Sha Qing

Chapter 57: Both lose out


Leo couldn't remember how he squeezed out of the reporter's circle, and how he returned to the office building. The noise from the outside seemed to come from the radio of countless channels, unclear and irrelevant. When he locked the door of the office and shut out all care and spying, he felt that the whole world was suddenly silent.

He sat on a chair like a statue, expressionless and motionless, until the intercom phone rang quickly.

The bell rang for a long time, and finally he pressed the call button.

The voice of the immediate boss, Gaudí, came from the phone-the old FBI who is about to retire has always spoken slowly, but now he has an uncontrollable anxiety: "What the hell are you doing, Leo?"

"I'm sorry." Leo replied in a low voice.

"No need to apologize, you are not good at this. I want you to explain why you have made yourself so embarrassed and passive that the situation is completely out of control? You make me think that the witness in the court is another person!" Gaudi Asked very harshly.

"... I'm sorry." Leo repeated after a few seconds of silence, refusing to say one more word.

Gaudí became angry: "If it weren't for an emergency, I would really want to beat you face to face! I used the "our people" in the media, and I would delay as much as possible to suppress the unfavorable limelight. As for You, I'll give you 12 hours. No matter what method is used, I want the lawyer to confess to the reporter that he provided perjury. Leo, this is your only chance to solve the trouble. I hope you can understand how big the basket you have smashed. !"

"I understand." Leo said. "There is an easier solution: I quit my job and go to jail."

Gaudí seemed to choke, and then roared: "You did a stupid thing yourself, wipe your ass, don't expect to throw the mess to someone else with a flick of your hand! Do you want to go to prison for retirement? What the government spends on you What about the energy? What about the funding? Who will pay the bill? You bastards, too young! Too naive! Do you think that if this is a big deal, you can handle it alone?"

He took a deep breath, tried to calm his emotions, hating iron for nothing, and said: "Now, now, go and think of a way! Take action! Don't give up on yourself, remember that you only have 12 hours!"

The other party hung up the call with a "bang", and Leo held the microphone in a daze. After such a big mistake, old Gaudí still protected him, trying his best to keep him, which made his eyes feel a little hot.

In fact, he is not helpless, as Gaudi said, that lawyer is a good breakthrough. Everyone has weaknesses. As long as you use some not-so-bright methods to choke down the other party's vitals, even if you can't solve them immediately, you can make the situation develop in your own direction.

He just felt discouraged.

Complicated and contradictory feelings towards the finale, towards oneself, towards the entangled grievances and fetters between the two.

They attract and repel each other, rescue each other and hurt each other, no one can unilaterally end this deformed relationship. Leo tried. In the court, he tried to abandon his personal feelings, treating the killing as a stranger and a criminal, in exchange for a trap of swords and shadows, and a more powerful fight against water and fire.

"Do you think it is possible for him-even if he never did, he will be able to attack the innocent in the future?"

"… Yes."

He will never forget, when he spit out this word, he snapped his painful eyes for a moment.

The look in his eyes was like a pale hand pinching his heart and dragging it all the way to the abyss of corruption. At that moment, he thought he heard the screams from the depths of his soul.

He knows the pain of killing, it is a kind of extreme disappointment with someone and himself-because he puts that person in a different position, because he trusts that person on the spiritual level, thinking that he is in this fucking world. Above, there is always someone who understands and believes in himself.

He knew it, but he chose the latter from intuition and reason, and stabbed deeply into the weakness. This knife pierced the part of their spirits that blended in with each other, and ended up hurting both.

Does it hurt? Yes, but you have to get used to it, Leo warned himself, because it will hurt more in the future. If this pain is a punishment for duplicity, then he must bear it all.

The bell rang again, this time from his cell phone.

Leo looked at the phone, and the name of "Jasmine" flashed on the screen.

Jasmine! Li Biqing! He almost forgot this... After the arrest, because of the non-violent and non-cooperative attitude of the other party, he refused to answer the relevant content of the situation. In addition, he was seriously injured and had to be sent to prison first, so that he had not asked Li Biqing's death. Place of house arrest.

How should he face Jasmine who was completely kept in the dark

The palm of his hand wiped his face vigorously, and Leo reluctantly connected to the conversation. When he learned that his sister would take the flight back to New York the day after tomorrow, he was like a prisoner sentenced to death with a two-day reprieve, and he felt lucky that he knew that he had never escaped.

At least, Li Biqing must be rescued. The crime he committed, he had to bear the consequences, he had already lost a lover, how could he let Jasmine suffer the same pain. Leo let out a long sigh, seeming to have finally found the target of action, and jumped up from his chair.

Rob hovered outside the closed office door, worried, but didn't dare knock on the door at will to disturb the worried man inside. When he was in a dilemma, the door suddenly opened, and his partner stepped out, his face calm and steady, just as usual.

"Rob, I'll go to MCC, you go outside the parking lot and help me get the reporter away."

"... Leo?"

"what's up?"

Rob looked at his face and found no abnormalities. He hesitated, "Are you... okay?"

"I'm fine." Leo replied briefly, patted his arm and passed by.

"Really, the overly calm sea is a sign of the storm." Rob muttered and hurried up, "Are you going to MCC? See you? Wait, you send the gun to me, the impulse is the devil, brother..."

Leo came to the Federal Detention Center again. The warden was away, and the prison guard in charge of reception was very polite to him, and prepared a meeting room with the best conditions.

The meeting room is small, with a frame bed. Although it is an outdated wire bed, the mattress and sheets look clean and tidy. A fake window was opened on the side, and a green tree lawn sticker was used to forge the non-existent courtyard scenery. At the other end of the room is a simple sofa, equipped with a small coffee table with magazines and plastic fake flowers, and floral wallpaper on the wall. Everything looks like a warm atmosphere deliberately created in the simplicity. This is a so-called "husband and wife room" for use by the prisoner's spouse during prison visits, where they can enjoy the right to privacy, so the demand exceeds demand. As long as you are willing to spend more money, some secret meetings that you don't want to be known will also be arranged here.

According to the regulations, the visitation time is one hour, and the guards close the soundproof door when they leave, and will not knock on the door until the time is over.

When Leo walked into the room, he was sitting quietly on the edge of the bed with his hands and feet handcuffed.

When he heard the noise, he slowly raised his face and chuckled at the man who walked in: "This is really surprising, agent, I thought you would never take the initiative to come to me in your life-unless I dig. The cave escapes from here."

Leo sullenly brought a chair with a backrest and sat down opposite him.

"Where is Li Biqing?" He asked straightforwardly.

"Don't ask me how I'm doing here, I thought you would come to see me at least, even if only once."

"You once said that someone was watching, if they knew you were in jail, would they hurt him?"

"I remember there are several sets of books I wrote in your apartment. Didn't you throw them away? Sorry for not telling you my other identity in advance, because as a low-key author, I am always a little shy when facing fans, you know. "

Leo grinds his molars and continues to ask in a deaf ears: "You are a principled killer. Do you want to make an exception for Li Biqing? Imprisoned and used, he is an innocent person. Why do you have to endure all this? "

"You hit too hard last time. My fracture hasn't healed until now." He pointed to his left rib and knee with his shackled fingers. "Here, and here, a ligament is also torn. I am now. Squatting is still a bit difficult, and it is estimated that even if you recover, you won’t be able to fully recover your previous skills."

Dialogues that are not in one dimension at all are as if they came from two planets separately. Leo suppressed the urge to beat the opponent again, and said in a deep voice, "Tell me where Li Biqing is! You are targeting me. If you don't want to involve people who are irrelevant, you can say it happily. , Don’t be confused like a little girl!"

"By the way, you have received the personal belongings I sent, please keep it for me, don't throw it away in anger, especially the mobile phone..."

Leo got up and threw a fist to the bridge of his nose. He lifted his handcuffed wrist to a stop, and the two of them rolled back onto the mattress together. He clenched Leo's fist tightly with his palm, looked at the dark blue eyes burning with anger just a few minutes away, and suddenly smiled, "Jasmine is coming back, right?"

Leo didn't answer, breathing quickly.

"If you can't find Li Biqing, you can't explain it to her. I'm already in jail anyway, and there is nothing to lose, but you? Do you want to lose your only sister and be a stranger to her from now on?"

"—Stop talking nonsense, mention your terms! Want to reduce your sentence for a few more years?" Leo made up his mind and went to Canning as soon as he got out of the MCC. As for finishing, this time I really have to stay in jail for a lifetime!

He narrowed his smile, frowned and looked at him, showing a little childish grievance: "Do you think I did this to reduce my sentence?"

"Not to reduce your sentence, is it to get on the electric chair? I hope the federal law will make an exception for you!"

"It's really sad..." he muttered, "You want me to die, but I want to have sex with you."

Leo's expression suddenly stiffened: "What the hell are you talking about?" He exploded in fright and furious.

"Yes, Fucking, didn't you say it yourself. Seriously, I really want to fuck you now. The prison is always full of desire and dissatisfaction... We made an appointment last time,'Next time you are down' , Remember?" Qing Qing looked at him with an open expression.

Leo's face was pale, and the voice squeezing out of his teeth was as cold as a knife: "Are you trying to provoke me and die in my hands! If so, then you really have found the right way-you think it looks like Can the deception, teasing and humiliation like that last time be repeated on me?"

"I just want to do it once on you."

Leo beat him unbearably. His hands and feet were shackled, unable to fight back and resist effectively, so he could only try not to let his fists fall on the vital parts. Until Leo strangled his throat with both hands, and when he saw the unstoppable killing intent in the opponent's eyes, he had to make a gesture of surrender.

"Ahem..." He finally broke Leo's hand, choked for a long time, and then made a difficult voice: "This is not a teasing, nor is it a humiliation... It's a threat, or a deal, in your virginity (he low Lowland snorted) and Li Biqing’s life choice, my detective with a sense of justice, which one would you choose?"

"—You are crazy," Leo said coldly, "a crazy, stubborn, arrogant, and perverted neurotic killer."

"You can add one more item to the definition: holding your brother-in-law's life in your hand."

Leo gritted his teeth, panting. He can't kill him, although he wants to, but he can't ignore the consequences... Think about Jasmine, he can't destroy her life's happiness with his own hands... This vicious bastard, anti-social pervert, even if he dumps all the curses like trash On the other side, there is no way to change the fact: if you don't want to say it, no one can force him to say it.

"You see, this decision is not difficult at all. Anyway, you have already done a good job of mental construction last time. As long as you let me fuck once, I will return my dear brother-in-law-you know I will cheat, but not Break your word." said the finale.

Leo took a deep breath, feeling a kind of dizziness caused by the other party's unreasonableness. Because of this dizziness, he felt a little delirious: "Tell me the address first."

"Swear by the grandparents in your grave."

"Well, I swear, go to bed with you, as you wish, is that okay!" Leo said impatiently, "Now tell me where Li Biqing is!"

He leaned close to his ear, whispered a word, and then stuck the tip of his tongue into his ear hole.

Leo shook his head and lost his voice: "Impossible."

"It's true." He said with a smile, "It's in one of your safe houses. I gave him a fake identity as a tainted witness, and two guys posing as agents were guarded 24 hours a day for three months. , You didn't even notice it at all."

"Which one is wrong?"

"This is not the time to be concerned about the loopholes in the system, dear," he raised his handcuffed hands to him, "help open a lock. I prefer to pinch your waist with two hands."

"Really, me too." Leo said, kicking him off the bed with a sharp kick.

The sharp head hit the hard floor, and his eyes turned black. When he regained consciousness, he found that he was pressed with his back on the fake window sill, his legs were separated to the limit of the length of his ankles, his handcuffed arms stretched out helplessly, his wrists resting on the unopenable. On the window.

"Leo you swore!" he cried, "I know you are not that kind of person!"

"You're right, I can't do anything without words and without faith, so I plan to fulfill my oath:'Sleep with you as you wish', isn't that exactly what it is?" Leo said coldly, taking the other party's The trousers pulled to the ankle, and at the same time he pulled his trousers chain apart.

He only took off the trousers of his suit a little bit, took out the semi-soft and not hard sex organs, and slapped them quickly. To be honest, he hadn't thought about any physical involvement with the killing, especially in such a ghost place like an iron cage, but since the other party asked for it, he didn't need to be merciful.

Without any lubrication, the back acupoints were dry and difficult to enter, so he roughly helped with his fingers. When he went in, pulled out, and pushed in again, he felt a stream of heat moisturize each other... It was blood.

Shaoqing let out a painful grunt. He was annoyed in his heart, because when he was alone with Leo, the feeling of controlling his emotions and pressing forward was so good that he neglected the other party's language loopholes and was easily overturned. But in the final analysis, it is because the situation is better than human beings-without these two shackles, Leo might not have the upper hand.

"I don't like the back style... I hate being on the window sill..." he breathed in and said intermittently.

Leo ignored it. He could no longer control his own rhythm, and the attractiveness of his finished body was far greater than he thought. He thought he lacked interest, but after entering, he found that his sexual organs were already hard and painful.

It was a pain that hadn't been satisfied for a long time, and it couldn't be relieved without violent thrusting and violent impact. He pinched the opponent's flexible waist tightly with both hands, hitting his naked buttocks vigorously, and listened carefully to the opponent's groan amidst the most obscene popping. It came from a sharp, small, painful groan, which made his nerves more and more intense. Excitement, there is a sense of control and sadism.

Su Qing was forced to shake his body, and the two hands under the shackles were entangled with force, and the knuckles were white. In order to relieve the endless pain, he tried his best to relax his muscles, but to no avail, he had to let the painful waves slap in waves, gritting his teeth and enduring it.

Leo knew it was rape, but he continued. The other party was self-inflicted-he used this excuse to convince himself, and at the same time felt that the dark part of his body was crawling out slowly and hideously from the appearance of integrity and self-discipline.

This darkness has always been there, it just lurks deep, but still shining red from the eye sockets of the cat bone table lamp, from the rebellious and swearing boyhood, from obsession to almost paranoid belief, from careful calculation and calm arrangement In the forgery scene, black mist slowly permeated out.

What kind of person do you think I am? He wanted to sneer and ask to kill, even I don't know what kind of person I am! Perhaps this is the root of my depression and drug addiction-I always try to dispel this dark fog, but I don't realize that it is closely related to my soul.

It is part of me.

"Fuck... Leave the window sill... Hell, I said not to be on the window sill!" As if caught in an unbreakable nightmare, the killing voice screamed dumbly, his hands pulled the cuff chains hard, and he held them deeply between the wrists. Red marks.

"Shut up." Leo said anxiously, reaching out a hand and pressing the back of his head.