Sha Qing

Chapter 46: Each is pregnant with ghosts


When Leo and Daqing left the wilderness and approached the summit clubhouse, the sky was still dark. They lurked in the grass to observe for a while, and found that the guards around the clubhouse's enclosure were really relaxed. There was only a shift of mobile posts every 20 minutes, and the number of people had also decreased a lot. It seems that Little Yavre could not find them on the North Island, so it was a matter of course that they had fled to the South Island, and they transferred all their hands to the strait between the two islands with a patrol boat.

The wall of the clubhouse is nearly four meters high, but this can't hinder well-trained detectives and killers. Leo stood at the base of the wall with his arms cushioned. He stepped on his palms and jumped up, kicking his toes against the wall, and leaping up to the wall in the blink of an eye. He took off his clothes and wrapped his arms, rolled a passage in the thorny wire mesh, and reached out to Leo below: "Come."

The two climbed over the fence and landed on the garden lawn dotted with fir trees.

"I want to go to the villa I lived in before." Leo whispered, "I have something hidden there."

"Is Bond's secret weapon?" He chuckled, "Then go to the villa area first, and you can confirm whether the remaining members are there."

Leo glared at him and made a "I will stare at you" gesture.

They approached the villa area with ease, bypassing the sparse guards along the way, and entered the villa where Leo had lived before.

"—Wait!" As he walked into the master bedroom, he suddenly grabbed Leo's arm and reminded him with a very faint voice, "There is someone in the room."

There was no light in the villa, and it was dark and silent, but Leo listened intently and really heard the slight movement-it was the sniff of a person while sleeping, seemed to come from the big bed in the depths... He touched it silently, one He strangled the throat of the figure on the bed, and covered his nose and mouth with the other hand.

The sleeping person was awakened from his dream. The unexpected sneak attack made him stunned for just a second or two, but he reacted at an extraordinary speed, firmly grasping the hand on the throat, and at the same time drew a sharp dagger from under the pillow and slammed it over.

He had to release the hand covering his mouth and nose, grabbing the wrist holding the murder weapon and twisting it, pressing the tip of the blade against the opponent's chest.

In the wrestling of the two arms, the blade moved inch by inch towards the man's chest on the bed. Just before he was about to pierce the flesh and blood, Leo rushed forward and grabbed their wrists and pulled them apart, using a standard police capture action, three or two times. He suppressed the person on the bed face down, twisted his arms behind his waist, and yelled, "Go and get a tie!"

He snorted, got up and went to the closet to pull his tie.

The man who was almost out of breath under the sheets yelled: "... Let go! It's me, it's me!"

He was stunned: "— Shanier?"

Leo let go, and the blond and green-eyed man leaped up from the bed, his glaring eyes were full of vicious malice, covered by the gloomy light.

He really is alive! That idiot, trash, sissy! Shanier cursed the young Yavre furiously from the bottom of his heart, but asked in surprise: "Stop, Leo, why are you here?"

"I should ask you this," he said, "I thought you got on a plane and fled before, why are you here?"

"The airport is emptied, and now there are no planes on it. I don't want to be caught by them back to the human-beast camp, nor do I want to spend the night in the damned jungle. I think of the empty member villas. There is a saying called'black under the lights'. Isn't it?" Shanier sat on the edge of the bed with Erlang's legs up.

"You are really adaptable, you can mix well no matter where you are." He curled his lips.

"Although it sounds a bit ironic, I'm still willing to take this sentence as a compliment. How about you, have you killed all the targets? Or is it tied up by the police with invisible handcuffs?" Shanier didn't. Counterattack kindly.

Leo raised his eyebrows: "If this is to instigate discord, it is really awkward. Shanier? Sevilla, I recognize you, the head of the Brooklyn Hall of the New York Blood Gang—oh, it's the predecessor. .Why, you got out of prison? I was well taken care of by the inmates inside, right."

Shanier heard infinite contempt and ridicule from the word "care", new hatred and old hatred suddenly burst into his chest, wishing to punch that handsome face like a movie star into red flowers, and then throw it to a bunch of black men. One hundred times on the wheel. But now is not the time to calculate the general ledger. He is not afraid to fight alone with the FBI. What he is really worried about is the completion. Up to now, he has not figured out what the relationship between the two killers and the police is. , It seems that it’s not quite right to say that it’s a dog man. If there is a conflict, who will be on the side

This is very important, even if he just sits on the sidelines, Shanier thought aggrieved, anyhow I had a life and death relationship with him, and we slept in a (tree) bed! He didn't look as good to me as he did to that note!

"Sir, I am already a law-abiding citizen, and I have to thank you for this. It took me seven years and four months to change my mind and re-behave." The former gang leader smiled without a smile. To answer.

"Then you can live your life in peace, and be careful not to be caught by me and go back to jail." The federal agent said casually, "By the way, can Edman's cell phone still work?"

She fell apart early-the moment she was about to blurt out, Shanier realized the despicability of fishing law enforcement, swallowed the words in his throat abruptly, and said in a puzzled way: "Edman? Who? What cell phone?"

Leo glanced at him suspiciously and ignored him.

He went downstairs and entered the restaurant, took out two bottles of Burgundy red wine from the wine cabinet, and used the special needles hidden in the secret to draw two tubes of liquid respectively, and then hid them in the sleeves.

When he returned to the bedroom, he saw the "little wolf dog" in his mouth (he didn't believe in any revolutionary ghost, that nasty gangster is definitely a cunning jackal) wagging his tail around his flattering object. Leo had the urge to throw the opponent back to prison and squat for another eight hundred years.

"... Less than five minutes apart, I started to miss you." The shameless guy said, and the distance between him and the finale was so close, "I really miss our cooperation when we acted together. Before that. The agreement is still valid, right, I will be your good assistant, and you take me when you leave this broken island..."

Shaoqing tilted his head to look at him, seeming to be considering how to answer.

Leo stood quietly by the door and watched, waiting for his answer.

After looking at it for a while, he finally said: "The last time."

Shanier's eyes were bright.

"This is the last chance I give you. If you move away from me, then go your own way; if you get in the way of me—" He paused dangerously, his voice as sharp as a knife: "Look at the first two. For heaven’s sake, I’ll help you settle down."

Shanier horrified and sighed with relief: "Swear in the name of my father, grandfather, and great-grandfather!"

He patted him on the cheek like a large dog, who was so excited that he almost licked his palm.

The black-haired agent looked on with cold eyes, his face sullen and stern. Then he walked in, grabbed Shanier by the collar and dragged it away, before the other party went crazy and said coldly: "Want to come to the Bureau of Investigation for tea?"

Shanier clenched his teeth and almost pulled out his gun on the spot.

"If you don't mind, we have to change our clothes-'If you don't mind' means: I mind-why don't you get out of it?"

The federal agents used the stern tone of interrogating the serious offender. They were so overwhelmed by their proficiency that they immediately evoked Shanier's unbearable memories. The former criminal who had suffered a lot from the crime had a grim face, and slammed the door angrily.

He shrugged, took off his rotten camouflage uniforms like pickles, opened the closet to select suitable new clothes, "Actually, I want to take a bath first, and my body is full of sea salt..." He muttered, unexpectedly being caught by another man. Hugging from behind.

Leo clung to his naked back, buried his face in the back of his neck and sniffed deeply, "I told you, don't get too close to that guy, he's a scumbag."

He then asked: "Is this conclusion based on the experience of the police officer or the jealousy of the artillery friend?"

Leo knew that it was not just the former, but he was stung in his chest by the definition of the latter "friend of artillery", frowning and said: "Friend of artillery? That's how you view our relationship?"

He replied nonchalantly, "Didn't you say it yourself, it's like having a good shot in the toilet cubicle, and you can't remember the other person's appearance when you wake up when you go home."

Leo sighed deeply, and turned over while holding his shoulder, "Don't be angry with me, kill, you know that's not the case... Oh, no, it's a bit similar, I really don't even look like you really are. I know." In the gloom, he stared at the sharp face near the tip of his nose, and his curiosity was overwhelmed for a long time: "Is this face real? Or the one seen in the murder castle? Or the three simulated portraits. One of them? Or a certain one I have never seen before? Finished, you hide too much from me, the whole person is like hiding behind the fog—but you still want me to be honest with you, you don’t Do you think this is a bit too much?"

"Excessive? Compared to what you have always intended to do to me? Do I have to go to jail to get your true feelings and mercy after forgiveness?" Qing Qing sneered, "Come on, what you have hidden from me? It’s not that I’m young, we both have reservations, because neither of us dare to believe the other. In that case, why don’t you admit that you are just playing with me? In addition to opponents and friends, can you think of another thing? Do words sum up our relationship? For example, lover? God, where do you plan to put your dear, lovely, and lovable prospective brother-in-law?"

Leo was startled.

He never thought about Li Biqing. From returning to the sea cave at high tide until now, he never thought of his boy.

—He doesn't belong to you in the first place, it's completely your secret crush on wishful thinking. The sharp voice echoed in his ears. He will be engaged to your sister next month. What are you going to do, grab the bridegroom? Or hide in the hut secretly hurt? Oh, Leo, you are such a tragedy.

Leo clenched his fists and slowly let them go. He knew that these words were not the mouth of suicide, but the mocking echo of secret hope that could never be realized.

There was never a moment like this that made him feel like he was scumbag-he loves Li Biqing, well, this is not wrong, but he turns his head and entangles with another person; he can’t love to kill, this is also It's not wrong, but he was embarrassed to land him, when the other party made it clear that he couldn't accept it.

It is because of the two ends of his head mouse that he is now in a speechless situation... He stepped back blankly and sat down on the edge of the bed, bent over and supported his forehead with the palm of his hand, feeling a mess in his brain. There was a dull pain in the temples.

"... I'm sorry." He whispered, and finished with Li Biqing. He hated himself who could only apologize, but couldn't find a better word-any other rhetoric seemed to shirk responsibility.

He stepped forward, gently pushed his hands away, held his chin and raised his blank face: "I don't need your apology. I want you to forget the person who doesn't belong to you, and look at me wholeheartedly-even if you stand. Opposition, even if you can’t get along like a normal couple, your eyes can only be placed on me, like Apollo chasing the goddess of the laurel, chasing me forever.” He finished speaking like an oath, bowed his head and kissed Leo’s Lips.

Leo accepted the kiss numbly, feeling like a tree trunk that was eaten into the core by termites, leaning precariously... Reason warned him that the entangled relationship with the killing must be ended immediately, but in the dark In the sea cave, after each other's breath blended with each other, after he galloped on each other's body, how could he be confident that nothing happened

"You are such a devil, hell is the place for you to stay." The federal agent murmured.

The serial killer chuckled in his ears, "Are you willing to shut me in, my cold archangel?"

"... I will, even if it is painful and upset, I will still do it."

"It makes you suffer for me. It seems worth it to be locked in, isn't it?" Shaqing kissed him again, and this time got the response from the other party-although there was some helpless self-rejection in the lingering, the killer was already very satisfied. .

When they got dressed and walked out of the bedroom, Shanier, who was sitting on the sofa in the living room and smoking, was already impatient.

"Have you tried on all the clothes in the closet?" He said quietly, "Or did I get a quick shot on the bed I just slept in?" The two men locked up in the same room. After changing clothes for ten minutes, if he naively thought that there was nothing abnormal between them, then his head would be abnormal!

Damn, when I touched it twice, I turned my face and shouted to kill me, then I turned my head and got into a note! Shanier thought with jealousy, he really was a bad guy. He had known that when Fei Ye Zi fainted for the first time, he should be treated in front of other people... Wait, maybe he was on this. Slip? Judging by his temper and skill, this is even more likely... Maybe under this hard-line appearance, there is a heart eager to be trampled and trained

The golden-brown haired man re-looked at the black-haired agent with a weird look that was a mixture of weirdness and gloat, and suddenly felt that the other party seemed more pleasing to the eye than before—uniforms are always easier to arouse the desire for training He has tasted police uniforms and military uniforms, but he has not tried the FBI black suit.

Shanier enjoys his own dirty thoughts in the evil taste, but when he finishes it, he stepped forward and pinched his cigarette butt and warned: "Don't bring the guards in."

"We can't stay in the villa all the time, do you have any good ideas for us to leave?" Shanier looked at him expectantly. He was impressed by the planning and action of the killer before.

"Yes, let's go to the castle, catch the little Yavre, and force him to send us on the plane." said the Qing Qing.

Shanier was startled, "Do you want to kill me? What a bad idea! We have to kill at least a hundred heavily armed bodyguards to get close to him. Do you think you are Batman?"

"Then change the plan, find a bait that makes him pay enough attention to it, and lure him out."

"—This note! Young Yavre can't wait to skin him cramps!" Shanier suggested feverishly.

Leo looked down at him: "How do you know that Young Yavre hates me?"

"Uh... Look, the clubhouse was in a mess since last night. I secretly followed behind the search team and heard that Young Yavre ordered a search all over the island to catch you, life and death-if it wasn't for a deep hatred, what did he do? Made it so vigorous? Many bodyguards are guessing the reason, saying that you must be more than just annoying him on the bed."

Leo didn't believe him at all, and rushed forward with a frosty face, his arm was caught in his neck and pushed him down on the sofa, his arm was twisted 180 degrees in the opposite direction with his other hand. "Say, did you tell the secret? Edman's side was also your ghost!"

Shanier gasped with pain, struggling to fight back: "Fuck you! Do you want to fight? Come on, who's afraid of anyone! I've long wanted to beat you hard... Mommy took off my coat and let me blow. Air-conditioning, don’t let me go to the bathroom to force me to pee on my pants, what other tricks Nima didn’t use? Today I also settle the ledger with you—"

Leo hit his jaw with a punch, making him silent instantly, and sneered: "Who tells you to be so arrogant, you are so arrogant and domineering when you enter the interrogation room! You think the female agent's ass is so easy to touch ?"

Shanier covered his face, and it took a long time to find the changed voice, "Leo? Lawrence! I never die with you, you wait!"

Leo still wanted to beat him, but he was snapped and grabbed his wrist. "If it's really what he told the secret, then it's still useful to keep him."

"What's the use?"

"—Tell it again."