Serve as Contrast Team in a ‘Dad with Baby’ Show

Chapter 97: The new school collapsed


Lin Momo nodded.

After thinking for a while, Xu Jia asked again: "What can you do?"

"Cleaning the house, washing clothes, cooking, knitting sweaters, and picking up..." Lin Momo's voice became smaller and smaller, and she stopped talking halfway through.

"What are you picking up?" Xu Jia asked.

Lin Momo bit her lower lip, shook her head and said nothing.

Xu Jia frowned slightly: What Lin Momo said might be useful in real life, but it is meaningless or even meaningless in a reality show.

"Besides what you just said, what else can you do?" Xu Jia asked again.

“No more…” Lin Momo thought for a moment and said in a low voice.

For the first time, Lin Momo felt a little embarrassed because she didn't know much.

Xu Jia frowned even deeper.

"What about other things? I mean talents. Think about it, what can you do?"

In the recording process of a reality show, talent show is also a very important part. When completing certain tasks, the program team is likely to prompt the children to perform their talents. If Lin Momo has no talents, it would be too unreasonable.

Lin Momo shook her head.

“Can you play any musical instrument?”

Lin Momo shook her head.

"What about singing and dancing? If you can't dance, you can always sing, right?" Xu Jia asked, taking a step back.

Lin Momo nodded, then shook her head.

"Yes or no?"

“We were taught the school song at school,” Lin Momo whispered.

Xu Jia looked at Chen Yu helplessly.

Chen Yu coughed lightly and explained: "This child's family situation is rather special..."

Hearing this, Xu Jia sighed, and had to look at Lin Momo again, and said in a slightly lighter tone: "When you go to participate in the program recording, you must not sing your school song, understand?"

Lin Momo responded: "Okay"

Xu Jia thought for a moment and said, "It's too late to learn any talent at the last minute, so let's just practice singing."

Xu Jia asked Chen Yu to find some simple English song scores and asked the program team for the theme song of "Living with Dad".

The task of teaching Lin Momo to sing was given to Wang Xi and Zhou Qi who came to work.

Wang Xi took the score and looked through it, then asked Lin Momo, "Do you know how to read the score?"

Lin Momo shook her head.

"Where's the simple musical notation?"


Wang Xi and the others had no choice but to teach Lin Momo the lyrics one by one.

"I sing a line and you follow me, okay?"


“Let’s begin. On a happy planet lives a happy family of three…” Wang Xi sang the first sentence of the theme song.

Lin Momo immediately sang along.

Originally, Wang Xi had already prepared himself mentally that "even if Lin Momo doesn't sing well, he should not discourage her and should encourage her." However, what was surprising was that Lin Momo's singing was not out of tune at all and her pronunciation was clear.

"Let's move on." Wang Xi tried to teach Lin Momo the next few sentences, and Lin Momo sang every sentence accurately.

Suppressing his surprise, Wang Xi sang the entire song with Lin Momo.

After singing it successfully for the first time, Wang Xi was planning to take Lin Momo to learn it again to deepen her memory, but unexpectedly Lin Momo said, "I can do it myself."

"You? Are you saying you can sing this song yourself?" Wang Xi asked in disbelief.

Lin Momo nodded.

Seeing this, Wang Xi handed the lyrics sheet to Lin Momo with suspicion: "Then why don't you sing it yourself?"

"Okay." Lin Momo took the lyrics list, looked at it once, and then didn't look at it again, and started singing a cappella.

The light melody, lively lyrics, and the girl's unique clear voice make the song seem infused with soul, making it exceptionally beautiful.

Listening to Lin Momo singing the entire song word for word and tune for sure, Wang Xi and Zhou Qi looked at each other and saw surprise in each other's eyes.

"This child must be a genius." Wang Xi sighed with his mouth half closed.

Zhou Qi nodded in agreement: Or maybe Lin Momo has an amazing talent in music.

"Before, I was worried that she didn't have any talent and would be outdone by other children. Isn't this a talent?"

The two quickly thought that when the program crew was recording the theme song, if Lin Momo could maintain her previous state, she might be able to "stand out" from the entire theme song. They immediately became excited, and pulled Lin Momo to sing several times, and even recorded a video.

In the afternoon, when Chen Yu returned to the practice room, Wang Xi and Zhou Qi told each other the good news, but Chen Yu looked depressed.

"What happened to Brother Chen Yu?"

"I have communicated with the people from the program team, and they said that the theme song has been almost completed and we don't need to re-record it." Chen Yu said in a deep voice.

Hearing Chen Yu's words, the two people on the side also showed dissatisfaction.

"Why? Why can't we record the ones that were added later? It was originally a song that was edited. How much trouble would it be to add in what Brother Cheng and the others recorded later?"

"That's right, and Brother Cheng is the only professional singer among the five groups of stars." According to the convention of similar programs, the main part of the theme song should be sung by professional singers.

Chen Yu frowned and said nothing.

—There is another reason he didn’t mention.

This time, in order to promote a new star with high popularity, the company not only put him in the program as a substitute dad, but also secured the right to sing the theme song for him.

According to the information he had heard: the company had already bought the copyright of the song, and now the lyrics, composition and arrangement of the theme song all bear the name of that young idol.

The other three groups of stars were dissatisfied, so they asked the companies and studios behind them to put pressure on the program team, with the sole purpose of singing a few more lines in the theme song.

The three groups fought till the end, and there was nothing left for them to say.

Seeing her boyfriend's indignant look, Xu Jia, who came over at the same time, looked hesitant, not knowing whether to tell Chen Yu the truth she heard.

Today, the makeup artist of one of the top young actresses in the company had something to do, so she asked a few of them to help out temporarily. While helping them with their makeup, she accidentally heard them talking about this matter with their agent.

Duan Bei is a new talent that the company has been promoting recently. The capital force behind him is very strong. The main reason they let him participate in "Living with Dad" is to create a character for him.

The company has put a lot of effort into making Duan Bei more prominent in the show and get him a higher screen time.

One of the company's methods is to squeeze Lin Cheng into the show.

Although the five families participating in the show are recorded separately, once they are edited together and broadcast, viewers will compare the five families.

The agreement reached between the company and the program team was to use Lin Cheng's group as the control group and use the shortcomings of Lin Cheng's group to highlight the strengths of other groups.

In addition, in order to increase the topic and create suspense, the program team may make some malicious editing, and Lin Cheng's group will be the ones to be targeted.

At this moment, Chen Yu's cell phone rang. It was a call from the program crew, informing them to prepare to start recording.

Chen Yu frowned. "Ahead of schedule? According to the previous arrangement, shouldn't the recording start the day after tomorrow? How come it's ahead of schedule?"

"Because the schedules of several other teachers have been adjusted, we can only adjust Teacher Lin's schedule accordingly." The program crew explained on the phone, paused, and then said, "The recording time is tomorrow morning. Our directors will go there to install the equipment around 8 a.m. and start recording at 9 a.m. We will first record the pre-departure interview and pilot film. You guys should be ready."

After saying that, the person on the other end hung up the phone.

Seeing Chen Yu put down his phone, Wang Xi quickly asked, "Brother Chen Yu, what do you mean? You just said that the recording time has been moved up?"

"How early should it be?" Zhou Qi also asked.

"Early tomorrow morning." Chen Yu now wanted to curse.

Three days was already tight enough, and now he was told that he only had one night left to prepare. How could he possibly make it in time

The point is that he had already told Lin Cheng in advance that the recording time would be the day after tomorrow. According to Lin Cheng's usual style, if he said it would be the day after tomorrow, he would definitely show up on time the day after tomorrow, but if the time was changed at the last minute, he would most likely face the situation that he might not be able to find Lin Cheng even if he searched the entire C city.

Wang Xi and his companions were also dumbfounded.


"It's still morning?!"

"We won't have enough time for this!"

"Yes, there are many things that are not yet prepared!"

Chen Yu rubbed his aching head and looked at the two of them: "Stop talking nonsense. We still have one night left. Just hurry up and prepare as much as you can."

"What about Brother Cheng?" Wang Xi asked.

As expected, after hearing Wang Xi say this, Chen Yu felt unwell.

Wang Xi shut his mouth awkwardly, pulled Zhou Qi along, and started working separately.

After a while, Zhou Qi brought another piece of bad news.

"Brother Chen Yu, I have a problem. I just called the landlord of the house we reserved for filming, but since our previous tenants haven't left yet, they can't hand over the house to us in advance."

"Then change one, and call other houses to see if there is one that can be moved in right away."

"Okay, I'll call right away."

Half an hour passed.

Zhou Qi made more than a dozen phone calls and asked more than twenty houses online, but still couldn't find a house with the right size and location that could be moved into immediately.

"Brother Chen Yu, what should I do? I have looked for everything I could, but I really can't find it." Zhou Qi said with a sad face.

"If it really doesn't work, why don't we go to a hotel to shoot?" Wang Xi suggested.

Chen Yu shook his head and said, "The hotel is too fake. If the sharp-eyed audience finds out it is a hotel, and a few people deliberately try to discredit it, it will be even more troublesome later."

"What should we do now..."

Chen Yu didn't say anything. After holding it in for a long time, he finally managed to say, "Just send the child to Lin Cheng."

The three people nearby widened their eyes: "Are you serious?!"

"What else can we do?" He had originally planned to take half a day to have Lin Cheng and Lin Momo have a meal together, to talk and get to know each other. Now he could only make use of the last night to force the "father and daughter" to get to know each other.

The difference is that she doesn’t have a QR code tag on her chest.


An empty beer can was kicked to Lin Momo's feet.

"Hey! Beggar, get away from me."

"It's smelly and dirty. It's ruined my appetite."

"I'm talking to you! Didn't you hear me?"

Then, another half of the sausage was thrown at Lin Momo's feet.

The young woman who threw the sausage said impatiently: "Okay, I've given you your food, go to another table."

Lin Momo didn't move.

At this moment, a can flew towards Lin Momo, and with a "bang", it hit her head exactly.

The remaining beer in the can flowed down Lin Momo's forehead and into her eyes, stinging her eyes with a burning pain.

Lin Momo didn't say a word. She raised her hand, rubbed her eyes hard with her sleeve, and wiped the beer off her face. She still stayed by the table of the yellow-haired young men, unwilling to leave.

The blond young men were angry.

"Md, are you an idiot? Didn't you understand when I told you to get lost?"

"Go away or not! Go away or not!"

"I told you to get out! Why don't you get out!"

While cursing, several young men took the other empty beer cans on the table and threw them at Lin Momo.

During this time, people occasionally laughed and cursed in a joking manner.

After they had thrown all the empty cans away and were about to pick up the glass wine bottles next to them and throw them at Lin Momo, the two young women at the table spoke up to persuade them to stop, and they gave up.

Seeing that it was almost done, Lin Momo squatted on the ground, flattened all the empty cans scattered around, picked them up, and put them into the woven bag behind her.

After picking up the items, Lin Momo bowed to the yellow-haired young men, said "thank you", and then turned and ran away.

The thin figure and the large woven bag on her back quickly disappeared into the night.

On the way back, Lin Momo sold the scraps behind her and bought two buns.

"Your grandma's leg hasn't healed yet?" the bun shop owner asked with concern.

"Not yet." Lin Momo shook her head.

Lin Momo has no parents and grew up with her grandmother. The two of them usually make a living by subsidies from the neighborhood committee and selling waste.

Grandma is not my biological grandma.

Lin Momo was abandoned by her biological parents and thrown into a nearby flea market, where she was found by a scavenger hunt.

Last month, grandma broke her leg and it hasn't healed yet, so the job of picking up and selling waste fell on Lin Momo alone.

Back in the dim and narrow old building, just as Lin Momo was about to open the door, the movement in the house aroused her vigilance.

"You old man, you dare to lie to me? Don't think I haven't heard that the community distributed holiday condolence money during the holidays in the past two months!"

"Where did you hide the money? Will you tell me? If not, don't blame me for being rude!"

It was Zhang Xiaoqiang's voice.

Lin Momo carefully withdrew her hand, ran downstairs, hid the 10 yuan left from selling the scrap, and then returned.

When Lin Momo opened the door, the room was in a mess. Her grandmother was lying on the ground, and Zhang Xiaoqiang was standing in front of her.

Zhang Xiaoqiang is Liu Cuifang's biological son. He has no proper job and usually spends his time in some questionable places. When he runs out of money, he comes back to ask Liu Cuifang for it.

Liu Cuifang in the room saw Lin Momo coming back and quickly waved at her, signaling her to leave.

Unfortunately, Zhang Xiaoqiang had already discovered Lin Momo at the door.

"You want to run away? Can you run away?" Zhang Xiaoqiang sneered, "You old man are so nervous, you must have put your money on this little bastard."

After saying that, Zhang Xiaoqiang stepped forward and dragged Lin Momo into the house, and started searching her body regardless of her struggles.

In the end, nothing was found except 50 cents.

Zhang Xiaoqiang unwillingly pulled the woven bag behind Lin Momo to see what was inside.

There was still nothing inside.

"Where's the rest of the money? Where is it hidden?!"

"No more, they're all there." Lin Momo said, pointing at the 50 cents in Zhang Xiaoqiang's hand.

"Bullshit! How can it be just this little?"

Lin Momo shook her head and said nothing.

Liu Cuifang lamented, "I only have so little money every month. I only got 50 yuan in holiday condolence money. I broke my leg before and spent money on medical treatment and medicine. How can I have money now?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang seemed to believe this, and he spat and cursed: "You old man, you'd better die. How dare you spend money on medical treatment!"

Zhang Xiaoqiang was very unhappy because he came here but didn't get paid.

When glancing at Lin Momo, Zhang Xiaoqiang thought of something, his eyes rolled, and suddenly an idea came to his mind.

Seeing Zhang Xiaoqiang walking towards Lin Momo with a strange expression, Liu Cuifang became nervous and a bad premonition came over her.

"Zhang Xiaoqiang, what do you want to do?"

"I didn't do anything, but suddenly thought of a good thing." Zhang Xiaoqiang smiled maliciously.

"I haven't looked closely, but this little bastard is getting more and more beautiful." Zhang Xiaoqiang walked in front of Lin Momo, leaned down deliberately, and smiled obscenely.

As Zhang Xiaoqiang spoke, he raised his hand and slapped Lin Momo on the face.

"How about going out with Brother Qiang? I'll take you to eat delicious food and drink spicy drinks."

"You dare!" Liu Cuifang struggled to crawl over and grabbed Zhang Xiaoqiang's legs: "Zhang Xiaoqiang, you evildoer, if you dare to do anything to her, I will not let you go even if I become a ghost!"

"Old man, I won't tell you how much money you've wasted by keeping a bastard around. Now it's time for her to repay our family. You'd better not stop her."

After saying that, Zhang Xiaoqiang kicked Liu Cuifang away and pretended to drag Lin Momo away.

At this moment, voices of conversation were heard in the corridor outside the house.


"Who are you calling auntie!"

"Big sister."

"Who is your elder sister!"

"Miss, may I ask if Liu Cuifang lives here?"

"Are you looking for Aunt Liu?"


"Here, go to the third room in the middle. It's the one that's making the most noise right now."


Hearing someone looking for Liu Cuifang, Zhang Xiaoqiang stopped and looked alert: Liu Cuifang didn't know many people, and the only people who could come to see her were from the neighborhood committee or the police station.

If it was the police who came, I would be in trouble.

Hearing the approaching footsteps, Zhang Xiaoqiang reluctantly threw Lin Momo away.

"I'll come again in two days. If you can't pay by then, don't blame me for being rude!" After saying these harsh words, Zhang Xiaoqiang snatched the bun from Lin Momo's hand and turned to leave.

In the corridor, when passing by the person coming, Zhang Xiaoqiang subconsciously lowered his head and quickened his pace.

Here, as soon as Chen Yu walked upstairs, he saw the room with the door wide open.

When I got closer, I saw that there was only one room in the whole house, which was very small. The light in the room was dim, and there was a musty smell that was common in old houses. At this moment, the house looked like it had been looted and was in a dilapidated state.

There were an old man and a young boy in the room. The old man had just been helped to settle down on the door panel that could barely be regarded as a bed, while the young boy was neatly cleaning up the debris of furniture and dishes on the floor.

Chen Yu looked at the girl carefully.

Although the girl's hair was scattered and covered half of her face, and the other half was red and swollen from being beaten, it was still vaguely visible that the girl's facial features were really similar to their Brother Cheng.

Chen Yu's eyes lit up and he knocked on the door: "Excuse me, is this Liu Cuifang's home

"I'm Liu Cuifang. Comrade, are you from the community or the police station?"

"Neither," Chen Yu walked in and handed over his business card. Thinking that Liu Cuifang might not be able to read, he explained, "I'm the agent of Xingshi Entertainment Company. My last name is Chen. Here is my ID."

"What's the matter?" Liu Cuifang looked at Chen Yu in confusion.

"It's like this. Orange TV and iwo Video have jointly created a reality show. Our company is looking for a child to partner with our artist to participate. I came here today to invite your granddaughter on behalf of the company..."

After explaining his purpose, Chen Yu took out an agreement from the document package: "This is a draft agreement. If you don't understand it, I can tell you directly."

Lin Momo shook her head, took the agreement from the other party, and read the contents to Liu Cuifang.

—This is a reality show called "Living with Dad", which mainly shows the daily life of celebrity dads raising their children. The show is broadcast once a week, for a total of eight episodes. According to the different family backgrounds drawn each week, the program team will send the fathers and children to the corresponding residence and arrange corresponding jobs for the fathers. The fathers earn money to support their children by working.

All Lin Momo has to do is to form a "father-daughter combination" with the star named "Lin Cheng" in the agreement to participate in the program recording. During the process, she must keep the content of the program and the content of this agreement confidential.

If everything goes well, she will be paid 20,000 yuan after the filming is completed.

"Twenty thousand yuan?!" Liu Cuifang was stunned by the huge reward.

"It's written in black and white."

"But why did you choose our Momo?" Liu Cuifang couldn't believe that such a good thing would fall into their family.

Chen Yu hid the embarrassment in his eyes, coughed lightly, and said seriously: "Our company naturally has our own selection methods and standards. We use big data networks, schools, forums... In short, many channels. Finally, after layers of screening, we determined that this child's conditions are the most suitable."

"Participating in this reality show is actually similar to a summer camp at school. The company will cover all the expenses for food, clothing, housing and transportation. During the filming, if you need to hire a caregiver to take care of the elderly, our company can also bear the cost. There is no loss for you."

"And..." Chen Yu looked around the house, found the right entry point, and said to Lin Momo: "If you perform well, we can also pay an extra fee to help you improve your current living environment."

Sure enough, as soon as Chen Yu said this, the eyes of both the grandmother and the grandson lit up.