Sha Qing

Chapter 49: Mid-game


The landline on the desk kept ringing, Leo looked at the phone number in the caller ID, and he patiently refused to answer.

He recognized the number, it was Oliver.

The series of explosions must have disturbed the confidential secretary. His Excellency the Duke, who was shrinking in the room and not going out, made him worried. If this continues, it will not take long before he will break into the door regardless of the previous verbal abuse and try to get The mad and willful little master is forcibly taken away from the island.

Leo was waiting for this moment.

A knock on the door sounded ten minutes later. After no one answered, the other party quickly discovered that the door was not locked, and turned the doorknob.

As soon as one of his arms entered the crack of the door, Leo grabbed it quickly and swiftly. He dragged people in and fell to the ground with his arms folded.

—It's not Oliver, but a young man dressed as an ordinary bodyguard.

"Who are you? What are you here for!" The federal agent asked vigilantly and sternly, and at the same time increased the strength in his hands.

The man screamed in pain and confessed without resisting: "Allen! My name is Allen! Oliver called me... He said that if there are other people in the Duke's room, he will convey a few words for him."


"He said that looking at the situation now, he knew that the Luna Club was completely finished. He was willing to surrender and testify in court, but he was worried that his personal safety was not guaranteed. He thought you were someone who could talk, so he asked Talk to you face to face."

"Then you let him come up."

"No, he said he didn't dare to drill in front of the Duke before he died. If you think that his witness is still useful, come out of the clubhouse and meet in his hiding place."

Leo hesitated. He looked at the young man on the floor who was sweating nervously and panicked, then looked at the closed door of the little Yavre's bedroom, and after a few minutes, he said: "I won't leave here until someone takes over. You call Oliver. If you are sincere, come here to see me alone, otherwise you will treat him as if I didn’t hear. Tell him that he will never get away. If he falls into the hands of other people, I won’t admit that he has Surrendered to the plot."

Alan Khan made the call as required, and when he put down the microphone, he almost cried: "Oliver... didn't say anything, hung up..."

"Then trouble you to stay here for a while." Leo said, tied his hands and feet tightly with a tie, gagged his mouth, and threw it into the spacious dressing room.

"Damn, that damn note is not fooled!" Shanier angrily stepped on the back of Oliver's head with the sole of his shoes, rubbing his face against the floor to vent his anger.

"As I said earlier, we just played this hand-tuning Tiger Lishan before, how could he be fooled." He said lightly, "Do you think his IQ is at the same level as yours?"

"Finish! Where are you standing! You are a killer, not a volunteer police officer!" The gangster complained very uncomfortably.

The serial killer shrugged and made no answer.

"Then what should I do now? I can't just rush in and kill the little Yavre, it's too tricky... No, it's an impossible task at all!"

He thought about it in silence, and admitted after a moment: "It's really tricky."

-Then forget it! When Shanier was about to utter these words, he heard the whistling sound of the propeller faintly from the sky in the distance. He tore off the binoculars around Oliver's waist and walked to the open area to take a closer look. He couldn't help cursing: "Damn! The police force is here! Heavy transport helicopters... Looks like Chinooks, two... Damn it can hold a hundred at least. The number one!" He immediately turned his head and asked, "Have you seen? There is no drama at all now! Let's leave now, you can't leave if you want to go too late!"

Finished still silent. Shanier's dark green eyes rolled, and he bent over and pulled out the dagger from the side of his leg, and slammed it into Oliver's neck, not moving as fast as an eye. The bound man couldn't even make a call, and the wound spurted several streams of blood mixed with foam, sprinkling himself all over his face.

"—What do you want to do?" He raised his eyebrows and glared at him. Although Oliver, as one of the club managers, could not escape the blame, his life was not on his list. Shanier was suddenly killed at this time. Although he didn't want to stop him, he felt it was unnecessary.

Shanier nonchalantly wiped the blade off the corpse's clothes and returned it to the sheath, "Clean the battlefield for you, he deserves to die anyway."

"Are you trying to cut off the way to use Oliver, thinking that this will force me to give up?" he asked sharply.

Shanier looked at him with a smile, which was tacit acquiescence.

He took a deep breath and restrained the urge to clean up the man in front of him—he didn’t dislike the other’s motives, and even believed that doing so had the meaning of safeguarding the safety of others in addition to self-protection, but he ignored him. Willingness and arbitrarily making decisions for him is abhorrent-to be honest, if it weren't for this kind of well-intentioned motive, he could not help but attack the former gang leader.

As if feeling his faint anger, the golden-brown haired man took two steps back and said with a serious face: "I am doing it for your own good. I know that a killer like you insists on a certain morbid state like walking a tightrope on a cliff. Like a habit. I don’t care whether you think this is a principle or a belief, but it is actually a kind of life-defying obsessive-compulsive disorder-you know that for a person, there is nothing in this world that is more important than your own life, and I will never I'm working hard for your grade A, and don't want to see you die on your own paranoia, do you understand?"

He stared at him, his eyes slowly settled down like a cooling solution, turning into an unpredictable dark as midnight. He seemed to be thinking about what he said, but Shanier felt that this was not wavering, but a kind of ashes-cold mourning without any sorrow.

He was looking back at the past and examining his heart-Shanier suddenly had a strange association, as if in the thick shadow behind this man, a secret door that was cold was opened by a tiny gap, and then it became heavier. Close up on the ground.

It was only a few seconds lost. Soon the confident and decisive look returned to his eyes, "It's very tricky, but I still have to go." He said lightly, "And you, Shanier, you can go now, and I will change the way to leave. Tell you."

"What-why?" Shanier was surprised and puzzled. He thought that this crazy killer would continue to instigate him to go up and down the fire, even if he jumped from the plane, he would still pull him to the bottom.

"Because I don't want to see your sly and stupid face, and all kinds of dirty eyes!" he said impatiently, "just treat it as a reward for working for a few days, and immediately after taking it. Disappeared from me."

Shanier was shocked by the adjectives "stupid" and "indecent", and his self-esteem was greatly damaged. "I'm leaving, how about you?" he asked subconsciously.

"You don't need to take care of my business." He raised his eyebrows sharply: "Would you like to listen? Don't pull it down."

"—Yes! Of course!"

"Remember that sea cave? It's low tide time. Walk from that cave to the end, then jump down and dive down the cliff for about three meters. There is a waterproof bag in the rock crack, and inside is a portable satellite. Call, dial the first number in the address book, tell the other party where you are, and a seaplane will come to meet you within half an hour."

Shanier wrote down these messages silently, and after thinking about it, he asked, "What is the secret code for the connector? I think, according to your personality, you will definitely keep it, right?"

This guy is actually not too stupid. He glanced at him and replied, "'The quick brown fox jumped over the police dog'-just say that to the driver."

"Understood." Shanier said. He turned to leave, hesitated for a moment, and then turned back: "Can I... give you a hug? I mean, we have been comrades fighting side by side for three days anyway. It's normal to have a goodbye hug—" He looked at The other man's face was as calm as the deep sea, and he immediately changed his words: "It's okay, I'm just talking casually, don't mind..."

"—Come here." As Qing Qing said, the fingers inside the black gloves beckoned him.

Shannilton's brain was blank, just walked over so vainly, and then got a courteous hug. The knocked hand patted his back twice. He completely forgot about the opponent's fighting power far beyond his own, and turned his face to try to kiss the opponent.

Without changing his face, he directly smashed his mouth and nose with his palm, and pulled out a metal chain from the inside of his shirt with the other hand.

It was a short silver-gray chain with a metal tag hanging from it, which resembled a soldier's dog tag. The difference was that the two-inch square tag had no name engraved on it. The outer edge was outlined with a strange pattern, and the center was a dark red circle sunken in. The pit, like blood dripping on the mirror, splashed with a sun-like outline on the edge.

He remembered this pattern. The next morning when the two of them took off their coats and slept in a makeshift tree house, he saw a black tattoo on Shanier’s naked chest. It was a demon skull in a bush of flames, deep in the eye sockets. It is inlaid with this pattern.

"This is for me, as a souvenir of the acquaintance," said Qing Qing.

"No—" Shanier reflexively wanted to refuse, but he drew back halfway. "Souvenirs of acquaintance", these words appeared in the always indifferent words of the final, with a subtle warmth like small flower stems drilled out of the rocks, and then turned into a ray of joy quietly in his heart.

He knew he couldn't refuse—he always couldn't refuse, no matter whether the opponent came hard or soft—not just because the serial killer possessed more power than him.

"... Take it," Shanier whispered, "It's better to put the souvenir in the drawer. I don't want it to cause you unexpected trouble."

"Thank you." He hung the metal chain around his neck, and put the pendant card into the placket.

Shanier imagined that his body's body temperature had not faded, and his chest twitched and his whole body was hot. He took a deep breath, said bluntly, "There will be some time later," and then turned away without looking back.

He also left swiftly, without leaving the slightest gaze to the other side's back.

This was an unexpected gain. He touched the newly added hard object on his chest with his finger through the cloth, and silently thought that maybe it could come in handy someday in the future. For this reason, he is willing to give Shanier a way out, just as the price to buy it.

Two CH-47F heavy transport helicopters, full of special soldiers loaded with live ammunition, landed at Luna Island Airport. The police's military operations were as swift and efficient as a sea tide. The militants on the island without a group of dragons gave up their weapons and surrendered with little resistance. Small-scale battles were all cleared within half an hour. Twenty-seven "humans and beasts" in the South Island camp were rescued, and most of them suffered injuries of varying severity. The club’s guards and bodyguards, as well as hired workers, were detained in the camp and the lobby of the clubhouse, waiting to be transported to the ship to verify their identities.

When he saw the familiar faces of his colleagues walking into the room, Leo dropped his gun arm and let out a long sigh of relief. The tense nerves that had been tense for days finally got truly relaxed.

Rob rushed over to hug him hard, slapped him on the back, laughed and screamed, "Good job, handsome guy, this is great! It only took a few days to get the Luna Club and grab the'Son of the Duke'. , Rescued most of the victims-I have to say, you are surprisingly capable! You will definitely be praised this time!"

Leo endured the abrupt tightening of the wound on his left arm, and smiled: "Leave these words until the task is completely completed."

"Now the dust is settled." Rob replied disapprovingly, "We have controlled the two islands, the north and the south, and when the destroyer arrives, we will pack the captives back to the country. As for the ultimate boss," he gestured disdainfully with his fingers. He took a moment to the depths of the room, "The little white face who collapsed on the bed like a drug overdose, what more splashes do you think he can turn over?"

"Call someone to take him to the helicopter on a stretcher, and send a special team to take care of it." His rigorous partner ordered.

"no problem."

An agent walked out of the young Yavre’s bedroom, and said solemnly: "The'Son of the Duke' may have something wrong with his physical condition... He is in a moderate coma."

Leo's face sank: "I observed that his physical signs were normal before, and he was in the recovery period of psychotropic drug metabolism. Why did he suddenly fall into a coma?"

The agent looked a little embarrassed and unconsciously avoided his aggressive gaze, "When we were about to control him, he suddenly took out a weapon from under the pillow and furiously resisted. My partner accidentally struck him on the head while snatching the pistol. Department... He is a young man who has just worked for two years, and he is not very, er, safe... Kun! You fucking explain to the team leader yourself!"

Leo wiped his face heavily with the palm of his hand, suppressing the irritability that surged in an instant, and looked at the anxious young man in front of him with a cold expression. After the other party showed a painful expression of "it's done, it's dead", he asked in a deep voice. : "Are there any accompanying medics?"

"...Yes, yes! It's time to deal with the injuries for the victims, I'll call them right away!" The young agent who couldn't believe that he had escaped was busy.

"Forget it, there are not many military doctors, and the victims are enough for them to work. Little Yafur has a private medical team. I have contacted several doctors. The identity should be relatively simple. Bring them here." Leo thought for a while, and then said: "Leave a team here, closely monitor the situation, and no more mistakes are allowed!"

After a while, three doctors in white coats and several nurses rushed to the drug cart under the escort of the soldiers. After the detectives on the scene identified the identities one by one, they immediately performed a physical examination on the unconscious young Yavre. . The white-haired old man led by Leo asked about the main ingredients of Veritaserum before, and found that some of the medicines needed were not prepared, so he sent a nurse back to the pharmacy to get it.

Soon after, the male nurse wearing a mask came back with a medicine tray and injected the well-proportioned medicine into the infusion tube as ordered by the doctor.

Leo stood at the door of the room and talked to Rob, watching the movements of the doctor and the patient from time to time. For some reason, a sense of crisis suddenly lingered in his heart, as if something was wrong... The scrutinizing eyes swept across the doctor one by one. , And then transferred to the nurses—obviously, they have verified their identities one by one before, and also found matching photos in the citizen information database. Where does this indescribable sense of omission come from

His gaze finally stayed on the back of a male nurse, who was bending down and pushing the liquid in the syringe into the infusion tube—he was the only one who had been out of sight for several minutes and was wearing a medical mask again. Because of the preconceived notion, everyone was not suspicious, but Leo suddenly realized that within the few minutes that no one knew, he was completely likely to be swayed by others!

And those who have the motive and ability to do so-are finished!

Leo drew his gun and pointed it at the male nurse as soon as he reacted, screaming: "Stop him! Quick! Stop him!"

The detectives who heard the order near the hospital bed reflexively rushed to the target, trying to snatch the injection and subdue the opponent.

But the liquid medicine has been pushed into the patient's body one step faster. Although still in a coma, the body under the action of the drug still made a stress response-Young Yaffer's body twitched violently, and the back muscle spasm caused him to lean back, stretching him into a weird bow. appearance.

"Angular bow reflex!" a doctor shouted, "tonic convulsion, 5% paraaldehyde intramuscular injection!"

When other medical staff hurriedly flipped through the medicine basket, the male nurse had already knocked down the three or four agents who had besieged him, and quickly approached the window.

"Block the windows!" Leo ordered defensively, "Don't compete with him, surround him!" Turning his head and shouting against the special soldiers who came over: "Soldiers, you are not allowed to use live ammunition, use anti-riot weapons!"

The anticonvulsant sedative has been injected, but the convulsions have not stopped. After a twisting and bouncing all over the body, the movements of the young Yaffer suddenly stopped, and he stretched straight on the bed. A bright red color faintly revealed from his pale skin, and his lips were as red as blood.

"Pulse disappeared, breathing stopped, 400ws electric shock!" a doctor called.

Another doctor opened his lips and smelled it, frowning: "Bitter almond smell..." He pulled on the mask, leaned over and picked up the needle on the floor with a rubber gloved hand, and carefully put it into a sealed bag. Pass it to the nurse next to it: "Check if it is potassium cyanide-be careful of the residue, soak it in plenty of water and bleach for more than 24 hours."

At the other end of the room, the male nurse surrounded by federal agents and special soldiers turned his head and looked at the death on the bed that he had personally made. His tone was as relaxed as talking about the weather: "It's potassium cyanide. No need to waste electricity. He is already in hell."

Leo closed his eyes in pain, and grinded a hateful but frustrated sentence from the gap between his teeth: "—Kill!"

The male nurse pulled off the mask and surgical cap (after being called to break his identity, this tiny movement made the detectives clenched the handle of the gun as if they were facing an enemy), revealing a handsome face that made Leo mixed with emotions.

"—He just finished?!" Rob cried out in surprise and excitement, "Actually, he was caught here... Why is he on Luna Island... Oh damn it, Leo! I think you have something to hide. Me, it turned out to be such an important matter, what position do you put my partner in... Wait, you knew he was here? Is this the game you set up to catch him?"

"No, this is the end of his rebellious and self-sufficient way!" Leo said with a gloomy face, "If he couldn't control his desire to kill after all, he wouldn't be caught so desperately!"

"'Fend against one's body'? What kind of adjective is this, it sounds like a pity." Rob muttered in a low voice, "Anyway, we caught a serial killer, he is a predator no less than the'son of the duke'... Oh no, I think in terms of technical content, he is much higher than most of the guys on the wanted list! In short, this is a good thing to hit an eagle and kill a fox—why are you looking like a credit card being stolen?" The brown-haired and green-eyed agent asked his partner inexplicably.

Leo grinds his molars, and ignores his unsatisfied partner. The dark blue eyes coldly stared at the unbridled prey: "Do you want to continue to resist? There is any means, just show it. "

There is no emotion in the final touch, as if no emotion can be conveyed to the beautiful face like an ornament. He tilted his head, looked at the arrogant men around him with an overly meaningless and irritating posture, and slowly raised his hand.

Federal agents, nervous because of his great reputation, held their breath and waited for his Jedi counterattack.

"—I surrender." said the finale.