Sha Qing

Chapter 35: Nightingale and the Duke


Luna Island, South Island base, in a large room with four solid walls.

When several big men in camouflage uniforms walked in, handed out uniform uniforms in sportswear style to everyone, and told them that they would start working the day after tomorrow, everyone was a little surprised.

"Isn't it a closed training period to get on the job so soon?" someone asked.

The man glanced at him mockingly, "Here, it's closed. Training period? You have one day and two nights to train yourself."

After yin and yang said strangely, he left two big boxes and walked out together with his companions. The iron gate slammed shut behind these powerful men.

A young black man caught up and shook the iron gate several times. "It's locked!" he cried, "Damn they can't just lock us up like that, it's illegal imprisonment!"

"—Closed. Boy, can you spell this word?" A white man with a short beard under his jaw rolled his eyes at him and said in a bad tone, "Oh, I forgot, the nigger has no time to go to school. They are only keen on fighting for the ball and twisting their ass on the street."

The black youth rushed forward furiously, and threw a punch in his face: "What the hell is barking?!"

The opponent fought him unwillingly. Some enthusiastic people began to join the battle, and spontaneously divided into two distinct factions according to their skin color—one side was white, the other was black and brown. More people are onlookers cheering and adding fuel to the fire.

"It's boring," Luo Yi said, opening the cardboard box at the same time, and took out two sandwiches and a bottle of purified water.

Shanier sat next to him and started racing against time to eat. "A group of energetic fools," he commented disdainfully, "What about winning? Is there a bonus?"

"Buddha fights for a stick of incense, people fight for a sigh of relief." Luo Yi was not interested in the hard beef, so he pulled it out and threw it into Shanier's hand, then pulled out the chicken thigh from the other's sandwich and stuffed it into himself In the bread, the last sentence is brilliantly summarized: "Keep cats and dogs in a cage, and always fight to determine the winner-they are natural rivals."

The former gang leader tolerantly acquiesced to the Asian youth's robbery, gnawing at the fortified beef in disgust, and sneered at the same time: "If someone gives money, I can beat them all down."

He did not receive the worship eyes of Asian youths as he wished, but he attracted a thin boy nearby who desperately stuffed his mouth with food. It was a little white man with messy brown-red hair and brown freckles on the bridge of his nose. He looked twenty years old at most. "Really, buddy, you are so strong? You are not bragging." He approached with bright eyes and asked, "My name is Zeller, what's your name?"

Shanier glared at him angrily, and said coldly: "Did you talk to you? Get out!"

The dark atmosphere built up by blood and human lives immediately frightened the poor boy. He jumped up like a needle and dodged for several meters.

Before the crowd finally realized that eating is more important than fighting, Luo Yi touched a bottle of water and hid it on her body, and said to Shanier, "It's okay to scare the weak chicken, and if you are idle, go to fight with the old black. , He just wanted to touch my ass."

Shanier knew that the old black he was referring to was the one in the same dormitory last night. He remembered that the other party had touched his thigh, but now he completely ignored his threats. He was suddenly angry and scanned with vicious eyes. The crowd stared at the big black man squatting on the wall and eating sandwiches: "... If he dares to move his hands again, I will kill him!"

"Be careful to put yourself back in jail again. I don't care, anyway, it's not me who picked up the soap." Luo Yi ate and drank enough, dug his ears comfortably with the tip of her little finger, and made Shani with a silly expression on her face. You really wanted to beat him, and even wanted to push him under the shower head and fuck him hard.

With a certain dangerous mood, he slowly tilted his head to Luo Yi, lowered his voice in the other's ears: "Someday I will fuck you to the ass and bloom, wait, bitch."

The Asian youth sneered and laughed, "I'm waiting, little wolfdog."

After the chaotic group dinner, the company seemed to think of compensation, and the camouflage men opened the door again and sent in hard currency. The crowd who had tasted the sweetness before suddenly became emotional, as if all the disputes and complaints had been eliminated in the light smoke. Some people were not even satisfied with the leaves and K powder, and they reached out to the ice and white powder.

Shanier put a marijuana cigarette between his fingers and handed it to Luo Yi: "Try again? This time I promise it will be cool."

The latter flicked away his fingers with lingering fears, "Fuck your mother, do you really want me to light a cigarette and put it in your ass?"

"Well, you can just continue to fake it and fuck Joseph, Mary's righteous man." Shanier chuckled and retracted his hand.

Luo Yi glanced at the smoky crowd and asked him: "Don't go get high-quality goods?"

"I'm not that stupid." Shanier played with the cigarette between his fingers. "Do you know how much hard currency has been in my hand? I am familiar with these things-just smoke some soft ones, if you get those It's hard, it's over for a lifetime." He lit it with a lighter, took a deep breath, and closed his eyes, his airy expression was transparent and illusory in the blue smoke.

Luo Yi looked at the man who was immersed in pleasure, his dark amber eyes were so indifferent, and then he walked to his bed with the distributed orange uniform.

After a while, Shanier followed and lay on his lower bunk bed and muttered: "I hate orange, it reminds me of the livery of Lex Island Prison..."

Luo Yi ignored him, staring at the dirty lines on the ceiling, silently thinking: the day after tomorrow... the day after tomorrow.

The next day, North Island, Luna Club Clubhouse.

On the sofa chairs in the hall, there were eleven men sitting in different poses. Garcia glanced quietly, and he didn't see Edman. It seemed that the fat man was terrified by the police, and he huddled in the villa, not daring to have any more involvement with the club.

President’s Secretary Oliver stood in the center of the room, finished his polite remarks with a smile, and finally began to enter the topic: “The club activities of this issue will officially start at 8 o’clock tomorrow morning, and all preparations are ready, just waiting for the gentlemen present Show your skills. In accordance with the practice, each person has a long and short gun, with a choice of brand and model; 500 rounds of bullets; two special sabers; one high-powered binoculars; one off-road jeep; and one driver and bodyguard.

Here I repeat the rules in a long-winded manner: in the hunting grounds during the event, each member is free to hunt orange-red humans and beasts, but the number of hunting shall not exceed three per day; every night from 20 am to 8 am Hunting time; the South Island campsite, including the surrounding open space, is a safe area. Hunting and killing of humans and animals in the safe area is not allowed, but ambushes on the trail leading to the safe area are allowed..."

Oliver read out the rules routinely. The members here listened absently, while eagerly waiting for the arrival of tomorrow. Finally, when asked if anyone had given up participating in this event, none of them raised their hands. Although the nightingales here are superb, and in order to get the large prizes of the "Wildlife Conservation Award" set up by the club, the nightingales have done everything they can to pester the guests and try to make each other "reluctant to hunt", but almost all members It's both wine and hunting.

-There is only one exception. When Oliver left the field, he secretly looked at the new members: After receiving the report from the nightingale’s person in charge last night, he couldn’t help but wonder whether the opposing party’s handsome appearance was concealed with ailing function; or, this secretly controls the world The semi-market arms leader really has an extraordinary vision, and he can't even look down on those stunners who are one in a thousand

It’s a bit troublesome, he thought distressedly, if it’s the latter, it’s something that has never happened since the club’s establishment, and it’s damaging to its reputation. Who knows if Garcia would say in contempt in the circle: Luna's Nightingale? Oh, those are just vulgar fans who are not worth mentioning... God, if it reaches the ears of the little Duke of Yavre who is very desperate for face... Maybe he will be thrown into the round island lagoon full of sharks as a punishment. !

Oliver secretly fought a cold war and decided to report the incident in time. Even if there is any omission in the future, the responsibility will not fall entirely on him.

That night, as soon as Leo finished taking a bath, the doorbell rang.

He quickly adjusted the disguise of his head and face, fastened the belt of the long white bathrobe, and walked over to open the door.

That night, as soon as Leo finished taking a bath, the doorbell rang.

He quickly adjusted the disguise of his head and face, fastened the belt of the long white bathrobe, and walked over to open the door.

Outside the door were two brawny men in black suits. They said respectfully: "Mr. Yang, I'm sorry to disturb you. The Duke of Yavre would like to invite you over for a cup of tea. Please enjoy it."

Little Yavre? Leo didn't expect that when he was still thinking about how to get close to the son of the duke who was deprived of his inheritance rights, the other party took the initiative to send it to the door.

Is this the beginning of getting twice the result with half the effort, or is it an ominous omen? He pondered for two seconds, and decided to seize this rare opportunity anyway—from the information he had learned, Yavre seldom showed up in club activities, and the organization affairs were generally handed over to Secretary Oliver. Compared to hunting with real guns and live ammunition, he seems to be more interested in activities such as salons that are full of leisure and fun and do not require physical labor.

For Leo, those upper-class salons are like things in another cosmic space. He can neither taste the origin and month of a certain bottle of wine, nor can he remember who the ancestors of each famous racehorse are. -You can't expect less than a week of intensive training to pack a civilian into a real nobleman. He can only be regarded as a high imitation at best, or the kind who dare not open the shell.

Now that there is such an opportunity falling from the sky, even if he feels inexplicable and the crisis is hidden, Leo decides to seize it.

"It's a great honor," he put out his signature expression-a seemingly approachable but full of arrogance and sense of distance (this micro-expression, he had practiced in the mirror for more than a hundred times before he reluctantly managed it with the etiquette teacher) Cleared), said to the two bodyguards, "Can you let me change my clothes first?"

Fifteen minutes later, Leo, led by his bodyguards, appeared in the innermost part of the clubhouse, in the building that resembled a European castle. Entering a black walnut door with rich patterns, there is a luxuriously decorated reception room in front of you. In the spacious space, only two maids are making tea lightly.

No, there are more than these two, there is also a person on the terrace, his back is blocked by layers of white gauze, only some outlines can be vaguely seen, which is easy to be overlooked, but Leo quickly found him because of his keen professionalism.

After making tea, the maids curtseyed and walked back quietly. The wooden door closed silently, and the reception room suddenly became a quiet art exhibition hall.

Leo didn't appreciate the rare treasures. After a brief period of thought, he intuitively chose a starting point, walked over and opened the gauze curtain, standing side by side with the person in front of the balcony railing, as if very casually. "There are a lot of great collections in the room. Do you like those artworks, Duke?"

"Yes, but I prefer the way people look when they see those artworks." Another man said in an elegant English accent, the language used to be almost tuned.

Leo immediately had a preliminary summary of him: the aristocratic widow who was immersed in the sense of superiority nurtured by the long family history. This can also be seen in his dress. The shoulder-length curly hair tied behind his head with a ribbon, the white silk shirt with lace on the neckline and the cuffs, and the blue-bottomed silver-patterned slim waistcoat with gems as buttons are full of quaint elegance. The baroque style is alive and well like walking out of a medieval oil painting.

The face is handsome and elegant, the complexion is pale, but the eyes are as dark as two deep wells, and the eyes are flashing, like the edge of the well under the moonlight, rippling with a layer of self-reliant floating light-this is finely carved The young man leaning on the railing in Taku's posture is the young Yavre, the subject of his trip.

"Understandable." Leo nodded slightly, "I also have a lot of collections, but unlike the Duke, they are not more valuable as they are older, but they are updated quite quickly. In fact, I also prefer people to watch them. The look in their eyes, especially when I put them on their foreheads."

Young Yavre looked at him a little unexpectedly, and seemed surprised at the naked violence in the words. Although he knew the identity of the other party-a military chief with a family history, his appearance did not look like a butcher at all. .

Leo laughed first, "I was too vulgar? Sorry, Lord Duke."

"No, it's very interesting to say that." Little Yaffer said, "You are more interesting than I thought, Mr. Young, I think we might be friends, you can call me Lista."

Leo doesn't think that he can make friends with the young Yavre just by fate. This is more like a social recognition-the other party recognizes his identity and gives him the right to talk directly with him. Of course, it is the attitude of King Arthur towards the Knights of the Round Table. The round table does not mean sitting on an equal footing, but a kind of grace-like tolerance.

But Leo doesn't care about this, he just needs to hit the snake with the stick, appear confident and casual, "Then you can also call me Garcia directly."

Little Yaffer's eyes flashed appreciating, and he reached out a hand to him: "It's nice to meet you, my friend."

"Me too." Leo shook his hand politely, feeling a damp coldness, like a cold-blooded animal with scaly skin.

He didn't like this feminine and gorgeous man, whether it was from a public mission or a personal experience. But now he has to hide this sentiment and put on a look of affection.

"If I take the liberty to ask, will you participate in tomorrow's event?" Leo asked.

Little Yafur did not answer directly, and asked, "Do you know fox hunting?"

"Hunting foxes?"

"Yes, a historic event. We took our personally tamed horses and hand-held shotguns to enjoy the fresh country air, leisurely manor life, the sense of honor for the people, and the good looks The dewy love of country girls is one of the hobbies of the nobles. However, I prefer to watch it rather than making myself full of blood and gunpowder by using a knife. Panicked and exhausted prey; The hunter is pressing, everything is staged on the jungle stage like a drama, how interesting! The only difference is that on the ordinary stage, the fallen character can be revived behind the scenes, waiting for the next time to play, and continue the same lines; This real stage—"

Little Yavre held out his arms to the distant jungle. The musician generally made a commanding gesture: "Each life is only once, and every line is never repeated. No one knows that the next moment the red flower of death will be thrown at Who-this kind of totally unknown excitement, isn't it more exciting than any drama?" He closed his eyes intoxicated, as if listening to some inaudible music, mixed with Lin Tao and the sea breeze. Propaganda-it is about to be staged, a life will never sound.

Fuck you so exciting! Leo angrily rebuked in his heart, that is not a fox, it is a living person who is exactly like you! Or is it that you are consciously noble enough to break away from the realm of human beings? ! At this moment, he had the urge to throw the scum around him off the high platform, but thinking about the task, he gritted his teeth and held back, with an admiring smile, he said something disgusting: "Although I am concerned about stage drama and the like I don’t have much interest in things, but I have to admit that your imagination is enough to turn decadence into magic. This idea is really wonderful! Compared to those ferocious beasts with insufficient IQ, humans and beasts are the most interesting and challenging. Sex hunting object, I can’t wait to experience your creativity!"

The duke's son is like a cat that has been touched smoothly, showing a lazy and comfortable color. "You are full of energy, Garcia, but you don't pay much attention to work and rest," he said pointedly. "Don't you think the nightingale is a cute bird with a nice sound?"

Leo shrugged regretfully, "I know this may offend people, but I am not very good at lying-those birds have beautiful feathers, but they have no temperament and connotation. It is really difficult to make me tempted."

"Temperament and connotation?" Little Yaffer turned his head to look at him. "What kind of temperament connotation do you want?" His profiled face under the moonlight was dazzling and exuding an opium-like sweet smell, ranging from elegant to There is only a thread in the erotica, and Leo was caught off guard by the rapid change, "Like me?"

"Just, like you..." he repeated dubiously.

With a stimulating sense of conquest, Little Yaffer smiled, he didn't mind having multiple ministers under his pants, especially this young and strong arms chief was his favorite appearance type.

He took two steps leisurely and took out the fancy handkerchief folded into his chest pocket with his white and slender fingers, and slowly and teasingly tucked it into the neckline of another man, close to the other man’s face, and said in a low voice. "If you can hunt the most cunning and beautiful fox, and give it to me, I will reward you... Look forward to my reward, it will make you feel excited."

It wasn't until he returned to his villa room that Leo washed his face and put on a sober and disgusted expression. He unbearably pulled out the perfumed silk handkerchief from his collar, and threw it into the trash can as if it were dirty. After thinking about it, he was worried that it would be picked up by the sanitary servant, and then removed from the bucket. Take it out and throw it into a drawer deep in the closet.

He had originally thought that Yavre was a scumbag of human life, but now it seems that he has to add another modifier: a scumbag of human life. God knows why this guy is interested in himself, recalling the look he looked at him, with obscene and evil desires, like a female spider who swallows her spouse alive while mating, and sprays out bewitching from every pore. venom.

-Damn it, why didn't the information provided by the bureau indicate that he has a hobby to seduce male members? Leo thought annoyed, then I must ask the makeup artist to design an ugly look for me.

Thinking that in order to complete the task, he had to be sent to the door to seduce people. What was even more unbearable was that he couldn't refuse it so that the other party would turn his face... Leo was so depressed that he would vomit blood.

I really hope this damn task ends soon! He took another bath, washed away the smell of perfume, and then took a pill and lay on the bed, waiting for the drowsiness to come, while silently thinking: Tomorrow... Tomorrow.

Following the doctor's advice to halve and then halve the dose of medicine was not as weak as he was worried, perhaps because Debi's ghost calmly left and no longer entangled him, he slowly fell asleep.

He dreamed of his boy standing side by side with Jasmine holding a bouquet at the white wedding. Every word on the congratulatory card stretched out his paws and held him tightly, so that he could not turn around and escape, and continued to suffer in pain.

He also dreamed of a bloody, blurry finish. When he held the gun and threw the opponent who was trying to escape to the ground, he suddenly found them hugging naked on the battlefield full of corpses.

His eyes were cold, but his body was hot. Part of him is in him, and his military stab is also in him.

Chase me. He heard him say, keep chasing me until hell...

Leo suddenly woke up.

The morning light outside the window was faint, and the hunting day of the goddess Artemis had arrived.