Sha Qing

Chapter 61: It's easy to do


Prison guard Simon was met on the way to the library. He didn't expect this newcomer to spend his first day in Rex Island Prison unscathed. He heard a little bit about what happened in the aisle last night. When the call was made in the middle of the night, he ran to cell 1317 and found the newcomer. Sleeping soundly in the bed like a baby.

He hesitated when he met head-on, his eyes dodge unconsciously, but he couldn't help but yelled, "Elvis."

"What's the matter, sir?" He stopped and asked politely. He remembered Simon, this young white prison guard had an ordinary appearance with a popular face, and he was one of the rare guards here who had a more kind attitude.

"Regarding the cleaning last night, I didn't expect that kind of thing would happen..."

He smiled and said, "That has nothing to do with you, sir, and I'm fine."

Simon stared at the new prisoner's smile. The smile was gentle and pure, without any shadow, just like the winter morning sun shining on them at this moment, not stained with the slightest filth from the prison, making him a little unable to remove his eyes. His brain seemed to stop, and it was filled with warm blanks. It was not until the other party showed a questioning look of "what's the problem?" that his thinking resumed operation.

"I know that the newcomer’s life is not easy, especially Marvo and the wolf club are treating you... I’ll give you a small suggestion, uh, of course, it’s just a personal suggestion... Forget it, when I haven’t said it." He said. The more he squatted, he finally decided to leave.

"Wait, sir." Called him to stop, and winked at him childishly, "I want to know the suggestion, please tell me."

At this moment Simon wondered if he had a heart arrhythmia. He secretly scolded himself for being uncomfortable, like a hairy boy who had not passed his adolescence, and said quickly: "A newcomer like you wants to gain a foothold here, the best way is to rely on a strong enough power, than I would rather choose the "Godfather" for Wolf Club and Malvo. That's why I put you in Room 1317. At least he won't treat you—" He swallowed the word "butt" in his throat, "Salivating. ruler."

"Single cell, it turned out that you were helping." Qing Qing said in a sincere and blushing tone, "Thank you, sir."

This thank you made Simon impulsively want to say something, but he drew back before he could say it. Shaoqing nodded at him and walked away politely.

Simon stood there and spent a while. Until Eric came over and said to him: "You can't do this, Simon."

"What?" he asked blankly.

"To the prisoners. You can beat them, collect their money, and even use them as women when you need them, but it can't be true." The prison guard said seriously, "That would violate professional ethics."

"I'm not gay..." the young prison guard tried to explain embarrassingly.

"Most of the people here are not gay." Eric patted him on the shoulder with a "selfish" expression and left.

Simon looked at his back and spit out the second half sentence in a daze: "I didn't want to treat him as a woman either."

In the library, his fingers crossed the spine of the rows of books and paused on one of the books. The other hand wiped the side of his face, and he took the book away without any haste, his movements were elegant and neat.

He turned his head and saw the incoming person clearly, "'Godfather'?"

Timothy stood behind him, his jaw clean, and his short brown hair combed untidy, as if he was in a street cafe instead of a prison. "Do you feel qualified to call me that, newcomer? After you joined the blood gang last night?" He rubbed his slender fingers on the cover of the book and said calmly, "I'm really sorry. I thought you could hold on for longer."

"'Persistence' is meaningless here, sir, I don't want to be beaten and beaten to understand this truth," he said.

Timothy’s gray-blue eyes became gloomy: "You are smart enough to protect yourself, and your skills are good, but your eyesight is too short. Tell me, if you choose wolf sticks, why live in room 1317? No one told you. Whose site is it?"

With a look of alertness, he replied after consideration: "That's not for me to decide. And... It seems that I am not very popular with my neighbors."

"Are you accusing me of not helping yesterday?"

"No, you don't have this obligation at all, and I don't have this extravagant hope. Just like people have to know themselves, sometimes you have to know who is in charge."

Timothy smiled. He was sure that the other party was not deliberately flattering, but the awe in his words made him quite enjoyable. Indeed, after learning that he had joined the blood gang, he felt offended: Although he did not decide to hire the newcomer under his command, it was just a small idea of temporary intentions, but the other party must at least have a vision to see clearly. Who is the real power in the fifth district, take the initiative to plead with him. He can test and accept each other, or reject and humiliate each other—all choices must be in his hands.

The attitude of the newcomer at the moment made his unhappiness subsided a little, but he did not intend to forgive it: "Since you have stood in line, just stand still. You can continue to live in 1317, maybe in that cell The ghost will tell you the fate of offending someone who shouldn’t be offended.”

After Timothy finished speaking, he loosened his fingers, let the book fall to the ground, and turned away.

He bent over to pick up the book, looked at the "Abnormal Psychology" on the cover, smiled slightly, and inserted it back into the shelf.

Salt Lake City, Utah.

Leo got off the plane and went straight to the Salt Lake City Unified Police Station from the airport. Sheriff Justin Huoyu unexpectedly received the single-handed federal agent. He learned that the other party was investigating a serial kidnapping homicide that took place 20 years ago. It took nearly two hours from a pile of old files. Found the share he wanted.

"That's it. I personally handled the case at the time, and I am deeply impressed." Sheriff Hoyo handed the file to Leo. "The murderer was named Chris Sucker. When we caught him, he had kidnapped eight children. Five of them were tortured and killed, and the other three were rescued. Su Ke was sentenced to death after three years in court. According to our investigation, he had a 12-year-old son who was also involved, but the prosecution believed that he was only a victim of violence. Minors who were coerced and incapable of criminal responsibility were directly released."

"Are there any photos and identification information of the victims?" Leo asked.

"Yes, it's all in the file, do you need me to find it for you?"

"No, thank you, I can come by myself."

Sergeant Huoyou bid farewell politely, Leo sat at the table in the filing room and began to read the old yellowed file carefully. After watching the terrible scene of the five children being killed, he took out the pictures of the other three rescued and placed them on the table. They were all handsome boys, one of whom was Asian.

Leo took out a photo from his bag. It was a virtual synthesis of the appearance of about seven or eight years old based on the current photo. Colleagues in the Information Services Department used computer technology to help. He compared the composite photo with the photo on the desktop in detail, trying to find similarities between the two faces.

After a long time, Leo retracted his gaze. He is still not sure whether the two photos are the same person-they are both very beautiful Asian boys, but the facial features of the finished one seem to be more three-dimensional and more beautiful.

"Are there any parties who knew what happened back then? For example, the children who were rescued should be in their twenties now." Leo walked out of the file room and went to Sergeant Hoyo.

The other party frowned, "Yes, but you know how conservative the folkway was 20 years ago. What kind of rumors and discrimination a boy who was raped will face, even if he is an innocent victim. I remember not long after the case was closed. , The families of the three victims moved out of the city."

Leo was silent for a moment, and Huo You suddenly said: "By the way, Chris Suke’s son, Suke also knows the inside story. After he got sensible, he was deeply guilty of the crimes that year. He has been volunteering in the orphanage for more than ten years. To compensate for the harm the father and son did to the innocent, maybe you can ask him."

Leo didn't say anything, and immediately drove to the orphanage that Huoyou said, and found the young Su Ke, who had grown old at the age of thirty-two. Speaking of what happened back then, he expressed an indescribable deep guilt: "After that, I didn't have a good night's sleep. The painful faces and pleading eyes of those children kept appearing in my mind. I feel that even if I do good deeds for a lifetime, I can’t make up for the harm I caused to them and their families. I can only work non-stop to keep myself tired of being unable to think forever-the law does not punish me, but I To punish myself."

"You were just a child back then. Your biggest mistake was having such a father, and that was not your choice." Leo said, handing him a photo, "Do you remember what they looked like? Those three children rescued by the police, or more are not in the file? Can you tell if the person in this photo is one of the victims?"

"I remember all the children. Their faces have been engraved in my mind for more than ten years." Little Su Ke replied painfully, took the picture, and looked at it. "No, he is not the victim of the year."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure." Little Su Ke said affirmatively.

The clue was cut off, Leo felt deeply grateful at the same time he regretted—he didn't have to endure so much harm and pain when he was a child. But what made him twisted beliefs, unwavering action and extraordinary skills? Does he have a darker past

The black-haired agent did not want to think deeply, but had to force himself to think.

"Are there any other details that you think are important but missed by the police?" Before leaving, Leo asked again out of professional caution.

"It should be gone. I told the police what I knew at the time." Little Su Ke said.

After Leo walked out more than ten meters away, the other party suddenly yelled from behind: "Wait, agent, wait!" He hurried over, "There is a detail, I don't remember whether I told the police before. I was still young and didn’t feel anything. Looking back on it, it’s a bit abnormal. My father had a mysterious pen pal. He called him "my spiritual mentor". He often communicated with him. After the police intervened to investigate the kidnapping case, One day I saw my father threw all that pile of letter paper into the fire and burned it. In fact, there is a new letter sent. I just took it out of the mailbox and I was about to give it to him, but I think he will burn it too. , It’s a pity, it’s all good quality and scented letter paper, so I put it in the storage box. Now I still live in the old house back then, if the letter hadn’t been eaten away by insects , It should still be in the storage box in the attic."

"Can I trouble you to find it for me? Maybe it's a very important clue." Leo said.

Little Su Ke agreed. He drove back half an hour later and gave the dusty letter to Leo, which hadn't even been opened.

Leo put on the rubber gloves and carefully opened it. Some sentences in it attracted his attention: "... You can practice courage and practice hands first, but you should know that if you only target the hunting cubs, then But it’s a bit boring, you know, good hunters usually even nest... Have you ever heard the scream of a doe? If you execute her child in front of her, she will shed beautiful tears like pearls. That scene is really amazing. It’s so poignant and heartbreaking—my heart is going to be broken because of excessive excitement. What kind of pleasure can be stronger than this..."

After gritting his teeth and reading these profound words, he checked the envelope again. The postmark indicated that it was sent from a post office in Orange County, Los Angeles. The signature at the end of the letter is "Enjoyer", but it must be a pseudonym.

"Thank you, you might have helped me a lot." Leo said sincerely in the face of this man who has been tortured for life with guilt. He doesn't know if the other party's life of losing color will be a little brighter because of this, but he knows that he must rush to Los Angeles again non-stop to chase the figure and the truth behind this letter.

-He always chased the truth for others, for the law and justice, but this time not only for the sake of finishing, but also for himself.

Rex Island Prison.

"Hey, Lee!" a voice yelled rudely. He looked up from the bench next to the playground and saw a strange prison guard standing two meters away with a baton in his hand pointing at him: "Come with me."

"What's the matter, sir?"

"Your psychological evaluation report has come out. Follow me to the infirmary and sign it for confirmation."

He got up and followed him through the windy playground and winding corridors, into a room similar to a dressing room. "This is not the infirmary, sir," he said.

"Wait a minute, I'll get a cup of coffee." The guard said, walking out, and locked the door with his backhand.

He put his hands in his trouser pockets and looked around, seven or eight figures flashed out from the back of the closet. The headed black man was extremely fat, and the fat on his chin almost covered his neck. It was the lame boss Malvo.

"Do you think you found a good backer, everything is going well?" Marvo smiled sullenly, licking and licking his nasty eyes, as if to penetrate the clothes, licking into the flesh and blood, "Tell me, how do wolf clubs fuck you Yes? His'weapon' has harmed many people. One of them died directly on the bed. The blood stained the entire bed sheet red. Can your small figure bear it, beauty?"

"It has nothing to do with you, Malvo, stay away from me if you know it," he said unceremoniously.

Malvo’s smile disappeared from the corners of his submissive mouth. At this moment, he looked like a fierce beast, hungrily trying to tear something up: "The mouth is hard, newcomer, this makes me look forward to the next thing, what will you do? Crying and licking my toes, beg me to give you pleasure..."

"There are no surveillance probes here." Qing Qing glanced at the ceiling and interrupted Malvo.

"So you don't expect anyone to see it—the prison guard, or your new master, they will only see your naked, bloody corpse."

Marvo's men gathered around fiercely, like a pack of hungry and cruel wolves surrounding a lonely sheep.

"No one will see-this is exactly what I need." With a final smile, he pulled both hands out of his trouser pockets.

"Have you heard, Marvo and his group of attendants have suffered a lot." Kinnig filled his mouth with a burger, and described what he had heard with joy. "When the guards opened the locker room door, they saw their noses and faces swollen. The ground stunned on the floor, and was stripped up and down, tied up like sausages in a string. It is said that when the prison guard cut the rope, Malvo was still holding the cock under his hand in his mouth. Are they engaged in a lewd party? This The dead fat man has lost all his old faces, and the whole prison has been jokes for another year, hahaha!"

Wolf Cudgel glanced suspiciously, who was sitting next to him, eating dinner peacefully, just like a good student who followed the rules.

"You did it?" he asked uncertainly.

He raised his eyebrows innocently: "One pick nine, are you sure? And I signed it in the infirmary at that time."

The wolf club also felt unlikely, and shrugged and said: "No matter who it is, the lame is embarrassed this time. The best thing to wash away the humiliation is blood, I am afraid the war will be advanced."

"What war?"

"The battle between red and blue. Maybe it's on Thanksgiving on Thursday, because the police force is weak, maybe a little earlier... We have to be ready for war. Kinig, tell our people to prepare weapons. As for you, El, This is a good opportunity for you to learn how to grow into a qualified gang member, kill at least two people from each other, as your vote, how about it?"

"No problem," said Qing, and swallowed the last bite of vegetable soup.

"The biggest variable now is your Italian neighbor," said Wolf Club. "Even though he didn't intervene in the face of the war last time, he secretly instructed his men to provide convenience to Malvo. It is estimated that the other party promised him a lot of benefits, so that we Get into a passive situation. This time we have to get him first, even if he can’t become reinforcements, we have to make him completely neutral. El, I want you to keep an eye on him. If the lame helper has any private contact with him, you have to be the first Notify me at once."

Finished thinking for a while and said: "Maybe I can do more."

"Be careful, he is much more difficult to deal with than Malvo." The wolf club put on his shoulder, and his thumb rubbed his neck with the opportunity, half a warning, half a confession, "and he is very straight. I will not pity you because of your face."

"I will let him know that I have more than a face," he replied nonchalantly.

The wolf club laughed lowly: "I look forward to your abilities, including the bed... Are you sure you won't have a shot with me at night? I'm super skilled and I promise to make you cool."

"No, thank you." His novices refused without hesitation, "Keep your gun barrels to deal with outsiders."