Serve as Contrast Team in a ‘Dad with Baby’ Show

Chapter 94: Catch up on homework online


Seeing this, Lin Cheng patiently explained: "I will earn the money needed for the show, you don't have to worry too much, and it's dangerous for you to go out."


Lin Momo originally wanted to fight for her "money-making plan", but when she met Lin Cheng's serious and stern eyes, Lin Momo immediately backed down.

"Have you finished your work today?" Lin Momo asked Lin Cheng.

Lin Cheng: “…”

Lin Cheng still needs 4 orders to complete today's guaranteed order, and because he brought Lin Momo back early, he did not return to the site to settle today's salary.

Looking at the time, it was almost 7 o'clock in the afternoon, so Lin Cheng called the distribution station directly and did not go back.

"Let's go have dinner."


"It's my treat today!" Lin Momo said excitedly.

Hearing this, Lin Cheng just glanced at Lin Momo calmly, and then asked: "Would you like to eat buns?"

Lin Momo: “…” It seems like the money she earned today is only enough to buy buns

Lin Cheng took Lin Momo to a nearby restaurant that looked cleaner for dinner. On the way home, the two of them carried two roasted sweet potatoes that they bought with the money Lin Momo earned.

After returning home, Lin Cheng and Lin Momo continued to sit on each side of the room, minding their own business.

Lin Cheng was holding his work phone, planning the delivery routes for tomorrow's 30 pre-ordered orders, and grabbing some orders in the process.

Lin Momo continued to hold her little notebook, and wrote down today's account with a 'serious' face.

The father and daughter did not communicate with each other throughout the whole process, but the whole scene was unexpectedly harmonious.

At night, the two of them slept in their own rooms.

After a burst of lightning and thunder in the middle of the night, it suddenly started to rain.

Lin Momo suddenly sat up from the bed, then quickly jumped off the bed.

Then there was a series of 'bang bang' sounds.

Hearing the noise outside, Lin Cheng, who was sleeping inside, woke up. When he came out, he saw Lin Momo squatting among the pile of sundries in the room, rustling around and making no one knew what she was doing.

"What are you doing?" Lin Cheng asked.

Seeing Lin Momo stand up, Lin Cheng asked again: "Are you scared by the thunder?"


Lin Momo was not awakened by the thunder just now, but by a drop of water falling on her forehead.

After that, Lin Momo pointed at the roof and said to Lin Cheng: "Our house seems to be leaking."

The old buildings are all made of brick and tile structures and have fallen into disrepair over the years. It is common for water to leak from the top floor to the first floor on rainy days. This is also the case with the house where Lin Momo and her grandmother live.

Every time this time comes, they will find all the water containers in the house to collect water from the bottom.

Just now, Lin Momo was looking for something to collect water in this house.

Hearing Lin Momo's words, Lin Cheng looked up at the roof. As expected, water droplets were already seeping out from some places.

Looking around the room, Lin Momo had already placed several water-collecting devices, pots, pans, and everything else.

"Tick-tock." Another drop of rain fell, carrying dust and spider webs from the roof, and landed right in the cup that Lin Momo usually used to fill with boiled water for him.

Lin Cheng: “…”

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and the leaks in the house were getting worse and worse.

It was raining heavily outside and drizzling inside the house, and it was even worse in the half of the room where Lin Cheng was sleeping. It was raining moderately and the rain was flowing directly down the walls.

Soon, the whole house was in a mess, and the containers that Lin Momo found were not enough.

"The water leaking from above will soon drain away and won't accumulate." Seeing Lin Cheng frowning beside her, Lin Momo comforted him.

This is something I learn from experience.

Lin Cheng did not comment on this.

It was impossible to sleep in this situation, so the two of them had to find the only place outside that was not dripping and sit down to wait for the rain to stop.

Looking at the miserable state of the two, several comments suddenly popped up in the originally quiet live broadcast room.

Oh my god, I couldn’t sleep in the middle of the night and ended up in this situation.

Lin Cheng and his daughter are so miserable.

I had just finished working overtime and was already feeling miserable, but when I saw Lin Cheng and Lin Momo, I suddenly felt that life could go on again.

A capital word "miserable".

No wonder Lin Cheng let his daughter sleep outside while he slept inside. He had been staring at the walls and the roof for so long before, he must have guessed that the house would leak when it rained, and that the leakage inside would be more serious than outside, so he let his daughter sleep outside.

The truth is out.

What should we do now? Don’t you want to think of a solution

There is nothing we can do in this situation but wait for the rain to stop.

This sudden rainstorm didn't stop until the second half of the night.

At this time, water was still dripping in the room.

Lin Momo sat quietly in the chair, staring at the raindrops falling from the roof into the already full basin, and gradually began to feel sleepy.

Lin Cheng looked down at Lin Momo and saw that Lin Momo's eyes had begun to blur and her upper and lower eyelids were fighting.

Just when Lin Cheng was considering whether to take Lin Momo out to find another place to rest, he saw the girl's head tilt and fall to one side.

Lin Cheng reached out and caught Lin Momo's head which was about to hit the table.

The temperature from his palm, which was obviously higher than normal, made Lin Cheng realize that something was wrong.

"Lin Momo." Lin Cheng called out.

Lin Momo also responded subconsciously: "Hmm?"

"Wake up."

"Hmm." Lin Momo tried hard to open her eyes, but she felt as if her eyes were glued together and couldn't open them no matter what.

Lin Cheng raised his hand again to test the temperature on Lin Momo's forehead, and his brows frowned even deeper.

Lin Momo must have a fever, and the temperature is not low.

At this time, the cameramen and director crew had returned to their temporary hotel, leaving only a few fixed cameras.

"Can you hear me?"

"Hmm." Lin Momo responded vaguely and shook her head.

"I'll take you to the hospital." After saying that, Lin Cheng didn't delay any longer. He found two pieces of clothes to wrap Lin Momo, then carried her out the door.

Because there was no camera crew following them, after the two people left the house, they could no longer be seen in the live broadcast room.

Did Lin Momo catch a cold and have a fever

Of course, my face is burning red.

Children of this age are indeed prone to catching colds and fevers.

And Lin Momo walked such a long way today.

At this time, there was no director team following me, and I didn’t know what was going on. It was so frustrating.


Please don't get into any trouble!

More and more people came to the live broadcast room, and more and more people began to discuss this matter.

Because of this incident, in the middle of the night, the name "Lin Cheng" once again became a hot search after nearly a decade.

Lin Cheng didn't know about this and didn't want to know at all.

Holding Lin Momo, who was as hot as a small stove, a rare trace of nervousness appeared on Lin Cheng's cold face, which he was not even aware of.

The rain outside had stopped. The tricycle that Lin Cheng drove out from the distribution station stopped downstairs. He placed Lin Momo in the back seat of the tricycle, and Lin Cheng rode the tricycle quickly to the nearest hospital.

After entering the emergency room, doctors and nurses soon came to greet us.

"What's going on? Do you have a fever?"


"Come and take your temperature first. If it's a high fever, you may need antipyretics."

"Are you the child's father?" the doctor asked after putting Lin Momo on the hospital bed.


"Isn't this your child?" the doctor looked at Lin Cheng strangely and asked.

Lin Cheng frowned slightly.

At this time, the doctor asked again: "Is it true?"


"How is she?" Lin Cheng asked again.

"38.7, a high fever. Give you an injection of antipyretic first, and then observe to see if the temperature can be lowered." After the doctor said this, he gave Lin Cheng a few more instructions.

"Why does it feel like this father doesn't know how to take care of children?" Seeing Lin Cheng going to pay the bill, the nurse next to him muttered.

"Maybe you don't usually take it with you." The doctor replied.

The looks of these two people, especially their eyebrows and eyes, seem to be carved from the same mold, and one would not think that they are not father and daughter.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense and get ready. Also, go get those fever-reducing patches."

The doctor gave Lin Momo an injection of antipyretic medicine and put a fever-reducing patch on her.

During the whole process, Lin Momo was unconscious.

However, Lin Momo's consciousness was not in a coma at this time, but entered another scene.

—This group is really boring. When will it be offline

—I won’t watch it anymore unless Lin Cheng and Lin Momo’s group goes offline!

—Lin Cheng, Lin Momo, get out of here!

—Lin Cheng, Lin Momo, go to hell!

This is the unfinished dream that Lin Momo experienced last time.

In the dream, they became a group hated by the audience.

On the Internet, when Lin Cheng and Lin Momo are mentioned, there is only a barrage of curses.

Because Lin Momo and Lin Cheng did not appear to be close on the show and did not look like father and daughter at all, some netizens began to speculate that Lin Momo was not Lin Cheng's biological daughter, but a child that Lin Cheng found specifically to appear on the show and become popular again.

Such remarks were originally just speculations from a few netizens, but later, gradually, more and more people began to say that "Lin Momo is not Lin Cheng's child."

There were even some haters who asked the program team to replace the cast.

As the doubts intensified, the entertainment company where Lin Cheng worked suddenly threw out a paternity certificate, proving that Lin Momo was Lin Cheng's child.

This proof of paternity silenced the haters for a while.

But soon, events took a turn for the worse.

An internet user who wishes to remain anonymous posted a group of photos online of Lin Momo living in her previous residential complex, attending classes at school, and picking up waste on the roadside before she came to participate in the show.

When this set of photos came out, everyone was shocked.

Subsequently, more negative information about Lin Cheng was uncovered one after another.

Yes, it would be too boring for the daughter to stay at home when dad is out.

There is nothing to do and nothing to play.

Dad has left, why is she still standing

This child is not planning to wait for his father to come back.

The audience in the live broadcast room obviously misunderstood Lin Momo.

She was lying by the window not looking at Lin Cheng, but looking for any beverage bottles she could pick up.

At this time, the audience in the live broadcast room saw Lin Momo move.

Just when everyone thought that Lin Momo was finally going to leave the window, they saw that Lin Momo just changed her posture and continued to lie by the window in a daze.

Still standing

It feels like it's becoming a 'Father-Looking Stone'.

This looks like my cat.

My cat doesn’t love me that much. No matter I’m at home or not, its attitude towards me is the same, it ignores me.

Haha, it’s the same in my family.

The topic in the barrage area gradually went off track.

Seeing this, Wang Xi and Zhou Qi in front of the computer became a little worried.

"Brother Chen Yu, what should we do if we go off topic? Do you want to find a way to get back to the topic?" Wang Xi asked.

"Or should we go down to the barrage area to warm up the atmosphere?" Zhou Qi also asked.

Chen Yu waved his hand: "No need for now."

After a pause, Chen Yu continued, "As long as the data and popularity are online, it's fine."

Judging from the data, although the topic of this section has gone off track, the popularity of the live broadcast room has not decreased. In fact, the number of barrages has more than doubled compared to before.

Lin Momo lay by the window for an hour, and the audience watched in the live broadcast room for an hour.

During this period, you can occasionally see a few comments floating across the barrage.

1 hour later…

Woc! Before I knew it, an hour had passed.

This kid is stupid.

I was also stupid. I actually watched the live broadcast for an hour.

Damn, me too. If she hadn’t blinked occasionally, I would have thought my network card was broken, haha.

I'm slacking off, so I'll just watch this.

I don't want to have to look at this picture all day long, do I

Come on, let’s see who can outlast whom.

Just when the audience began to bet on how long Lin Momo would stand there, Lin Momo in the picture finally moved.

—She searched the small yard downstairs but didn’t find any more bottles, and no one was throwing bottles.

Lin Momo felt quite regretful.

Unfortunately, without the key, she couldn't go too far.

Lin Momo stepped back from the window.

It moved, it finally moved!

What is she doing

Seeing Lin Momo rummaging around in the room, the audience raised questions.

Too bored, ready to start 'tearing down the house'? Someone speculated.

As soon as this comment passed by, Lin Momo dug out a basin and two old rags from a pile of sundries nearby.

Is she going to clean up

That's impossible.

What can such a young child accomplish

Was it taught in advance, so that he could create the persona of a sensible child

If that's the case, it's disgusting.

To be honest, I don’t like this kind of character.

It's so disgusting.

There are more and more questioning voices in the barrage area.

Fortunately, Lin Momo on this side couldn’t see the barrage and was not affected.

Lin Momo took a basin and fetched some clean water from outside the house. She first used a cleaner rag in the basin to wipe the bed where Lin Cheng and herself slept, and then wiped the furniture and supplies they were going to use.

Lin Momo changed the remaining dirty water and used a towel to wipe the table legs and the floor.

From small to big, from top to bottom.

Lin Momo changed the water in several basins back and forth.

His serious and efficient look doesn't seem like a show at all.

This also caused some changes in the views of the people in the live broadcast room:

She is really cleaning seriously.

It doesn't look like he's pretending.

I also think that if it was an act, there would be no need to do this.

It took most of the day, and although Lin Momo's speed was not fast, after her cleaning, the whole house was becoming cleaner at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Wow, my daughter is so well-behaved.

Other people’s children.

Here, Lin Momo poured out the last basin of dirty water and threw some of the garbage she had picked up downstairs.

When I passed the first floor, I saw several old ladies chatting in the small courtyard of the family living in Room 103.

Seeing Lin Momo walking by the yard, several old ladies looked at her.

"Is this the child who came here to film a TV show?" One of the old ladies approached the others and asked.

"It seems so. I heard he's the child of some celebrity." one person answered.

The other person also nodded and agreed, "Yes, that's her. I saw their parents this morning."

"Really? Which celebrity?"

The person who spoke in front shook his head: "I don't know him, he looks pretty good, but I guess he's not a famous star."

Several people were discussing in low voices.

The announcement that the program crew would be coming here to shoot for a week was posted in advance, but it didn't make much of a fuss and the people who came weren't famous, so as residents here, no one cared much.

"Nowadays, anyone can become a star if they are packaged. Who knows him?" one of the old ladies muttered.

Someone nearby also lowered his voice and said, "And I don't think that child looks like a celebrity's child."

"Yes, he looks just like our grandson."

"Not as well dressed as my grandson."

A few people were whispering to each other when they saw Lin Momo stop when she passed the gate of the courtyard after throwing away the garbage.

One of the old ladies quickly grabbed the old lady who was talking nearby.

"Shh, stop talking, the child is coming."

"Let's talk about it later when she's far away."

Although everyone thought Lin Momo would leave immediately, she ended up standing at the gate of the courtyard motionless as if she was frozen.

"Why won't this kid leave?"

"Could it be that she heard us talking just now?"

"It's you who insists that she's not as good-looking as your grandson."