Sha Qing

Chapter 44: The question of up or down


The salty sea water irritated the eyes so that they hurt. He wiped his face completely, gasping and saying, "Although we really want to continue, we have to go forward."

Indeed, the tide had already risen to the top of the cave, and Leo didn't even have time to respond, took a hurried breath, and sank to the bottom again.

Fortunately, it was not far from the previous rest point. A few minutes later, they touched the huge and cracked rock and climbed up with hands and feet. The tide chased them, rising step by step under their feet, until the shoulders hit a hard stone edge, the water surface could rise to the highest point and stopped devouring the last living space.

This is a small refuge with a height of about 1.5 meters and an area of at most 5 flat. The ground (to be precise, it should be a stone surface) is irregularly rectangular to the touch, with flat sides on both sides and a long dent in the middle. , It should be a natural crack in the rock.

In this cave-in-a-hole place, they couldn’t stand up straight at all, their feet were close to the rippling water surface, and the top of their heads was the top of the two large rocks. They could only sit or simply lie down and let the wet rock surface get wet. Clothing. It is gratifying that they can continue to breathe with their lungs instead of praying to God for the temporary evolution of gills. The trouble is that they have no flashlights, no fires, and only the invisible darkness and eternal dampness and coldness. The endless darkness and silence are enough to cause ordinary people to mentally break down, and they have to at least stay in this environment. Twelve hours.

After groping around, he sighed: "With less than 10 cubic meters of space, the oxygen storage is not enough to support the low tide... So is the third method of death due to hypoxia asphyxiation?" He unwillingly fumbled again and finally lay down. On the rock above his head happily shouted: "Fresh water! All fresh water seeps from here! Do you know what this means?"

"... What?" The other man said reluctantly.

"There are cracks in the rocks above, there are quite a few! Rainwater slowly seeps through these cracks because it is higher than the altitude and is not polluted by salt water. Now we have two good news, we can collect some drinking water, And there is a supply of weak but enough life-saving air."


Now even if he couldn't see, he could hear Leo's absent-mindedness. He sat down and felt that the black-haired agent was one meter away. "Are you angry? Because... the kiss just now?"

The other party was silent for a moment, and replied: "It's not anger, it's...unexplainable, very complicated emotions. Forget it, in the situation just now, the life and death may not be so clear. Forget about that."

"I think I'm sober." The killing voice said sharply, "Just now, and during the murder of the castle. Agent, when are you going to deceive yourself until you dare to admit that you feel that way about me?"

"Which aspect?" Leo was irritated by his tone of voice, and said unceremoniously, "Sexually? Oh, as you can see, I'm crooked. It looks like you are too, then again. What? When the adrenaline is soaring, I rubbed against a young homosexual who looks good and builds, or I am not normal at the beginning! You go to the overnight shop? When you want to solve your physical needs, I saw the other person right, asked him to drink a glass of beer, and then the two squeezed into the toilet cubicle and had a good shot. After returning home to sleep for a while, they couldn’t even remember the other person’s appearance—what you mean by the feeling? In this regard?"

In his opinion, the kiss just now is a one-night stand, no, worse than that, it is the nature of a jungler in the toilet? Fingers are itchy with anger. He squeezed the knuckles hard, trying to extinguish the anger, and said in an unprecedented and sincere tone: "You know what I mean... Do you think we are strangers who have only met two sides? No, here. Oh, more than a year ago, when you just took over my case, I started paying attention to you."

"That's really an honor for me, the super serial killer is my Weibo fan."

"Shut up! Don't use this kind of yin and yang tone... Okay, can you just listen to me first?" He took a deep breath, thinking that the next statement is very important, and a large part of it affects the opponent's ability I was moved by him, so he put his voice as soft as possible, like putting a furry fur scabbard on a sharp knife, wishing to tie some sweet bows on it. "In the beginning I just wanted to see if the FBI who was going to catch me was another idiot—obviously not, you are very strong, extraordinary, very courageous and action-oriented, and even more commendable is that you have a keen intuition to see the essence of things. . To be honest, my work has become more difficult after you intervened. After each time, I have to clean up the scene again and again to avoid leaving any traces of identity. Of course, sometimes I also deliberately leave a little innocuous clue. To keep you motivated to keep chasing."

"—Such as the graffiti, the one with the hanging wolf?"

"Yes. I don't know since when I started to get used to and even enjoy your chase. It was you who made my pursuit of details perfect, and the days when I felt bored also had moments of enthusiasm. Do you know, sometimes that kind of matchmaking match? Feeling-you have to give all your attention, otherwise you will be defeated by the opponent, trying to get the upper hand, and at the same time can't help but admire the other side's wonderful performance-that kind of feeling is better than having sex! You don't have such a feeling Does it feel?"

"No, I haven't abused myself so much that I want to have sex with my opponent." Leo said coldly, "So, the reason why you feel'that aspect' to me is something... a mixture of desire to conquer, desire to express, and other things. What messy desires? You treat this as a kind of game, similar to the extra reward for challenging the boss, right?"

He raked his wet forehead in frustration. For the first time, I felt that my language level was slightly deviated from the self-assessment value. How to express it so that the other party could understand it. This is a kind of further than sympathy, like celestial gravity. What about the feeling of traction? Even if they are destined to be enemies for a lifetime, they are the kind of love-hate entanglements that will never forget.

Obviously, the federal agent on the opposite side did not respond to his enthusiasm. Perhaps he was better at hiding his feelings than he was-he was more willing to admit the latter, because it was not wishful thinking that made him gratify. "I thought you would understand," he muttered softly, like an aggrieved child, "why do you delay having a girlfriend or boyfriend? Do you remember that your admirer asked you to have dinner, but it didn't take you long to sit there? As soon as I received a report about my whereabouts, and ran away with a sentence of "sorry", how many times did you stifle the relationship that hadn't had time to start? For you, I am more important than my date. For me, you can My amateur life is so messed up that no girl dares to marry you, right?"

Leo recalled the tearful gazes of those beautiful girls, and every chance of having a normal marriage and family that passed by, he wanted to hit the serial killer opposite with a punch.

Who the hell do you think caused this! Actually ashamed to mention it in front of him! Leo's impulse to rant and rant was unbearable, and was choked back by the other's shocking words: "Look, I have been in love with you secretly for a whole year. Agent, you have to respond, right?"

The sensational word "secret love" came out of suicide, causing him to have an old blood stalk in his throat, and he almost didn't squirt it out.

"... Fuck your sister's secret crush!" He cursed freely, "What the hell do you play with me? If you can't beat me, just engage in verbal attacks, just for disgusting me, right? Too tasteless!"

"Can't beat it? Fuck, I let you do it! I want to find a chance to tell you clearly, or it would be easy to rape first and then kill!"

Leo jumped up, enduring the pain of his head hitting the stone and kicked it.

He listened to the sound to distinguish his position, clasped his ankle, flipped him to Dirio, and kicked his calf with the other foot. The two fell on a rock less than 5 square meters with their fists, elbows and knees. They fought each other, and fell into the water within a few seconds of rolling around.

The two people who choked coldly climbed back to the rock and coughed in pain. The killer took the lead to raise the white flag: "Stop fighting, the place is too small to show off..."

The agent did not have the determination to fight him desperately, "Then shut your mouth and don't make fun of me!"

In the darkness, the two of them were silent for a long time, until the silence was like two heavy iron blocks pressing on their eardrums, and there was a buzzing auditory hallucination because of the extreme silence.



Both of them closed their mouths at the same time.

He sighed silently and said in a low voice, "I didn't make fun of you, Leo, you know it."

Leo was silent, and finally replied: "So what, kill, you also know that it is impossible between us, maybe there is none at all."

"I thought you at least had the guts to try it. If you haven't tried it, how do you know it's impossible?"

"No need. I don't feel that way about you."

"Lie! Was the cucumber that was on my thigh when I was kissing?"

"... It's just a physiological reaction. And I already have a sense of belonging."

He paused for a while and sneered: "Oh, I know, your future brother-in-law. You like that tune, soft, white and tender, always innocent and harmless, just like a pet rabbit."

Leo frowned where he could not see, and his tone suddenly became cold: "He is not the kind of person you think. Don't judge yourself, otherwise you will come and fight again!"

He said with disdain: "Fight for a rabbit? Come on, I have no motivation at all. And he is not yours yet, he can't see it, he can't eat it, so he can be abused! Well, you can put your white lotus in your heart. , Anyway, I didn’t expect to be in love with you. It’s more difficult than you catching me. In fact, I fully understand what your style is—even if you slept with me today, you will still throw me away tomorrow if you get the chance. Go to prison."

"I totally agree with the second half of the sentence. As for the first half, the assumption is always a hypothesis." Leo replied.

"Then let's try, how about turning the hypothesis into reality?" He said, touching Leo's face precisely in the dark, and then kissed him without hesitation.

"... Fuck you!" Leo struggled to resist, squeezing a curse from the corner of his mouth.

"Come on, I'm looking forward to it!" He pressed his knees into his legs and rubbed his crotch. "We two have always wanted to tell the winner, no matter which way, right? Come and fuck me, just You can beat me, or just wait to be fucked by me!"

The anger burned Leo's chest and blood boiled. He bit the lips that pressed him tightly, and was escaped by the opponent. The tapping of his teeth made a crunch, and then a hammer hit the bridge of the opponent's nose, suddenly feeling the hot liquid spraying on his face with a bloody smell.

The nasal cavity was sore and painful. He almost burst into tears. He quickly wiped the nosebleed with his sleeve and punched Leo's stomach unwillingly. When he was bent over in pain, he stabbed a hand knife on the back of the neck, and then started. Pulling his pants.

Leo slammed on the rock face dizzyly, his legs violently attacked the opponent's shin bones with the strength of broken bones, he staggered back two steps, knocked his head on the stone wall, groaned in pain, and then again after a few seconds. Pounced.

The two in the dark relied on intuition to fight in a small space, their clothes were torn apart, because they couldn't see anything, and didn't care if they had no dew points. Leo felt the opponent's head close to his waist, and reflexively wanted to raise his knees to hit him, but after taking a breath of air, he froze there—

Across the thin underwear, his sex organs fell into a soft, hot and humid heaven, being licked, sucked and vomited, the pleasure was straight to the nerves, but he was uncomfortable because of the itching of his boots. "Fuck... You are crazy!" Leo shouted hoarsely, as the sudden pleasure made his muscles stiff.

The other party took the opportunity to tear off his underwear and said, with the inner middle part, slurred and said: "Don't move, or I can bite!" He threatened to sharpen his teeth in the coronal sulcus.

Leo's body trembled for a while, and his fingertips pierced the stone, clenching into a fist. "Fuck, fuck..." He kept inhaling, uncontrollably hardening in the opponent's mouth—think about it, he was finished! A serial killer who was so fierce and fierce as to cause headaches for the entire law enforcement community, now he kneels in front of him in a surrender posture and performs oral sex for him-that's a complete shot!

A strong desire arises spontaneously, which is the male's aggressive instinct to conquer another strong individual. The violent factor in the bone determines that the sex between the men is more like a confrontational competition. Both sides want to declare their dominance by suppressing the other's body and mind. Obviously Leo doesn't care what kind of unreasonable relationship he develops with another man. He just wants to fuck this awkward thing, and then said to him: Look, who is stronger between us? that!

He grabbed the dead hair and pulled it away from his hips, then pressed him under his body, and began to strip off the little clothes left on the opponent's body. When he pulled off his underwear and pointed his erect hard sex organ at the opponent's buttocks, he rolled over and pressed him as if he was awake.

"I never planned to be below!" His voice was low and dull because of the burning of desire, but still sexy and beautiful, "Agent, have you misunderstood something?"

Leo grabbed his shoulder and tried to turn him over again. "Me too! Do you think I will be the one below?"

"... But one of us must be below."

"Needless to say, it must be you, you took the initiative to seduce me."

"But that doesn't mean that I am the bearer. In fact, I am willing to teach you how to be happy with men. In this regard, you are a baby, right."

"I don't need you to teach me, too!" The federal agent yelled angrily, "Do you want to do it anyway?"

The serial killer fought to each other and said: "Of course! But I absolutely, am I down!"

They stared at each other in the dark naked and with painful lower body, no one could see the expression on their faces, but obviously, if this critical problem was not solved, no one would be able to do it.