Sha Qing

Chapter 69: The last killer (middle)


Amid the roar of the helicopter propeller, the white beam of the airborne searchlight shot down from a high altitude and swept back and forth. The seven or eight police cars that followed were flashing and sirens blaring, galloping on the highway late at night.

"It's there," the helicopter pilot said, and the searchlight beam bit a speeding black Land Rover. It drove rampantly and aggressively on the road east out of the city, seeming to see the joint pursuit of the city police and the FBI as nothing.

Leo squinted his eyes for a few seconds, making sure that this was the car they found in the surveillance video. But he is not sure who the person in the car is, because in the two hours or so, the car disappeared from the traffic monitoring line three times, the longest one was 12 minutes, that is to say, even after the crime was killed He was in this car when he left the scene, and he also had plenty of room to escape.

Obviously Rob had similar thoughts. "I guess that kid slipped early. Maybe right now we are having a candlelight supper with the'sinister jackal' in a secret villa, and we are still running hungry after a self-driving car." He had a face. Yu Zuo spit out.

The picture he described unfolded in Leo's mind out of nothing, in which details such as "co-advance" and "candle light" flashed past, making the black-haired agent extremely uncomfortable, and kind of kicking his partner from the door of the cabin. The urge to go down.

"Shoot, stop it!" he said to the micro walkie-talkie.

Under the double attack of the helicopter and the police car, the Land Rover rushed out a few kilometers frantically, and was finally forced out of the roadbed and put out the fire along the riverside. The heavily armed commando surrounded it, and dozens of guns were aimed at the door of the car.

The car door opened slowly, a pair of raised hands stretched out first, and then a young man got out of the driver's seat.

Asian, black-haired, handsome, with a strange face.

Rob looked up and down a little puzzled, feeling that his figure was quite similar, so Chao Leo made a questioning look of "Did you say he wore a new mask again".

Leo didn't pay any attention, he knew that this man was not killed. I can’t tell the specific reason, but he is confident that if the other party is really killing him, even if he changes a hundred new masks, he can immediately recognize it—now his sense of killing has gone far beyond the limits of the visual organs and has entered a kind of The realm of unspeakable can be appreciated.

There was no second person in the Land Rover. The young Asian man was surrounded by gunpoint, showing nervousness and panic as he tried to hide it. Before he could say a word, two special police officers rushed forward and pressed him hard. On the hood, lock the handcuffs with both hands.

"This guy is just cannon fodder." Rob patted his forehead regretfully with his palm.

The phone bell suddenly rang, and the melody was so old and familiar: "There is an escaped prisoner on the other side of the mountain and the sea. He is lively and smart, and he is naughty and smart. Hey, chasing agent, Come answer the phone!"

"—And the microphone." Leo said expressionlessly, and stepped forward and took out a cell phone from the captive's jacket pocket, quickly pressed the call button, and ended his triumphant singing.

"My dear, haven't you eaten dinner yet? I haven't had supper either." The final tone was brisk.

Leo ignored the opponent's provocations and said straightforwardly: "Enjoyer is dead, and you have a vengeance, but whether you are planning to wash your hands in a golden basin or continue to make trouble, you don't need to put on such a battle, what on earth do you want to do?"

"What are you doing?" He said with a grin, "Is it necessary to say, like me, a'crazy, stubborn, arrogant, abnormal neuropathy killer', of course, I want to do my best to avenge the society." Not waiting for Leo to answer. , He immediately said: "Now, get on the plane, fly high, and look north. I'm going to set off fireworks."

Leo frowned and hesitated, then turned and walked towards the helicopter. Rob followed, confused.

The helicopter flew to a height of 100 meters, and Leo stared sharply at the lightly lit city at night, with an ominous premonition in his heart. Sure enough, after a brief period of calm, a huge light burst from the edge of the city. The roar came late, and Rob opened his mouth in astonishment: "That was... an explosion! Fuck, where did it explode?"

His cry came into the microphone, and he laughed happily: "An ugly prison, a rotten tomb. Don't worry, seven of the ten are scum, and three are abnormal. Living a pure waste of social resources. . Look, I saved a lot of money for the federal government."

Leo's face was covered with a terrifying haze: "Isle Rex! You bombed the prison of Rex Island!"

"To be precise, it's the fifth district with serious sins." This is also thanks to Gan's parting gift. He thought that the gifts given by the squadron killer were at most daggers and pistols. Who would have thought that under the floor tiles of the laundry room in the fifth area, there was a pile of dough-like C4 plastic explosive and a disassembled detonating device? Before escaping from the prison, he installed the wiring easily; twenty minutes ago, Shanier's miniature submarine reached the bottom of the island near Rex, holding a remote detonator, waiting for his order.

"... You are really crazy." Leo took a deep breath like hypoxia, closed his eyes tightly, and when he opened them again, his eyes were cold. As expected, didn't it? I had predicted it a long time ago—

"He is no different from other perverts: killing people and having fun. One day when he finds that he can't find his prey, he will not be able to control his desire to kill. I can be 100% sure if he will attack innocent people! As long as you start something like killing, there will be a pair of invisible hands pushing you, forcing you to come to the end of your life step by step!"

And this day finally arrived irreversibly.

"I thought you had been investigating my past for so long, you should have known it. Does the pervert killer always have a dark childhood? Doesn't it all act like this on TV? You see, the grievances between us should be ended. This firework is the battle book I sent you. You and me must tell the victory and defeat, and the loser will pay the price of life."

"Kill!" Leo screamed, like a painful cry and an angry warning.

The other party just responded with a few faint chuckles: "Come on, Leo, let's fight! In order to make this battle more interesting, I will give you a hint so that you can find me faster.

The hint is—'Christmas for yourself'. Come hurry up, baby, or I'll be too boring to wait and I'll start to set off fireworks again. "

A beeping hung-up tone came from the phone, and Leo's face was pale.

Rob looked at him blankly, not knowing what to say: "He... what the hell is he doing... what shall we do now?"

"He wants to end it with me." Leo said nonchalantly, "I will arrest him, or... kill him."

Rob was stunned.

"The call he made with his cell phone. Our people found the broken cell phone on the edge of the bridge, and it was there." Rob pointed his finger to the bridge across the river not far away, and smiled self-deprecatingly: "No wonder Knowing everything we do, he only needs an ordinary telescope."

Leo looked at the rugged steel bracket above the bridge and muttered to himself: "It's Christmas for yourself..."

Rob was a little inexplicable, and still answered: "No, tomorrow night will be Christmas Eve. This Christmas will be with crime and police cars again."

The sky gradually shone, but the clouds became more and more cold and low. After a while, Leo felt a little cold and wet on his face. He looked up and it started to snow.

There seemed to be a flash of light in his mind, and he quickly grasped it. It was an inadvertent conversation—

At that time, it was "Li Biqing". His parents' empty apartment just gained some popularity. They drank beer and watched TV shows aimlessly while resting on the back of the same sofa...

Does it snow in New York in winter? Looking at the snow scene in the soap opera, Li Biqing asked casually.

Down, every year around Christmas, sometimes earlier. Leo said.

Jasmine should be back by then, and we can spend the holidays together. Li Biqing said.

Leo was silent for two seconds, and smiled faintly: I'm not sure, I'm on standby for 24 hours, and I have to leave after a call. Do you know how I spent last Christmas? A few idiot students were drunk and planned to have a holiday killing contest. They called the FBI office and asked me to give them professional advice on the rules of the game. At that time, my team and I braved the heavy snow and searched an abandoned amusement park on the outskirts of the city for most of the night, and finally found all those idiots one by one. You see, my work is sometimes much more boring than you think, right.

Li Biqing tilted his body and rested his head on his thigh. If there are such idiots again this Christmas, I will help you clean them up, and come back for the holiday together afterwards. The boy drank a beer and said with a smile, your Christmas is just like our Spring Festival. You will spend it with your family.

"... Christmas alone." Leo sighed for a long time, with a trace of unspeakable fatigue. He rubbed his dry eyelids with his fingertips, turned his head and said to Rob, "I know where he is."


"Can't tell you for now, he asked me to go alone."

"Just you? Are you kidding me, are we waiting for the lone hero's victory while eating roast turkey by the fireplace!" The green-eyed agent raised his voice to express strong opposition.

"If he finds out that the police are trying to round up, he will definitely run away before most of the people arrive, and then make a few fireworks like just now. You know how stubborn he is." Leo said lightly.

Rob was dumbfounded and whispered: "Just fight with someone."

"So that's it. I will put on a satellite locator. You will monitor the whole process. Please pay attention to keep a distance of more than two kilometers before I send out a signal."

The snow fell sparsely, most of it melted before it hit the ground, and the air became more humid and cold.

Leo drove alone to a large playground on the outskirts of the city that was closed due to poor management. He parked the car outside the rusty iron gate and walked in with his hands free. The floor of the playground was cracked with blue bricks and overgrown with weeds. The faded carousel and the decapitated clown sculpture stared at him viciously under the gloomy sky, and a little further away was the skeleton-like withered Ferris wheel.

He stood for a moment in the silent square, then walked around a few times. There were a few faint sounds from somewhere, but it was like the sound of wind. He looked around vigilantly, and found no other people.

Did you misunderstand the reminder? Leo stopped and thought carefully, suddenly his pupils shrank, and his fingers subconsciously leaned towards the holster inside the suit.

"Merry Christmas, dear." A man's voice sounded behind him, young, sharp, and elegant, like a sharp blade with beautiful patterns.

Leo squeezed the handle of the gun, turned around slowly, and looked at the incoming person: "Stop it."

He did not wear a mask, and used the original voice, with his hands in his loose pants pockets and wearing a light gray hoodie, looking like a college student wandering leisurely. "I'm glad you didn't let all the notes follow," he said. "There is only one light bulb left."

Bulb? Who is he talking about? Leo was taken aback, following the final line of sight, cast his gaze to the side and back.

Seven or eight meters high in the air, a tattered pirate ship's door bolt suddenly fell off, and a figure rolled down from it, and was hung in the air by a rope tied to his body. His arms were tied behind his back with twine, his mouth was taped, and he screamed while struggling to kick his legs.

-Rob! Leo almost cried out. Didn’t you tell him to stay behind and wait for the signal? Obviously, this kind of action has touched the mold of the killing. The slight movement he heard just now should be the sound of Rob tied up after being subdued by the killing.

"Let him down!" Leo said in a deep voice, "The matter between the two of us has nothing to do with him. Let him go."

"Then wait for him to bring a large group of people over? I don't like asking for trouble so much."

"Finish! He is Rob! I thought that even if you weren't friends, you would at least have some friendship, you really can do it with him?"

He sneered: "I have not only friendship with you, but also friendship, when have you ever been merciful to my subordinates!"

Leo seemed to choke, and paused: "The ones between us... those-it was a mistake from the beginning."

"I think so too." Qing Qing nodded slightly, his face looked unpredictable, like an absolutely calm water surface, it was completely impossible to predict the emotions in it. "Entertainment can only be pastime. Once you have overplayed it and got it right, bad luck will come one after another. After I have known you for more than a year, I have almost endured half of my life's injuries, and you have been hurt by you. Thrown into jail—"

"That's what you wanted to go in! You made the whole public opinion and law enforcement agencies go crazy, and you almost lost my job, not just to use the insider in the Rex Island prison to find Enjoyer's whereabouts? Is it?" Leo gritted his teeth.

He shrugged and shrugged: "The problem is, I only want to go in for a few days off, but you want me to be a permanent resident. You see, we are both natural enemies from ideology to behavior. Since the contradiction can never be reconciled, then That’s it. To be honest, Leo, apart from other factors, I am quite sexually interested in you purely in terms of physicality, but unfortunately... I am more interested in other things besides you. ."

"For example, killing?" Leo asked sharply.

He squeezed his mouth and tilted his head, looking handsome and harmless: "You are right, you are very smart, Leo, but you are not the only smart person in this world. I think I can also find other capable and skilled people. Smart and outstanding people serve as substitutes to add luster to my amateur life."

Watching the black-haired agent on the opposite side's gaze dimmed inch by inch, until it finally turned into ashes of cold despair, he was like a child whose desire for destruction was completely satisfied, and laughed happily: "I thought you would rush over and beat him. Me, just like before."

Leo was silent for a long time like an ice sculpture, and finally said: "I don't want to touch you anymore, even with a fist."

He snorted indifferently, "Then use other weapons to decide the outcome! But first, I have to get rid of the light bulb."

At the moment when the finger of the final touch flicked slightly in the pocket of his pants, a blade of warning for extreme danger penetrated into Leo's nerve. He drew the pistol at the fastest speed in his life, and at the same time awe-inspiringly discovered that the opponent's muzzle was raised one step earlier than himself.

-Even a few tenths of a second earlier is a fatal advantage!

He intuitively judged the direction of the muzzle, as if he saw the bullet track cut a crack in the air, and found that the end of the bullet was not himself, but Rob, who was hanging from the side and back in the air!

He didn't realize it until the gunfire sounded. Everything just now was not just an imagination in his head, it just happened so coldly and without hesitation!

There was a sharp blank in Leo's mind when the light from the corner of his eye swept the blood on Rob's left chest. His index finger was like an independent thinking fighter, before the brain gave instructions, he pulled the trigger first.

He staggered back two steps, looked down at his chest, the light gray fabric was quickly soaked by the gushing blood, showing an unusually dark and hopeless dark brown. He blinked, his face was so painful and dazed, he looked up at Leo-Leo’s eyes were not on him, but rushed to Rob, raised his hand to break the rope, and then Lived the body of the fallen partner.

He pulled a very faint smile at the corner of his mouth, and the gun fell from his hand.

"Rob!" Leo pressed his partner's bloody wound tightly with his palm, while tearing the tape off his face, "Cheer up, man, I have already signaled for support, you can't die!"

Rob broke away from the rope with both hands, gasping for breath, and shouted out of breath, "Don't shoot! Leo, he's not..." He tore the front of the front indiscriminately until the button came off, hiding the secret under his clothes. Exposing to Leo's eyes, "He used an empty bullet and put a bag of plasma on my chest!"

Leo froze. He retracted his hands in confusion, looking at the dark red blood stains on his hands, his ears were filled with a crash-like roar.

"He's playing you again! I don't know what the bastard wants to do, but you..." Rob relieved his breath and helped Leo to stand up. "You just fired the shot directly?"

Leo answered without hesitation: "I didn't—" and his expression instantly solidified.

He fired a shot!

Perhaps for his well-trained right hand, who turned fighting into instinct, the object of the counterattack was an extremely dangerous criminal who was killing.

Perhaps at that time, the concern for Rob's life and safety occupied all his thinking.

Perhaps after witnessing what the other party did before, and after a few conversations just now, he has completely despaired of playing with people's hearts and treating people's lives as if they were dead.

Perhaps at the moment of complete despair, he once had the idea of killing the opponent.

But... when this idea became a nightmare reality, he felt a huge emptiness and panic, as if he had begun to fall apart from the body to the spirit, as if the whole world had collapsed and ceased to exist...

He fired a shot... to kill? Finished? !

As if dominated by an indescribable force, Leo turned around abruptly, almost crawling to the gray figure on the ground with his hands and feet. He knelt on the ground, holding up his dead upper body, one hand blocked the blood hole in his chest, and the other hand tremblingly stretched towards the carotid artery—

The faint pulsation, as thin as the breath of hairspring, is still alive!

Leo watched as he fell into shock and lost his blood. The corner of the other party's mouth still left a trace of a smile, like the relief and relief of getting what he wanted, but also the self-deprecating and helplessness of failing.

This ray of laughter was like the sharpest weapon in the world, Leo was hit by the pain of crushing bones and buried his face deeply into the opponent's neck. He wanted to cry, roar, and destroy everything—including himself, including this malicious world—with countless boiling, disturbing, painful thoughts, and finally condensed into a tight hug.

The sound of helicopter propellers roared from above, and the support troops on standby two kilometers away soon arrived. Rob came over and patted Palio on the shoulder comfortingly.

Leo looked up, his face was fierce and harsh that Rob had never seen before. He picked up the unconscious man, rushed towards the helicopter in three and two steps, and shouted at the pilot: "Go to the nearest hospital, hurry! Hurry!"

The helicopter lifted off quickly, Rob was almost thrown off his hind foot, and quickly pulled the hatch to sit firmly. His gaze shifted from unconsciously stunned to Leo, who was utterly unconscious. He finally sighed and said, "Don't blame yourself. You have to be another gangster. You can't even hit your heart at such a close distance. I didn’t know how many deaths it took. You can’t kill him at all, but he’s been killing him again and again, and you’ve done your best."

Leo hadn't heard of it, just staring at the person in his arms, rubbing the corners of his lips with blood-stained fingers, smoothing the strange smile.

What do you want to say to me, finalize? I know that behind those false masks, in your truest wishes, there are many things you want to tell me, and there are many things you want to say to me... Speak, I will hold your hand and listen carefully and remember it forever in my heart, Let them become the common secrets of you and me, so... Please, survive, finish!