Serve as Contrast Team in a ‘Dad with Baby’ Show

Chapter 9: A guilty conscience


What is the call operation

Lin Cheng raised his eyebrows slightly, ignored Lin Momo's words, took a Band-Aid from the side and put it on Lin Momo's wound.



After saying that, Lin Momo grinned at Lin Cheng, looking very happy.

"What are you laughing at?" Lin Cheng looked a little strange.

"Nothing," Lin Momo shook her head, thought for a moment, and then explained in a low voice: "Grandma will help me with it, too."

The way Lin Cheng helped her put on the Band-Aid reminded Lin Momo of Liu Cuifang.

Lin Cheng was the second person who would help her put on a Band-Aid.

Hearing Lin Momo's words, Lin Cheng felt inexplicably touched in his heart. He raised his head and looked at Lin Momo seriously. At this time, the girl still had beads on her face, but she was smiling happily.

The words "so ugly" came out of his mouth.

Lin Momo: “???” What’s wrong with her being ugly?!

At this time, Lin Cheng had already turned around and left, continuing his previous cleanup.

Lin Momo raised her hand and looked at the Band-Aid that was not so well-applied. She bent her knuckles and whispered in revenge, "It's ugly."

The next second, he stared at the Band-Aid on his finger and grinned foolishly.

Putting her hands away, Lin Momo walked to the storage box and was about to continue the unfinished cleaning when she was stopped by Lin Cheng.

"Leave it there. You don't have to do anything with it."

“I’ll be careful this time…”

Lin Cheng successfully made Lin Momo shut up with just one look.

Lin Momo didn’t know what to do to make the audience like her and Lin Cheng, but she suddenly became nervous when she thought that if she didn’t do anything, she might be disliked.

"I can help you." Lin Momo moved to Lin Cheng's side and said in a low voice.

Seeing Lin Momo staring at the box in his hand with an eager look, Lin Cheng frowned and directly refused: "No need."

Lin Momo still stood aside unwillingly.

"Go to the side." Lin Cheng said.

"I won't be in the way." Lin Momo said, raising her hand to take the pile of shaky books and newspapers on the box from Lin Cheng's hand.

Lin Momo's persistence gave Lin Cheng a headache.

Lin Cheng looked around and finally found a pile of fast food boxes and plastic bottles left by the previous owner in the corner of the room. He pointed at the pile of not-too-heavy things and said to Lin Momo, "If you want to help, go take the bottles downstairs and throw them away."


Lin Momo, who now had a job, found a plastic bag in the house that was big enough and deftly put all the lunch boxes, paper cups, paper bowls and beverage bottles into it.

Then, without waiting for Lin Cheng to say anything, Lin Momo carried the bag of "garbage" downstairs.

It's a big bag, but not heavy.

Lin Cheng withdrew his gaze from Lin Momo and continued to sort out the miscellaneous items in front of him.

By the time Lin Cheng had put away the clutter in the house, an hour and a half had passed.

—He seems to have forgotten something

Lin Cheng thought to himself.

Taking a look at the overly quiet house, Lin Cheng finally realized what he had forgotten—he had forgotten the child.

Lin Cheng took out the old-fashioned keypad phone with only call function prepared by the program team, checked the time, and then frowned: He asked Lin Momo to throw away the garbage, did it take so long

Lin Cheng's face darkened, he put down the work in his hands and walked out.

The child is not lost.

Lin Cheng walked to the first floor and saw Lin Momo squatting next to a large trash can between several residential buildings, fiddling with the bag of trash with great interest.

Lin Momo had disassembled the instant noodle bowls and paper cups and piled them neatly aside. A dozen cans were also flattened by Lin Momo.

At this time, the child was "attacking" the last pile of beverage bottles.

Looking at Lin Momo who had merged into the garbage dump, Lin Cheng's face darkened and his temples began to throb.

Unable to bear it any longer, Lin Cheng finally yelled at Lin Momo: "Lin Momo!"

Hearing Lin Cheng calling her name, Lin Momo, who was originally concentrating on her "career", was startled, her hands trembled, and she almost dropped the Coke bottle she was handling.

Lin Momo stood up in a daze and looked at Lin Cheng in confusion.

"Come here." Lin Cheng's tone was stern.

Lin Momo was just about to say to Lin Cheng, "It's just a little bit more," but when she looked up, she met Lin Cheng's angry gaze. Lin Momo immediately backed down, lowered her head, and walked obediently in front of Lin Cheng.

"Throw away what's in your hand too." Seeing that Lin Momo was still holding a bottle in her hand, Lin Cheng frowned even deeper and said in a cold voice.

Lin Momo was so frightened that she loosened her grip, and the bottle fell to the ground with a clang and rolled far away.

At this time, the deserted barrage area in the live broadcast room finally became lively:

Haha, Dad finally remembered his naughty kid.

I just want to know, what's so fun about garbage.

Maybe in the eyes of children there is no difference between garbage and toys.

All the toys were confiscated and I had to play with garbage.


What’s even more speechless is that I actually watched this kid playing with garbage for more than an hour!

Me too.


—It is indeed poisonous.

Chen Yu, who was sitting in front of the computer, nodded in agreement.

In the more than one hour that Lin Momo was "playing with garbage", the number of people online in the live broadcast room increased from more than five hundred to more than one thousand.

On this side, seeing Lin Momo throw away the bottle in her hand, Lin Cheng said nothing more, and took Lin Momo back home with a stern face.

Lin Momo opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but saw Lin Cheng's figure walking into the corridor of the residential building.

"Still standing?" Lin Cheng turned around and called Lin Momo.

"Well, no." Lin Momo hurriedly chased after him. Before entering the corridor, she took a reluctant look at the pile of recyclables behind her that she had already dealt with, with a look of pain on her face.

"Wash your hands." Lin Cheng reminded as they passed by the public sink on the third floor.

"good… "

"I'm done washing." Lin Momo subconsciously raised her hand to show Lin Cheng.

It was not until she saw the other person's tense expression finally relax a little that Lin Momo breathed a sigh of relief and followed Lin Cheng into the house.

The moment she walked into the room, Lin Momo was dumbfounded.

The originally messy materials have changed drastically after not being there for a while.

All the sundries that were previously piled in the room were moved by Lin Cheng to a corner of the house and stacked against the wall, leaving only a few necessary pieces of furniture and supplies. The originally crowded room suddenly became much more spacious and tidier.

Lin Momo looked around the room in surprise, then looked up at Lin Cheng, her eyes full of disbelief.

Meeting the girl's incredulous eyes, Lin Cheng's mouth twitched slightly.

In this girl's eyes, is he unable to take care of himself or what

Now that the room is cleaned up, all that’s left is to consider how to sleep.

The whole house was originally just one room, but the previous owner used a few wooden cabinets to divide the room into two rooms: the inner room was just enough to fit a bed less than one meter wide made of wooden boards, and the outer room was a bed that Lin Cheng had just put together using a few large boxes.

"Where do you want to sleep?" Lin Cheng lowered his head and asked Lin Momo.

Lin Momo shook her head, indicating that she could do either.

Hearing this, Lin Cheng looked around the room, and finally pointed at the room outside and said to Lin Momo: "You sleep here."

"Okay." Lin Momo had no objection to Lin Cheng's arrangement.

However, a lot of questioning comments popped up in the live broadcast room, which had been quiet all the time, because of Lin Cheng's arrangement.

Dad let his daughter sleep outside? And he slept inside

Shouldn’t the dad sleep outside in the living room and let the child sleep in the bed inside

What is this dad thinking

Besides, the child is still young and in an unfamiliar environment, so it should be okay for them to sleep together. I saw that the small apartment where Bai Yulin and his group lived also had only one bedroom, and they lived together as father and daughter.

I saw it too, and it became a trending topic, #Bai Yulin coaxes his daughter to take a nap#. The scene is so adorable.

Lin Cheng and Lin Momo were unaware of the controversy in the live broadcast room.

The father and daughter here have dragged their luggage to their respective rooms and started packing.

Lin Momo took out the sheets, quilt covers and supplies prepared in advance by the program crew from the suitcase and began to make the bed.

Although the process was difficult, Lin Momo still made the bed in an orderly manner.

Lin Cheng tidied up the room and when he came out he saw that the simple bed he had set up earlier was already covered with a set of blue Elsa sheets and quilt. A pile of clothes was neatly folded next to the pillow. Lin Momo was sitting obediently on the edge of the bed with her legs together.

Seeing Lin Cheng coming out, Lin Momo's eyes lit up and she smiled at him. The expression on her face made it hard to tell whether she wanted to show off her ability to him or simply wanted to be praised.

However, Lin Cheng's focus at the moment was not on this.

In order to make Lin Momo look more photogenic in the show, Xu Jia had previously found her clothes in mostly pastel pink colors. They looked good, but they were not resistant to getting dirty.

After struggling for most of the day, even though Lin Momo was very careful, her clothes were still soiled.

Thinking of the scene of the child messing around in front of the trash can, Lin Cheng suddenly felt unwell.

"Did I not get it right?" Seeing that Lin Cheng's expression was different from what she expected, Lin Momo asked uncertainly.

"Change your dirty clothes." Lin Cheng said with a frown, then he opened the door and went out, leaving the room to Lin Momo.

Lin Momo: “…” It seemed like she was accidentally disliked again

at the same time.

Several comments also popped up in the live broadcast room.

Although, there is no need for Dad to do this.

I feel no love at all.

Is the real relationship between this father and daughter not very good? It seems that the father neither cares about his daughter nor takes good care of her.

Lin Momo was changing clothes in the house, and the live broadcast screen was temporarily switched to outside the house.

Two minutes later, when Lin Momo opened the door again, the room had been clean and tidy again.

"I'm fine." Lin Momo said to Lin Cheng.

Lin Cheng nodded expressionlessly, took some money, and said, "Stay here, I'll go buy some food."

There is only one shared cooking area on the first floor. Given their current family conditions, they are not able to cook by themselves and can only buy food outside.

After taking two steps, Lin Cheng stopped and thought of something. He turned his head to look at Lin Momo who was still leaning against the door and asked, "Is there anything you don't want to eat?"

Lin Momo shook her head: "I can do anything."

"What do you want to eat?"

"steamed stuffed bun!"

Nodding, Lin Cheng walked out and left.

After Lin Cheng left, Lin Momo was still thinking about the pile of recyclables she had collected before, so she sneaked downstairs while he was away.

Fortunately, this was not the time for unified garbage collection, and there were not many people passing by outside, so the pile of bottles and paper bowls that Lin Momo had put there before was still there.

Running over, Lin Momo flattened the remaining plastic bottles and sorted them out. She then found a corner in the corridor, tied up the things and hid them in the corner.

Then I turned back.

She wanted to see if she could pick up a few more empty bottles nearby.

Unfortunately, Lin Cheng came back with buns at this time.

As soon as Lin Cheng came back, he ran into Lin Momo wandering around those trash cans and piles of debris again.

Seeing him come back, the girl took a step away from the pile of junk as if frightened, looking like a guilty thief.

"What are you doing here?" Lin Cheng asked in a deep voice.

"Nothing... I..."

Lin Momo thought for a moment and said, "I'm waiting for you!"