Sha Qing

Chapter 47: The ultimate target


When Oliver received a call from the newsman again, his first reaction was to regret not changing his phone number immediately, even if it would cause a lot of trouble to his work. But compared to the anger of the little duke who had been blackmailed a large amount of dollars, the trouble was trivial.

He desperately hoped that the guy and the police undercover would be caught in the raids on the mountains and plains-even if it was just one of them, it would calm the angry little duke and his life would be better. But things backfired. At this moment, he had to press the call to see how the other party planned to take advantage of the fire.

"I have a piece of news that is very beneficial to you." The other party said straightforwardly, "You haven't caught the undercover, right, and I'm sure, even if you search the two islands, you won't be able to touch one of his. hair."

Oliver said solemnly: "Do you want to sell us his coordinates this time?"

"You are really a clever secretary-but you can't do this. I want to talk to the Duke."

"Then let you blackmail 100 million dollars? No, there is no door! To be honest, I don't care when I get him, anyway, he is already a turtle in the urn and will be arrested sooner or later. To me, the Duke feels better than one. To die sooner or later is always more important for the undercover to die, do you understand?"

The other party let out a low laugh, "I fully understand. But what if I say that this transaction is completely free?"

Oliver hesitated, "Free? Or do you have other conditions?"

"You are a one-touch person. If so, please express my full apology and kindness to the Lord Duke for me-for my impatience and rude trading method last time, you must know that I am not in this style normally, I will do it. Most of the business is returning customers. For this reason, I will provide you with his position for free. In the future, if the Duke needs any important information, I will give it away for free once, no, twice. What do you think?"

Oliver thought for a while, felt that the news should make the little duke's mood a little better, and agreed: "I will convey it for you. As for whether or not to accept your call request, it depends on what the duke meant."

After receiving the report, Yaffer considered for a moment, the anger did not completely burn his sanity: the greedy intelligence dealer was scrupulous about his revenge, and wanted to repair the relationship and add a regular customer by the way, so he offered to give it away for free. There is no reason why you shouldn't want this kind of cheapness delivered to your door. What's more, the other party is still on his island. As long as he refuses to let him go, even if he turns back afterwards, the other party will be helpless.

After making up his mind, he connected to the call with the other party and said in a kind tone of "stupid man, this duke will forgive you generously once": "You have made a wise choice. A friend is easier than being my enemy. After all, where is that damn undercover? Why can't I find it after searching the two islands?"

"Have your subordinates searched the sea caves on this island, the one on the western beach?" The other party asked bluntly without trying to challenge his patience. This has made Yaffer's perception and belief in him slightly improved.

"Of course, it's a good place to hide, but my men searched it two or three times and found nothing."

"They entered when the tide was low, he was no longer inside at that time."

"Are you kidding me, my reserve friend? Do you think someone can soak in a hole filled with seawater within twelve hours of high tide?"

"Duke, I suggest that you hire a subordinate who is proficient in geology, or send your secretary to another geography major-there is a place in the cave that is higher than the sea level at high tide, and it is also ventilated with the outside air-this Has no one told you at all? This is your island, and there shouldn't be any place outside of your control."

Young Yafur cursed with his microphone, then let go: "Where is he now? If you can catch him, then your previous offense to me will be wiped out."

"This is exactly what I expected, Your Excellency. The undercover note entered the sea cave half an hour ago. It is estimated that after you have searched repeatedly to no avail, he felt that the place was temporarily safe and planned to hide in it for a while. Waiting for support."

Little Yaffer hung up the call. Because of his distrust of the anonymous intelligence trafficker, he kept an eye on him. Instead of recalling the search team in the South Island, he immediately summoned nearly a hundred bodyguards in the clubhouse to the sea cave on the west side of the island, and planned to personally lead the team.

I want to see his panicked and desperate face at the moment he was captured, and then in front of everyone, stepped that face into the sand along with his self-esteem! I want to use that beautiful beach as a place of punishment, let him experience all my methods painfully, and finally use the fragments of the corpse to fish for sharks. As if he was planning to attend an important dinner, the young Yaffer straightened his long hair in the full-length mirror, dusted the non-existent dust on the cuffs and placket, and a gloomy and excited smile appeared on his handsome face. Then he sprayed a little perfume on his wrist and neck, and walked out of the room eagerly.

Hiding behind the blinds of the unmanned villa, he watched the convoy drive out of the courtyard of the clubhouse, turned his head and said, "Good job, Shanier."

"Of course, the highest level of lying is nine true sentences and one false sentence. In fact, I only lied to him in one place-'half an hour ago'." Shanier replied triumphantly.

"It seems that in the future, I have to consider everything I say to you again and again, and I may not decide which one of them is a lie." He said indifferently.

Shanier argued in a bit embarrassing manner: "You are different, finish, I will not deceive you, I swear."

Leo sneered, "A liar's oath, ha."

It won’t be long before you will think I’m a liar... Thinking quietly.

They waited for another twenty minutes to make sure that the convoy would not look back again, so they slipped out of the villa, put down three male servants in a secluded place, put on their clothes, and sneaked into the castle where the little Yavre lived.

The castle seemed negligent because the owner left and took away most of the guards, especially the nervous stand by during the previous two nights, and the bodyguards were already exhausted. As soon as Little Yavre left, it was as if the heavy low-pressure clouds had been moved away. The bodyguards immediately relaxed. They took a nap, had a meal, and even a few slipped to find a good nightingale to vent their pressure. .

According to the plan, Shanier was in the external response to prevent the young Yaffer from coming back earlier than the expected time. Qing Qing and Leo dressed up as servants, one pushing the cleaning cart, the other holding a vase full of flowers, and walking with their heads down. They didn't encounter any doubts along the way, and got into the castle fairly easily. When they reached the aisle on the fifth floor, a maid just came to meet them. As servants, they are naturally much more familiar with each other. After seeing their faces, the maid said in a daze, "You—"

"—Shhh, sweetheart, don't make a sound." Leo wisely covered her mouth with one hand and clasped her waist with the other. He pushed open the door of a nearby storage room, and stopped the maid who had not had time to react. People pulled in.

Before the door was closed, the patrolling bodyguard heard the second half of his sentence: "It's so easy that the Duke is not there, we have to hurry up..."

The bodyguard shrugged, and jealously dropped a sentence: "The adulterer and the adulteress." Then he brushed shoulders with the immortal who was holding the big vase.

It wasn't until he walked down the stairs that he finally put a rose stem with a sharpened end between his fingers back into the bottle.

He tapped twice on the door of the storage room, Leo came out and whispered, "I knocked her out and tied her inside."

Nodding their heads, the two quickly went to the reception room dedicated to the Duke, disappearing into the closed door.

After more than an hour, they searched the study and bedroom, but found no valuable information.

"Little Yaffer is a suspicious person. He should have a safe or the like to store important items instead of handing it over to the secretary." Leo said.

They worked for the possible safe for more than half an hour, and still found nothing.

"It seems that evidence can only be unearthed from the mouth of the young Yavre." He said as he finished, playing with one of the owner's collections of the room with interest-a dagger from the Spartan period, "I think The richer people are more afraid of death, what do you think?"

"This is illegal." The federal agent vetoed it, "I have other ways to deal with him."

At this time, the cell phone in his pocket vibrated silently, and the call was made by Shanier: "They came back early! Damn, as soon as the little Yaffer found that he was fooled, he took most of his subordinates and took the helicopter back directly. I have to take a step first, and you should withdraw quickly!"

He hung up the call and said to Leo: "Little Yavre is back and has entered the clubhouse. It is estimated that he has guessed that this is a plan to move the tiger away from the mountain. We will either leave immediately or we will never be able to leave again."

Leo replied without hesitation: "This is already here, you can't fall short! You go first, I stay, there may not be the last chance."

"You are more crazy than me! If you miss a hit, you should retreat all over, looking for the next opportunity-hasn't your instructor taught you?" He was a little dissatisfied.

"Of course there is, but I also know that once I retreat this time, I won’t have another chance! To complete this task later, someone must be replaced in the game, and it’s even harder to get close to the young Yavre after being frightened. Leo said solemnly, "Think about the innocent victims in the camp. It is estimated that half of the survivors are still alive. That is 20 living lives! If I give up this mission, they will definitely be killed. Quit your mouth!"

Shaoqing knew that he could not persuade this upright and stubborn FBI anyway, but he still said: "I will not stay with you to die! I will search for the remaining hunters, and kill them one by one-you don't want to stop it. me?"

Leo looked at him helplessly, like facing an awkward and angry adolescent boy, "You know I will oppose and do everything possible to stop you... But not now, compared to the few bloody members, I'm down. Yavre rescues the victim is my top priority. Sorry, I won't run after you this time, you can go."

He wanted to say something and stopped, and finally turned around blankly, "Whatever you want." He dropped these words and left the room immediately.

Leo watched his back disappearing behind the door, and suddenly remembered the words of his boss Gaudí: "People and people may be equal in the right to exist, but in terms of the value of survival, you can't expect that the life of a five-year-old girl will be valued in the bureau. , More than a key agent carefully trained."

He had always sneered at this before, but now, he thinks he can understand the meaning a little bit.

Let's go, kill, and it's not guilty to risk your life to accompany me. He silently said to the man who has left that your life is much more important than the five scumbags who take pleasure in hunting the same kind.

He looked at the room where he was standing again, looking for a suitable hiding spot.

A few minutes later, the swarming bodyguards searched every corner of every room on every floor, especially the Duke’s study and bedroom, even the narrowest cabinet.

They did not find any intruders, but they found some suspicious footprints and traces of things being turned over.

Little Yaffer's face was pale and blue, but unexpectedly, he did not go wild. The anger that erupted continuously for several days also had intermittent moments, and the successive blows made him exhausted. He took out the smelling salt in a small porcelain bottle and inhaled continuously, feeling that he was about to be overwhelmed and fainted.

"... You, all go out first and wait outside the aisle." He said weakly like a little girl who had been discouraged by his broken love.

After all the bodyguards had exited, he entered the bedroom, locked the door, and eagerly checked his secret safe. No one would have thought that the switch of the secret door was hidden in the horn of an antique phonograph. The cabinet was composed of several mechanisms and multiple passwords. Guarded, it cannot be opened without fingerprints, iris, and DNA authentication. Forced opening will only detonate, dragging the stealer to bury them together.

Confirming that there was nothing missing, the young Yavre breathed a sigh of relief. Over the past few days of worry and anxiety and exhaustion throughout the night, his always pampered body is quite overwhelming, and he wants to lie down for a few minutes to ease the energy.

He rolled over tiredly, his snow-white wrists under his loose sleeves hanging on the edge of the bed.

A figure poked his head from under the falling bedspread and pierced the syringe in his hand into his wrist. The liquid medicine in the plastic tube quickly entered the vein, and the needle tip reflected a bit of cold light under the bedside lamp.

Young Yaffer was awakened from the unexpected attack, but the specially formulated brain nerve blocker worked immediately. Sodium thiopental weakened the activity of the brain, causing his consciousness to fall into a state of extreme relaxation and dazed, confused thinking, slow response, and severely decreased judgment and self-control.

Leo got out of the bed, his arms trembling all the time, and his muscles were so sore that he could hardly hold the syringe. When the bodyguards checked the room before, he knew that he had nowhere to hide, so he hid under the French high-leg brass bed, holding two daggers into the bed frame diagonally, with his feet resting on the iron rods at the end of the bed, only relying on his arm strength and With leg strength, he hung himself under the bed for twenty minutes. As he gritted his teeth and sweated his back, the searched barrels swept from under his back more than once. When one of the bodyguards lifted up the bedspread and glanced at the dark bed, his sweat almost dripped on the tip of the man's nose. He didn't dare to let go of his stiff hands and feet like a plaster until he heard the little Yaffer lying on the bed without any movement.

Looking at the sleepwalking little Yavre on the bed, he knew that the best opportunity was here. As long as the questioner cautiously and skillfully induces, the person controlled by Veritaserum could not lie at all. The drug's effects drive him and he can't help it. Spit out the secrets deep in my heart.

It took him ten minutes to turn his goal into a good baby who knows everything and talks endlessly, and it took him a little longer to find the secret safe of Little Yaffer through repeated authentications.

At this time, the door of the reception room was opened, Oliver walked in, hesitated for a moment, and tapped twice on the door of the bedroom—the entire clubhouse, only him, as the confidential secretary, dared to disturb the little Yavre at this time.

"... Are you okay, Lord Duke?"

"Your complexion is not so good, I called the doctor to come over and let them treat you?"

"Otherwise, I ask the servant to bring the dinner in?"

There was no response, not even a scolding. Oliver was suspicious-the little duke is asleep, can't you hear? But he is always alert when he sleeps and never sleeps so deeply...

In trouble, Leo frowned. Veritaserum is not a panacea. It is impossible for him to manipulate the young Yavre at this moment to answer a sentence with a normal tone and clear words. If Oliver finds that the situation is not right and leads the team bodyguards into the door, he can't resist it at all.

Oliver hesitated outside the door for a few seconds, then took out his cell phone and dialed the number of Jr. Yavre.

The phone bell rang in the man’s pocket on the bed, and the young Yavre looked irritated, and his arm unconsciously scratched on his body. Obviously, the rhythm of the confession had been broken. Leo was glad that he asked everything he wanted to know in advance. .

But even greater trouble is imminent-whether it is refusing to answer or not saying a word, it will trigger Oliver's strong suspicion and lead someone to block him in the room-he hasn't had time to open the safe!

The bell rang like a magical urging sound, and it was extremely harsh in Rio's ears, and he was helpless in anxiety.

When it was almost desperate, the window was opened from the outside, and a figure lifted the gauze curtain and jumped off the window sill, rushed to the bed and pulled out the phone of the young Yavre, and pressed the call button.

"It seems that I usually trust you too much, Oliver, to make you so bold that you even dare to disobey my orders-didn't I tell you to wait outside? Get out of my bedroom door, otherwise I will make you stupid. Chop off his fingers and feet to feed the sharks!"

The iconic, feminine, graceful and pretentious voice of the Duke's son revealed a chilling anger. Oliver could not bear the lethality at all. "I'm very sorry..." He hurriedly apologized and fled.

Hanging up the call, the man tossed the phone up and down, looking at Leo with a proud gesture of "Look, I saved you again".

Finished... This guy actually ran back again? Leo frowned at him and said, "Thank you, although I don't agree with your blind risky approach. What if you are seen while climbing a wall? A slight impact can shoot you into a sieve!"

"Can't you change a more humane term? For example:'Baby, did you come back to help me? This touches me so much', or'To save me, you gave up your mission. I really am "I love you to death' or something? It's really not good. A kiss that loves you hard to open is okay!" He said in a tone of laughter among lovers.

Leo slammed his head into the safe to conceal his thumping heart. Even though they had had more intimate contact, he still couldn't adapt to flirting with a serial killer—there was a confused bystander beside him.

He shrugged dejectedly: "You are too serious, Leo, you are obviously as passionate and wild as a beast when making love..."

Leo couldn't wait to take off his gloves and gag his mouth. He suffocated his breath and took out a small suitcase. After he entered the password to open it, a silver computer hard drive lay quietly on the black inner cushion. According to the confession made by the young Yafur, there are information about the club’s membership, site planning, manpower arrangement, capital operation, event design, list of humans and beasts, etc. In addition to Luna Island, they also have two live hunting activities. The base, one in the virgin forest of Siberia, and one in a remote mountainous area in Southeast Asia.

After connecting to the computer in the study to verify the information, he carefully wrapped the computer hard drive covered with target fingerprints in a waterproof plastic bag. Leo knew that Yavre would not have to run away now, even if his father is from the United Kingdom. The Duke is also useless, the overwhelming wave of international public opinion is enough to completely drown him.

"It's finished!" He gazed at the finish with joy. The other party extended congratulatory arms towards him.

Leo hugged him agitatedly, patted him on the back hard, "That's great... It's too late, we can save dozens of people!"

"My credit is here, right?" the serial killer asked as if asking for credit.

"Of course! You have contributed a lot!"

"So, how about a reward kiss?"

Leo didn't say a word, took his head and kissed, pushing him back to the corner, and then supporting the wall with one hand and his cheek with the other, exploring his mouth more deeply. Being fixed and immobile, he put his arms around the opponent's waist, and stroked his palms back and forth across the cloth.

The two kissed drunkenly, completely forgetting me, and forgetting that there was a suspect on the bed whose efficacy was fading.

"Huh..." Little Yaffer glared at the two men who were hugging and kissing with eyes that were out of focus, making a vague nasal sound.

Leo temporarily withdrew from his busy lips, turned around and picked up the syringe with half a potion left on the floor, and plunged into the disturber's body cleanly.

"Hey, he will become an idiot if he doses too much," the serial killer gasped and laughed. "This is not in compliance."

"He was an idiot." The federal agent replied dismissively, "Anyway, I have completed the task, let the regulations go to hell!" He dissatisfiedly took back the man who still had room to make fun of him, and kissed him again.

As for things like applying for support in the contact bureau... Wait a few minutes, anyway, the earth will not be destroyed because of his immersion in personal affairs for a few minutes, let him alone.

The brain supplement small theater is a welfare for everyone.

Small Theater: A Record of Destroying Pei Minghao's Love Tucao

Knockout: I'm Knockout, my real name is Lin Qing Zhuqing, and I'm a serial killer. The identity is FBI detective Leo's boyfriend and his imposter brother-in-law. Pei Minghao: I am Pei Minghao, my real name is &@#+@. I am an alien parasite who cannot return home. I am the lover of Boss He, the vice general manager and president of Australia Entertainment (unilateral).

Finished: My boyfriend is an FBI detective, an agile African cheetah.

Pei Minghao: My boyfriend is a businessman, a cunning deep-sea king octopus.

Finalize: My boyfriend is not very humorous and a bit old-fashioned. His colleagues call him the "U.S. Constitution"

Pei Minghao: My boyfriend is heinous, sly octopus, damn mollusk @#%$^@*&%$@!

Finished: When he learned that he had a brother-in-law, he was very happy.

Pei Minghao: He was also very happy when he knew that he had a brother-in-law.

Finalize: I'm a little afraid of what will happen when he knows that I am Bi Qing.

Pei Minghao: I really want to know what he looked like after he knew "I" once jumped off the 26th floor.

Finishing: My boyfriend is like a sharp sword that can be unsheathed at any time. He is careful in thinking and quick to act. No matter what, he is a bit awkward and not proactive, but the technique is not bad. What I hate is that he always thinks about his lady. Husband, that piece of meat that you can't eat, I knew I wouldn't pretend to be like that at first, but I didn't expect him to have a good mouthful. o(︶︿︶)o Alas, Minghao Pei: My boyfriend is like an invisible white shark who swallows humans. He has quick thinking and quick response. He is one of the few humans who can feel the nerve impulse of my propriety. But because the possessiveness and the desire for control are too strong, when I was planted in his hands, I should grab his body directly. ╭(╯^╰)╮Finish: My boyfriend looks like the hero of The Matrix, so sharp and handsome.

Pei Minghao: My boyfriend looks ugly. Although he is the best in human aesthetics, I only like his nerve impulses.

Finished: He never knew that he was bent, but now he is sure.

Pei Minghao: He always eats both sexes, but he bends after meeting me.

Finalize: I think it is always difficult to stay alone with him for a while. He always wants to take the opportunity to hand me up and send me to the federal prison for a meal.

Pei Minghao: It is always difficult for me not to stay with him for a while. He only bought the military and destroyed a spaceship yesterday, and always wanted to send me to his bed to eat bananas.

Finalize: I leave him some clues to catch me every time, so as not to lose him too much.

Pei Minghao: I always give him a eye knife every time, hoping that he can stop his breath directly.

Finalize: He is a workaholic, his headquarters is his home, and the case is his lover. But fortunately, when I hear about my case, I feel very excited.

Pei Minghao: He is a control freak, his home is on the bed, and I am his lover. Every time he comforts me, I want to throw that damn cactus on his face.

Finished: I have been observing him a year ago. It was great for me for the first time to see his distressed expression. It was very interesting.

Pei Minghao: I have been unlucky since I saw him. Seeing his pale face I had the first nerve touch, it was beautiful.

Finalize: When I cooperated with him in Holmes's mechanical castle, it was the first time I teased him.

Pei Minghao: When he and I pointed a gun at me on the plane to force me to sign, it was the first time he provoked me.

Killing: He once killed the hostage by mistake. For this reason, I finally let him open the knot and get rid of the haunting of the ghost, and gained his trust and support.

Pei Minghao: He was once betrayed by someone he trusted. For this reason, I managed to escape from his "Till they tell the truth" game, and lost a lot of body energy, replenishing seven or eight cans of sugar.

Finished: He is very physically fit, and he will recover soon after being beaten into a pig.

Pei Minghao: He is very tenacious, and when I am viciously taunted, he will also take the opportunity to fight back.

Finalize: When he first met as a finalist, he was shocked!

Pei Minghao: When he knew that I was not a human being, he actually thought I was a vampire!

Finalize: When he doubted my identity as Bi Qing, I had to use a kiss to tell him that I was not a little white rabbit!

Pei Minghao: When he reached that I couldn't drink, I had to use a pulse attack to tell him to go away!

Finished: When I had a temporary attendant, he was actually jealous!

Pei Minghao: When I have a group of temporary attendants, his jealousy will flood the entire Pacific Ocean!

Finished: In order not to hurt him, I broke my finger bones.

Pei Minghao: In order not to hurt him, I asked him to watch the sunset in the desert.

Finishing off: I once used his wife to stimulate him, intending to see the weight of "Bi Qing" in his heart, and it would be better for him to give up.

Pei Minghao: I used my body to scare him terribly. I planned to show him what a black hole looks like. It would be better for him to dare not accept me for the rest of his life.

Finalize: He has a beast in his heart, and it will come out of the cage one day.

Pei Minghao: There is an octopus hidden in his heart, and one day he will die.

Finished: I think, I love him!

Pei Minghao: I think: Me too!

He Yuanfei and Rio: Really? (Splash each) o(≧v≦)o~~ It’s great.