Serve as Contrast Team in a ‘Dad with Baby’ Show

Chapter 93: Welcome to my home


"It's completed, but..." The director looked a little embarrassed and said, "There was a small problem."

"What's the problem?" The director frowned, thinking of something, and asked again: "Is it those questions that were not asked? Or did a disagreement arise during the recording process?"

“There is no disagreement, and the question was asked, but…”

The director didn't know how to explain this, so he said to the chief director: "You'd better watch the original film first."

“What could possibly be wrong with the original film…” It all has to be re-edited in the end anyway.

The chief director looked somewhat dissatisfied, but still asked the other party to bring out the original film.

—The interview went smoothly, and the "sensitive" question was asked, and everything went well.

However, as Lin Momo began to answer in the original film, the director's brows gradually began to furrow deeper and deeper.

Lin Momo's answer was beyond his expectations.

In other words, Lin Momo's answer was not what he wanted.

This kind of answer makes it very difficult for the program crew to have room to "perform", and there is no way to create topics of public opinion through editing.

After thinking for a while, the director had to give up his original plan although he was unwilling to do so.

"Tell the post-production team that there is no need to cut this section of the original film." The director said in a deep voice.

"You mean you don't want it anymore?" The director looked surprised and asked, "Does anything else need to be cut?"

The director had a gloomy face and did not answer, but his attitude at this moment represented everything.

The next day, 8pm.

The pilot episode of the show "Living with Dad" was released simultaneously on the iwo video app and Orange TV platforms.

Because he had not received the sample footage provided by the program team in advance, Chen Yu could only sit in front of the computer and wait for the program to be officially broadcast like other viewers.

The first to come out was Bai Yulin and his daughter.

Although Bai Yulin has retired from the entertainment industry for many years, he still has a large number of loyal fans, which is the main selling point of this program.

Therefore, Chen Yu was not surprised that this group was placed in the first segment of the program.

After Bai Yulin's group, the second segment aired was a clip of actor Gao Yuankai and his son.

After that, the third broadcast was an interview with the family of Zheng Chengye, chairman of the entertainment company.

"Why hasn't Cheng Ge and Momo's segment started yet?" Sitting in front of the computer screen, Wang Xi couldn't help but muttering as he watched the playback progress bar go most of the way.

"It should be the next one." Chen Yu said.

Lin Cheng's fame and status are not as high as the other three 'dads', so it is completely reasonable that his pilot segment would be ranked after those three.

If I'm not mistaken, Lin Cheng's part will be broadcast fourth, and the finale will be Duan Beilai, the dad who is strongly recommended by the company.

Sure enough, as soon as Chen Yu finished speaking, a picture of Lin Cheng and Lin Momo, father and daughter, opening the door appeared on the screen.

Then, Lin Cheng’s personal introduction popped up on the screen:

Name: Lin Cheng.

Occupation: Singer.

Representative works: "Yesterday", "Foam", etc.

Current situation: Lives in City C and has a 7-year-old daughter.

"Why does it feel like Lin Cheng's introduction is much less than others?" Wang Xi said in a low voice.

"..." Chen Yu's face darkened a little. He provided the program team with more information about Lin Cheng than this. Even if the program didn't focus as much as when introducing Bai Yulin, at least all of Lin Cheng's representative works were included.

Before Chen Yu could say anything else, the scene on the screen cut to the part where the father and daughter were being interviewed.

In the video, Lin Cheng first said to the camera: "Hello everyone, I am singer Lin Cheng."

The next second, the screen switched to Lin Momo's: "I am Lin Momo."

What the father and daughter said afterwards was not broadcast.

The director's voice appeared in the video asking: "The journey of "Living with Dad" is about to begin, are you ready?"


"Then please cheer for daddy and baby!"

As the director finished speaking, Lin Cheng and Lin Momo's parts came to an end.

Seeing that the program had already started broadcasting the introduction about Duan Bei, Wang Xi and Zhou Qi were dumbfounded.

"That's it?!" Wang Xi was confused.

Zhou Qi was also surprised and said: "This is too short."

The “preliminary episode” before the entire show lasted a total of 53 minutes, and Lin Cheng and Lin Momo only appeared on screen for less than 5 minutes!

Even the words spoken by the father and daughter combined are not as much as what the narration director said.

Wang Xi and Zhou Qi looked at each other and thought of something.

"Isn't this just a disguised version of 'Yi Jian Mei'? It's too much." Wang Xi complained with a frown.

Zhou Qi also nodded and complained: "Even if the production team wants to give time to other groups and Duan Bei who came out later, it doesn't have to be so obvious."

Hearing the two people's complaints, Chen Yu's face turned completely black.

—Several other groups of stars signed Class A agreements with the program team, which clearly stipulated that the program team cannot maliciously edit the recorded content or distort the facts, and must ensure that the star’s attendance rate reaches 15% of the total program length, etc.

However, the company obtained a Type B agreement for Lin Cheng - the editing content, appearance rate, and number of recording episodes will be adjusted accordingly based on the specific circumstances after the program is broadcast, and the final right of interpretation belongs to the program team.

Chen Yu only learned this recently.

But even so, it was too much for the production team to cut the parts of Lin Cheng and Lin Momo to less than five minutes.

At this time, there were still a few discussions about Lin Cheng and his daughter on the screen, but more people were asking "Who is Lin Cheng?"

Lin Cheng? Never heard of him.

Is he a singer? Has anyone heard his songs

When I saw the representative work "Yesterday", I thought it was Wang Fangqi's "Yesterday".

No wonder he looked familiar. I’ve seen this person in my brother’s magazine promotional photos before, and I thought he was a model. Could he be a singer

I think he was popular before, when I was in the second grade of junior high school or the first grade of high school, but he became obscure not long after that (revealing his age).

The few scattered comments in the barrage did not stay for long and were soon overwhelmed by the comments from Duan Bei's fans.

Ah, the little brother is so handsome!

Xiaobei is so cute!

Looking forward to Xiaobei being the shift dad!

For some basic knowledge, Xiaobei is the nickname given to this little brother by fans. He participated in "Our Group" at the beginning of this year. During an activity, he broke his leg while trying to protect other trainees, so he withdrew from the program. But this little brother is really great, he is good at singing and dancing!

Right, right, right! Xiaobei people are beautiful, kind and hardworking!

Looking at the screen full of comments in support of Duan Bei, Chen Yu's mouth twitched.

—There is no harm without comparison.

Compared with the treatment of Duan Bei, the company's "own son", Lin Cheng is like the son of an enemy.

"Brother Cheng and the others have so few shots, there's no way they can attract fans." Wang Xi said worriedly.

Zhou Qi also showed a worried look and echoed: "In this way, Cheng Ge and his team's subsequent live broadcast hits will definitely be affected."

Chen Yu: “…”

Seeing Chen Yu's face as black as charcoal, with a look of impending storm, Wang Xi felt scared and quickly laughed dryly, and comforted him in a self-humiliating way: "But it's not certain. If Cheng Ge and the others perform well in the show, they might even make a comeback."

Chen Yu didn't say anything.

Now he no longer dares to think that Lin Cheng can become famous. His only hope is that Lin Cheng and Lin Momo, this father and daughter who got along well, will not make any mistakes during the live broadcast of the show.

On the other side, in Lin Cheng's apartment.

Lin Momo didn't know when the pilot episode of the show would be aired.

Although Lin Cheng knew it, he didn't take it to heart.

Therefore, neither the father nor the daughter watched this infuriating trailer.

The next day, early in the morning, Lin Cheng and Lin Momo were picked up by the program crew and taken to the shooting location.

Standing in front of the old residential building where the two will live for a week, a staff member of the program team began to introduce them: "This is the substation community, and it is also where we will be filming this week."

The staff member glanced at the time and said, "It is now 8:49 in the morning. In another 11 minutes, at 9 o'clock, our program will officially begin filming and will also be officially released on the live broadcast platform."

"There are still some things we need to explain before we officially start filming," the staff member paused and said in a serious tone, "According to the program regulations, during filming, apart from necessary clothing and personal daily necessities, other items that are not related to the set 'family background' are not allowed to be brought into the program."

"Including your personal cash, mobile phones..."

After saying that, the staff member glanced at Lin Momo and continued, "Also, iPads, toys, etc., are not allowed."

"Later our staff will first search you and your luggage and unpack them. All illegal items will be temporarily detained by the program team. Now you can think about it. If there are any inconvenient items, you can deal with them by yourself or hand them over to the program team for safekeeping."

Lin Cheng looked down at Lin Momo, and when he saw her shaking her head, he said to the program crew, "There are no inconvenient items."

"Okay, let's start the inspection then."

The staff of the program team first took away Lin Cheng's mobile phone and cash, and then several staff members came up and opened the suitcases of the "father and daughter" respectively.

There were no other "offending" items in Lin Cheng's suitcase except for a few simple sets of clothes.

And in Lin Momo's suitcase, the staff took out several stuffed toys.

"You can't bring these with you. You need to hand them over to our program team for safekeeping first." The staff member pointed at the stuffed toys in his hand and spoke softly to Lin Momo.

"Okay." Lin Momo nodded and cooperated to say goodbye to the stuffed toys.

Even the director team was amazed at the level of cooperation.

However, they didn’t know that these stuffed toys were deliberately placed in there by Xu Jia and his team for the sake of recording effect, and they didn’t originally belong to Lin Momo.

So when Lin Momo saw the stuffed toy being taken away, she felt nothing in her heart.

At this time, someone in the director team noticed the piece of floral cloth in Lin Momo's hand, and his eyes moved, so he asked Lin Momo specifically: "Are there any other items that cannot be brought to the show?"

Lin Momo shook her head and carefully hid her hands behind her back.

Seeing Lin Momo's "little action", the staff was embarrassed and had to point directly at the thing in her hand and asked: "What is that?"

Lin Momo didn't say anything, and subconsciously held the thing in her hand tighter.

—This is the tuition and living expenses that her grandmother asked her to keep before coming here. Because she was afraid of losing it, Lin Momo always carried it with her.

Someone from the program crew came to search her pockets just now, so Lin Momo had to hold the things in her hands, but she didn't expect that she would still be discovered.

"If it's toys or cash, you also need to hand it in," the staff reminded.

Looking at the shape of the piece of cloth in Lin Momo's hand, it does look a bit like a child's coin purse.

—This cannot be handed in.

“…” Lin Momo took half a step back.

Lin Cheng, who was standing by, looked down at what Lin Momo was holding, and at the same time saw Lin Momo's hands shaking because she was exerting too much force.

Just when the director team was about to take 'compulsory measures' against Lin Momo, Lin Cheng spoke up: "It's not something prohibited. It's just a small toy that the child is used to keeping around. It's useless and won't affect the recording of the show."

The staff was stunned.

—Even so, it doesn't work, and they look at that thing as if it were money.

The staff member wanted to refute Lin Cheng's words, but when he looked up, he was met with Lin Cheng's slightly cold gaze.

The momentum was a bit scary. Several staff members were frightened. They looked at each other and backed off together. Because they didn't want to affect the normal filming, the director team could only turn a blind eye and let Lin Momo go.

"Then let's talk about the second thing." The director came out, coughed lightly, and said.

Then, he asked the staff to hand Lin Cheng the things that had been prepared in advance, and explained: "First of all, this bag contains Dad's work ID and work clothes."

"According to your 'family background', Dad's job is to deliver liquefied gas. His workplace is the Lanchang Street liquefied gas distribution station, which is 5 kilometers away from here. The specific address is in the bag. Dad needs to go to the workplace by himself and report to the boss on time. After that, he can start working. The boss will personally arrange the work content and salary."

"Dad, do you understand the above?"

Seeing Lin Cheng nod, the director continued to take out two more things.

"The second thing is the key to your room. There is only one key. Daddy and baby will live here for a week. Please be sure to keep the key safe."

The director handed the key to Lin Cheng.

"Finally, this envelope contains the 200 yuan you can spend this week. Please keep it safe."

After handing all the supplies to Lin Cheng, the director asked one last question: "Before the life experience officially begins, do you and your baby have any final questions?"

Lin Momo shook her head.

Lin Cheng: “No.”

"Then the 5th group of "Living with Dad", the 1st episode, the 1st scene recording officially begins."

With the director's shout of "start", the week-long life of Lin Cheng and Lin Momo, the fake father and daughter, officially began.

Lin Cheng glanced at the key in his hand. There was a label '303' on it, which should correspond to their room No. 3 on the 3rd floor.

"Let's go." Lin Cheng took the suitcase, said to Lin Momo who was still in a daze beside him, and walked towards the residential building behind him.

It was not until Lin Cheng walked a few meters away that Lin Momo came to her senses and chased after him.

"Thank you." Lin Momo caught up with Lin Cheng and thanked him in a low voice.

—She was thanking Lin Cheng for helping her keep the money.

Lin Cheng did not respond.

Seeing this, Lin Momo thought that she was too quiet and the other party didn't hear her, so she trotted two more steps, got closer to Lin Cheng, and then raised her voice slightly and said again: "Thank you."

Lin Cheng originally wanted to remind Lin Momo that the program recording had already started.

The director team brought high-precision video and audio equipment, so even if her voice was very soft, it would be recorded.

However, when he lowered his head and met the girl's sincere eyes, Lin Cheng gave up the idea and responded casually.

At this time, the two were already walking in the corridor of the residential building.

The old building is still made entirely of brick. The corridor is narrow and dark, and the various sundries piled on both sides make the entire corridor even narrower and more difficult to navigate.

Lin Cheng glanced at the obviously 'absent-minded' Lin Momo, and was about to remind her to "walk carefully and don't get bumped", when he saw Lin Momo bumping head-on into a protruding box.

However, just when Lin Cheng thought that Lin Momo would hit the box in the next second, the girl lowered her head and nimbly dodged the box.

Lin Cheng: “…”

Lin Cheng didn't know that the place where Lin Momo and her grandmother lived was similar to this place, and the corridor was even narrower and messier than this place.