Sha Qing

Chapter 45: Magic in the hole


Leo felt that he was caught in an unprecedented competition of patience and self-control. He is not a virgin, but he has never had the experience of vying for control with his bare buttocks and a "gun" still fighting for control-the girls who have sex with him will not want to invade his body like the killer in front of him.

… Maybe I didn’t even have sex with him, Leo thought depressed. He is very clear about his strong personality. Such a person will not allow others to invade, whether physically or mentally, as if you can easily insert a knife into a butter cake, but it is almost impossible to insert a steel plate.

He didn't want to and could not rape the other party, it seemed that there was no other way but to give up.

Just when he let go of the other party's shoulders, planning to take a cold bath below, or slap himself, he suddenly grabbed his wrist. "Want to escape?" His voice was hoarse, with a touch of helplessness and fatigue, "Well, you won, agent... Come and fuck me."

Leo was startled by the unexpected.

"Are you serious?" He confirmed suspiciously, and got an annoyed answer from the other party: "Does your mother want me to spread my thighs like a woman and call'come soon'?! Before I change my mind!" "

There were complicated emotions in Leo's heart, but now was not the time to analyze them, he lowered his head and kissed his mortal lips.

The kiss was still hot and passionate, but there was a lingering smell. The two hugged each other tightly, stroking each other's back and waist, feeling the constant warmth from the other body.

"If you don't want to continue, you can stop at any time..." Leo said vaguely, licking the sharp pinna.

He snapped a bite on his collarbone: "I never give up halfway."

Leo turned him over with his back facing upwards, smeared some saliva on the genitals, and pushed him slowly and firmly into his back acupuncture point little by little.

It was very tight and very astringent. His glans was aching, and the people under him were obviously more painful than him. He could feel the tightening of every muscle, and a painful grunt leaked from the clenched teeth.

He even trembled uncontrollably, like the tail of an arrow on a full hard bow, an arc of strength and tolerance.

This terrifying tremor made Leo feel pity, he stopped the movement of entering, and kept kissing the sharp nape of the neck and shoulder blades, and then heard the extremely faint muttering in the opponent's mouth: "Leo. Leo. Leo..."

He kept calling the intruder's name, and every sound was sharp like a knife cut, and there was no affectionate charm. It matched every slight tremor of his limbs, as if the ill person was babbling unconsciously.

Leo suddenly understood the opponent's trembling. It was not fear, but restraint—

Killing is trying to restrain yourself, don't counterattack the intruder reflexively, and pull the opponent's throat out of his neck. If the beast in his heart is roaring and struggling at this time, then the name "Leo" is the chain, and he uses this chain to bind it, like a seal, which shackles his attack instinct.

He forced himself to hibernate all the fangs and claws, because the man on him was the only person in the world who made him willing to do so.

Realizing this, Leo had a strange feeling-as if the hard rock under his feet suddenly became soft, sinking him and sinking under the heavy load, he clearly felt the process of sinking, but Strangely, there was no panic, anger, or resistance to the MadeIn disaster, as if returning to normal naturally, just so intoxicated and sunk into it until it was completely embraced by the warm darkness...

He withdrew gently, turned the man under him over, and kissed his lips again. "It's me, baby, it's me... Relax, accept me, treat me as part of you... own me."

This sentence seemed to exert a wonderful magic power, and opened his eyes in the dark. He couldn't see the other man, but he could feel the other man's smell, body temperature, breathing and emotions—a gentle and deep emotion that enveloped him densely, making him feel extremely peaceful in it, and every nervous nerve Stretched out under its ironing post, eager to accept its invitation.

"Leo..." He sighed, raising one leg around the opponent's waist, "Come in."

The black-haired agent smeared more saliva as lubrication, and then entered him. The passage is no longer as tight, dry and full of resistance as before, and he did his best to relax himself and accept him as a part of himself. The feeling of going deep into the other party's body and soul was so beautiful and inviting, Leo let out a trembling low moan under the impact of the physical and psychological pleasure.

He was completely buried in his body, staying for a while waiting for the other party to adapt, and the next actions—all the deep and shallow thrusts, wild and fierce bumps—as if they were no longer controlled by the mind. He is like a storm in the late summer. He wants to completely vent his accumulated desires for a long time. Only the man under him can bear him so well. Even if he doesn't do anything or say a word, he can still bring his pleasure to layers. Accumulate and push to the top.

Finally, he ejaculated in extreme pleasure, panting quickly and lying on his body, feeling the satisfaction of being hollowed out.

It's... perfect. Leo sighed with a convulsive aftertaste, and hugged the man below him tightly.

He pressed his finger into his wet hair and touched it down from the back of his neck. The sweaty, strong muscles on Leo's back seemed to be coated with olive oil, and the elasticity of warmth made him unable to help rubbing back and forth with the thin calluses in his palms.

"... Did I hurt you?" When Leo withdrew, he touched the acupuncture point with his fingers. He felt that it was a little red and swollen, but it didn't seem to be torn, and there was no bloody smell in the semen.

"I'm not that easy to get hurt," he said.

Leo followed the scrotum to the front and found that his genitals were half-soft but not upright, looking dissatisfied with desire. Obviously, he is not the kind of pure zero who can ejaculate only by rectal thrusting, even if the sex just now has pleasure, it is not enough to reach the level of orgasm.

Lioton felt guilty and ignored the other party's needs for himself. He held the other man's genitals with his semen-stained hands, and slapped them skillfully.

He squinted his eyes and snorted satisfied with the service of the federal agent. After a while, he began to gasp, and occasionally a low moan or two, until the final climax hit, arched his body and shot the opponent's chest.

Leo leaned over to hug him again. At this moment, they temporarily abandoned all differences and hostility, and kissed again and again in the gradually calming atmosphere, as if they wanted to completely integrate the taste of each other into themselves, and merge the two into one.

"Thank you." Leo murmured as he rubbed his ears together.

"Why, because I am willing to make concessions?" Qingqing chuckled lazily. "That is conditional, agent, next time you have to be below."

Leo was silent for a few seconds, and then said, "I can try."

"-What?" Now it's the turn to be surprised. After all, he doesn't expect a stubborn guy like Leo to change his mind easily.

"I mean... If you can do this for me, I think I can too." The black-haired agent whispered, seemingly a little embarrassed.

He rolled over suddenly, gave him a kiss that was almost asphyxiating, and then gasped during the breath exchange: "... Although I want to be'next time' now, this is not a good place, and we also need to save some. Physical strength, to deal with the bad things outside. I will remember what you said, next time, right? Well, next time."

Leo couldn't help but smile during his childish repeated confirmations, "Do you want to take a bath? We all have that smell."

As soon as he rolled his arms around him, the two fell into the sea under the rock together.

After they washed and washed while frolicking, they picked up their respective clothes-it had turned into a few crumpled wet cloths, but there was no way, it was better to put them back on them than nothing.

Lying back on the rock again, the cold moisture pierced into the skin, but the two felt more comfortable than the small fire before, because they could hug each other intimately and use each other's body temperature to keep warm.

Leo put his head on his chest, and listened to a steady heartbeat. The long-lost sleepiness came quickly like a deep winter night. Even before a word of "good night" was spoken, his consciousness was thrown into dreamlessness. abyss.

Listening to his breathing tending to deepen, he stared at his opponent and lover in the dark, and lowered his head to drop a soft kiss on his black hair, "Good night, my lion."

When they walked out of the sea cave again, it was already about 20 o'clock at night. The search team was no longer visible near the beach, and the black plants on the deserted slope rustled in the night wind.

He listened carefully and said in a low voice, "Nothing happened, they should have left."

"Hundreds of people, one day is enough to turn this small island upside down. Maybe they thought we fled to the larger South Island?" Leo said.

He nodded and said: "It is very possible. If this is the case, the North Island's manpower is drastically reduced and the guards are insufficient. Maybe we can take advantage of the loopholes."

"You mean, dive back to the clubhouse?"

"Yes. Young Yavre will definitely not leave the clubhouse. To ensure his own safety, he will concentrate most of the bodyguards remaining in the North Island in his castle, and the corresponding villa area guards will be much less."

"Villa area? Are you still trying to get the idea of the remaining members? Come on, come on, little Yavre is not that idiot. It has been almost twenty-four hours since the club’s accident last night, he has stuffed the survivors in. The plane was transported away."

"Perhaps, he is not stupid, but capricious and crazy enough. If he regards killing us as more important than the lives of those members, he might be worried that we will pretend to be on the plane and escape, so he will not revoke the ban. If That's right, those members may also be in his castle, do you want to take a gamble?"

"—Do you want to catch it all in one go? Just rely on the two of us? Oh, kill, you are crazier than the little Yavre!"

"But you like my madness, don't you? Why don't you chase other killers?" He smiled somewhat proudly, "Well, let's work together again and have a castle adventure. "

"You are the most daring and restless killer I have ever seen!" Leo said, "But since we are in a desperate situation, we might as well try it in your style. Maybe you can really come to an end."

"More than that, I promise you can kick the little Yavre's ass fiercely-I heard he was quite interesting to you, have you dedicated your life to the great FBI?" He looked at him jokingly, his eyes flashing right. The killing intent of another person.

Leo warned: "Don't interfere with my goal, make it happen! Young Yavre is my job, you know how important I am to work, if you want to make a cross-don't blame me for not reminding you!"

He snapped a whistle of irony, "Listening to this threatening tone, it is really ruthless, the police elite."

Leo choked like a fishbone stuck in his throat.

He suddenly felt that the dark sea cave was actually a forbidden place that was enchanted by wizards. People in it were completely irrational as if they were cursed. Their heads were full of pink bubbles, and the devil looked as cute as an angel; When he stepped out, BIU, the illusion was shattered, and the other party instantly revealed his original magnificent face.

Twelve hours ago, he made the biggest mistake of his life... Tickles his eyebrows with his fingertips tiredly, and Leo sighed in frustration, "Listen, kill--"

"Oh? I seem to have heard someone call me'baby' before."

Leo covered his face with the palm of his hand, "...Baby, can we stop making trouble?"

"No problem." Qing Qing laughed happily. "That perverted little duke is at your disposal. If the other hunters haven't left, leave it to me."

"No, I won't just sit back and watch you kill someone."

"Then you turn your back."

"Finish! This is my principle!"

"Not below is my principle."

"..." The federal agent cursed angrily: "Your sister!"

"Well, about Luna Island, we can temporarily shelve the dispute and jointly develop it, and we will always find a solution in the future," said the serial killer.

Leo watched silently as he climbed the grassy slope to cross the jungle again, and wanted to turn around and leave, and completely parted ways with him.

It's a pity that this intention was noticed by another man before it was implemented. "Ah." He sighed, holding on to the trunk.

"What's the matter?" the agent asked warily.

"My butt hurts, I can't walk, my dear, give me a hand." The killer replied softly.


For the Nth time, Leo swears to himself that he must throw this pretentious bastard into federal prison!