Sha Qing

Chapter 71: Tyrant Jasmine


Finished the 20th day of unconsciousness.

The FBI "serial killer killer" task force held a meeting, and Gaudí, the head of the regional office, also attended the meeting. The main topic of the meeting was to discuss the disposal of the killing.

The hospital provided an inspection report. Although the entire text is a common vocabulary such as "not ruled out, chance", everyone understands the meaning-the attending doctor believes that if this situation continues, the finalization will enter a long-term vegetative state.

Of course, they can keep him in the hospital all the time, but the daily ward fees, medical expenses, nutrition expenses, and artificial nursing expenses... are not a small sum. They can afford it in two or three months. How about two or three years? How about twenty or thirty years? This is simply a bottomless pit. However, according to regulations, he was injured in the process of law enforcement, and the federal government had to support him. Besides, he is unaccompanied, and he has no family members who can be responsible for supervision. What’s more troublesome is that the hospital is always full of people with mixed mouths, and they have to always beware of the troubled media and fans of Flurry. If there are one or two mental illnesses in it, they will kill or rob him... Well, the police are on duty in shifts. It also consumes precious manpower and financial resources.

Thinking of the long and gloomy face of the Treasurer, Gaudí couldn't help but press his temples with a headache, and sighed: "Give me a constructive suggestion, children."

"How about putting him in a mental hospital? There is a good one nearby." An agent suggested, and the other two people agreed.

Leo looked cold, slowly turning the pen in his hand and staying silent.

Rob noticed his partner’s face and read some deep meaning from his blank expression, so he laughed and said, "Close the little white house? Good idea. Ignore the criticisms and protests of those human rights organizations. They look at everything. Not pleasing to the eye. We only need to get more than a hundred media and tens of thousands of fan groups... Uh, according to incomplete statistics on the Internet, there are about 250,000 IPs in total? Twitter is still growing fans, forums No fewer than ten have been opened. I hope that the mental hospital is sufficiently hidden and sturdy, and the tone of the medical staff is tight enough."

"According to you, we can do nothing but throw him back to jail?" the agent retorted.

"I didn't say that." Rob shrugged slickly, learning the tone of his superiors perfectly: "Follow the rules! Follow the rules! Guys, if you don't want to be sued for lawsuits!"

The other party snorted angrily.

Leo wrote two lines in silence and handed the note to the boss sitting on his left hand. Gaudí raised his eyebrows and took it over. The note was written in strong handwriting: "The secret is transferred to a private residence. I will monitor the whole process and wait for the public opinion to calm down."

Gaudí chewed it several times and felt that the hidden information between the lines was worth pondering. He glanced at his lover implicitly, pinched the note in his palm, and said, "Let's discuss it again, the meeting is over."

Completed the 23rd day of unconsciousness.

In a certain hospital inside the police, a patient in the intensive care unit area was quietly transferred, and the plainclothes police under surveillance disappeared without a trace. The news media, which has a keen sense of smell than hounds, finally got empty this time. When they got into the hospital, they were already empty.

At the same time, in the guest room of an apartment in Manhattan, an Asian youth was unconscious. He has no response to the outside world, and of course he will not know that there is a black metal ring with GPS positioning function on his wrist. The wrist ring is about 5 cm wide and 3 cm thick, and two green lights flicker regularly on the ring surface. Sensors and anesthetics are built in the ring. If the wearer tries to violently remove or leave the specified range, the injection will be injected directly into the body after 10 seconds, causing the wearer to fall into a drowsy for at least 12 hours. At the same time, a special alarm sounded at the FBI Information Processing Center, with satellite positioning, so that the police could catch him as soon as possible.

"Restriction, positioning, double insurance." When Gaudí called to the office three days ago to discuss in detail, Leo gave this proposal. Corresponding countermeasures."

"The proposal is good, but I want to know what you really think." Gaudí touched the gray and short hair on his forehead and said with a smile.

Leo was silent for a few seconds.

Gaudi patted his arm gently: "You have put too much thought on him. This will cause you a lot of trouble."

"I know. But I can't just let it go. I have the responsibility and need to personally monitor and clean up the mess for myself." Leo lowered his eyelids and replied.

"But you don't have time."

"I have. It took me 20 days to complete all the tasks at hand, and I will send back reports and materials."

… all? 20 days? Gaudi raised his eyebrows in surprise. Leo's workload is very clear to him. Even if all the cases on hand are completed, it is just a transactional finishing work, it will not be cleared in just over half a month. He raised his head and looked at Leo again, finally understanding how the opponent's recent exhausted and haggard overdraft state came from.

"But there are new tasks." Gaudí said quietly.

"I'm afraid I'm not the right person for the new job." Leo took out a handwritten report from the file bag and placed it gently on his boss's desk. The black and white letters were very conspicuous. "I have a last resort and very good reason."

Rob stormed into Leo's office without knocking the door, and then asked, "Leo, you bastard! I heard you handed in your resignation letter to the top?"

Leo stopped organizing the desktop and asked, "Who did you listen to."

"The wall has ears, don't worry about it, answer my question!"

Leo picked up a few pages of the report and handed it to him: "This is a photocopy."

Rob quickly scanned it and he was relieved: "It turned out to be a suspension application. Did you fail the last psychological check and mental test? I don't know. There is also a certificate issued by Dr. Wyatt... God, he took you Long-term drug addiction is written in!"

"I asked him to write it." Leo smiled, "Otherwise how could it pass?"

"... Now you need the nickname of multiple addicts." Rob said sadly. "Do you know how big a blow this is to the future? This time Gaudí retires, do you want to be promoted?"

Leo shrugged indifferently.

Gaudí also advised him at the time, but he replied: "I am tired and have not taken a full vacation in nine years. I want to take this opportunity to adjust myself. You see, even during the suspension, I have to help you watch. To finish, I have to apply for subsidies."

The boss glanced at him in vain, "No subsidy! You have to take over the kid, and you have to pay for it yourself. I will submit the report according to the normal procedure, but you should remember: First, the suspension period is no more than one year; Second, if the kid really wakes up, he has to continue the judicial process and let him go where he should go. Do you understand?"

Leo nodded in acceptance.

Completed the 25th day of unconsciousness.

Leo returned to his apartment on East 86th Street in Manhattan.

There was no case, no call, no meeting of all kinds of rushing schedules, and his tense nerves suddenly relaxed, which made him feel very unaccustomed.

But he was not idle for a moment. Every day, he makes liquid food, feeds with a nasal feeding tube, infusion of nutrients, handles defecation, washes utensils, turns over to massage, bathes and changes clothes, and talks with him during the rest of the day, busy all day long.

At night, they slept in the same bed.

Leo carefully raised the back of his head, letting him rest on his shoulders, and put his hand on his chest. The muscles that were originally strong in his chest became a little soft after being in bed for a long time, and Leo touched and touched distressedly.

In the dark, he lowered his head and sniffed the fresh lemon shampoo on his head, all the time he didn't want the other person to open his eyes in the next second. Over the past month, hope and disappointment seem to be intertwined with two saws in his heart, but he believes that he has enough tough nerves and enough gentle patience. Because the other party is finished.

"Suspension is just a stopgap measure." He earnestly explained indifferently, "I made a two-handed plan. If you are not awake within a year, I will resign and take care of you for the rest of your life. If you wake up... No no, leave me alone. With that kind of grin in my head, I won't let you go to jail again... I'll think of a perfect solution."

"Don't laugh, don't you believe me? Forget it, there will be proof that day."

Leo held the finale in his arms, as if a drowning person finally got down to earth, relaxed and sleepy gently rolled up. "Can you have a goodnight kiss?" he asked in a low voice.

After a few seconds, he lowered his head, held his soft, soft lips, slowly licked and sucked, and then easily pried open the sleeping teeth to stir the quiet tongue.

Even an unresponsive kiss made him reluctant to leave, and he was reluctant to leave the other party's lips for a long time.

After a while, his breathing became hurried, and a wet kiss fell on the finalized collarbone, and his voice asked dumbly, "May I have a shot?"

"Well, don't kick me, I know this is taking advantage of others."

He kissed the hair on his forehead again, and said softly, "Good night, baby."

Finished the 40th day of unconsciousness.

Leo was fighting a carrot with a knife at the cooking counter, and the door of the apartment was opened from the outside. A tall woman walked in with high heels against the light.

She wore a set of self-cultivation, pure white women's banquets, her waist and legs were longer and thinner, and a black tube top was faintly exposed under the crossed front. He has long, straight, light-white blonde hair that is fastened with a strand of his own hair on top of his head, tied into a straight and smooth long pony tail. Her features are profound and beautiful, and she is a standard Caucasian appearance. There is no jewelry all over her body, but she is full of confident, sophisticated and sexy mature woman charm, which is as eye-catching as the bright autumn sunshine.

The knife in Leo's hand fell on the countertop with a crisp sound.

The woman walked straight to him, with a bright smile at the corner of her mouth: "Hello, handsome boy, when do you want to hide from me?"

Leo stepped back slightly and greeted dryly: "... Jasmine."

"I think you owe me, a lot, a lot, explain." Jasmine grabbed the knife on the cooking table casually and chopped it hard without looking. With a click, the carrot snapped into two pieces. Every time she said a word, she waved her hand up and down, and after a word, the radish cubes became dices.

Leo took a half step back again, his expression on his face was wonderful. If he was seen by his colleagues in the bureau, he would probably be shocked. Finished, it's not just that you have a childhood shadow, the black-haired agent thought sadly.

"Are you confessing and lenient, or do you want me to torture and extract a confession?" Jasmine asked.

Leo immediately raised his hands: "I need a long time, a patient listener, and a relaxed atmosphere of speaking."

"Okay," Jasmine lost her knife and shrugged, "You will have a relaxed atmosphere. Let's go to the sofa, but before you have to make tea first, and also, bring my favorite gypsy cushion! "

Leo spent two full hours explaining everything after Jasmine asked him to pick him up. Among the inexplicable parts (there are quite a few), he just evaded the importance and fooled the past; there were some things that he didn't dare to say even if he was killed.

Jasmine stood on one leg, rested her finger on her chin and listened with a smile, without interrupting or interrupting the whole process. When Leo finished speaking, she put down the tea cup, got up and walked to Leo, slapped him condescendingly!

"This slap was for my parents. You know how much they hope you can get married and have children, and form a happy family, and you tell me now that you are a fucking crook!"

Leo wiped the bloodshot from the corner of his mouth, turned his face away from the anger of his sister, and his heart was full of guilt for his parents.

Jasmine slapped his other face again: "This slap is for the person who was shot by you. Even if you are bent, you have to treat the one who loves you as if you were straight. People, not fucking stuffing bullets into his heart! Yes, you are an agent, but first of all you are a man!"

Leo covered his face with his palm, and let out a low and trembling laugh: "You are right, Jasmine, since I was little, I have never been so willingly beaten by you like today."

Jasmine sighed lightly, took his head, and rubbed her black hair into pieces, "Okay, the bill between us has been settled. Now, take me to see the one who broke your cock. The bent little fairy."

Leo reflexively grabbed her wrist: "Look at home, don't move him!"

Jasmine smiled gracefully: "Don't worry, your sister, I already have a brother-in-law."

In the bedroom, Jasmine was possessed and stared at the comatose death, taking a closer look. After a moment, she sighed in frustration: "I want to pick and choose harshly, but in reality, he looks impeccable. The only question is, when will your sleeping beauty wake up?"

"I don't know, but I won't give up." Leo said.

"If he doesn't wake up until he dies, isn't he going to drag you forever?" Jasmine said, her face gloomy.

Leo took a few steps forward vigilantly, putting on a posture ready to overturn the violent sister at any time.

"However, if he really died, my brother would probably be sad to death, right?" Jasmine slowly loosened the frown between her eyebrows and gave Chao Leo a provocative glance, "I heard that he is a dark law enforcer and his skills are good? If the two fight against each other, who can win?"

"Well, half and half are right. But if you die, he will probably win." Leo answered honestly.

Jasmine laughed, stretched out her hand and squeezed her cheek: "Excellent, I'll leave it to you to clean up the rest of my stupid brother's life! Anyway, I have played with him for almost 30 years, and it's almost like playing with him. I’ll give you a reward if I’m tired. But before that, the bill between us has to be settled—"

Before she finished her words, she slapped her slap hard.

Leo was caught off guard for half a second, and rushed to fight his sister.

Jasmine indifferently allowed her younger brother to use thunder means to suppress her to the floor, and said cheerfully, "This slap was for Li Biqing. Even if that guy is naive and useless, it's me. The man I fancy, I don't allow anyone to hit his idea!"

Before leaving, she was in a good mood and patted Palio's pectoral muscles: "You have tried many methods, but can't wake him up?"

Leo nodded.

"—Have you fucked? Haven't you heard anyone say that sex is a potent medicine?"

Leo was speechless.

After returning to the room, he swiped a basin of warm water and wiped the red and swollen left cheek painfully, and at the same time wanted to curse Jasmine. "Bitch" is too vulgar, and "Fuck your mother" is going to be shot himself. Finally, after thinking about it, he cursed in Chinese: "Sick lady!"

Immediately afterwards, he saw that his lashes seemed to tremble slightly.

Very faint trembling, like the first time a young butterfly fluttered its wings.

He wondered if he had an illusion because of excessive desire.

But the next moment, he knew this was not an illusion-his right hand really moved, like waking up from a petrified magic, he bends his fingertips slightly.

The author has something to say: The long-awaited sister finally came out~

ps: Remember that in the "Angel's Room" unit, Leo and Li Biqing were in the apartment, discussing the agents' negative emotions and mental problems. If the mental state test fails, they will be suspended. Well, that foreshadowing is used here.