Sha Qing

Chapter 36: Hunting day


"Get up! Everyone, get up now! Put on work clothes!"

When the shout suddenly sounded, many people jumped up from the beds, and some people turned over and buried their faces in the quilt, pretending not to hear them.

Several big guys in camouflage uniforms impatiently knocked on the metal bed frame with batons, and the iron door was wide open behind them, "Hurry up, starting today, you guys are going to work! Who is dying, there will be you later nice!"

Many people grumbled and complained about the bad attitude of the company supervisors, but the following sentence made them act immediately: "Breakfast is on the square, and those who are late don't have to eat it, don't blame us!"

A few minutes later, people rushed into the square in front of the barracks, snatching a pack of hot dogs or sandwiches from a cardboard box, and two small bottles of water for throat only.

Camouflage guys stared at them and gobbled up their share. Most people complained because they could only eat 60 to 70% full. They dared to ask for more and were knocked back by a few sticks.

The leading camouflage man raised his wrist and looked at his watch, and said in a loud voice: "It's seven forty-five, and you still have fifteen minutes to rest. Before eight o'clock, you must leave the camp and enter the jungle."

"What are you doing in the jungle?" someone asked, "what exactly do we do?"

The camouflage man glanced over the crowd with bored eyes, "You don't have to do anything-just survive."

"... Survive? What do you mean?" People whispered.

The camouflage man did not answer, but continued to announce: "We will give out dinner at the camp at 20 o'clock. Those who missed it will have no food to eat. You have a compass in the pocket of your overalls. If you get lost, you will go south. If I were you, it would be before dark Hurry back to the camp, otherwise you will experience the jungle at night, and I promise it will be much more terrifying than during the day."

"You only care about two meals? What about lunch?" The previous person cried out again in dissatisfaction.

The camouflage man glared at him fiercely: "Some of the jungle is for food. If you have the ability to make it yourself, you should be hungry if you don't have the ability! I have to warn you in advance, don't get into the water easily. There are many sharks, tiger sharks and bullheads in the shallow sea around the island. Sharks, great white sharks, any of them will kill you. If you don’t want to turn into shark dung, you’d better stay on the island honestly."

He raised his wrist to look at his watch, and couldn't wait to shout: "The time is up, hurry up! Run! Run!"

The crowd was whispering, none of them moved. The jungle surrounding the camp is dense, deep and lush, and looks very sinister. No one is willing to give up a safe shelter and go to the dense forest without seeing the sun.

The camouflage man seemed to have expected it, and winked at his companion with a sneer. The electronic locks on the small doors on the side of the barracks opened, and amid the screams of metal door panels hitting the wall, twenty huge bulldogs rushed out of the cage, their teeth salivating, and roared towards the square.

People were stunned by this sudden scene, and it was not until the fishy wind hit their faces that no one screamed: "Run! Run!" One after another, they ran out of the camp.

Outside the camp was a clearing with sparse vegetation. The crowd ran away in panic, chasing fierce and barking dogs behind their buttocks. Fortunately, the well-trained bulldogs didn't seem to intend to really attack, they just drove them all into the jungle, and then shook their heads back to receive the reward.

"Good job, boys." The camouflage man threw a bucket of bloody flesh to them.

Shanier pulled Luo Yi and ran desperately until he deepened into the jungle, only to be slowed down by dense layers of vegetation and soft and slippery ground.

Presuming that the bulldog did not catch up again, he stopped and helped the tree trunk to gasp, "... Damn, what are these bastards doing? They let the dogs bite us! What's the conspiracy to force us into the jungle?!"

"Who knows." Luo Yi replied smoothly, looking around: the grass and shrubs as high as one person occupied the ground, mixed with countless climbing plants, and there was almost no place to settle. Unknown trees pierced into the sky upright. The branches and leaves were stretched at a height of two meters, competing for precious sunlight. They were standing under a big camphor tree with winding roots rising from the ground under their feet.

"Don't you think all this is weird and familiar? Think about those movies, "Death Row," and the one with forgotten names... It is to throw a group of people on a desert island and let them fight each other. In the end, only the one who wins That person can leave alive, and countless hidden cameras are shooting in secret, making our life-and-death struggles into reality shows and uploading them to the Internet, earning tens of millions of clicks and huge advertising revenues. Oh shit! I don’t want to be a gang Inhumane stupid cash cow..." Shanier said to Luo Yi excitedly, but saw the latter's suddenly frozen expression.

"—Don't move." The Asian youth whispered, "Don't move."

Shanier froze without knowing it, and an ominous omen surged in his mind. how? He muzzled silently.

Luo Yi approached him at an extremely slow speed, suddenly reached out to the top of his right shoulder, grabbed something and slammed it against the tree trunk. This action was completed between the sparks and the fire. Shanier didn't even see his arm clearly, only feeling the sound of wind passing by his ear.

When his hand appeared in his sight again, there was an emerald green slender snake's tail in his palm, which was softly drooped by the green snake that shook his spine, still twitching unwillingly.

Shanier broke out in a cold sweat: "Snake! Poisonous?"

"Whip snake, although it is not as lethal as a cobra, but one bite is enough for you." Luo Yi said, throwing away the snake that was still twitching. "Be careful, this island jungle is full of dangerous creatures, scorpions, venomous snakes, and Aedes albopictus, which spreads dengue fever."

Shanier looked around nervously, and only a piece of green filled his vision, dark green, pale green, emerald green, and tender green, interspersed with mottled gray-brown, like a surging tide. In an instant he felt a sense of fear of being swallowed up alive by green plants.

He couldn't help looking at his companions beside him. I don't know when, the frivolous, frivolous and vulgar aura of the Asian youth gradually disappeared, as if absorbed by this perilous jungle. Although the withered blond hair and the orange-red overalls that resemble prison clothes still seriously degrade his taste, the dark amber pupils that look like cats are lurking with a quiet and sharp light. The former gang leader found it difficult to look directly.

Damn it... It's like being possessed by a demon... Shanier thought a little dazedly, uncomfortable in his heart, there is a kind of giant eagle falcon with sharp beak and claws that looks at a pet parrot with delicate feathers. The weirdness.

"... What do you plan to do next?" He asked hesitantly, and at the same time, he found a beetle burrowing out of the mud and rotten leaves trying to climb on the back of his instep. He immediately jumped up and trampled it into a ball of yellow. Green mud. "Anyway, I don't plan to stay in this ghost forest anymore! I want to go back to the road-when I ran out of the camp, I should go to the few smooth forest roads instead of rushing into this place panicking. A damn forest full of poison!"

"Road? Is the three-meter-wide road just enough to drive a car?" Luo Yi pulled at the corner of his mouth, looking a bit ironic, "No, I don't want to get close to it at all."

Shanier said irritably and annoyed: "I will ask you one last time, do I go up the loop with me, or stay alone in this ghost forest?"

"I choose the latter." Luo Yi answered without hesitation.

Shanier glared at him, angered in his heart, gritted his teeth and said: "Don't regret it! By then, it will be too late to regret!"

Luo Yi turned around indifferently and left.

Shanier only felt a gust of illness hitting his head, grabbing the material on his back shoulder and dragging it back. Unexpectedly, the opponent grabbed his wrist backhand, twisted and lifted it, and easily pressed him against the tree trunk. The rough bark made his back hurt, but it was not as shocking as the opponent's skill: He thought he was good at fighting, and even his Muay Thai teacher praised him for his talent. A male prostitute pinched the carotid artery and pressed it against the trunk, but he had no strength to fight back!

… He was so careless! How could such a skill be a male prostitute!

"Who are you?" Shanier asked in annoyance and gloomy feelings, and at the same time there was an inexplicable disappointment in his heart: He originally thought that in such a bad situation, the other party had no way to go except relying on him, and he had even beaten him. Make up his mind, as soon as he walks out of this ghost forest, he will be satisfied... Now it seems that this is simply a delusion.

"You don't need to know." Luo Yi said coldly, and at the same time let go, "Well, we should part ways too."

Shanier looked at him in confusion, unable to tell what it was like, and finally chose to turn around and leave.

Taking out the compass from his pocket, he discerned the direction, and walked towards the position of the road in his impression. After walking cautiously for more than ten minutes, he saw the rammed dirt road between the branches and leaves. He was about to drill out of the bushes, and suddenly heard the roar of a car engine.

His gaze peeked from the cracks between the leaves, and saw a familiar figure, rushing on the road in a panic-it's the old black!

Gunshots immediately sounded one after another, and Old Hei's running body seemed to be hit by an invisible sandbag, and fell forward on the dirt road. Two large masses of blood mist spread from his arms and thighs. He convulsed his body and let out a screaming cry. Two convertible off-road vehicles came from behind and stopped a few meters away.

Two men came down from the two cars. One was wearing a hunting suit and holding a hunting rifle with a sight, and the other was wearing a camouflage uniform, looking like a driver and bodyguard.

The two men in hunting suits seemed to know each other and greeted with a smile.

"Hi, Dylan, you are a step slower, I caught this prey."

"Really, how do you feel that my bullet is faster? And I hit the leg, or he can still run with his arms. William, you have to be willing to bet."

"Oh no, Dylan, it is you who should admit the facts."

"—Come on, we can’t commit to wasting time on this trivial matter. Since we are not sure where the prey belongs, just follow the old rules." The man took out a gold coin from his pocket and flicked his finger. Falling down, pressed by his palms, "face, or words?"

"...Face," the other party said.

"Then I guess the word." He spread out his palm, lying on the skin quietly with the gold coin side facing up. He couldn't help laughing. "Sorry, Dylan, I won."

The other party said regretfully: "Well, he is yours. Anyway, there are some prey."

William drew a dagger from his boot and walked towards Old Hei, "It's lucky. The first prey hit the species I wanted. Did you know that, with the skull of this black male beast, I can make it together? It's a full set of ashtrays..."

Old Hei looked at the sharp blade in his hand in horror and despair, dragging his injured leg and struggling to get up to continue running, but was kicked on the injured area by the opponent and screamed that did not sound like a human voice. He fell to the ground again, flying dust rustling on his face, through the misty yellow, he suddenly saw a face in the branches and leaves on the roadside.

Hope was ignited by a faint spark, like a drowning man grabbing a straw, his eyes widened, his lips moved, and he screamed silently to the prying eyes-help! help me!

Shanier watched this scene in shock, digesting the information he got from the conversation between the two men... The previous ominous premonition became reality, and it was worse than he thought! It's not a TV show or reality show, but hunting-the living people are treated as prey, the living people hunt!

Just like uncovering the mist floating above the swamp, all the unreasonable places he had suspected before have been explained. That so-called company recruited a group of homeless vagrants, lured them with generous treatment, and controlled them with free drugs, in order to drop them on this jungle island and make others hunt like wild beasts. Turn them into corpses one by one!

… What a fucking hell, I will encounter such an inexplicable mess! Shanier was panicked, angry and thoughtlessly, Damn, I want to take Lao Tzu as a prey... Looking for a chance to grab a gun, I don't know who is hunting whom!

He took a few deep breaths and backed slowly and silently. As for the hapless Lao Hei, he didn't intend to give any assistance at all, let alone the other party had offended him, even if he was an acquaintance, in this case, it was important for him to save his life first.

Old Hei stared at his face that was gradually moving away, the faint flame of hope was completely extinguished by a basin of ice water, and a crazy and vicious hatred was drawn from the embers. He struggling to prop up half of his body under the blade, pointing to the bushes and screaming: "—there! There is one more! There is another one!"

Fuck you! Shanier cursed fiercely and turned around and ran wildly.

The bullet swept past him with a wave of air, and the leaves were surging. At the moment of life and death, he did not care about any poisonous snakes and scorpions. There was only one thought in his mind: Run! Run!

The dense vegetation on the ground hindered his footsteps, and he did not pity his green calf and cut ankle, and fled in the same direction when he came and went with all his strength. The rugged terrain caused him to fall several times. He got up with blood stains on his face and continued to run...

A protruding tree root tripped him again, and when he fell, his head hit the tree trunk, and his eyes were dizzy. When his vision finally became clear, he saw a familiar face turned upside down above—never for a moment, he felt that this face was as holy and lovely as an angel.

"... You knew it before, didn't you?" He breathlessly stretched out his hand and grabbed the other's trousers. "I don't care who you are, what is the purpose of mixing in, you must have a thorough plan in advance, right... Then, Count me, I swear I will never do anything to you, you will not suffer with me, and I will be a good assistant... How?"

Luo Yi stared at his dark green eyes in the blood stain, as if there was a strong desire to survive like a beast, and the sharp flashes of unscrupulous means to achieve the goal... Maybe he could be used temporarily, he thought, stretched out his hand to pull the other party up.

Taking out a small bottle of water left over from breakfast, he helped Shanier clean the wound a little bit.

"This horrible place is wet and hot," Shanil gritted his teeth and endured the pain, wiping his sweat while complaining.

"This is an island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. The temperature is at least 28°C and the humidity is over 90%. In this case, you will get dehydrated if you exercise vigorously for half an hour." Luo Yi said lightly.

"—Then you still wash my wounds with clean water?" Shanier looked at him in surprise, "What if we are dehydrated?"

Luo Yi smiled slightly, "Don't worry, you can always find some drinkable water. It won't be a problem for at least a few days."

"How many days? You don't plan to go back to the camp before dark?"

"No, although there is a bed and dinner there, don’t you worry that they will push white powder into your veins in the middle of the night in order to have a more thorough control? That way, even if everyone discovers the truth, they dare not run away and can only wait for death in a daze. ."

Shanier couldn't help but shudder, and decided not to go back. "What do you do next?" he asked.

"I need to store some water and food, build a temporary shelter before the sun goes down, and make some simple weapons and traps, and try to get rid of the one who has the order first, and snatch his gun." The Asian youth said .

Shanier’s eyes gradually glowed. It was the long-silent desperado’s deep nostalgia for the smell of blood and the excitement of battle. Look at the rubbish, who is the real prey!"