Sha Qing

Chapter 67: the Avengers


When he received a call from his boss Gaudí, Leo was in the evidence storage room of the Los Angeles Unified Police Department, dealing with densely packed drawers and scattered small objects. Although many old files were lost in the archives, the relevant material evidence of the unsettled case should still be retained, and he tried to find any useful clues from it.

In a drawer labeled "13/4/1996 Lin Family Murder Case", he found a yellowed note on which the pen and ink had been a little faint, but the handwriting was still clear. I took out the letter I got from Su Ke and compared it, and found that the tails of the "Y" letters on both sides were habitually curled with sharp curls. Leo suspected that it was the handwriting of the same person. If they are really the same person, then Su Ke's "spiritual mentor" Enjoyer, in all likelihood, is the murderer who caused the destruction of the family.

Relying on this fragmentary clue in his hand, it is obviously a difficult and vast project to find "Enjoyer" from the vast crowd, but Leo is determined, no matter how difficult it is, he must bring the devil who has been at large for twenty years to justice. . This is the most sincere and sincere thing he can do for the completion of the prison.

The phone's ringtone rang at this moment.

"No matter where you are or what you do, come back soon." Gaudí said bluntly.

"What happened?"

"The'serial killer killer' escaped from the island of Rex."

LaGuardia Airport in New York.

Rob saw Leo in the crowd with sharp eyes, and immediately greeted him with a big hug: "Hey buddy, you are finally back! Do you know how much mental torture I have suffered after you escaped from the wind! Jasmine didn't find you and almost opened the door of my house. I want to buy more personal insurance for myself!"

"Where is Jasmine?" Leo asked. These days, he also received calls from Jasmine outside, but they all used "on mission" as an excuse, and hung up after a few moments. It is estimated that his sister's anger has accumulated to a considerable extent.

"She stayed with her fiance in the hospital for a week before, and the boy recovered well. Later, when Jasmine saw that you didn't intend to come back in a short time, she planned to talk to... Li Biqing," Rob spit out the name awkwardly, "Going out on vacation. After a few days of relaxation, it seems that I went to Las Vegas. I just left yesterday."

Leo breathed a sigh of relief unconsciously. He can now psychologically distinguish the real Li Biqing completely from the "brother-in-law" role he played before he was finished, so he appears more calm than Rob. "On vacation? She has never been with her previous boyfriends. Maybe she got married on a whim, and the two got married directly in Las Vegas."

"It's quite possible." Rob laughed.

They left the airport lobby, boarded a black Chevrolet SUV, and drove towards the city.

On the way, Rob while driving glanced at his partner in the passenger seat from time to time. The latter seemed to lack rest and his face was a bit haggard, but his mental state was much better than when he had drunk his sorrows before. His dark blue eyes were trapped in full-bodied eyebrows. Down, his eyes were clear, like a calm and deep sea.

After being brewed by wind and frost, experience, and all kinds of emotions, this man has a more flavor than before, Rob thought with emotion and jealousy.

"It's not too late if you only find out that you are in love with me now." The black-haired agent spotted his partner's peeping and joked, "I don't have a fiance yet."

Rob almost choked with saliva and coughed twice: "When did your flirting skills go up? Two years ago, if you were so informed and interesting, poor Eve would not be sympathized by all the people in the branch. You know. How did they persuade her,'Don't worry girl, don't try to fall in love with Robocop'."

Leo couldn't help laughing: "In your eyes, I am so bad?"

"Oh no, you are an elite, but you are too elite. You are only suitable for being a colleague, not for being a couple. Every string in your mind is tied to words such as law enforcement, chasing criminals, and solving crimes, just talking about official affairs. Don’t talk about personal affair, do you know how much pressure this brings to the people around you?” Rob said, “but now this feeling has faded a lot, you seem to be more...more humane.” He glanced again. After taking a look at Leo, he joked presumptuously: "Or is it love? Is this someone's credit?"

Leo's eyes dimmed slightly: "He escaped from prison?"

This so-called "him", Rob knows well: "Yes, when the prison staff called the name this morning, he was found missing. On the bed in his cell, the body of the next prisoner was lying, his hands and feet were tied, and he was hit by a knife. , A prisoner pointed out that the homemade knife belonged to him. To make matters worse, the deceased was named Timothy Berardi."

Leo frowned. "Is that'that' Berardi?"

"Yes, it's the'that' Berardi." Rob couldn't help sighing. "This'underground world' is about to set off another bloody storm. You said it's the notorious Mafia who provokes you. family!"

"God knows who provokes whom." Leo looked a little unhappy. "This is a strange thing. Even if he hates the other person, he won't kill him in his cell and leave the murder weapon on the scene. This is not his style at all. . Someone is framing him, Rob."

"Perhaps, but the escape from prison is always not a frame." Rob said, "I'm not surprised at all. I have long felt that this guy will slip out of the prison sooner or later, and the high-wall grid can't stop him ."

Leo still keenly grasped the key: "The key is, why choose this time and place? If you want to escape from prison, there are more opportunities in MCC, why should you take the initiative to serve the sentence on the heavily guarded island of Rex, and then go from there? Jailbreak? What is there that interests him so much? Is it a person, an object, or some event clue..."

"Who knows, this guy is thinking deeply. The news about his escape from prison is still tightly sealed. I can hardly imagine that if the public opinion that has just calmed down on the killing case, if it is stimulated by this news, it will be stirred up. What kind of uproar." Rob said.

"So Gaudí called us to get him back as soon as possible. By the way,'as soon as possible' means'if you can't get this done in a few days, don't take your Christmas vacation this year'."

"But there are only less than two weeks left until Christmas!" Rob said depressed. "How can we find fish into the sea and birds into the woods? Can we catch the fish once and for all!"

"Anyway, go to Rex Island Prison and investigate it first."

Among the clues investigated by the Rex Island Prison, Leo and Rob are most concerned about the loss of contact with the prison guard Simon.

Starting at 9 o'clock last night, the surveillance probes in some prisons of District 5 were shut down, and the probes were not restarted until the guards who took over at 7 o'clock this morning found out. This part of the area just covers the vicinity of the 1317 cell and the aisle leading to the outside of the cell. There is no video to check.

Fortunately, a surveillance probe on the side of the road on the island recorded Simon and another man in the uniform of a prison guard. They drove west from the fifth area to the tenth area, and got off at the barge wharf. The man swiped his ID card to enter the barge, and Simon drove back to the fifth area.

The man lowered the brim of his hat, and his face could not be clearly seen in the surveillance video. However, the access control records of the tenth district showed that the temporary ID card belonging to Saimen passed through the first floor of the Barge Prison unimpeded all the way, and finally opened the way to the prison. Iron gate of the deck. Obviously this is the way to escape from prison.

"This is the easiest way to escape from prison I have ever seen. The guard named Simon knows that he breaks the law, and he would rather go to jail and help him leave. Is he brainwashed... Oh, look!" Rob pointed The screen greeted Leo, "A affectionate hug! I bet the little prison guard will love him so much. It has only been less than a month in jail, and our dark hero has gained another fan! "

"Shut your mouth, Robley!" the black-haired agent said calmly.

Rob immediately suppressed his hippie smile, and put on a serious look: "I think we should start with a match. Even if we are missing, it is much easier to find him than to find him."

For federal agents, finding a citizen with a fixed residence and identity record is indeed an easy task. After more than an hour, they found Simon's body in a secluded street.

From the landing position, he fell from a twelve-story tall building on the side, and his body fell horribly. There is no trace of struggle and struggle on the roof platform. Hats, scarves and shoes are neatly placed beside the railing. A suicide note to the effect that "I am confused for a while, knows the law and breaks the law, and no longer has the face to face family and society" is pressed underneath. Going up is the undisputed suicide by jumping off the building.

But the experienced Leo and Rob smelled the taste of setting up and murder.

Simon's body was taken away by the police and handed over to a forensic doctor for examination. Regardless of suicide and homicide, this clue to the tracing of the killing was interrupted.

Just when Leo and Rob thought they were going to fight another tough battle and a protracted battle, two days later, in the evening, a 911 call revealed that a criminal crime was taking place, which was received by the FBI due to its bad nature and bloody methods. Attention, the information fell into the hands of the two.

Because of the strong demands of the children, the Raymond family began to decorate the Christmas tree more than a week in advance. Mr. Raymond was responsible for transporting a five-six-meter-high fir tree into the lobby of the villa and erecting it beside the fireplace. The children cheered and wrapped ribbons, bells and shiny little stars on it. Mrs. Raymond baked a furnace of cupcakes and smiled and greeted the children to wash their hands and eat snacks.

The knock on the door sounded just then.

Raymond was surprised. If there is a visitor, the security will register at the iron gate outside the courtyard, and then the butler will inform the owner of the identity of the visitor. After he nods and agrees, the guest can enter the villa under the guidance of the servant.

But at this moment he did not receive any report, and the door of the villa was knocked. Was it the last time the tabloid reporter who wanted to write a topic for him sneaked in, or was it a new servant who didn't understand the rules? Before he pressed the beeper to notify the security, the lively six-year-old daughter had jumped up, ran over and opened the door.

A young Asian man stands outside the door, wearing a stylish and neat hooded casual jacket. Seeing the little blond girl opening the door, he stretched out his left hand and pulled down the hat, with a polite smile on his handsome face: "Good evening, little girl."

"Good evening, sir." The little girl said with a smile, "Are you here to find my father?"

"Your father's name is Irving Raymond?"


"That's it." The man stepped forward, and the door closed silently behind him. He took out a huge rainbow lollipop from his pocket, and handed it to the little girl: "Christmas present." The little girl cheered, took the candy, and smiled sweetly and slyly at his father: "I can eat it, right? , Dad? This is a Christmas gift!"

Raymond looked at this strange and inexplicable visitor, frowned and said in a stern tone: "Who are you? How did you get in? Please go out immediately, otherwise I'll call the security guard."

The visitor seemed to turn a blind eye to the host’s dissatisfaction and rejection, and said to himself: “As for you, Hayden Corten, this is my Christmas present for you.” His right hand, which was always behind his back, appeared. Holding a long-handled fire-fighting axe, the wide and sharp blade of the axe reflected in the gloom of the chandelier.

Raymond's face was pale, as if he lost his blood for a moment, and he took a half step back unconsciously. "I don't know what you're talking about, I don't call that name, you admit the wrong person! Get out, or I'm not polite! Shirley!" He turned his head and shouted at his wife who was stunned by excessive panic: "Take The children hide behind! Press the siren!"

"Of course you know what I'm talking about. Twenty years is indeed a long time, but it won't grow enough to make you dementia, right?" said the uninvited guest. His voice was calm, but this extraordinary calm was formed by the condensation of deep-seated hatred and extreme forest, as if it had already turned into substance, permeating through every inch of his body.

He stepped forward step by step, holding the end of the axe handle in his hand, and the axe blade scraped on the marble floor with his footsteps, making "crack" and "crack" sounds as he a transmission from hell. The death knell is coming.

Women’s screams and children’s screams exploded around, but he didn’t hear it, and he just walked towards the goal step by step: "You know, you always appear in my nightmares for many years... During those years I I can’t really fall asleep at all, because as long as I close my eyes, I can see my mother’s head staring at me outside the window sill, and hear her wailing that never stops... I still remember everything you did to me and know what it was. It feels like that, as if the whole world is a hell, with nothing but pain, pain, and pain."

Raymond backed away indifferently, as if forced by a huge invisible pressure, he had to try his best to shrink his living space. You are... He opened his mouth, making no sound while lip-syncing.

"I say this, not because I want to get any reaction from you. Shock, guilt, regret, or being unchanging, these are meaningless to me." The visitor tilted his head and smiled, which was bloody and cruel. Expecting, thirsty and wanting to tear something apart, "I just want to make you fear, because fear is said to make people feel more painful."

Raymond, no, it should be said that Hayden Corten hit the cabinet by the fireplace with his back, grabbing the drawer handle with his fingers, trying to prop up his limp body.

Su Qing suddenly swung the axe handle, so fast that only an afterimage was seen. The axe hit Hayden's wrist with the back of the axe, and a muffled sound of fracture suddenly sounded. A pistol fell off the screams and fell to the floor. Immediately after another heavy blow, his other wrist bone was also shattered in the flesh, and Hayden fell to the ground and continued to scream screamingly, with his sagging hands retracted in vain.

In order to better see his pain, the assailant squatted down in front of him, carefully examining the twisted facial features, rolling cold sweat, and trembling body, as if enjoying a long-awaited opera.

"Let me go... I have changed my evil spirits..." Hayden begged intermittently, almost fainting in pain, "I met Shirley and realized how terrible and disgusting I was before, living a life like a beast... I don't want to be caught Driven by that kind of desire, I want to become a normal person for her... I want to be a good father, love my three children, and stop hurting anyone... Please don't kill me, don't let my children do this I lost my father when I was young, and my family was ruined..."

A burst of frantic laughter broke out at the final: "You beg me not to let your family die? After you ruined so many families and killed so many children, you said you want your own family and your own children? It’s wonderful to correct evil and return to righteousness!” He leaned forward and backward with a smile while leaning on his axe. Become a Buddha, and then the old things will be wiped out? You have become the protector of women and children, ah, what a deep affection, what a great fatherly love, if anyone is not moved, it is hard-hearted-do you count on me? Think so?"

"Go to God and beg." He laughed, stood up and declared indifferently, "Whether he forgives you or not, whether you forgive yourself or not-I will never forgive!" As he said, he broke the sea with an axe. Deng's two ankles, bent over and picked up the collar, dragged the opponent towards the window sill in the living room.

Shirley curled up in the corner trembling, clinging to her three children, the alarm button had been pressed, but there was no movement in the courtyard, so many servants and security guards seemed to have suddenly disappeared without any response. She burst into tears, resisting crying, took out her phone and dialed tremblingly, chanting: "911, 911..."

After a long wait for the sound, the call was connected. She heard the operator's voice, as if hugging a driftwood in the dying flood, crying bitterly...

The screams of her husband came from the living room, stinging her eardrums, and the six-year-old daughter suddenly struggled violently, calling "Dad! Daddy!" and rushed out of her arms.

She screamed in panic: "Jennifer! No, Jennifer—"

Jennifer stood barefoot on the floor at the end of the living room, her delicate little skirt and messy blonde hair made her look like a doll that accidentally fell into the mud. Her beautiful light green eyes were round, and she watched what was happening on the window sill motionlessly—

She watched the axe swinging, watching the blood splashing, watching the living father turn into bloody pieces, watching the bright red blood splashing the guests and uncles all over his face, and the uncle just smiled and gave it to her A rainbow lollipop... She stood there watching it all like a sleepwalk, without any expression on her face.

He dropped the axe and held Hayden's head in both hands-it was the only thing that had not been chopped up. Then he jumped from the window sill and landed on the lawn, placing his head upright on the blade of grass, letting it die. Staring at the window sill. He sighed lightly, dipped his fingertips with the remaining warm blood on his cheeks, and painted the lips of his head scarlet.

"An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth." He whispered to the head, then turned to look at the little girl staring at all of this blankly, with a bloody and quiet smile: "Sorry, kid, this is really bad. Christmas Eve to the top."

The author has something to say: I have never described the killing process in front of me before. Whether it was to puncture Alden or saw William’s skull to make an ashtray, it was all done in one stroke, so that everyone did not have an intuitive experience. Feel. This is the only and necessary detailed description, do you feel it now~~~ I happily spread my hands anyway, I am a good young man with good physical and mental health.