Seven Days Escape Game

Chapter 20: Sunday


The IQ responsible couple next door showed some excitement, but Gu Meng couldn't understand it, so she asked, "What do you understand?"

Tang Zhi went to the table and swept away Bo Ye to make room for him. After finding the paper and pen, he bent down to write on the table.

Bo Ye didn't mind being pushed away, he swung the corner of the photo frame with one hand in the air, and caught it steadily, with a smile on his lips: "The students in Class A of the third year are all the targets of Chunzi's revenge. "

Gu Meng pointed at Enjin, then at herself, and said, "You mean us?"

Holding the photo frame, Bo Ye turned towards him and Enjin: "We were just assumed to be the roles of those sixteen classmates who gave this gift to Chunzi. The clues in this world are very confusing and always lead us to The conflict between Junzi and the male teacher is the guide, but the real conflict is Chunzi and her classmates."

The photo frame was moved away, and the word "obscenity" made up of many characters became clearly visible. The students in Class A of the third year gave a gift full of heart on the surface, but there was full malice hidden behind it.

"Junzi is a good girl." "Don't be alone in the dormitory, Junzi likes lonely people." "You are like them... damn it..." "Junzi is with you..." "Teacher, I can't hold on anymore already."...

All kinds of voices were rampant in Gu Meng's mind, and the noise was about to explode. He lowered his head and rubbed the center of his brows, and said, "From last year's birthday present, all sixteen people are suspected of doing evil to Chunzi, so Chunzi The last wish is actually to take revenge on all the students in Class A of the third year." Another question came to mind, and she asked, "Does this mean that we are all her targets of revenge?"

Bo Ye: "The key to the problem lies in Enjin."

Enjin took up his words and said, "Everyone who is unfriendly to me is dead."

Gu Meng: "..."

What kind of god of death are you.

Bo Ye looked at Enjin with great interest, and asked him, "You found out earlier?"

Enjin sat back on the chair, raised her face slightly, and said frankly, "I can't be sure, it's just an intuition that it's unscientific that Yu Mengmeng can live till now."

That woman was very unfriendly to him.

Bo Ye chuckled softly, looking at Enjin with admiration.

Gu Meng was still in the fog, and said impatiently: "What are you laughing at?"

Bo Ye coughed lightly, straightened his expression, picked up the phone and showed Gu Meng the text message, and said, "Chen Liangzhi died on the third day, and the clues were still very vague at that time. This text message is about it."

Gu Meng quickly read the content of the text message again.

"I know who the murderer is. It must be the one without a name. If you don't want your innocent self to be sacrificed, please forward it to others~ Happy alliance~"

He thought about it: "This is a text message initiated by Chen Liangzhi, and the person targeted is Enjin... What does this mean?"

Bo Ye flipped the phone cover and said, "I guess they forwarded the text message and then died."

Gu Meng's eyes flashed, because the logic was smooth, she unconsciously raised the volume: "Reposting shows that you are on the opposite side of Enjin, so they are all dead, and Wang Kele, although he didn't forward the text message, but because he wanted to tweet Jin is out of the game, and he's gone." He patted Enjin's head in a daze: "Anyone who opposes you will die, I can't afford it, I can't afford it,"

But there are still two things that I can't figure out. He asked, "Why does Enjin have this... function? What does the mark on each dead person represent?"

Bo Ye shrugged, and said lightly: "I don't know what ABO stands for, but I vaguely know that Enjin's role in this game is actually Chunzi in his lifetime, and those players who tried to target him all triggered the death condition."

"Because the name of this game is bullying." The sudden clear voice was like a spring of ice, attracting the attention of others.

Tang Zhi straightened up and looked at what he just wrote on the paper: "Chunzi tried to lead us into the situation she was in before she died."

Bo Ye glanced at the paper in front of him, picked it up and looked at it carefully, and asked, "What do these represent?"

Tang Zhi turned around, leaned against the edge of the table, and said, "Do you remember the marks on the body of the deceased in the past?"

Gu Meng recalled for a while, and said: "The first five dead are all A, and different marks appear from the sixth dead, Chen Liangzhi is B, Wang Kele is O, and today's Jing Jing is D."

Tang Zhi nodded: "The participants in the bullying system are all gathered."

Bo Ye raised his eyebrows, but didn't speak, waiting for his next explanation.

Tang Zhi said slowly: "As the game progresses, each of us is marked, and these marks will only appear when the player dies."

"B, Bully, stands for the bully. Chen Liangzhi thought about it on the first day of the game. If the game can't find any clues and the male teacher doesn't show up for a long time, there will definitely be players who suggest voting. In order to make everyone agree, he The first target was Enjin, because at that time, Enjin didn't even have a name, and she looked a little..." He lowered his head and kicked the ground with the toe of his shoe, and the words behind him could be blurred, "Something like that... "

Enjin raised her eyes, refusing to let him go: "Then what is it?"

Bo Ye comforted him with a smile: "It's kind of cute. There's a little ignorance in the innocence, a little innocence in the ignorance, and a little confusion in the innocence. It looks like a soft persimmon."

Enjin: "..."

Gu Meng: "...don't bully him like this."

Tang Zhi pursed his lips uncomfortably, and said, "Chen Liangzhi feels that among the sixteen players, Enjin can be sacrificed, so Chen Liangzhi is a Bully in this game. Bullies have a characteristic, they will find groups the weakest in the world."

"A, Assistant, which means assistant. The person who forwarded the text message became Chen Liangzhi's assistant invisibly. The more people received the text message, the more dangerous Enjin's situation was. In order not to get angry, they unanimously agreed to push Enjin out of the game." , In their concept, as long as the last scapegoat is not themselves, it is fine, so anyone with an A on their body is the one who forwarded the text message."

Gu Meng gradually understood: "So text messages are not a product that violates the rules of the game, but an important clue to test the player's attributes."

Tang Zhi agreed with his statement: "But there is a doubt here, I will talk about it later."

He continued: "O is Outsider, bystander. This type of person seems to have nothing to do with the bullying incident, but they just witnessed the bullying process but did not participate in it, but their existence is an encouragement to bullies and helpers In short, it contributed to the atmosphere of bullying. Wang Kele did not forward the text message, but in the subsequent voting, he actively voted for Enjin. He may not really think that Enjin is a male teacher. He just wants to hurry up. End the game, as for Enjin's consequences, it's not in his concern."

Bo Ye: "Then what does D stand for?"

"Defender." Tang Zhi replied, "Qin Jingjing is Enjin's protector. Like Wang Kele, she didn't forward text messages. The only difference between the two is that Wang Kele followed what most people do. I mean, she did evil to Enjin. And Qin Jingjing insisted on finding clues and not wronging everyone in the team. She was defending Enjin, if it wasn't for being murdered..." Tang Zhi paused, regretting: "Defender is safe in this game .”

Thinking of Qin Jingjing, Gu Meng couldn't help tightening her heart, that girl who was gentle and righteous could have survived.

Enjin said leisurely: "According to what you said, this game sets two tests for players. The person who initiates the text message is Bully, and the person who helps to forward the text message is Assistant. If the text message is not forwarded, it is temporarily designated as Outsider, and then enters the next voting If you agree to push me out, you will be defined as an Outsider, and if you disagree, you will be defined as a Defender."

Tang Zhi was slightly taken aback, and blurted out: "I've never seen a fool with such a clear mind."

Gu Meng: "..."

"..." Enjin looked straight at Tang Zhi with a calm face, "Do you want to meet a fool who turns his face so fast."

Bo Ye couldn't help laughing, pulled Tang Zhi to hug him, and said, "My husband speaks straight, please forgive me."

Enjin looked away lightly, thought for a while, and said: "If this is the case, the three of you are D, Mercury forwarded the text message, it is A, and the other three, Zhang Guoqiang, Xu Xing, and Yu matter what it is, It must be unsafe, so what am I?" He looked at Tang Zhi, puzzled, "What is my attribute in this game."

Gu Meng thought for a moment: "That's right, what is Enjin, he seems to have been passive the whole time."

Tang Zhi leaned back into Bo Ye's arms relaxedly, pondered for a moment, then suddenly said "ah", and confirmed: "You are a B..."

Before the words were finished, En Jin stood up in a vicious manner, almost turning over the chair behind him so fast, he looked at Gu Meng and complained: "Gu Meng, Tang Zhi called me a coward."

"..." Gu Meng looked at Tang Zhi unresponsively, "That's right, why are you scolding him?"

"He...he is indeed a B." Tang Zhi blinked blankly, and unconsciously shrank into Bo Ye's arms, "B, Bullied, the bullied one."


Bo Ye laughed heartlessly: "You two, your thoughts are too dirty, Candi who speculated about my family's wisdom with the worst malice."

Gu Meng silently covered her face, and said weakly: "I'm sorry, please forgive the ignorance of the illiterate." He sat down on Enjin's side, and patiently advised, "Learn English well with Teacher Candi, don't be irritable, you know?"

Enjin turned her face away in aggrieved way.

After being silent for a while, Bo Ye said: "But there is one thing that doesn't make sense. If Chen Liangzhi hadn't sent that text message from the beginning of the game, wouldn't the game not be able to continue? Or if he was the first to forward the text message to me, I would definitely Announcing this matter, the game still cannot continue.”

Tang Zhi followed closely: "This is also what I find strange, I always feel..." He lowered his head thoughtfully.

Enjin: "Someone is guiding the direction of the game."

The other three looked serious.

Gu Meng then asked: "After going around, who is that male teacher?"

Several people looked at each other, suspicion gradually appeared in their expressions.

They all thought at the same time: "Or, is there really a male teacher in the team?"

At this moment, the text messages of the four people's mobile phones sounded at the same time.

Bo Ye opened the text message first.

[Teacher Xiaoyu: The male teacher has appeared, please gather the students in the old auditorium.]

The author has something to say:

Thanks Yanzhu for mine.

Thank you Hualiang for the nutrient solution. (good flop)

Thank you for your encouragement, and have a great weekend.