Sha Qing

Chapter 33: Jungle island


The personal interview was unexpectedly simple. I asked a few questions such as "Is there any relatives or friends in the local area" and "Who to send personal items to during the closed training period". Shanier answered no at all, and then signed an accompanying copy. The non-disclosure agreement contract was notified of the formal admission, and the training period began on the same day.

He was taken to a dormitory-like room with a wardrobe and six single beds. Half of them had a master. The young Asian man who occupies the window position was Luo Yi who had just met. Because the previous conversation broke up, Shanier didn't say hello, and Luo Yi didn't seem to be planning to hook up with him, lying on the bed with her legs up and playing cards on her own.

Others came in one after another, filling up the beds, and I don’t know how many of the 24 people were admitted in the end.

The problem of eating was solved, and now there was another bed that was not comfortable but clean enough for him to rest. Shanier felt satisfied for the time being. He fell asleep as soon as he touched the pillow. If he was not awakened by a scream in the middle of the night, he I will sleep till dawn.

—It was a Hispanic in the bed opposite, crying with tears, and banging his head on the iron bedstead, waking everyone in the room. Immediately two staff members heard the sound and helped him out.

… This guy has become addicted to drugs and was swept out of the house. Everyone thought in silence, falling back to sleep regardless of their own.

Unexpectedly, twenty minutes later, the Hispanic returned suddenly and floated to his bed, groaning happily in his throat, and was contented to ascend to an immortal.

The old black next to the bed couldn't help but curiously asked, "Hey, man, did they make you enjoyable?"

The Hispanic grinned, still in a trance.

The other two also yelled, "There is such a good thing?" "Fuck, I knew they had to add ingredients just now, ordinary cigarettes are really boring!" "What are the conditions, or the limited supply? ?"

Hispanic shook his head and shook his head, and replied calmly: "Company benefits are limited to once a day... I have K fans."

The others were even more excited, chattering, and the anxious Lao Hei was about to pick it up immediately, which really asked him to call in a staff member and put five cigarettes on the table.

Old Hei couldn't wait to take a deep breath, and complained inch by inch: "It's just marijuana, don't you have more high-end goods?"

The staff member smiled and left a sentence and walked out of the room: "Company welfare is linked to performance. The better you do, the higher the natural treatment."

Everyone was very excited about it, and they got up to take cigarettes, and Shanier took one without saying a word.

Everyone drew their own shares and found that there was one left on the table. Lao Hei pinched his fingers, scanned the room and asked, "Who didn't take it?" He looked at the young Asian man on the bed by the window: "You don't want it? Just give it to me if you don't."

Luo Yi said dismissively: "Whatever you want."

Old Hei took the cigarette to the point, Shanier got up and took it out, lit up the half of the cigarette he had gathered in his mouth, and handed it to Luo Yi, "Come on, no one is flying leaves these days." He stared at him. , With a slight smirk, "Are you really a socialist?"

Luo Yi watched him silently, until Shanier almost wanted to turn his head to avoid his eyes, then reached out his hand to take the cigarette and smoked it.

Shanier was sure he was a baby in this respect—but only after two or three puffs, he began to look confused after 10 seconds, slowly closing his eyes, his eyeballs constantly turning under his thin eyelids.

All kinds of weird and wild fragments were intertwined and filled his brain, as if a pot of hodgepodge was boiled inside. The chaotic picture, accompanied by the gray dizziness, whirled in front of his eyes, the thinking leap forward, the inspiration emerged, like a fortuneteller being involved in another world in meditation. He slackened feebly, feeling numb and hot in his spine and erogenous zone. He was cold and thirsty, fascinated slowly and quickly awake. When his consciousness began to hallucinate, he opened his eyes like a sleepwalking, and laughed uncontrollably at the men in the room.

Shanier was shocked by the smile.

He was not the only one who was bewitched, and Old Hei bent over and held Luo Yi's knees, and touched up his thighs.

Shanier knocked off the hand abruptly and took a step towards the angry black man: "Want to fight?!" He declared war coldly and arbitrarily.

Old Hei stood tit-for-tat against him for a moment, as if he could smell a desperado licking blood from the opponent, his aura weakened, and he returned to his bed with a cold snort.

Shanier looked at everyone, and the latter avoided eye contact, which was a sign of weakness. So he sat directly on the bed of the Asian youth and declared the ownership silently.

Luo Yi grabbed his trousers sideways, still smiling. Shanier lowered his head and stared at his face, his thick long eyelashes drew two slender shadows on his fair complexion, trembling clearly in black and white, inciting the innocent and enchanting temptation.

For a while, Shanier couldn't see through the young man: on the one hand he betrayed his flesh and blood without shame, while on the other he was seldom cleansing himself. Obscene chaos and magnanimousness, these two inconsistent qualities blend naturally in him, which makes people want to find out.

Attracted by a male prostitute... It was a new experience, and Shanier curled his lips in mockery. He is quite interested in fooling around with Luo Yi, but it is not in this state of unconsciousness, let alone bystanders.

After half an hour, the effect of the medicine gradually faded. Luo Yi held his head ransacked by confusion and excitement, and groaned lowly: "Damn... next time someone asks me to smoke marijuana, I will light the cigarette and put it in his asshole. go!"

Shanier laughed. "The first time it was a little bit uncomfortable, you will fly to the sky in the future—just like you did that, didn't you?"

"It's all about doing too much." Luo Yi murmured, as if expressing disdain.

Shanier smiled and rubbed one of his messy hair, thinking this guy was so straightforward and cute.

In the morning of the next day, all the admitted applicants were shot (Shanier roughly counted, 18 in total), and were efficiently sent to the bus, transported to the airport, and then boarded on a plane without any signs on the fuselage. Small passenger plane.

The cover of the plane's porthole was fixed and couldn't be opened. Everyone asked about the destination. The flight attendant just smiled and shook his head to remind them not to forget the confidentiality agreement.

Shanier watched coldly, his doubts deepened, and he couldn't help but whisper to Luo Yi, who was sitting next to him: "Don't you think... something is wrong?"

"About what?" Luo Yi yawned and asked lazily.

"All, advertisements, interviews, over-high benefits, inexplicable nondisclosure agreements, sneaky planes..." Shanier finished in a single breath, and asked for approval again very seriously: "Don't you really feel weird? Since they are they Why should you hire people like us if you have enough money to afford a private jet?"

Luo Yi squinted at him, "What do you mean by'people like us'? I don't think I'm inferior to others."

"... This is not the point! Damn it, can you be more sluggish?"

Seeing him a little frustrated, the Asian youth hooked his neck with a smile, and murmured his lips against his auricle: "What do you do with so many things, life, isn't it just passing away like this. This world is full of bastards." Eggs, only money is a real good thing. Think about it. For thirty thousand dollars, I can even sell my butt for these pieces of green paper. Why should I hesitate?"

At this moment Shanier really thought he was a heartless bastard.

But the bastard got into his eyes, and even the airflow that came out made him scratch him. He grabbed the opponent's hand and pressed it on his crotch, letting him feel the fast and hard swelling part inside. "Touch this, you bitch," Shanier said shortly. "When he gets the money, he can fuck you until you cry."

Luo Yi casually scratched a few times through the cloth, "I'll look forward to it." He withdrew his hand with lack of interest.

Shanier tilted his head in anger, and took a bite on his neck.

"Don't make trouble!" Luo Yi shrank his shoulders and slapped him on the head with a smile, "How can you bite people like a dog?"

It's more than a bite, if it weren't for everyone's eyes, he could take the bastard apart from head to toe and eat it clean, even if the overlord puts on the bow hard—he didn't believe that the opponent could beat him.

Time flew quickly by obsessively, and a few hours later, the plane landed. They walked down the gangway and found that they were in a small, somewhat rudimentary airport.

Shanier stayed in the hatch for a few seconds, trying to look into the distance, only to see a large stretch of green jungle. There was a smell of fishy and salty smell in the wind, and the air was very humid. He suspected that it might be a coastal area or an island in the sea.

"Welcome to Luna Island." The flight attendant said goodbye to them with a sweet smile, "You will spend the most memorable time of your life here."

Everyone was in a daze and strangely landed a pickup truck, bumped on the dirt road opened in the jungle for more than half an hour, and finally came to a base surrounded by fences.

The base consists of three square, barracks-like buildings, and a very wide square in the middle. It is surrounded by an open space dotted with low shrubs, and farther away is dense dense forest.

There were some people standing in groups on the square, and there were about forty people together with their own car. It seems that the company is not only recruiting job seekers from New York. Seeing that there are so many people, Shanier feels a little relieved, and thinks that there shouldn't be any major problems.

"What are you looking at?" He patted Luo Yi's shoulder looking around, and reminded: "We are allocating a place to live."

A luxurious-looking helicopter landed at a small airport. The silver-gray body was painted with a graceful long skirt and a graceful statue of Artemis. Below was a crescent-shaped LOGO, inlaid with the Latin of "Lunar Club". Arts.

The hatch slid open, and two white men walked out one after the other. The former is in his fifties and has a short stature. It is probably due to the excessive oiliness and a little shame. The brown-red hair is wrapped around the ears one after another. He jumped out of the cabin first, then looked back at his companion, a faint trace of tension and fear in his posture.

The latter is a young man in his thirties, with Gao Jian's tall and straight body, which has made a set of expensive suits out of the shape that best suits the designer's wishes. Just like those mature gentlemen who are proud of their identity and temperament, his neat and smooth back, dark hair color and pupil color, complement the slightly Eurasian features, and he is a kind of arrogant and alienated handsome.

"Your movements are a bit stiff, Edman," he said in a condescending tone as he walked over to the elderly, "is it the arthritis."

Edman lifted his shoulders a little anxiously, tried his best to make his movements appear more natural, and said with a dry smile: "No, old arms and legs, it doesn't work." He turned his head and looked towards the airport entrance. The car was approaching quickly and lightly, and finally stopped a dozen meters in front of them.

A white man in a suit and leather shoes got out of the car, surrounded by bodyguards in camouflage costumes, and came forward. "Hi, old friend, I haven't seen you for a while, how are you?" He hugged Edman, and then extended his hand warmly to the handsome young gentleman next to him: "Welcome to the club, Garcia? Mr. Young, This is Oliver Green, the secretary to the president. We try our best to provide members with the best quality service. If anything is unsatisfactory, please tell me."

After touching him for two seconds, Garcia withdrew his hand, and said with a smile, "Thank you, sir, can I make a small comment first-your censorship system is too strict, if it wasn't for Edman." Referral, I'm afraid I can't even touch your door."

Oliver smiled helplessly, "Sorry, the club rules are like this. All new people who want to join the club must be introduced by old members. It is not for you, Mr. Yang. You know, we are just a small circle, a non-mainstream club. The world is hard, but survival is not easy!"

Garcia nodded slightly tolerantly, and then said, "What's next?"

"I think Edman should have introduced you about it," Oliver made an inviting gesture as he walked towards the car with him. "The official activities of this issue will start the day after tomorrow, when relevant rules and equipment will be introduced. During this period, we will try our best to meet the various needs of our guests-do you know that our nightingale here is quite good?"

Garcia knows that "Nightingale" is a secret word in the club, referring to the sex slaves who have been carefully trained and used for the guests to play with. Both men and women are stunners, but his interests are obviously not there. "The day after tomorrow? Well, I will wait patiently. Can I visit the island by the way before then?"

"Of course, but only this one."

"This one?"

"Lunar Island is actually two adjacent twin star islands. The one we are on is slightly smaller." Oliver said, pointing to the southeast with his finger. Open to members."

Garcia looked in the direction he was pointing. The dense jungle blocked his vision and couldn't see more than treetops and blue sky.

Here are two of the more than 30,000 islands dotted in the vast Pacific Ocean. He squinted his eyes in the greasy sea breeze, and after just a few seconds of trance, he leaned over and got into the car.

Edman hesitated outside the car door and squatted a little bit: "Or, I will go straight back? You also know that I have bad legs and can't play anymore..."

Oliver laughed and said, "Oh, my dear old buddy, don’t be so low. You are still as strong as a tiger. It’s not a problem to kill a deer or two. Besides, even if you don’t want to participate in the event, it’s okay. You can stay in the club. , How do you want to play... Don't you want to miss the beautiful Dorothy? She never forgets you."

Edman still looks dauntingly reluctant to get in the car.

"Get in the car, Edman." Garcia raised his thick black eyebrows, revealing a hint of displeasure. Edman was jealous of him, suppressed his reluctance, and sat in the parking space next to him.

Oliver and the bodyguard also got on their luxury cars and drove out of the small airport.

Garcia tapped the button with his knuckles, and a screen was raised between the driver's seat and the rear compartment to block the driver from the metal plate.

Edman became more restless, sweat rolling down his thin hair. Garcia turned his face to look at him, until he took out his handkerchief and wiped his sweat frequently, he said with a faint smile: "What are you afraid of, think about who is supporting you behind?"

Edman's sweaty hands stopped. Suddenly he straightened his round waist unconsciously, as if he was leaning against an unshakable idol behind his back. He cleared his throat and said with a squishy southern accent that couldn't be changed no matter how hard he tried, "I will definitely not participate in this event."


"—You promised not to turn over the old accounts, and the previous sum was written off."


"—I also need to ensure my personal safety."

"As long as you don't make your own claim."

Edman breathed a sigh of relief, stopped sweating, tucked his handkerchief back into his pocket, slumped on the leather backrest, and muttered: "What a bad luck..."

"You should feel lucky," Garcia replied nonchalantly, "there is still a chance to redeem your sins."

Edman sighed deeply and stopped talking.

The black Maserati president car slid steadily on the wide road and drove along the gentle slope to the top of the hill. The huge, gorgeous castle clubhouse of the Luna Club was standing on the commanding heights of the jungle island waiting for them.