said, "The man in the photo is my father, he's a singer..."

"Do you like daddy?"


"Do you like dad or mom more?"



"Because my mother is very gentle to me, and my father is sometimes a little strict."

Wang Xi nodded, turned to the next page of the notebook, and continued to ask: "How did the name Xiao Momo come about?"

—Lin Momo’s last name is ‘Lin’ because when her grandmother picked her up, there was a blurred certificate with the word ‘Lin’ on it next to her. The two words ‘Momo’ are because when she was picked up, she was put in a foam box, and after being called so many times, it became ‘Momo’.

"Because my father has a song called "Mo", so he named me Momo." Lin Momo said the answer Wang Xi gave her.

"Very good." Wang Xi nodded and asked a few more questions. He was a little surprised to see that Lin Momo could answer them all word for word.

"Have you remembered all the questions here?" Wang Xi asked Lin Momo, holding up his notebook.

Lin Momo nodded.

Wang Xi smiled dryly: "It's good."

"Zhou Qi, what do you think?" Wang Xi turned and asked Zhou Qi.

"There's no problem with the answer, but it feels a bit stiff and weird." Zhou Qi said, touching his chin.

"Yes, a little bit." Wang Xi watched the recorded video and frowned as well.

In the video, although Lin Momo was able to answer the questions fluently, it felt like she was just reciting, with no emotion at all. Especially when she talked about her dad and mom, there was no excitement in Lin Momo's eyes like the other children, only confusion and emptiness.

"It doesn't matter. Being able to memorize the answer is already the first step. The rest we just need to practice a few more times to get the hang of it."

"Let's do it again. Don't be nervous."


"What's your name?"

"My name is Lin Momo."

"Why is it Lin Momo?"

"Because my father's last name is Lin..."

In the evening, when Chen Yu came to the practice room, Lin Momo was still practicing. Her voice was a little hoarse, but her expression was much more natural than at the beginning.

"Hello everyone, my name is Lin Momo, I am 9 years old..."

"Wait." Chen Yu interrupted the practice.

"Any questions? Brother Chen Yu."

"The script needs to be changed," Chen Yu thought for a moment, then said, "We can't say 9 years old."

Lin Cheng is 32 years old this year. If he says that his child is 9 years old, doesn’t that tell the audience that Lin Cheng has a child at the age of 22

At the age of 22, Lin Cheng was at the height of his popularity and was also exposed to rumors of having x-fans.

The audience's imagination will definitely connect the two things together.

If he fails to make a comeback, his reputation will probably only get worse.

“Let’s change it to 7 years old.” Chen Yu looked at Lin Momo and thought: Even the father-daughter relationship is fake, does it matter whether the age is real or not

Fortunately, Lin Momo was much thinner than other children of the same age due to long-term malnutrition, so no one would doubt her if she said she was only 7 years old.

Chen Yu asked Lin Momo to take a break, and the three of them held a meeting at a temporary desk nearby.

"Because of the tight schedule, the program team can only provide us with a filming process, and we need to prepare the script ourselves." Chen Yu told the two the latest news.

Upon hearing this, Wang Xi was dumbfounded: "Prepare by ourselves? This is too much work!" And it is hard to say whether the script they prepared can pass the review of the program team.

Zhou Qi also frowned and shook his head, saying, "Two days is simply impossible."

"I know, so I called you to a meeting to discuss with you and decide on your personal settings first." Chen Yu said.

Set up the characters, let Lin Cheng and Lin Momo "act" according to the characters, and the rest depends on their own performance.

"Okay," Zhou Qi nodded, and then asked, "But what kind of character do we want to decide on?"

"How about a good-looking father-daughter combination? Brother Cheng and Lin Momo are both pretty good-looking anyway." Wang Xi suggested.

"No, I heard that Bai Yulin has already decided on this setting."

"What about the gentle dad and cute daughter? This setting is less likely to make mistakes and is easier to win the favor of passers-by."

Chen Yu glanced at Wang Xi, his face showing depression, and asked quietly: "Do you think Lin Cheng can cooperate with us to act out the word 'gentle'?"

"This..." Wang Xi recalled the scene when he saw Lin Cheng in person half a year ago, and fell silent.

Lin Cheng said nothing, but just standing there gave off an overwhelming aura, which was completely unrelated to gentleness.

"Oh, right! I thought of another one!" Wang Xi suddenly said excitedly.

"Why not let Lin Momo create a character of a spoiled little princess? Although such a character may be controversial and unpopular in the early stages, it is easy to have a reversal later. Besides, facing a spoiled daughter, even if Brother Cheng gives a cold or stern face in the show, the audience should be able to accept it."

—That’s a good idea.

Chen Yu nodded.

This kind of character setting will make the audience focus on Lin Momo's performance, and it will be difficult for them to pay attention to the interaction and subtle disharmony between the father and daughter.


As soon as Chen Yu finished speaking, he saw Lin Momo over there had already cleaned up the takeaway boxes of the four people before, and then "click, click, click" she crushed four empty beverage bottles with her bare hands, her movements were skillful and quick.

The three people here all had dark lines on their faces.

"Think of another one..."

Finally, the three people who were at their wits' end reluctantly decided on a Buddhist father-daughter combination personality for the "father and daughter": few words, casual.

Although such a character setting is not very competitive and is likely to be ignored by the audience, it can at least cover up the fact that the "father and daughter" are not familiar with each other at all.

The next morning, Chen Yu called his girlfriend for help.

Xu Jia, who was pulled into the makeshift practice room by her boyfriend, was still puzzled: "Your artist is going to be on a parent-child reality show, what's the point of asking me, a makeup artist for a girl group, to come?"

"I don't have any other options," Chen Yu said, pointing at Lin Momo who was sitting quietly on the sofa, and said to Xu Jia, "That child, can you help me put some makeup on her?"

"Put on makeup? How do you want to put it on?" In Xu Jia's opinion, children of this age are good-looking and don't need to put on makeup.

"Just...make yourself look like a celebrity's kid." Chen Yu said.

Hearing this, Xu Jia was stunned: "What do you mean?"

Chen Yu had no choice but to explain the whole situation to Xu Jia.

After hearing the explanation, Xu Jia suddenly understood and looked at Lin Momo in disbelief.

She had seen Lin Cheng in person, and if Chen Yu hadn't said it, she would have always thought that the child was Lin Cheng's.

"Where did you find a child who looks so much like Lin Cheng?" Xu Jia asked Chen Yu.

"Don't worry about how you found her. Let's see if you can make her look more like the real thing first." Lin Momo's facial features already look a lot like Lin Cheng. If there is something wrong, it is that she is too thin. She doesn't look like a celebrity's child, or even like a child who grew up in an ordinary family.

After looking at Lin Momo for a moment, Xu Jia nodded and said, "I'll try."

Xu Jia found some makeup tools and first treated Lin Momo's dull hair to make her hair look darker and shinier. He then applied special makeup to Lin Momo's face to cover up her abnormal complexion which was obviously caused by long-term malnutrition. He then used highlights to make Lin Momo look a little fatter.

Finally, Xu Jia used concealer to cover up the scars and bruises on Lin Momo's face and body from being bumped or beaten while picking up waste.

Xu Jia didn't expect that a child would have so many injuries.

Half an hour later, Lin Momo was still Lin Momo, but her entire state had changed drastically.

Looking at her 'healthier' self in the mirror, Lin Momo's eyes sparkled with surprise.

Xu Jia nodded with satisfaction at his work, then turned to look at Chen Yu and asked, "How is it?"

"That's the effect!" Chen Yu made an 'admiration' gesture towards Xu Jia.

"But at most it can only handle the pilot filming and interviews at the beginning." Xu Jia said.

After the reality show officially started recording, she couldn't follow along, and the production team couldn't give them so much time to put on makeup for Lin Momo.

"I understand. Let's deal with the previous part first." Chen Yu said. He thought: According to the program process, after the official filming begins, the father and the child will be sent to live in a family environment with average or even difficult conditions. It should be understandable that Lin Momo is in a worse condition.

Xu Jia nodded and took out a few tubes of concealer from her makeup bag and handed them to Lin Momo.

"Take these. If the wounds are exposed, you must cover them up immediately. You must not let anyone see your wounds, understand?"

"Okay." Lin Momo nodded and took note of it.

Yes, it would be too boring for the daughter to stay at home when dad is out.

There is nothing to do and nothing to play.

Dad has left, why is she still standing

This child is not planning to wait for his father to come back.

The audience in the live broadcast room obviously misunderstood Lin Momo.

She was lying by the window not looking at Lin Cheng, but looking for any beverage bottles she could pick up.

At this time, the audience in the live broadcast room saw Lin Momo move.

Just when everyone thought that Lin Momo was finally going to leave the window, they saw that Lin Momo just changed her posture and continued to lie by the window in a daze.

Still standing

It feels like it's becoming a 'Father-Looking Stone'.

This looks like my cat.

My cat doesn’t love me that much. No matter I’m at home or not, its attitude towards me is the same, it ignores me.

Haha, it’s the same in my family.

The topic in the barrage area gradually went off track.

Seeing this, Wang Xi and Zhou Qi in front of the computer became a little worried.

"Brother Chen Yu, what should we do if we go off topic? Do you want to find a way to get back to the topic?" Wang Xi asked.

"Or should we go down to the barrage area to warm up the atmosphere?" Zhou Qi also asked.

Chen Yu waved his hand: "No need for now."

After a pause, Chen Yu continued, "As long as the data and popularity are online, it's fine."

Judging from the data, although the topic of this section has gone off track, the popularity of the live broadcast room has not decreased. In fact, the number of barrages has more than doubled compared to before.

Lin Momo lay by the window for an hour, and the audience watched in the live broadcast room for an hour.

During this period, you can occasionally see a few comments floating across the barrage.

1 hour later…

Woc! Before I knew it, an hour had passed.

This kid is stupid.

I was also stupid. I actually watched the live broadcast for an hour.

Damn, me too. If she hadn’t blinked occasionally, I would have thought my network card was broken, haha.

I'm slacking off, so I'll just watch this.

I don't want to have to look at this picture all day long, do I

Come on, let’s see who can outlast whom.

Just when the audience began to bet on how long Lin Momo would stand there, Lin Momo in the picture finally moved.

—She searched the small yard downstairs but didn’t find any more bottles, and no one was throwing bottles.

Lin Momo felt quite regretful.

Unfortunately, without the key, she couldn't go too far.

Lin Momo stepped back from the window.

It moved, it finally moved!

What is she doing

Seeing Lin Momo rummaging around in the room, the audience raised questions.

Too bored, ready to start 'tearing down the house'? Someone speculated.

As soon as this comment passed by, Lin Momo dug out a basin and two old rags from a pile of sundries nearby.

Is she going to clean up

That's impossible.