Sha Qing

Chapter 58: Untouchable


To shut up! To shut up! To shut up! Shut up... Numerous reverberations echoed in my ears, screaming like ghosts. They danced wildly in his brain, reaching out their sharp claws to tear his brains. He was shocked, shaken, suppressed by the huge black shadow behind him, unable to move, weak, and unable to do anything but scream and cry.

He was crying, screaming, soaked in the venom of pain and fear, and the pain and fear never end.

His side face was deformed by the squeezing of his palm and the table, only a pair of horrified and blank eyes were hidden in the cracks of the messy hair, and the focus was lost because of the constant shaking.

Fragments of light and shadow jumped frantically in front of him, and the dark lawn spread out from the window, extending to the monster-like bushes in the distance, and finally melted into the deeper darkness together.

The woman's head was staring at him on the lawn, covered with long black hair like a spider web, with round, straight eyes, like a newly unearthed mushroom.

She stared at him. She stared at all the smirks, evil desires and violence, all the pleadings, crying and pain. Just staring.

Don't look at me like that! Don't look... He begged her, scolded her, called her, but didn't respond.

Her scarlet lips were wide and twisted.

He heard her wailing. No matter how many years have passed, he can always hear her wailing, echoing in this courtyard and over this house all day and night...

Leo noticed something was wrong when he started to retching and convulsions. The black hair under his palm was thoroughly wet with a lot of sweat, and the back of the prison shirt became dark from soaking, making the man lying on the window sill look like a floating corpse just salvaged from the water.

Leo hesitated and let go. The spasm of the opponent's muscles twisted him tighter, and he held back the more intense pleasure, pulling away his wet hair to check the face of the person under him.

The convulsions soon stopped. His face was as white as wax, showing a lifelessness that had faded away from life. His eyes had no brilliance, like a pair of tan stone beads, their absent-minded eyes fixed in another space, and the eye sockets were full of physiology. Sexual tears.

Anxiety and panic rolled on the back of Leo's neck, like a strong cold wind, dispelling the cold, malicious black mist in my heart. He felt that he had just awakened from a distorted dream. In the dream, he was not like him at all, but he was clearly him.

The blood fell drop by drop from the place where he mingled, and he suddenly pulled back into the part buried deep in the opponent's body as if he was being scalded by something sad.

"... Finished?" Leo called out in a low, hoarse voice, turning his weak body over.

He stroked his wet forehead. Those handsome but gloomy eyes were wide open, like a gray rock formation after magma has completely cooled down, laid out on an uninhabited wasteland. This made Leo feel an unprecedented fear, and his whole body and mind were trembling because of this fear, and his throat was so tight that he could barely make a sound. An unspeakable impulse prompted him to lean down and try to kiss the tears in his opponent's eyes.

Then the rock strata broke abruptly.

It seemed that a fierce, sharp, and indestructible force broke through the rock formation and burst out from under the ashes.

Leo didn't have time to see this look, but the vigilance he had been sharpened for many years in the rain of bullets hurt his nerves, causing him to lean back his upper body at this moment.

The attack was missed. It should have followed a precise arc and pierced into another man's carotid artery, with a jet of blood when pulled out.

Small but deadly. In fact, it is just a sharp plastic toothbrush handle, but in the hands of instinct, any object is a deadly weapon. Even though those hands were heavily shackled.

One missed hit, and the second one followed. Leo was caught off guard, but the conditioned reflex formed by long-term training saved him. He grabbed the handcuff chain between his wrists and pressed it firmly on the opponent's chest.

"Finish—" He whispered. The opponent's stiff and soulless limbs are strangely matched with murderous eyes, making him feel that he is not facing a person, but a bloodthirsty ghost swallowed by hatred.

The finalization shocked like the first awakening of a dream.

He blinked slowly, and it seemed that he finally saw the man in front of him, as if disappointed, and pursing the corners of his mouth as if fortunately. "... It's you." He said lazily, tired and annoyed as if he was seriously ill. "Why, do you want to continue? Then fucking stay away from the window sill and go to the bed."

Leo looked at him close at hand, his expression extremely complicated. After a long silence, he grabbed the handcuffs and drew it towards him, then hugged hard.

"This posture is really stupid, pretending to be affectionate or something," he said in a mocking tone. "Aren't two men fucking each other with bare butts?"

Leo hugged him tighter. "It's not me that you hate, and it's not me that you want to kill. That's right, all your deception, teasing and persecution of me, trampling on my feelings for'Li Biqing', no matter what the reason is, it is not hate."

"You are really confident, handsome guy." He replied, "Actually, I almost ruined you-maybe it will make you more uncomfortable than death when the new newspaper comes out tomorrow. I did it on purpose, you know very well, Otherwise, I won’t get mad with anger and come and rape me."

"I admit that I am very annoyed and hate you, not only because of the opposition, but also because I can't figure out you, but you can see through me." The black-haired agent said bitterly, "I opened your face. How can I not touch the true heart of my mask. Although I don’t want to admit this, but... Yes, I always have unrealistic fantasies about you, after you break them again and again."

"Then you better stop having illusions about me, because I will break it again."

"Why—why do you want to force me to hate you?"

Sha Qing tilted his head for a moment, then smiled and said, "Because as you said, I am a crazy, stubborn, arrogant, and perverted neurotic killer."

Leo was silent again.

After a long and silent sigh, he reached out and pulled up his pants for the final touch. "Your anal sphincter is torn. It's best to go to the infirmary to stop the bleeding in time."

"The suggestion from the rapist, thank you very much," said Shi Qing.

"Actually, you can speak without holding guns and sticks like this. After I see through this, you can no longer provoke me." Leo tidyed up his clothes and regained his usual calmness and self-control from the outside to the inside. , "Indeed, you gave me a big trouble in court today, but I can solve it. I'm sorry you have to stay in jail-maybe for a lifetime-but rest assured, I will visit you often. Do you know? , Just now, I suddenly wanted to understand: There are always people in this world whose relationships are entangled and different. They cannot be treated with common sense. If you and I are one of them, then accept reality without Rebel."

"Visiting time is over, I have to leave." The black-haired agent walked to the door, suddenly stopped, and looked back at the finale, his eyes were unusually soft, as if he was worried about what would be hurt, but he had to pay attention. "What happened on the window sill?" He asked, "I feel that it is a nightmare—nightmare is always difficult to get out of. I have experienced nightmares. You pulled me out. Now, it's my turn to pull me out. You got it."

The handcuffs on his wrists made a faint sound. At this moment, his eyes were cold and dark, like a seabed that no light could illuminate, buried with the remains of countless secret deaths. In his eyes, Leo felt a sense of suffocation, but soon discovered that it was an illusion. The other party just shrugged casually: "What happened? A law enforcement officer raped me just now. Do you need to call the police? Sir?"

"... I know the behavior just now was a mistake, but I don't want to apologize for it." After Leo finished speaking, he tightened his lips, opened the door and walked out of the room.

He stood still and watched Leo leave without eyebrows. It wasn't until the prison guards came in to beckon him to go back to his cell, that he let out a long breath and tucked the small weapon between his fingers back into his sleeve.

Alessio lay on the bed boringly, straightened his toes, and pressed against the top bunk. Hearing footsteps from far and near, he stood up to meet the returning roommate.

"You look so terrible, are you sick?" He asked with concern, while using his eyes to beckon the prison guard who was escorting him to shut the door and get rid of it.

"I'm a bit tired, I want to sleep." He replied perfunctorily, stepping up on the footrest of the bed frame.

His eyes touched behind him, Alessio's face suddenly became gloomy, and suddenly he stretched out his hand to grab the hem of his prison shirt.

He turned his head and looked at him impatiently.

Sen Leng is fleeting, and the brown-haired and blue-eyed Italian man is still gentle and refreshing, like a young man who has not been deeply involved in the world. "There is blood behind the pants," he looked worried. "Are you hurt?"

"It's okay, you don't have to worry about it."

"But you are hurt and bleeding, I have to call someone over to take you to the infirmary."

He broke off his hand and said, "It's okay to say! I don't want to go to the infirmary. You let me sleep well, okay?"

"Of course..." Alessio got back into his bed with a bit of embarrassment, and then poked his head out after a while: "I have anti-inflammatory pills, and hemostatic ointments and gauze. Do you need it?"

He just closed his eyes and sighed helplessly: "Give it to me."

Alessio immediately jumped out of bed, rummaged through the boxes and found a handful of medical supplies, and piled them on the edge of the upper bed: "If you can't reach it, I can help you with medicine."

"No need, I'll do it myself." He lay down on the mattress languidly. Half of his roommate’s depressed face was exposed on the edge of the bed. He sighed secretly, propped up half of his body and leaned over to comfort him: "Sorry, Alessio, I'm not in a good mood today."

"Because of the meeting just now? They tossed you? For the case? Uh, I already know your identity. From the newspaper, I honestly can't believe that you are the famous'serial killer'." Alessio said emotionally, "You look so... gentle, delicate."

"You don't look like a mafia who kills people without blinking. The world is different from the outside." Qing Qing said, "I was tossed enough, but not because of the case."

"Why is that?" Alessio's eyes fell on his prone chest. From the gap between the placket, a short silver-gray chain with a metal tag slid out, a bit similar to a soldier's dog tag. The difference is that the two-inch square tag does not have a name engraved on it, and a strange pattern is outlined on the periphery, and the center is The dark red round pit sunken in is like blood dripping on the mirror surface, with a sun-like outline splashing out of the edge. "Because of some old grievances, for example, between gangs?"

He immediately reached out to hold the metal chain card he got from Shanier on Luna Island, tucked it back into his clothes, and replied indifferently: "No, I don't mix with gangs."

Alessio showed a look of "I know it even if you deny it" and said, "Don't worry, although there was a period of unpleasantness between the New York Mafia and the blood gang, it is old. Old Wogan has been dead for so many years, no one will have trouble with his adopted children."

"Old Vogan's adopted children?"

"Isn't it? As one of the most powerful founders of the blood gang, the most regrettable thing about the old guy in his life is that he did not leave any offspring, so he sought a psychological balance from a large number of adopted sons. It is said that he once customized seven blood cards and distributed them to The most popular adopted children, isn't this one of them?"

"It sounds awesome, but unfortunately I never thought this ghost brand was of any use."

"Times are changing. Things that are out of date will always be eliminated. Maybe some people would recognize and fear this brand 20 years ago, but now... it can only be used in the Gangster Museum, if there is such a museum."

"That said, it doesn't matter if I wear it all the time? After all, it's a family heritage, and I don't want to lose it casually."

"It should be. After all, the big guys of that era died and retired. Even if there are a few activities, they are getting old... Oh, yes, one of them is still in the'grave'. There are more than 30 felony crimes and more than 800 years of imprisonment. It is estimated that even the bones will be rotten in jail. Perhaps you have heard his name, Rafael Stock, also one of the adopted sons of Old Wogan."

"'Grave'? You mean Rex Island Prison?" An imperceptible light flashed through the eyes of the killing eye.

"That's the island. There are ten prisons with varying levels of security. Five of them are felon prisons. By the way, my hapless brother is locked in one of them."

"You also said, those are old things, how come you, a young man in his early twenties, know the inside story so well?"

Alessio smiled with a shy smile: "Just like you said, family heritage." As he said, he twisted the cap of the anti-inflammatory ointment and carefully pierced a small hole in the seal of the ointment tube. "Do you really need my help? In fact, this kind of thing is not a big deal, it's almost the same as being stabbed a few times. When I was fifteen, I almost stuffed a gun barrel into my mouth, but then I figured it out. It would be stupid for a bunch of bastards who deserve to go to hell to punish themselves."

"... What about those people later?"

Alessio shrugged: "The meat grinder is really easy to use." He pulled up his trousers and let him look at the long old scar on the heel. "I haven't eliminated this scar, just to remind myself. : If you are hurt by someone, it's easy, get rid of him."

He blinked his eyes, acting like a good student troubled by a problem: "But I don't want to kill him."

Alessio wanted to touch his long, straight black eyelashes, but he resisted, "Then an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth."

He nodded his head: "That's right-there will be one day."

After Leo walked out of the MCC building, he saw Rob sitting in the car waiting for him. As soon as the green-eyed agent met, he couldn't wait to ask: "How about it, you can choke him to death without getting angry, then your job can't be kept!"

"Don't worry, he's still alive. But," Leo paused, "It's probably uncomfortable for a while."

Rob patted him on the shoulder: "Don't show this guilty look, he asked for it. By the way, while you are going to teach that little villain, I dug out Canning's 36 years of life. Over and over, I found a good breakthrough. He has a beautiful wife and two daughters, as well as a son adopted in the orphanage. In fact, this nominal adopted son was born to his little mistress, and this mistress , Is his wife’s niece—is it a challenge to ethics and morals? Life is really bloody. You said that if his model wife and rich old man knew about this, would they slap him severely? Then throw the divorce agreement on his face?"

Leo nodded and said: "As the wrong party, he will not only lose custody of his children, pay a large amount of alimony, but also be held accountable. If he commits adultery with his wife's niece, the girl is still under adulthood and he will die. deal."

"Compared with Wife Ion San, the consequences of the charge of'providing wrong evidence due to a momentary negligence' are much more minor." Rob stepped on the accelerator and blew his whistle happily, "I can't wait to beat. He, this selfish and scheming old crocodile!"

Two hours later, in Canning Gonzalez's office, they watched the restless, earth-colored lawyer across the table, frequently wiping the sweat bead from his forehead, and they felt like a powerful comeback.

After struggling again and again, Canning finally put his hands on his head in frustration and messed up the well-managed hairstyle: "Well, you won, but we have to sign an agreement..."

At this moment, his cell phone rang. Canning took out his phone irritably, glanced at it, and pressed the call button. A few seconds later, the expression on his face suddenly solidified, and immediately afterwards, he showed an unbelievable, but in the middle of his arms. After hanging up the call, he smiled sarcastically at the two FBI agents on the opposite side: "I think you can't compete with me anymore. Big fish caught in the net, do you still need to embarrass my little shrimp?"

"What do you mean?" Rob asked.

"Meaning, the case you care about most, the most difficult suspect-Mr. Qingqing, just agreed to plead guilty and entered into a plea bargain with the federal government."

"What the hell is this?" Returning to the car, Rob asked Leo in disbelief, "The diehard who killed the diehard would plead guilty? Leo, what did you do to him before, purifying his mind with holy water?"

Leo frowned unconsciously: "It's not like his style at all, unless... He has any new layouts and plans. Anyway, I don't think it's right."

"Me too." Rob said, "but to confess he has to explain everything clearly, at least we can know his true identity."

"His so-called'true identity', do you believe it? Anyway, I don't believe it." Leo grinned, turned the steering wheel, and drove towards the FBI office building. Hand over all the information to me."

"Do you want to investigate yourself? Then this case..."

"I'll leave it to you to do the finishing touches, he has already pleaded guilty anyway, didn't he."

"Anyway, he has already pleaded guilty, why do you want to be so truthful? The data for more than 20 years, like a needle in the sea, is enough for you not to eat or sleep for a few months. It doesn't make much sense." Although he has a deep understanding of his partner's stubbornness, Rob never gave up on persuading him.

Leo was silent for a moment and said in a low voice, "Because I want to know what happened on the windowsill."

The author has something to say: the next chapter will change the map, the infamous Rex Island Prison... Killing and wandering between several forces, trying to get close to his ultimate target.