Serve as Contrast Team in a ‘Dad with Baby’ Show

Chapter 73: Learned it


"The production team never mentioned this kind of problem before." Chen Yu's face darkened and he gritted his teeth.

Typically, such interviews avoid sensitive issues.

Why did the director ask such a sharp question during the recording? What was he trying to do? To expose the artist's shortcomings, or to tear off the last fig leaf of the outdated artist

Not only Chen Yu, but even Lin Cheng frowned slightly.

The director himself also felt a lot of pressure at this time.

If possible, she doesn't want to cause trouble.

But the interview script was given by the program team, and it was clearly marked on it that this question must be asked.

She could probably guess the purpose of the program team: the program needed some controversial topics to attract attention. Undoubtedly, Lin Cheng and his daughter, who had no background and no fan base, were the best choice.

No matter how Lin Momo answers in this recording, it will eventually be specially edited by the program crew to create public attention.

She even thought of the possible headlines that might appear later: #Ex-stars can’t get any work and can only stay at home to take care of their children? #, #He was once a first-tier singer, but now he is reduced to an eighteen-tier singer, even his own daughter despises him#, #The sadness of an ex-star: He dare not tell his children that he was once a star#, #An ex-male artist did this without telling his children#…

Faced with this obviously "out-of-scope" question, Lin Momo's mind went blank.

This question is not in the 'question bank', and I can't even find anything similar.

She doesn’t know if Lin Cheng is good or not…

Lin Momo shook her head subconsciously.

"Don't you know?" asked the director.

Lin Momo shook her head again.

"Don't you think your father is a bad person?" Seeing Lin Momo shaking her head, the director guessed what she meant.

"No..." Lin Momo whispered.

Wang Xi and others have said before that during an interview, if you encounter a question you don't know how to answer, you can't just say "I don't know" dryly, you have to find a way to express your true feelings.

After thinking for a while, Lin Momo applied this question to herself and said slowly: "Our family may not be as good as other families, but we are also living very hard."

At this point, Lin Momo thought of her grandmother Liu Cuifang, and said seriously, "She's not bad, she just can't do anything."

Outside the bedroom, Chen Yu's face tightened when he heard Lin Momo start to answer the director's questions.

"We can't let her continue talking."

This was clearly a trap set up deliberately by the program crew, but Lin Momo jumped into it anyway.

After saying that, Chen Yu wanted to step forward and interrupt the filming.

However, before Chen Yu could rush over, he was stopped by Lin Cheng.

"Brother Cheng?"

"Let her speak." Lin Cheng said.

"But will this have a bad impact?" According to Lin Momo's statement, isn't it a disguised admission that Lin Cheng has no ability and cannot make money

Lin Cheng didn't say anything else, but his face showed an indifferent expression.

Lin Momo didn't notice the movement here, she lowered her eyes and continued: "Maybe she is not good enough in the eyes of others, but what she gave me is the best she can give..."

"She would save her money every month to send me to school. She would secretly sell her things to save money to buy me a new school uniform, fearing that I would be laughed at by my classmates. She would queue up in a very long line during shopping mall events to get me a new desk lamp and a new alarm clock..."

"She taught me to be polite, clean, and... "

The "she" mentioned by Lin Momo was naturally understood by the directors as "he".

They had thought that when faced with this question, Lin Momo's answer might be "I don't know", "My father is very good", or even she might refuse to answer the question, but they never expected that Lin Momo's answer would be like this.

Outside the camera, the director and the assistant director looked at each other and saw the same shock in each other's eyes.

—Are out-of-date celebrities so miserable? Do they have to save money to pay for their children's tuition? Do they have to queue up at the supermarket to get a free desk lamp? !

Why do I feel like I’m living a worse life than ordinary people like them

Originally, after this question, the program team also prepared a second question: Would you like your father not to be a star

However, facing the sincere girl in front of him, the director couldn't ask the next question.

As the director shouted "cut", Lin Momo's interview ended.

After putting away the script, the director walked to Lin Cheng and Chen Yu awkwardly. Facing Chen Yu's slightly dissatisfied look, the director smiled at the two of them and said, "That's it for the interview part. Next, we will start recording the next part."

Several people returned to the living room.

The director asked the staff to hand a lottery box to Lin Cheng and Lin Momo, and said: "The day of "Living with Daddy" is about to begin. In the next week, daddy and baby will experience a life that is completely different from your past life."

"There are five cards in the box in front of you. They correspond to five different 'family backgrounds'. These are real family situations. The program team selected the five with the highest number of votes from netizens. Now, please draw lots. The information on the card you draw is the life that dad and baby will experience in the next week."

"Are you nervous, dad and baby?" the director asked the two before Lin Cheng drew the lots.

Lin Momo nodded.

I am both curious and nervous about the unknown life in the coming week.

Lin Momo watched Lin Cheng put his hand into the lottery box without blinking, and her whole body tensed up.

—This child is still too naive.

At the side, Lin Cheng glanced at Lin Momo, who seemed to be tense in every cell of her body, and sighed inwardly.

Then, Lin Cheng touched the only card in the box.

Obviously, the so-called lottery was just a show effect. The other groups of stars and their agents probably had already chosen the "family background" that would best showcase their own talents. The ones in the box now were just the ones left over by the other groups.

Lin Cheng took out the card expressionlessly and opened it under Lin Momo's expectant eyes.

There are 6 pieces of information on the card:

Home address: Building 3, Substation Community, Huayuan Road, Huayang District (an old residential building built in the last century, with a floor area of 36 square meters, one bedroom and one living room, and the bathroom and kitchen are shared on one floor).

Dad’s occupation: bottled LPG deliveryman.

Annual family income: 45,000 yuan.

Transportation: Bus.

Financial status: Family savings of 60,000 yuan (regular, cannot be used); external debt of 3,000 yuan due to an accident, with monthly repayments of 500 yuan; social security of approximately 400 yuan per month; rent of 1,500 yuan per month; total monthly fixed expenses of the family of 2,400 yuan (equivalent to 600 yuan per week).

Available funds this week: 200 yuan.

"What did Dad draw?" The director asked curiously after Lin Cheng and Lin Momo finished reading the information on the cards.

"Liquefied gas deliveryman." Lin Momo replied.

Lin Cheng simply turned the card over and pointed it at the camera and the director.

The director smiled and said to the father and daughter, "So Dad will be the gas deliveryman next, delivering gas for cooking to every household."

After a pause, the director continued, "Also, let me briefly explain to you the information on the card."

"The disposable funds are equivalent to your living expenses for the next week. According to the cards you drew, this part of the funds is 200 yuan in total, and you can spend it as you like. As for the mandatory expenses, Dad needs to hand over 600 yuan to the program team after working for a week. This is also your task for the first week."

"Teacher Lin, are you confident that you can complete the task?"

"Do your best." Lin Cheng said.

After completing the recording of this segment and turning off the video equipment, the director took out a "Statement" and handed it to Lin Cheng. At the same time, he repeated the parts that were not mentioned during the recording to Lin Cheng and Chen Yu, the agent.

"The program will officially begin recording the day after tomorrow morning. At that time, the production team's vehicle will directly send the father and child to the residence marked on the card. This should also be stated in the contract you signed earlier."

"In addition, the broadcast format of the program has been slightly adjusted and will be changed to a recorded broadcast + live broadcast format."

—The edited programs will be broadcast online one week after recording, which is every Sunday at 12:00 noon.

In addition, the program team has opened a VIP live broadcast channel on the iwo video app, which provides 24-hour live broadcast of the lives of fathers and children in the program in the form of interactive on-demand broadcasting for VIP users.

"In order to ensure the authenticity of the entire recording process and the entire experience, once the recording begins, it will not be paused. During the process, the director team will not provide you with any advice or help. All decisions are made by you. Unless it is an emergency, any other problems will also need to be solved by you."

"If there is no problem, please sign this supplementary document."

The director handed Lin Cheng a supplementary statement.

After taking the agreement, Lin Cheng quickly read it through, and after confirming that it was correct, he signed his name at the end.

After the director team left, Chen Yu's face completely fell.

"The production team has gone too far!" Chen Yu cursed in dissatisfaction.

Be it the "sensitive" issue during the previous interview or the subsequent adjustments to the broadcast format of the program, these were not mentioned at all in the agreement they signed.

This is obviously the rhythm of using Lin Cheng as a stepping stone and sacrifice for the show!

Compared to Chen Yu's excitement, Lin Cheng seemed much calmer, as if he had expected all this.

"Why else do you think such a good thing would fall into my hands?" Lin Cheng asked back.

Hearing this, Chen Yu fell silent: It seems that this is indeed the truth.

Different from the solemnity on Chen Yu's side.

Lin Momo, who was packing her things nearby, seemed to be in a particularly good mood.

When Lin Cheng and Chen Yu approached, they could still hear her squatting on the suitcase, mumbling something to herself.

"What are you happy about?" Lin Cheng asked casually.

Lin Momo stopped and looked at Lin Cheng: "Nothing."

After that, Lin Momo smiled at Lin Cheng again and said, "I just think that Dad, you are quite lucky."

Hear Lin Momo's words from the heart.

Lin Cheng: “…”

Chen Yu: “?!”

—I’m afraid that Lin Momo is the only one in the world who thinks that Lin Cheng is lucky to have drawn such a "family background".

After four trips back and forth, Lin Cheng firmly fixed the eight gas tanks on the rear compartment of the electric tricycle.

The webmaster who came over saw this, exchanged glances with the administrator, and all showed surprise - they had heard that the person who came here to record the program was a singer, and thought that he would be someone who could not carry anything, but they did not expect that he still had the strength.

At this time, Wang Xi in front of the computer also had a look of surprise on his face.

"Brother Chen Yu, Brother Cheng wasn't a sports student before, right?" He was the type who 'dresses to look thin'.

"How is that possible?" Chen Yu glanced at Wang Xi.

After thinking for a while, Chen Yu said, "I seem to have heard someone say before that Lin Cheng graduated with a degree in finance."

"Finance?!" Wang Xi and Zhou Qi widened their eyes.

"Why did Brother Cheng go to study finance?"

"That's right, Brother Cheng debuted quite early, I thought Brother Cheng graduated from the music major."

"Or performance, art or something like that." Zhou Qi agreed.

"How would I know if you ask me?" Chen Yu shrugged and muttered.

He was also confused about Lin Cheng's choice of major.

Several people's attention returned to the live broadcast screen again.

At this time, Lin Cheng had already boarded the gas-powered tricycle and set off.

Seeing Lin Cheng walking west, several comments suddenly popped up on the barrage:

Is he going in the wrong direction

I also noticed that the first user on the order was in Huajiang City Garden, so he should be walking east.

Even if you are a celebrity, you should have basic common sense.

That’s right. If you don’t know the way, don’t you just check the navigation or ask passers-by

Just when the audience in the live broadcast room raised questions and thought that Lin Cheng's "job" was about to end, they saw Lin Cheng driving the tricycle into a small alley.

Sky Blue Community? Is this on the task list

No, I'm sure.

I see! This is not a scheduled task on the task list. This should be a real-time task that was grabbed temporarily! Someone discovered the truth.

In addition to the appointment form received from the distribution station, the program team also provided Lin Cheng with a special app on his work phone, on which he could receive timely orders.

I see.

But Lin Cheng hasn’t even delivered the guaranteed 30 reservations yet, but he has already started accepting immediate orders. Isn’t that a bad idea

Yes, by then we might not even be able to complete the guaranteed mission.

Amid the doubts, someone soon came up with a different idea: Could it be that he didn't intend to complete the guaranteed task? The addresses on the appointment list were all over the city, and running one by one would take an unknown amount of time. If he couldn't complete the 30 tasks and wasted time on the road, it would be better to just deliver one order and get paid for it.

That makes sense.

If this is true, it would be a smart move.

Just as the audience was guessing Lin Cheng's purpose.

Here, Lin Cheng had already delivered the first temporary order and was rushing towards the second one.

Then the third, fourth, fifth...

Gradually, someone summed up Lin Cheng's gas delivery rules - first, Lin Cheng did not deliver gas in the order on the task list, but divided the appointment list according to area and time. Each time, he only took the farthest household on the road as the destination. During the process, Lin Cheng would take timely orders within 200 meters and on the way.

In this way, Lin Cheng's gas delivery efficiency has indeed increased a lot. In one hour, although Lin Cheng only completed 3 reservations, he has delivered 8 orders of liquefied gas.

"Brother Cheng is so smart!"

Wang Xi in front of the computer exclaimed.

Zhou Qi also nodded in agreement.

Chen Yu stared at the screen in the live broadcast room and secretly breathed a sigh of relief: When Lin Cheng drew this profession before, he was still worried for her in his heart, but he didn't expect it to be okay.

"But if Brother Cheng is so successful, won't he become less of a topic of conversation?" Zhou Qi said worriedly.

One day after the live broadcast went online, Bai Yulin, the most popular performer, attracted a large number of new fans in the live broadcast room because of his dancing.

Actor Gao Yuankai also showed off his skills in repairing small appliances, arranging flowers, and cooking on the first day of recording the show.

Although the naughty kid in the domineering boss's family attracted a lot of criticism because of his naughtiness, at least he became a hot topic.

Even the shift dad Duan Bei became a hot topic because of a mistake at work that caused pearls to be boiled into "guilinggao".

Only the group of Lin Cheng and Lin Momo performed too normally, so normally that there was no highlight or hype at all.

"Not necessarily." Chen Yu stared at the number of people in the live broadcast room and murmured.

Although Lin Cheng and Lin Momo's performances were mediocre, the number of people in the live broadcast room was surprisingly stable, and has gradually increased to more than 20,000.

Chen Yu glanced at Lin Cheng, who had just delivered a batch of liquefied gas and was returning to the station to pick up the next batch of gas cylinders. He couldn't help but complain in his heart: Why didn't I see this person so attentive when I was rushing to announce the announcement...

If Lin Cheng had made a little more progress over the years, he wouldn't be so confused.

The day passed quickly.

When Lin Cheng finished his work for the day and returned to the community where they were temporarily living, it was already evening.

As soon as he entered the residential area, Lin Cheng saw from afar Lin Momo squatting with her chin in her hand beside the flower bed next to the apartment building, playing with her fingers, looking bored.

"What are you squatting here for?" Lin Cheng asked as he approached.

When Lin Momo heard Lin Cheng's voice, her eyes lit up.

"Well, nothing. I was just bored and came out for a walk." Lin Momo subconsciously looked away and answered in a low voice, then smiled guiltily.

The truth was that when she came out to throw away the garbage, the door was kindly closed by the old lady living next door, so she was locked outside.

Lin Momo felt a little embarrassed, so she didn't want to tell Lin Cheng the truth.

The girl's guilty look did not escape Lin Cheng's eyes. It took him only half a second to guess why Lin Momo was squatting down there.

Lin Cheng took out the key from his pocket and handed it to Lin Momo.

"Don't lose it."

When Lin Momo saw the key in her hand, her eyes lit up.

"Okay!" Lin Momo said loudly, jumping and following Lin Cheng.

Lin Cheng still didn't know what Lin Momo was planning, so he couldn't understand the child's sudden happiness.

Thinking of something, Lin Momo took out three candies from her pocket and handed them to Lin Cheng: "Daddy, have some candy."

Lin Cheng took the candy from Lin Momo's hand and took a look at it—Wangzai Milk Candy? Yu Fu Ji? Oo candy

"Don't ask for things from strangers." Lin Cheng reminded.

"Not a stranger." Lin Momo retorted subconsciously.

She and Old Lady Zhang are already considered "business partners".

"This one is the most delicious, you try it." Lin Momo pointed at the Wangzai milk candy in Lin Cheng's hand and said like she was presenting a treasure.

Lin Cheng: "..." How to reject a child's kindness? Waiting online, quite urgent.

"Eat first."


The two returned to their temporary home, and this time, it was Lin Momo who opened the door.

The moment he opened the door, Lin Cheng's eyes flashed with surprise when he saw the room was obviously much cleaner.

"Did you clean the house?" Lin Cheng asked.

"Yeah." Lin Momo nodded.

Just when the audience in the live broadcast room thought that Lin Cheng would praise Lin Momo like the other groups of fathers did to their children, they heard Lin Cheng just say: "You don't have to clean."

"But if it's too dirty, you won't be able to get used to living here." Lin Momo said.

"It's just a few days, no big problem." Lin Cheng said.

"I'm not used to it either." Lin Momo whispered again.

Lin Cheng: “…” Would a child who was ‘playing’ with empty bottles next to a trash can yesterday become uncomfortable living in a dirty house

However, Lin Cheng did notice that Lin Momo would wash her hands very clean after cleaning up or messing with the pile of bottles.

"Let's eat." Lin Cheng put the dinner he bought on the temporary dining table and called Lin Momo.

This is a set meal for two, with vegetables and meat.

After taking the chopsticks, Lin Momo stared at the food in front of her without moving, with a look of pain on her face.

"What's wrong? Don't you like these dishes?"

"No," Lin Momo shook her head and asked Lin Cheng carefully, "Are these over budget?"

Hearing this, Lin Cheng's mouth twitched.

Lin Cheng: "Not expensive, 30 per serving."

Lin Momo: “30?!”

Looking at Lin Momo's expression which looked like "It's over, our family is bankrupt", Lin Cheng suddenly found it funny again.

Lin Cheng handed the money to Lin Momo: "Take it."

"This is… "

"The money I earned today." Lin Cheng said calmly.

"Are all of these?!" Lin Momo held the money, her face full of surprise.

She counted the money and found there were 183 yuan!

Lin Momo didn't know that an hour ago, when Lin Cheng received the 183 yuan from the stationmaster, the live broadcast room was full of comments like "Awesome", "Great", and "I'm impressed"...

At this moment, looking at Lin Cheng, Lin Momo's eyes were full of disbelief.

Originally, she didn't expect this 'father' to make any money.

Facing the girl's admiring eyes, Lin Cheng did not show it on his face, but a sense of inexplicable accomplishment flashed through his heart.