Sha Qing

Chapter 43: in the dark


The blade scratched the flint, and the splashed sparks fell on a ball of coconut fleece. The small orange flame was swaying to light up, and then moved into the torn palm trunk, carefully adding branches and leaves, and it quickly burned into a pile enough Bonfire for heating.

The sea cave at night was wet and cold. Although it was not too cold to bear, it was very uncomfortable to wrap the wet clothes on the body. Tieqing and Leo took off their coats and skewered them on a few branches.

Although the fire is not very bright, only the outline can be seen, but the posture of the two sides facing each other only wearing a pair of underwear still makes Leo feel a bit awkward-if the other party is a stranger, it is enough, but he has been hunting down.

The federal police and the serial murderer were braving themselves shirtlessly. If this were known by the bureau, it might have been rated as one of the FBI's annual jokes... The black-haired agent thought helplessly.

He didn't show any uncomfortableness, he cut a coconut with a dagger and threw it over, "There are only coconuts left here, and a few oysters and sea urchins. Can you eat them?"

"No problem, I'm not picky about eating." Leo said, drank the coconut juice in one breath, cut the spiny sea urchin with the Swiss army knife he carried, dug out a small group of yellow eggs and stuffed it into his mouth. The edible part of the whole sea urchin is only so small, and the others have to be discarded; although the oyster is quite large, there are only a few. But he doesn't expect to be as rich as a seafood meal in a high-end restaurant, just barely satisfy his hunger.

After finishing the dinner, the two put on their half-baked clothes, and each found a relatively flat corner, nesting on the paved plantain leaves. Although the body is extremely exhausted, the spirit is still tight. I don't know if it is because of the lack of routine medication (although the amount of medication is gradually decreasing) or because of a serial killer lying two meters away. Leo found that he was not drowsy at all. I can force myself to close my eyes, but my thoughts are running wildly in my head.

He closed his eyes and motionless, but the other man seemed to sense his excitement. After a while, he suddenly asked, "Can't sleep?"


"Because of me? Don't worry, I won't stab a knife while you are asleep."

Leo heard the ridicule in his tone and chuckled: "Don't overestimate yourself. It's you, I was handcuffed after falling asleep carefully."

"Oh, I'm not worried about that at all, let alone you are not handcuffed at all, even if you have, I will escape like the last time."

"Speaking of, how did you slip away last time? The handcuffs are clearly intact... Hell, you broke your finger?" Leo turned over and looked at his silhouette in the dim flame.

"It's just a dislocation," he replied nonchalantly.

Leo said coldly: "Have you ever heard a sentence: If a person can be cruel to himself, he can be more cruel to others. No wonder you can open up those prey without hesitation."

He was silent for a while, with a hint of cold mockery and disappointed annoyance in his tone: "Then what do you think I did at the time was normal, cut off your wrist? Anyway, in your opinion, I am a perverted killer, right? It’s no different from serial murderers who take pleasure in raping, killing and destroying corpses!"

"—No, I didn't think so." The federal agent immediately denied. He subconsciously felt that some of the deep meanings in the other party's words came from real emotions. For those who are accustomed to disguise, it is like an extremely hard amber accidentally cracking a gap, permeating a little soft and flowing resin. —Although it is only a very small trace, it will soon solidify due to contact with air and become part of the hard shell, re-blocking the gap, but he witnessed this fleeting process and peeked out from it A little secret in the depths of Amber: Did you choose to hurt yourself because you didn't want to hurt him? How much does he care about what a policeman thinks of him... or is it just because the policeman is him

This sudden insight brought Leo not only a bunch of messy thoughts, but also blurted words: "You are different from them! Even if I insisted on arresting you, I never confuse you with those people! "

"Different?" The killer laughed. "Are you referring to the crime and sentence?"

"No, it's here," the agent pointed to his own heart. "I always feel that the things that are hidden and suppressed in your heart, those that drive you to kill, no matter what, will not be for Satisfy selfish and ugly desires."

He was silent for a long time, and then said grimly: "Doing that kind of thing is pleasurable, and it becomes stronger again and again, even if you don’t think so at first, you may even feel disgusted and disgusted... But no matter what it is, in the end Will be addicted, just like taking drugs."

"I understand what it feels like to be addicted to drugs," Leo whispered, "I'm trying to quit. As long as you have this desire and determination."

This time, he did not hesitate to refute: "Many things in the world cannot be achieved by wish and determination alone. Are you a naive idealist, agent?"

"But you have to try at least."

"I've been trying, in my own way... I don't expect you to understand, and don't care about other people's opinions, such as'extremely distorted sense of justice, proving self-high IQ crimes' and other nonsense, the TV newspapers follow They argue, I only do what I think should be done." The speed of the closing words is getting faster, it is the rhythm that wants to end the topic. Then he stiffly said to the federal agent: "Do you want to continue this futile argument with me, or do you take the time to sleep? The tide will be high in five hours, and this cave will be submerged by sea water."

"You go to sleep, I look at the time, I will wake you up in four hours." Leo didn't want to insist on this kind of deadlocked conversation, so he changed the subject.

"Aren't you sleeping?"

"... Can't sleep."

"Why? Missing a goodnight kiss?"

"You do not sleep?"

"Can't sleep."

"Why? Missing a goodnight kiss?"

"... No, the handcuffs are missing."

He smiled sharply, "Well, I promise not to sneak attack while you are sleeping, but if you come and attack me, I would be very welcome."

Leo turned away speechlessly. This guy always likes to be ambiguous when talking to him. Is it because of his own virtue, or is he taking pleasure in his reaction? Including the kiss... Actually, it was a bad prank, right? He solemnly said, "At seven ten ten, I call you."

"Okay," he said, and then there was no movement.

Five minutes later, Leo heard his long and regular breathing, and he was clearly asleep. For people with chronic sleep problems, this fast falling asleep skill is quite a hate point, and Leo is unavoidably envy and jealous: a murderer can sleep as sweet and calm as a baby unless he is not guilty of what he did. Feeling, or rather, his heart is so cold and numb that he is not touched by death.

Such a person... Such a person still made him have a glimmer of illusion, and he never gave up the hope that he wanted to correct his evil and return to righteousness... Leo suddenly suspected that he was not far from losing his mind.

He fell into a state of half asleep and half awake in the chaos of thoughts, looked at his watch from time to time, and got up and woke up four hours later.

The sea under the rock where the rest point was already showing signs of rising, they had to hurry up and leave. When they returned the same way, Leo was lucky to retrieve the flashlight lost in the fight. It was still bright, and it was much easier to use than a temporary torch, which saved them part of the estimated time.

Just when they saw the light from the front hole, a noisy sound came from outside.

The two immediately spied out from the cracks between the stones and found a team of camouflage pants coming and going on the beach. From this angle, the drooping carbine barrels and the German black backs held on the ropes were clearly visible.

"Damn, they just searched here. I don't know if I can find a chance to sneak out." Qingqing turned his head and listened to the sound of the tide, frowning, "At most half an hour, this hole will be filled with water."

Leo took a risk and took a few steps forward, carefully observing the movement on the deserted slope behind the beach, his face solemn, "There are a lot of people on it, and the sky is bright. With two pistols soaked in water, we can't fight head-on. Can wait... Wait, they sat down, as if they were going to rest on the slope and have breakfast or something."

He also crawled over and took a look, "Their position is so perfect, they are condescendingly facing the empty beach, with 100% vision. As long as we show our heads, we will become the target of the fire. What a hell!"

Leo repeated observations several times, calculating the possible escape route in his mind, and finally had to admit disappointedly that he had nothing to do but stay in the cave. Once he appeared, he would be a target. In fact, the other party hasn't found this sea cave yet, which is their greatest fortune.

"Well, it's time to choose the method of death." He said, "Agent, do you want to be killed by a bullet or drown in the sea?"

He couldn't hear any emotional color in his tone, as if he was just asking "Would you like tea or coffee?" It was calm, which stretched Leo's gloomy mood a lot, shrugged and replied, "In terms of the degree of pain. , The former may be lighter, but I would rather feed the fish than let the corpse fall on the hands of the young Yavre."

He nodded his head and said: "Listening to what you said, I can imagine how perverted that kid is. Okay, let's turn around and go into the cave."

Leo raised his eyebrows and looked at him holding his hand again, "... Can I trouble you to die first? I don't want our bodies to be entangled and pulled apart when they are found, they will be regarded as Of the martyr."

"Ah, I don't mind at all." The other man said, squeezing his hand and walking into the sea cave where the water level was rising rapidly.

Soon they couldn't hold their feet, and could only swim inward against the tide. "Let's talk about your plan B." Leo buckled the stone wall to fix himself from being washed away by the current, and asked about it as a matter of course.

"Are you so sure there is still B?"

"I have been chasing you for more than a year, and I dreamed of you more than a few days at night. They all say Cunning Rabbit Sanku, you are much more cunning than Rabbit."

"It's a great honor to make the agent think about me day and night, and understand me deeply. That way, if we die together, it can be regarded as fulfilling your wish. You see, you finally caught me!" He smiled. Shaking their hands together, "Unfortunately, there is indeed B, but it is not a plan. It is just an adventure. Yesterday I observed this cave. The place where we rested before was a natural space formed by two large rocks. , It seems to be higher than the sea level after the high tide... But I am not sure how much the specific data is, and I am not sure whether it can squeeze two people on it when the water level is highest."

"But that's our only chance right now, right." Leo said, "then try your luck."

The water was getting closer and closer to the roof of the cave, and they had to dive over some sections of the road, and then put their noses against the stone wall to change their breath.

The section in front is extremely narrow. They used to crawl over with their hands and feet before, but now the whole is soaked in the water, and they don't know if they can sneak over in one breath. He hesitated for a moment, released his hand, and shook Leo's shoulder solemnly: "I know your water is better than me. If I can't get to the ventilation point, please help me. If I can't make it, then forget it. Let it go when it's time to let it go."

Leo looked at his indistinct face in the dark and didn't know how to answer for a moment.

When he was silent, he took a deep breath and plunged into the water.

This passage seemed to be longer than I thought. Leo held back until his lungs were tingling, and only then did his fingers touch a gap between the water surface and the rock wall of the cave. He lifted his nose like an amnesty and took a long breath, and exclaimed, "Come on, here!"

There was no movement on the water before and after, Leo's heartstring tightened and he immediately dived.

The battery-drained flashlight flashed for a while, and after giving out the last glimmer, Leo could see the dead figure clearly with the gleam of light. He seemed to have been unable to restrain his breathing instinct, and vainly covered his mouth and nose with his palm. Strings of bubbles rise from between the fingers.

He is about to drown.

Leo slid on the soles of his feet, opened his palm with one hand, and supported the back of his neck with the other, blowing air in with his lips.

The other party hugged his waist tightly like a life-saving straw, taking air from his mouth until half of their heads finally came out of the water, and their heads pressed against the hard rock wall.

The emergency measures have obviously changed at this moment. They kissed passionately in lung pain and chest tightness and shortness of breath. No one's brain can think. All reason and reason are not worth mentioning in front of this kiss. Hearing the heartbeat of both parties and some unknown roar, it was the clamor of the desire to burn the body in the body.

When the water flooded their eyes and the lungs were overwhelmed and they had to part their lips, they raised their faces tiredly and excitedly, panting for breath, as if they were born after death.