Sha Qing

Chapter 63: Blue wanted order


Leo walked out of a post office in Orange County. Although he had been mentally prepared for the result, he still couldn't hide his disappointed look. After all, after twenty years, the post office management, postmen, street mailboxes, surveillance video and other related evidences were no longer available for inspection. The manufacturers and sellers of letter paper have long been arrogant. The only thing he can do is to do this. After the letter was taken, the photos were sent to the headquarters, and I hope colleagues in the Behavior Analysis Department can give some profiles of the suspect from the handwriting.

The Thanksgiving decorations arranged on the street did not bring any warmth to the hazy weather that day. The scattered leaves were picked up by the wind, and the hem of the long windbreaker was flapping like a dying butterfly. Leo suddenly felt a sense of crisis of being peeped secretly, like a sharp steel needle against his back, like a shadow, with bad intentions. He became professionally vigilant and looked around: not the group of female high school students chatting on the corner, nor the housewife who was in the Volkswagen parked on the street who was calling and sneaking at him...

His gaze scanned the crowd quickly, like a precision-operated instrument, suddenly turning his head to look at a tall building behind. The moment he turned his head, the acupuncture-like sense of crisis suddenly disappeared, and the previous strangeness seemed to be an illusion caused by too much mental pressure.

But Leo knew this was not an illusion—it was indeed for a moment that he became the prey of a certain line of sight. This feeling is not unfamiliar in his eight-year career. After all, he has sent so many terrorists and perverted murderers to prison. If the hateful eyes and thoughts of revenge by those thugs became real, he would have been devastated. hole.

The phone's ringtone rang at this time, and he pressed the call button while walking quickly toward his car.

"Hi, Leo, are you still in Orange? I have a bad news, and an unexpected news. Which do you want me to say first?" said his partner on the other side of the North American continent.

"Say in logical order."

"Aha, I knew you would answer like that. There are no fingerprints on the envelope and letter paper. Obviously the other party is very cautious. Only the handwriting is used. The Behavior Analysis Department only gave a vague profile, which does not help us narrow the investigation. Scope."

"How fuzzy is it?"

"Between 18 and 50 years old, right-handed, self-confident and cunning, strong-willed, likes to aggravate conflict-like this."

Leo sighed slightly: "I hope the other surprise is a surprise."

"I can't guarantee it, but it sounds a bit weird. Last night I had a drink at the bar with my old classmates whom I haven't seen for many years—"

"Are you free to drink? Do you know that I haven't slept for more than 6 hours in the past few days?"

"Oh, I didn't mean to make you jealous. It's just that I had a good relationship with him in the old days... He is an Interpol based in Europe." Rob said with a guilty conscience. "I drank and talked with him last night. When it comes to the'serial killer killer', you know that even if the sentence is sentenced, the heat of the case has not subsided. Wei was a little drunk and told me about a'blue wanted order' (Note 1) a few years ago. Said that when he handled the case, he knew an informant who specially matched the wealthy, tyrants, and armed regimes, and asked some professionals to solve their troubles in various aspects..."

"The middleman between the mercenary organization and the customer?" Leo Yan summed it up concisely.

"That's right. That guy is very slick. The typical'lean on both ends'. Wei had dinner with him once, and the news of'serial killer arrested' was broadcast on the TV screen-it was the first broadcast, and the man watched the TV finish. In the photo, he said aloud, "He is not—", and then seemed to realize that he had made a mistake, so he stopped saying more. Wei guessed that he had known him before, but the suspect had already been brought back to justice, so he didn't take it to heart. When it comes to this topic, I won't even mention it at all."

Interpol, Blue Wanted Order... Leo realized that the Bureau had missed something when investigating the identity of the killing-maybe he was not a recorded American citizen at all; maybe he has multiple nationalities; maybe none of these nationalities are true: He wanders in the crevices between various regimes, disdainful of national laws, has his own set of survival rules and behavior, as if he is in another plane of the whole world-he is (or was a) true freelancer , An international mercenary!

Only in this way can he explain his outstanding skill, amazing camouflage ability, habitual three-sided army stab and troop-style fighting style, and mastery of various professional skills. The only thing that cannot be explained is what happened two years ago, when he took down the code name "killing" for himself and began to hunt for serial killers in a planned way, which caused him to suddenly break away from the mercenary organization that was profitable. , Embark on another equally bloody but profitless way of killing

Leo was silent for a long time, so that Rob thought that there was a problem with the signal, and he hung up the call without responding.

Back to the hotel room, Leo dialed a number in the mobile phone contact book: "Kelly Blue, it’s me. I have something to trouble you. I know you have a relationship with the ICPO (Interpol). Can you check it for me? For one thing, two years ago, which international mercenary organizations had changes... The big changes have at least affected the core personnel changes. Yes, two years ago, it also includes private military companies and contractors... Thanks, I will send the information back to my mailbox. "

After thinking about it, he thought it was best to do both, dialed Rob's cell phone, and ordered him to extract the identity information about the informant from his old classmate.

"It might not be easy." Rob was a little embarrassed. "Look, we all love our informants, just like anglers love bait."

"Yes, but we are fishermen, and sometimes we can borrow bait from each other. Tell him if he bites the fish he wants, I will give it to him."

"Well, I will try my best."

Rex Island Prison, New York.

Except for the addition of canned turkey and pumpkin puree to the lunch and dinner recipes, there is no festive atmosphere in the "Grave". Perhaps the prison guards felt that it was a very funny thing to let these hopeless desperadoes learn to "grateful". Captain Eric said during the call-out: "The only thing you should be grateful for is that the federal government abolished the death penalty, so that The taxpayer’s hard-earned money has to be used to support the poisonous insects of your society. Happy Thanksgiving, scumbags, now, go back to your stinking den!"

Just as he turned his head, the wolf club winked at the men around him. The few people immediately rushed forward and rushed towards the targets they chose. The homemade knives slid out of their sleeves slid into the opponent's abdomen, pulled out, and stabbed them again. They were fierce and abnormal, and the court suddenly wailed, Blood spattered.

Like a bucket of blood poured into the sea, the irritated sharks suddenly became excited. The prisoners started booing, howling like wolves, and shaking the iron gate to make the sound of metal clashing one after another. More people received the call of the horn of war, like a herd of animals meeting on a narrow road, desperately drew out the "weapons" hidden in their bodies, and pounced on the members of the enemy gang and any displeased guys.

"Good job! Come on, brothers, get rid of him!"

"Slice his throat! Pull his intestines out of his stomach!"

"Blood! Blood! Blood!"

Some people even chanted: "Wars come and go, my soldiers will live forever!" Note 2

The prison guards present, including Captain Eric's face, changed suddenly. Due to the lack of manpower on holidays, their guarding power is weaker than usual, and such a large-scale violent fight is obviously not something that the batons or chili water around the waist of a few prison guards can balance. Eric used the communicator on his shoulder to call for support while instructing other prison guards to quickly return to the duty room and sounded the siren.

All the prisoners seemed to be soaked in the smell of blood in the air, and they had fallen into a certain state of madness. The screams of excitement and the screams of pain were intertwined into a tide, sweeping everything together with the police siren and the sound of martial law, as if the entire prison area They are all hanging tottering in the sky above hell.

In this carnival feast of killing, the footsteps of the killing lightly moved obliquely to the rear, and silently flashed into the 1316 cell.

Timothy was sitting leisurely on the edge of the bed reading a book, as if he was isolated from the bloody battlefield a few meters away, forming a world of its own. The flames of war had spread from the aisle to the cell, but no prisoner dared to set foot on his territory. "Don't go to the battlefield, you are also a member of the blood gang?" He said in a teasing tone, without leaving the page of the book.

"The real war is not there," he pointed to his heart meaningfully. "Here. It's a pity that many people won't understand it in their entire lives."

"It looks like you are good at both." Timothy said, digging his fingertips into the middle of the book cover, pulling out a ball of paper, and flicking it to him: "This is the address you want."

Finish off and take a look: "Sixth District?"

"Rafael Stock is not in this prison, it seems you can't get close to him."

"But he is still on this island, isn't he?"

Timothy sneered: "What do you want to make and transfer to the sixth area? That's quite difficult, unless you get yourself into schizophrenia-that's the special area for mentally ill prisoners."

He lowered his eyelids and thought, and then smiled: "A good suggestion, I will consider it. Besides, listening to your tone, it seems that I am quite happy with the trouble I am facing. Have you forgotten that we are allies now?"

Timothy got up and approached him step by step until the opponent's body was covered by his own shadow cast by the light. "Listen, little thing, you are asking for my blessing. If it wasn't for Alessio, I could pinch your throat until you died, and then look for the brand by myself, so that I can get more. It's four out of five. Maybe you think you can dominate among those amateur, inferior serial killers, but here, you are nothing!" He sneered happily, "Understood, serial killer. ?"

Obviously, the other party checked his details and probably also contacted Alessio. But he did not worry about this, because ninety-nine percent of everything he said about Alessio was fact; and the other one percent, that is, the part of "close friends", he knew. Lasio faintly hopes that it will become a reality-he has always been insightful to other people's personal emotions and makes good use of it. What makes him feel strange is, why didn't Alessio mention the important ring that symbolizes the family heritage to his brother? Or is the topic of power really a taboo that cannot be touched between the brothers? The thoughts in his heart turned, but there was a light smile on his face: "Understand, Lord'Godfather'."

Timothy was startled slightly, as if he didn't expect that the other party would be willing to bow his head to be taught. But this is better. A speculator who knows the current affairs is better to deal with than a dangerous person who is not aware of the current affairs. Like a reward and a threat, he wiped the non-existent dust on the opponent's chest and said: "Then Get back what I deserve, and don’t make my brother sad. Otherwise, you won’t need this heart anymore."

Orange County, Los Angeles area, California.

Leo is in a fast food restaurant near the hotel, while working out dinner while waiting for Rob or Kelly Blue to reply. The beef cheese burger in this shop tasted quite good, but he was absent-minded and solved it as quickly as possible, beckoning the waiter to pay the bill.

The feeling of being secretly peeped appeared again. Not just peeping, sharp malice and murder is like an invisible ballistic trajectory, almost piercing his body. Leo stood up abruptly. At the same time, the waitress stood beside him with a well-designed sweet smile: "28.5 yuan, thank you."

Leo took out a 50 denomination from his pocket, threw it to the opponent and hurriedly left. The waitress held the banknotes and stared regretfully at the back of the handsome black-haired guy: rather than the 21 RMB 5 tip, she hoped that the other party could write the phone number on a tissue.

Leo chased outside the store, and vehicles were shuttled back and forth on the street. People passed by in groups. The night was shrouded in the brightly lit town, and the sense of crisis seemed to be swallowed by the vast crowd.

Who is it? Or is it nervous and overreacting? Leo couldn't help being a little confused.

In a dark place that he could not see, a muzzle slowly retracted back. When the hostess inadvertently blocked the target, its owner knew that the best time had been missed. But he has time and patience and can continue to wait.

The phone rang, Leo avoided a corner and connected to the conversation.

It's Kelly Blue, he got some internal information from ICPO. In fact, the international mercenary organizations are as diverse as cows, black and white, private organizations, secretly controlled by the national government, and some are fishing in troubled areas under the skin of security companies. However, there are only a dozen of them with scale and strength, because most of them are elites and the core members are relatively fixed. According to Leo’s request, screen out those controlled by the U.S. government (there are still many). Two years ago, the mercenary organization that had undergone major changes was the "Armed God Alliance". It was trained by the Interpol for kidnapping children and teenagers. Severe blow, the fourth leader Hitt died, and the successor female leader Rona Xishan took the main members into hiding and disappeared. But the police suspect that the organization is still committing secret crimes in many countries and regions.

"No, it's not this." Leo said without hesitation. "Anything else?"

Kelly Lan hesitated, "Maybe there is another one, I'm not sure, the relevant information is too little... "Arctic Fox", maybe someone has heard its name, but knows nothing about it. One is quite The mysterious and bizarre organization was established in 1984. It has only 34 members. No matter how old it is, it has only 34 members. Most of the time, it is employed by private individuals. Sometimes it also performs some tasks that violate international law, such as kidnapping and assassination. The beheading of the head of the regime. It is said -" He emphasized the word, "Two years ago, he was seriously injured in an extremely dangerous operation, and some members were killed and separated."

"Can some members be more accurate? For example, their names or codes?"

"Oh, dear old friend, even if you promise to settle all the favors I owe before, I can't do that." Kelly Blue said exaggeratedly, as if imagining the disappointment on Leo's handsome face. He laughed. "It's said—" He emphasized the word again, "There was an Asian member in the'Arctic Fox', but now only God knows." After speaking, he directly hung up the phone.

Leo held the phone and carefully chewed every word in the message, his beautifully shaped eyebrows habitually frowned. Will the rumored Asian members of this mysterious mercenary organization be finished? Leo couldn't be sure. If so, why did he become a serial killer after he left the organization? Does this have something to do with his childhood experience? The past is still full of mists, but Leo feels that he is vaguely peeping the truth from the thick fog with only scales and half claws—he does not know how bloody he will face after uncovering the heavy disguise covering it. Or the festering and hideous truth, but he believes that if it does not reveal it and heal it, it will sink into darkness forever until it is completely swallowed by the abyss of distorted and uncontrollable desire.

Note 1: Blue wanted order: one of the seven-color wanted orders issued by Interpol. That is, "international intelligence refers to the wanted order", which requires information about the location, identity, and criminal history of international criminals.

Note 2: "Wars come and go, my soldiers will live forever!": "Wars come and go, but my soldier stay eternal." A famous saying by the famous black rapper Tupac.