Sha Qing

Chapter 42: Meet on a narrow road


Being chased by hundreds of militants, this is really a new experience... Leo abandoned the car after leaving the road intercepted by the card, while fleeing in the wilderness of the night, while thinking about it in agony. There have been too many hunters. To be fair, God intends to let him taste the taste of being hunted.

He felt very unwilling to think of the undercover task that had failed, and he believed that the time had not yet come to the end of the poverty-as long as he was still alive, there would still be a chance of success, provided that he had to grasp the ever-changing situation and the fleeting circumstances. Live it.

But for now, he must first find a hiding place, avoid the enemy's pursuit, and spend the night safely. Due to the difficulty of searching at night, the opponent should not go deep into the wilderness on a large scale, but after dawn tomorrow, it is likely to start a dragnet search. He must find a place that is both concealed and easy to escape.

The jungle at night is a horrible existence, but if he wants to go to the beach, he must cross this jungle. Of course, you can also choose to walk on a grassy slope, but there is no shelter there and you cannot use a flashlight, and the grass-covered rock bed cracks that appear at any time under your feet are simply the big mouths opened by the hungry beasts, and you can't get in. Leo touched the pistol on his waist (the same as the flashlight, it was smoothed from the bodyguard who was kicked out of the car), and decided to venture into the jungle.

There is no natural light in the jungle, which is invisible. Leo can only rely on a white flashlight to walk through the purgatory full of dangerous killers. Hungry and thirsty mosquitoes buzzed around him; coiled snakes hide under dead branches; plants with hooks and thorns always try to leave wounds on approaching people; because of the heavy rain that had fallen the night before, the dirt under their feet The rotten leaves were mixed into a thick layer of mud, and trekking through it was very physically demanding. It could be said that it was difficult to walk. What is more difficult is that the ground covered with ferns suddenly turned into a cliff at some time. There were two times if he hadn't grabbed it in time. Staying in the vines, almost slammed into meat sauce with one foot.

The surroundings are dark and silent, but the silence is only relatively speaking. The darkness is full of the sounds of various bugs and frogs. It seems that Suosuo is from another world. It makes the people in it feel isolated and helpless, and the unknown is born. Fear. Leo didn't know how he got out of this jungle-it was definitely one of his most unbearable experiences, and he didn't want to recall the process for a second.

He only knew that he was sweating, exhausted, and desperately in need of water, food, and enough rest time. When he saw the faint beach ahead in the dimming light of the flashlight, he felt that he couldn't even move.

However, at this time, the sound of helicopter propellers roared overhead, and the bright white searchlight pierced into the wilderness like a sharp sword—they came after it!

Leo immediately turned off the flashlight and crawled forward on the gentle slope full of half-human tall grass. The jagged blades of grass made blood marks on his bare cheeks, neck, and wrists, which were painful and itchy, but he had to endure it.

Immediately before turning off the flashlight, he quickly scanned the surroundings. There were no tall shelters nearby. There was only a large beach at four o'clock. On the side near the rock wall, there was a long and narrow triangular hole hidden in the scattered areas. Between the stones everywhere.

It seemed to be a sea cave, formed by the continuous impact of sea water, rushing the shore reef out of a hollow dark alley. He crawled towards the entrance of the cave in his memory, and with the faint moonlight, he bypassed scattered rocks of various sizes that were washed round by the sea. When he touched the damp rock wall, dripping knee-deep sea water into the sea cave, a string of white light was sweeping behind him. The helicopter pilot found nothing unusual, and after flying around for a few more laps, he turned the fuselage and left the area.

Leo breathed a sigh of relief, and touched the depths of the cave with one foot deep and the other shallow. The surrounding rock walls slipped without leaving his hands, the sea water was soaking in his ankles, and the scratches were prickling like needles. He gritted his teeth and slowly fumbled forward. Because he didn't know if the helicopter flew away, he didn't dare to turn on the flashlight whose battery was about to run out. Everything could only be based on feeling and experience. The terrain under your feet is high and sometimes low. The low-lying seawater accumulates to the chest, and you have to go forward with the water. Large blocks of reefs are exposed in the high places, and you need to climb between the cracks.

The sea cave is dark, damp and long, and it feels like you can never walk, but Leo knows that this is a nearly straight and convenient passage that the waves punch through the reef with the strength of the hard work. One end must lead to the edge of the island.

He is exhausted now, and wants to lie down on a certain rock above the water to sleep, but knows that this is too risky, because if there is a rising tide, the sea may completely engulf the cave.

Just when reason and instinct were fighting for control of the body, Leo heard the sound of water rushing... It was very slight, like the sound of feet walking in the current, coming from the opposite side, less than five meters away... There was still in the cave. other people! He immediately leaned sideways, supporting the rock behind him with both hands and leaping up, sticking to the depression of the rock wall, subconsciously touching the handle of the gun with his right hand, and then retracting it, clenched into a fist-in this narrow and dark space, there is nothing at all. Maybe with a gun, bullets hit on the rock wall will reflect back and hurt yourself.

He can only accumulate strength as much as possible, and pray that there are not many opponents, so that he can rely on the terrain to get them one by one.

The sound of wading got closer, as if right in front of him, Leo jumped off the rock more than half a meter high and slammed his opponent into the current.

—This is a strong and powerful man, his first reaction told him. When the two were fighting fiercely and fighting hand-to-hand between the slippery rocks, he was distressed to find that the adjective had to add the word "good at fighting".

The opponent is very good at close combat in a small space. His arms are twisted and cut like snakes. Every move hits his joints and vitals, causing him to suffer a lot of dark losses. But Leo also discovered the opponent's weakness-his waist and legs were relatively weak, probably because of his slightly thin body, so he used more skills to make up for the lack of strength.

So Leo turned over and used his deep-trained leg muscles to suppress the opponent's arms and shoulders, lock his legs with one hand, and hit the opponent's abdomen with a fist. He really heard the painful grunt. At the same time, the opponent pressed an elbow against his waist and eye, unwilling to show weakness, so that he also tasted the sharp pain of internal organs.

The scene was in a stalemate for a while, and the two realized at the same time that if they continued to fight, they would kill the enemy by killing a thousand and harming themselves by 800, so they touched the pistol at the waist by coincidence—if the opponent was shot against the rock, they would be able to avoid it to a large extent. The reflection of the bullet accidentally injured.

The two understood each other's intentions, and the action of drawing the gun in the fight seemed extremely difficult. Leo finally broke free from the other's grappling hand, and pulled the holster behind his waist—he grabbed a soft, full, heavy thing. Right now, as a man, this shape and feel can be said to be as proficient as an arm, but he was stunned for two seconds—not that he was slow to react, but that he didn't think about it at all.

"Um...Fuck you!" The other party sobbed painfully, and at the same time raised his knee and hit his crotch hard.

Is this a losing-lose rhythm? Leo was frightened and immediately walked away from the side, bumping into the rock wall in the dark, cursing, "Fuck you!"

The other party suddenly stopped moving and yelled in a dubious manner: "Leo?"

The federal agent's body froze suddenly, and it took a long time to squeeze a name out of his teeth: "... Finish!"

"Damn it! Why are you?"

"That's what I want to ask!"

"Damn you didn't make a sound too early, causing me to get several punches for nothing."

"I'm the one who suffers. My kidney is about to be cracked. Why don't you speak up earlier, oh, there are too many voice channels, don't you know which one to choose?" Leo couldn't help but sarcastically said. .

"Well, who told us to meet each other in such a situation where we can’t see our fingers. But I didn’t expect that you would use such a nasty trick, which really refreshed my impression of you—or, it’s actually a habit. It becomes a natural sexual harassment, and you can't help but touch it during a fight?" His tone of voice was full of jokes.

Remembering that he had just grabbed the other party's private parts by mistake, it was indeed a bit nasty, Leo couldn't help blushing, but the darkness covered his embarrassment. He cleared his throat and changed the subject: "Aren't you in the South Island? How did you come here?"

"Swimming here, from the strait."

"... It's crazy, there are all sharks over there!"

"No, I feel a little scared after thinking about it."

"You are not even afraid of killing people, are you afraid of sharks?" Leo snorted, "You have killed five members. Why, even the remaining few returned to the North Island?"

"—It's six." Qing Qing corrected, "I just killed another one in the clubhouse. If you hadn't driven a vigorous hunting team, the remaining five would not be able to escape."

Leo grabbed his shirt and pushed it to the rock wall: "Did you kill Edman? A fat man in his fifties, half-faced."

He snapped his wrists open: "Does he have a hobby of making other people's skulls into ashtrays? If not, I will kill younger, thinners."

Leo was silent for a moment, and said coldly: "Why do you have to make yourself a cold-blooded butcher? Killing a living human is so indifferent to you, or full of pleasure? Are you fucking mentally ill or psychopathic? Or do you really think that you are the lone hero of the messenger of justice? I now think that the small white room of the mental hospital is a more suitable place for you than the federal prison!"

His tone was sharp and stern, but he heard the meaning of hating iron but not steel, so he was not angry. Instead, he felt that this is a kind of precious concern that can be expressed from the other side's position-although the way is a little twisted . He didn't think he should go to prison or mental hospital at all.

Maybe I will go to hell, but after I die, don't care about him, he thought indifferently.

So he answered the federal agent very seriously: "I personally think that I am neither mentally ill nor immobile. I just do what I think should be done-people want to do what they think they should do. The difference lies in whether they have it or not. Strength. Of course, the same is true for you. You think it’s what you should do to catch me. If your strength can surpass me—congratulations, you want me to be in the little black house, and you want me to be in the little white house. Just the little white house, I won't complain."

Leo gritted his teeth in frustration, and at the same time wanted to put the serial killer's head on the rock hard to see if he could reconnect the wrong part of the nerve.

He now deeply feels that the road between him and Daqing—in terms of morality, law, and order—is a dead end, and there is no way to communicate with him. The idea of beating him must first set aside this direction.

—Besides, he seems to be quite normal, no, it should be said that he is very good. The black-haired agent thought regretfully.

Although no one is perfect and each has defects, the other party lacks in the principles he adheres to and has no intention of repentance. The contradiction between them is said to have no room for change, which makes Leo regretful. , And gave birth to deep disappointment.

This kind of regret and disappointment has accumulated in his heart for more than a year, and even turned into a certain inexplicable discomfort. Every time I see the other party's perfect technique and exquisite layout, the feeling of discomfort becomes clearer. It was like a Ru kiln opened porcelain vase that I saw in a museum. It was covered with cracks that made him uncomfortable, and the cracks were the manifestation of the artistic value of this kind of porcelain. He couldn't appreciate this thing, and would rather want a full-color bottle-although that would lose style and taste, it was more in line with his aesthetics.

The serial killer in front of him was like that porcelain bottle, and his splendor was completely embodied in a place he couldn't accept. Leo sighed secretly and pulled back the thinking that had run away, "Then you can wait for the day of arrest, I believe it won't be long." He said coldly.

"But now we are on the same leaky boat, right." The team said without pressure, "I think we have to think about how to help each other together. As for how to cross the river and tear down the bridge, at least it will be tomorrow after dawn—I think It’s uncomfortable to soak in cold water. I want to make a fire to dry my clothes. How about you?"

When he was reminded, Leo felt very uncomfortable with his wet clothes wrapped around him, and his body temperature was rapidly losing. If there is fire, water and food... Every cell in his body that is too tired is cheering for this idea.

"Lighting a fire here will not be discovered by them?" He mobilized the toughest part of his mind and suppressed his body's desire.

"Probably not. This sea cave is too long. The other end leads to the sea under the cliff. We only need to find a suitable depression, and then build a small stone to block the narrow part of the road for a while, and the light will not be lost. It came out. I remember that a little bit further ahead, there was a suitable place to light the fire..." He said, turning around, slipping under his feet, and almost falling. Fortunately, Leo's hand behind him quickly grabbed him.

"Thank you. My flashlight is dead." The killer said.

"There are still some of mine. They fell during the fight just now. I have to find them." The agent said.

"Forget it, it's dark here, even if you find it, it's probably broken." The finale took the hand of another man and walked forward slowly, groping for the stone wall, "Follow me. When I landed on this island before, I have left enough firewood and some food in the cave to be used as one of the hiding places. It seems that I am going to come in handy now."

The man he was holding looked at his hand subconsciously-it was pitch black and he couldn't see anything. But the warm touch clings to the skin, even if it is dark, it cannot be erased. Should I shake off the opponent's hand? Leo thought silently, but that seemed too deliberate... Hell, why should he entangle these boring details, besides, they both had more in-depth contact than this-although it was an inexplicable product, but It's always a kiss.

An unpredictable, passionate, bloody but damn beautiful... kiss.

Moreover, after repeated recalls, he was sure that the other party took the initiative first.

What does this mean? As a serial murderer on the Most Wanted List, he was killed-a federal policeman who was hunting him down. Does that mean? This is incredible! Leo thought unbelievably, even if you don’t talk about the reasons for harmony and spiritual resonance that look like an eight o’clock love soap opera; even if it is the most direct and primitive physical attraction, it comes too suddenly—they have only met face to face once, and besides. What he sees is not the real face of the other party-where does this attraction come from

Was this attraction a unilateral end, or did he respond unknowingly... Leo couldn't help being a little at a loss.

Things shouldn't be like this. He and the killer, the police and the killer-they are rivals, they can despise each other, hate each other, hunt and kill each other, and even appreciate each other-but they cannot attract each other, just like the universe galaxies that must maintain a certain distance. Once attracted, they burn quickly, and then In the violent explosion, they all turned into black holes and disappeared in ashes.

This is not the ending he wants.

And the other party is not the one he wants to spend the rest of his life with.

The boy he loves is clean, soft, wise and kind, like a Biquan that cleanses the soul, not a lava that melts everything.

He loves Li Biqing.

Although that is his future brother-in-law, he would rather die alone than take away his sister's love.

Although the boy never belonged to him, including the future, he unreservedly put his love and trust in the hands of the other party.

-Despite this, he still loves him deeply.

Climbing to a halt suddenly, the absent-minded Leo didn't stop the car in time and hit the back of his head with his cheek. The pain made him wake up suddenly, realizing that this is not the time to care about these spiritual levels.

What they urgently need to solve is the material problem.

"Here." The man walking in front said, "Go on the rock on the right hand side. Be careful not to get my palm fiber and coconut velvet wet. I will rely on those to make a fire." He let go of Leo's hand and began to climb. rock.

Feeling the other party's body temperature away from him, Leo felt relieved at the same time, but at the same time he felt the slightest sense of loss. He quickly got rid of this unpleasant illusion, grabbed the slippery rock with his fingers and climbed up.