Sha Qing

Chapter 72: Till the end of the line (1)


It took more than an hour to open his eyes, and it took more than half a day to slowly regain the language function. The blood vessels seemed to be filled with mud, and the muscles were like sponges soaked in water. He was in a coma for too long, causing certain damage to his physiological functions, and even the slight movement of raising his arm seemed extremely difficult.

Leo had never seen him so weak, even to the point of helplessness. In his impression, the finishing touch has always been strong, hard and sharp. Even if it occasionally shows a soft and seductive gesture, it is a half-truth and half-false temptation and teasing.

In the face of a sword-like killing, Leo can face each other tit-for-tat, but now that he is so defenseless and weak in counterattack, it makes him a bit at a loss.

He held the opponent's docile hand and opened his mouth. In the end, he did not call the bloody code name-"Finish", but his real name: "Roy."

no respond. He called out again in Chinese: "Lin Qingzhu?"

After a long time, the other party made a mouth shape: water.

Leo took a glass of warm water from the bedside table and gently pushed the straw into his lips and teeth.

After drinking half a glass of water, he turned his gaze towards Leo, seemingly recalling the scene before losing consciousness, and then asked softly: "How long have I been in a coma?"

"40 days, 8 hours and 23 minutes." Leo replied immediately.

He stared at Leo intently, without letting go of the slight movement of his brows. After a while, he said in a confident tone: "You found that recording."

Leo nodded silently.

He blinked slowly, and a joking smile returned to the corner of his mouth: "Then finally fell in love with me?"

"No," Leo said, "I have fallen in love with you a long time ago. Maybe it was just attraction at first, then it became obsession, and then it became entangled, and then... When I got back to my senses, I found that I had mud feet. I'm stuck and can't pull it out anymore."

He was taken aback by this frank confession, and there was less playfulness in his smile, and more complacency: "You are the most difficult object I have ever seen to capture, and I almost give up." He used his fingertips. Scratched the opponent's palm, "So in the end I won, eh?"

Leo has become accustomed to his nonchalant way of speaking, and replied nonchalantly: "You know, for me, love occupies too little proportion in life. I have always believed that a man's heart should be more Vast areas, such as responsibilities, careers, social values, etc. Even if I get married with a lovely girl, I just do my duty as a husband, and then spend more time and energy on work."

The black-haired agent squeezed the finger that had been mischievous in his palm, and said mockingly: "In the third year of work, I almost got married. I bought all the engagement rings, but my ex-girlfriend can no longer bear me going to the police in the middle of the night and forgetting. I saw an anniversary, booked dinner but missed an appointment, and so on. I threw the ring on me and said, "Go to work and marry me." Then I never had a good relationship."

"Oh, miserable workaholic." He sighed gleefully, "Look, no one can stand you except me."

"It's the same with you. Except for me, no one can bring you, a self-seeking bastard back. And I almost missed—" Leo lowered his head and kissed him. "I'm very lucky."

"So, what is your final decision?"

"Yes, you won. You are more important than work, more important than responsibility, and more important than my life."

"What about Molly and your parents?"

"As important."

He laughed: "No wonder you are always dumped by the girls... At this time, shouldn't you say sweetly, for my sake, are you willing to abandon your family, trample on life, and destroy the world

Leo also laughed: "Hey, you are an adult, and you are not a little girl who is addicted to romance novels. What qualifications does a person who has no human nature have to talk about love?"

"So this is one of the reasons why I love you?" He smiled and wrapped his neck around him. They received a very long, tender kiss.

After a long time, the two separated breathlessly, and said: "The second reason is this. You always make me horny."

Leo bit his earlobe, "Are you just boiling, I'm about to vaporize... But it still doesn't work, you just woke up, and the wound is not healed..."

"It's not that I haven't been injured before. You hurt more severely last time, didn't you kick the'Devil' over all at once?"

"It's just a moment, baby, we need a lot of punches, I don't want you to faint halfway through."

He bit him helplessly, venting his anger, and said, "Well, you can help me cook a bowl of porridge."

In order to eat a light diet for the injured, Leo picked up the long-abandoned cooking skills-although it was originally only a beginner level, but it is still possible to fry an egg, mix a salad, and cook some borscht.

After washing the dishes, he went back to the bedroom and found that the finishing touch did not obediently lie on the bed to recuperate according to his request. He walked upstairs and came to the fitness room, where the former killer was indeed inside, beating a punching bag in sweat.

"Can't you take a good rest?" Leo said angrily. "The doctor said you have to rest for at least three months, but now it's only 56 days!"

"Come on, I'm going to get moldy when I lie down, and my injury is not as serious as you think."

"You have a hole in your lung! The amount of blood that would have dyed a whole white shirt into a red shirt! The incision on your chest hasn't fully healed yet!"

"Oh, I heard that women shed more blood when they give birth, and most of them have to get a knife, but they only sit for 30 days of confinement." He stopped the beating, took off his gloves and walked towards him, grinning: " Do you think I am inferior to a woman?"

Leo was helpless by his strong words, sighed and said, "I'm just worried about your body."

He came over and hugged his neck, rubbing his ear like a cat.

His sweaty hair was full of mellow hormonal aura, and the exhaled heat was blowing in Leo's ears. He couldn't help but hit the other side's back. The muscle lines under the palms are a little thinner than before, with a leanness that has just recovered from a serious illness. No wonder he was in a hurry to exercise and regain his stamina, probably because he wanted to get back to the top as soon as possible, Leo thought, apart from heartache, he regretted his previous shot even more.

"Are you only going to touch it?" He whispered close to his ear.

Leo stepped back quietly, moved his crotch a little further away from the opponent's abdomen, and said in a deep voice, "Yes, sick number."

"I want to take a bath," he said.

"I'll help you release the water." Leo took the opportunity to get away.

"But I don't have enough energy and can't walk." He pulled his wrist firmly, put the weight of his whole body on the opponent, and said softly, "Hold me over, dear."

The former assassin's "weakness" at the right time made the black-haired agent suddenly feel a sense of deja vu. But he couldn't refuse, and he bent down and picked up the opponent's leg, hugged it sideways, and walked to the bathroom.

He took off all his clothes, walked into the jacuzzi, and reached out to the well-dressed man by the pool: "Come down and rub my back for me."

Leo grinned reluctantly, turned and left.

He snapped his five fingers and hooked, grabbed his ankle, and dragged him over.

A huge splash of water splashed in the jacuzzi, and Leo got up wet from the bottom of the pool and wiped the hot water from his face with his palm. The soaked and tightly attached fabric outlined a swelling and towering silhouette on his lower body.

He laughed: "Agent, are you so patient, do you expect the federal government to award you the Medal of Abstinence?"

"—You are dead!" Leo rushed forward angrily.

The two men scrambled in the pool, but their movements quickly changed. The agent pressed the killer to the edge of the pool and kissed him, while the latter couldn't wait to tore the other's clothes.

Leo kissed his lips, jaw, and Adam's apple all the way to his collarbone, leaving behind a string of red sucking marks. The smooth and elastic skin tempted his lips and tongue to indulge in it, and made him hungry like a beast on an empty stomach, and every cell in his body made a clamor of desire and dissatisfaction. When the kiss reached his chest, he suddenly stopped, staring blankly at the newly healed scar-the new flesh was a pink with insufficient blood and blood, and the stitch marks were clearly visible. He put his forehead painfully against the scar, imagined how the bullet penetrated this beautiful body, and then opened a broken blood hole in his back...

As if he had an insight into Leo's thoughts, he held his face with both hands, let him leave his chest, and then pressed his forehead against the opponent's forehead. "Listen to me, Leo, don't worry about that gun anymore. That's right, you fired the gun, but it was me who forced you to pull the trigger. I'm always designing you from start to finish. Bad habits are hard to change, because I know you can’t kill me. Every time, I use your unbearable heart to tease you. I am addicted to this bad game..."

"You almost took your own life in the end," Leo said grimly. "Is it that fun?!"

He smiled lowly: "If the object is you, it's not greasy. Even if I make a mistake, I really die in your hands... That's a good ending."

"Crazy man!" Leo rebuked not too harshly, and then said with a serious face: "No more crazy thoughts, you have to live well for me!"

"Of course, you won't be able to enjoy all of this when you die." Crushing rubbed the same part of the other party with his lower body, feeling the desire of each other's blood, which was ignited under the water.

This action was like sparks bursting into the fuel pile, triggering a chain reaction that turned upside down. The two people licked and kissed and stroked each other feverishly, wishing to rub each other into their bodies. Cumshot panting and holding the opponent's genitals, rubbing against his own, the pleasure rises from the lower abdomen, occupying the whole body.

But this is far from enough. His fingers descended from Leo's broad and sturdy back, invading the seductive gully under the tail vertebra.

"What do you want?" Leo took a punishing bite of his breast.

"I want to fuck you." He replied nakedly, fingertips circled between the opponent's pocket and back point, "Don't forget that you promised me, let me be on it next time."

"Oh, then next time." Leo replied, panting.

"—Fuck you, dare you fool me?" He turned over and turned both sides upside down. "Then don't blame me and rape."

Leo seemed to be choked, his eyes filled with fog. "Well, you are up there," he said obediently.

He stiffened for a while, holding him still: "No, this is not revenge... The time in prison, I actually didn't blame you... Well, sometimes I think about it, I still get angry... "

Leo sealed his mouth with a kiss: "I know. It doesn't really matter who gets on and who gets off, isn't it? The important thing is that in this relationship, the two of us are completely equal, no matter our body. , Or needs and emotions, there is no upper and lower, only combination."

"You're right, I think too much." Qing Qing lifted one of his legs gently, "So, are you ready to accept me?"

"Yes, come on." Leo said.

With the lubrication of the shower lotion, the finishing touch entered the place of desire without difficulty. He could feel the tension and instinctive resistance of the man below him, but the opponent did not show any resistance in both his movements and expressions, but instead relaxed his muscles as much as possible to accommodate his invasion.

—His performance is much better than when I was the first time, he thought with shame.

Leo breathed hard, and his wet black hair dangled in front of his forehead, which also brought out an impeccable beauty and sexiness. The dark blue eyes began to lose consciousness because of the precipitation of desire, and the well-defined abdominal muscles hurriedly because of gasping. The ups and downs... At this time, the amorous feelings presented in this agent who has always been austere and self-disciplined is a spectacle that no one can match. It brings great visual and psychological stimulation to the final, making his desires thoroughly. out of control-

Climbing can hardly control his strength and rhythm, but desperately hopes to enter the deepest part of the opponent's body, and then keep pushing and sprinting again and again... Every time it is pulled out of the opponent's fiery and tight tunnel, it is a kind of The unbearable emptiness must be further filled with more violent penetration... Pleasure surged in this constant emptiness and satisfaction, holding up his body and climbing to the unspeakable peak.

Leo gasped under the drive of desire, and groaned lowly when the pleasure was strong, but the pleasure was more psychological than physical, because the other party was killed and amplified by the subconscious mind. It wasn't until Qing Qing held his swollen genitals and throbbed with his own rhythm. At the same time, he hit the prostate, the source of man's pleasure, through the intestines. He was finally hit by the thunder and lightning of this pleasure, and white light flashed in front of his throat. An uncontrollable growl from the depths.

Knockout rammed a few times as hard as he could, and shot out in his body. And his genitals were also released wave after wave on the killing hand, and the white turbidity that he spit out stained the tight skin, like some kind of medium from the depths of the soul, holding the two sides together without any gaps.

The two embraced tightly, as if the whole world was lost from the senses, and only each other was left in the end.

After a while, the panting gradually calmed down, and he opened his mouth somewhat annoyedly, with a thick nasal voice: "Well, I am indeed injured and exhausted."

Rio laughed hoarsely: "But the explosive power is amazing, just like a cheetah on the grassland."

He blushed unexpectedly: "Are you laughing at my lack of stamina? Rest for ten minutes, let's do it again!"

"No, no, it's quite choking." Leo hugged him and slid down into the warm water.

Heart-to-mouth, the thumping heartbeat gradually merged into a frequency, and they maintained the posture of being connected together, feeling a kind of satisfaction that they had never had before. The torn shirt and trousers rippled on the water beside him, like a black and white lotus, nirvana from life and death, love and hatred.

"—I'm sorry." Leo suddenly said softly.

"Why?" Qin Qing asked.

"For all things..."

He was silent for a few seconds, and then solemnly said: "Thank you."


"For everything."

They all smiled unanimously.

One month later.

The injured injury has healed, and his physical fitness has basically returned to the level before the injury. He dragged Leo to fight a few games. The detective's unrevealed release of water made him annoyed, but he had to admit that because of some irreversible hidden injuries, his skill was at most only 80% of his heyday.

"Don't be angry, baby," Leo comforted him. "Even if it's 80%, you can beat ten gunmen with your bare hands."

"Originally it was a dozen!" He yanked the metal ring on his wrist very unhappily, "I took this thing that got in the way. It affects my sensitivity."

"Sorry, I can't do it, if you want to get an anesthetic in 10 seconds, and then be transported back to Rex Island by the police car." Rio stopped his childish behavior.

"You—and your embarrassed boss, Gaudi—want to tie me up forever with this ghost? Dreaming!"

"I'm still thinking about the best of both worlds."

"Did you think of it?"

"A little eyebrow, so I have to go back to the game."

He raised his eyebrows and scrutinized him suspiciously: "Aren't you suspended for a year? It's been less than three months. Work addiction again?"

"What about you? The homicide addiction is also committed? Last night I watched you stare at the serial murders reported on TV. If your eyes and thoughts are true, the murderer might have been skinned and deboned!"

He shrugged his shoulders: "So, you have to look at me well, or the beast in my heart will move out of my heart again someday. Don't think this broken thing locks me." He shook his wrist threateningly. .

Leo held his wrist and leaned in to kiss his lips, "I will look at you firmly until I can't open my eyes again."

Because I had vented each other in the morning and were very satisfied with each other, this long-term kiss did not cause a qualitative change due to quantitative changes. Leo finally got up and went back to the game.

This time he left for three days. The killing nest was in his apartment, and he didn't step out for half a step. Once he came out of the 500-meter wristband, he would call the police, and secondly, he firmly believed that Leo would come back.

When Leo came back, he looked a little tired, more excited. He asked eagerly: "Do you have an information network? How many serial killers are there in it?"

Shaoqing gave him a wary look, but replied unconcealedly: "35. In addition to the 12 that have already been done, there are 23 more to be done."

"Excellent, give them to me."

"For nothing? No way."

"Not in vain. I'll help you apply for a taint consultant."

"What the hell is that? I only know that there are tainted witnesses. If it is a plea bargain, I have done it, but the judge insisted that if I were not thrown in jail for more than ten years, the whole Federation would be bloodied." Sneered.

"It's not the same, it's more special than that." Leo turned the subject and asked: "Do you know Ronald Tuckerman?"

He finally thought about it, "That'jailbreak madman'?"

"Yes, 28 successful escapes in 25 years, no heavily guarded prison can suppress this genius escaped. The total cost of arrest, trial and detention alone is as high as more than 12 million, and the sentence has been from the beginning. Adding to the year 1978, he still escaped from prison again and again, was arrested again and again, and escaped again and again. In the end, the bureau could not bear it. In 2010, the prison security office came forward and signed a deal with him." Leo said in one breath.

He had some understanding of what he meant, "What is the content of the transaction?"

"Hire him as a consultant for the FBI's anti-jailbreak program. If he agrees to cooperate, the bureau will be responsible for applying to the justice to reduce his sentence by half, and he can be released on parole to serve his sentence outside of prison!"

"Huh, really creative." Qingqing smiled and commented, "So you got inspiration from it?"

Leo shrugged: "Doesn't the law also have similar regulations? If a case is difficult to decide, and there are similar cases that have been judged in the state before, then use the old case. We can start from here, using the information of 23 serial killers as a bargaining chip. Strive for an advisory quota for the'anti-serial homicide plan.' I think if the serial homicide detection rate soars this year, public opinion will be happy to sing praises, and the newly appointed director will also be satisfied with his outstanding achievements. Compared with that, A dark law enforcer is not that threatening, is it? What's more, as long as you join the protection plan, the government can bleach your identity, and the news media can't grasp it."

"A lot of things are a transaction in itself, and it depends on whether you have the value of being traded." At the end, the black-haired agent summed up with exclamation.

He looked at him for a while, and said, "Agent, you have fallen."

"No, I'm just sublimated. It's like an old Chinese saying:'Harmony with light and dust'." Leo replied solemnly.

The final smile was so close. "Well, the only regret is that I can no longer write novels. I will expose my identity."

"Yes, but you can write it to me alone, I am your most loyal fan, remember."

He clung to his neck and kissed him: "This is a great reward for the loyal fans from the author you love."

Leo hugged his tough waist and pushed it down on the bay window covered with woven carpets-it was bright, and the sun shone in through the gauze, dispelling the darkness and shadows of the past. Just like them, once hurt each other, now they heal each other, and they will accompany each other until the end of their lives in the future.


The author has something to say: When the "end" was laid, the author was almost full of enthusiasm because of the pain and happiness over the past two years, delays and persistence.

Fortunately, because of everyone's encouragement, I finally held on to the day of victory!

Leo and Tieqing are my longest written and most affectionate couple. I thank them for staying with me for two years, and thank the readers for their love, which gives them a fuller and more brilliant aura.

Finally, I would like to say that there should be some extras, but it will be updated. . It's really not fixed.

Love you, bow and exit.

A special non-staff agent

Before the end of Ep 1

The 46th day after waking up.

Rob received a call from Leo, saying that he was in the lobby on the first floor, and he was overjoyed and rushed down from the office, giving his former partner a warm hug in full view.

"Hey, you finally showed up! I thought you were going to be a family cook for the rest of your life!" the green-eyed agent said cheerfully, "How is that guy?"

"The recovery is not bad. I have been doing physical rehabilitation recently. I always worry that he will be too hasty. The doctor wants him to stay in bed for three months, but he always doesn't listen to the doctor's advice." Leo's tone was helpless.

Rob laughed unexpectedly, "Come on, he won't even listen to the Supreme Court's decision, let alone a doctor's order." He scratched his hair, remembered an important matter, and narrowed his smile: "Tell you something bad. According to the news, Gaudi knew that he was awake. Over the past two days, he was in a meeting to discuss the follow-up treatment of him. Gaudi seems to be inclined to throw the killing back to Rex Island Prison, so that his elite men—that is, you, dear Mr. workaholic, you can return to your post without any worries and continue to work hard."

Leo nodded calmly, indicating that he knew about it. "So I have been having a headache for a while and I want to find a way to get the best of both worlds."

"did you find it?"

"not yet."

Rob shrugged regretfully. In fact, he felt both caring and disturbing about the finale. If he was the one who had confronted each other in the abandoned playground, he would probably not be able to shoot that shot; but if he were to fall into bed with a crush, he would get goose bumps even if he was a bend. no way. In short, he felt that this kid was a poisonous flower of the end, a dark angel and the like, and perhaps only a law enforcement frenzy like Leo with full value of his admonition skills could suppress it. As for yourself, just keep a certain distance and keep paying attention to them.

"Go to the office and sit down and talk to Gaudi?" Rob suggested.

Leo had this intention, and walked to the elevator with him.

The elevator door opened, and an FBI agent in a gray suit walked out, confronted Leo, smiled and said hello: "Hi, Leo Lawrence, long time no see."

"Sean Boswell, remember the last time you met, you told me to perform an undercover mission." Leo shook his hand, "Congratulations on the successful completion."

The fair-looking young agent with blond hair and blue eyes smiled wryly: "It's done, but it's a fall short. My subject-Ronald Tuckerman, that jailbreak madman, you know?"

Rob interrupted: "That's a celebrity! It has successfully escaped 28 times in 15 years, forcing the federal government to admit to the outside world that there are huge management loopholes in the prison system, which is a shame."

"Because the bureau launched the'anti-jailbreak plan', the prison security office proposed a'stain advisor system' to try to absorb Ronald, so I have been roommates in the same cell with him for more than half a month. Actually that guy It’s not that crazy, but rather smart. This time the warden of Daocheng Prison was planted in our hands, and the charges were for instigating murder, corruption and accepting bribes."

"It seems that you two cooperated very happily." Rob teased and glanced at Leo intentionally. "Is your criminal partner also a handsome guy?"

Shaun was a little bit disapproved of what the hippie smiley colleague meant, and then he replied, "No, but it looks pleasing to the eye. Unfortunately, he could not be a beneficiary of this plan-I drove him from yesterday. When the prison returned to the bureau to report, the guy escaped from my car. Can you imagine that he actually chose the latter from the FBI consultant and the prison fugitive! He also left me Zhang A note that reads, "For me, freedom is not the ultimate goal. I love the moment of escaping from prison, and the sense of joy and accomplishment at that moment is the meaning of my life'-this lunatic!" Blond The agent's expression at the moment looked a bit dumbfounding, and also a little bit of anger and helpless hatred for iron and steel.

Rob couldn't help laughing: "Oh my god, it sounds like a jailbreak specialization!"

Leo's heart shook, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Are you free at noon, can I have a meal together? I want to chat with you alone." He said to Sean.

The two female agents passing by happened to hear this, and looked at them with shocked expressions: It sounds... like a date invitation, doesn't it

"I've heard that he is bent, and I can confirm it now." The red-haired female agent on the left sighed as she walked, "Why are seven out of ten handsome guys bent these days!"

"Aren't there three remaining?" Her friend comforted.

"The remaining three are doubles." The red-haired female agent replied desperately. "Since the Supreme Court ruled that same-sex marriage is legal last week, my boyfriend confessed to me and said he loves men more than women, you know How did I feel at the time? It's as if I was sharing a vibrator with countless strange men, and it was a scumbag!"

"Oh, my dear!" The brown-haired female agent on the right held her shoulders distressedly, "Don't worry about that scumbag... Actually, you can think about me. I absolutely love women and not men. It's more reliable than him. NS."

Let's move the off-track lens back to the elevator. Sean was also a little surprised when he heard Leo's invitation, but he hid his puzzled look, nodded and said, "No problem, I'll call you after get off work." Then he walked away politely.

Rob was commendably keen, and asked Leo: "Do you want to help bleach your identity?"

Leo got into the elevator with him, watched the red floor numbers keep jumping, and asked, "Do you think there is a better way to prevent him from going to jail?"

"But... That kid is rebellious and completely ignores the law. Will he agree to join the FBI that was once the enemy and become a taint consultant?" Rob asked hesitantly.

Leo sighed deeply: "My headache has become this. Anyway, I will first go to Gaudí to discuss the feasibility of the matter and see if we can make an'anti-serial murder plan'. —After all, there are cases before them, and we can cite the old ones, and we can be considered famous."

Rob whispered: "But that old case failed in the end."

"So I can't fail." Leo said in a deep voice, "Whether it's for the finale or myself."

Finished the 49th day after waking up.

Three days after leaving, Leo returned to the apartment with a look of fatigue, but with uncontrollable excitement in his fatigue.

Shaoqing is lying leisurely on the sofa, holding a thick notebook in his hand, and continues to write the second half of the new novel "Life and Death Chess"—although the bookseller is still struggling to publish it under the pressure of the Bureau of Investigation. The click-through rate of the serialized part on the Internet has soared to a crazy number. If the post is made in paper, it is estimated that the entire Statue of Liberty can be pasted up.

Out of personal preference, he doesn't like to type on the computer. When he got tired of handwriting with the right hand, he changed his left hand to continue writing. The handwriting of the two hands is completely different, but they both look quite beautiful.

Leo leaned over from behind to circle his shoulders, and kissed the hair on the top of his head: "Pay attention to rest, the author, don't care about the reminders."

He raised his head and took a long, long kiss with him, "Do you know how terrible the readers' grievances are after two months' break?"

After kissing the kiss intently, Leo remembered the topic and found an entry point that was as easy as possible to be accepted by the other party: "You know, according to the rough statistics in the bureau, there are currently more than 300 serial killers active in the United States. If we I can catch them and provide you with material for dozens of novels in the future."

"We?" Qing Qing raised his hand and shook, the two green lights on the metal wristband flashed regularly, "Except me. Tell me what's the use of this, agent, I'm a prisoner of the FBI. Said. Get up, now I am not in jail, it should be your credit, right?"

Leo acquiesced, and then said: "If you have a chance to get rid of your status as prisoners and criminals, would you like to try it?"

He smiled, with a slight mockery in his smile: "Wait, let me guess, are you ready to... Recruit security?" He closed his notebook, got up and walked to the open dining room, after washing his hands, he took a large piece from the sink. The soaked entrails are placed on the cutting board of the cooking table.

Leo followed, glanced at the dark red and shiny internal organs, and immediately judged that it was the liver of some kind of animal, which reminded him inexplicably of the victims who had been smashed—God, he never I thought this thing could appear on the dinner plate!

He picked up the meat cleaver, twisted it between his fingers, and easily cut it into slices of the same thickness and spread them on the plate, looking like a soft and evil artwork. Leo wiped his face with the palm of his hand in frustration, walked to his side and said, "Baby, I know you don't want to, but—"

"But if I don't accept it, I have to go back to jail." He said, "It seems that I have to choose one of the two. The eagle dog of the federal government-or a supernumerary; or the criminal of the federal government-this is in the establishment. This multiple-choice question It's so fucking, what do you think?"

Leo was speechless. He understands the completion, admires him, admires him, deplores him, and undoubtedly loves him deeply, but now, he has to put the other party into the framework of his most disdainful legal principle and morality again, forcing him to make choices that go against his own will. —Everything is just for wanting to be with him in an open and honest manner.

Perhaps he will never understand his painstaking effort, perhaps he will arm himself with resistance and hostility again, he is already prepared for such a mentality.

… Damn it! Get fucking mentally prepared! He couldn't even imagine that he would sneer at him once again. He couldn't accept that after he got a priceless treasure, he would lose it bloody!

Yes, he tried his best to be with him, but what qualifications does he have to force a person of sound personality to give up his beliefs and wishes-even in the name of love

Leo struggled with extreme pain inside, but his expression was expressionless silence on the outside.

After a few minutes, a plate of deep-brown southern fried liver came out of the pot, and it exuded a unique and rich fragrance. He picked up a slice with his chopsticks, blew it, and handed it to Leo's mouth: "Eat it? Very tender."

Despite the physiological nausea, Leo did not hesitate to bite, chew a few times and swallow.

"What's the smell?" Qin Qing asked.

"... I didn't taste it." The black-haired agent replied with a serious face.

Sha Qing tilted his head to look at him, and the corners of his mouth slowly conjured up a smirk. The laughter became more and more prosperous, and finally burst into a burst of extremely presumptuous laughter, with a triumphant tone.

He hugged Leo hard and said, "Dear agent, guess how far I am willing to sacrifice my will for you?"

Leo couldn't see his face, and replied motionlessly: "... forty percent? No... thirty percent?"

"You underestimate the importance of yourself to me?" Qing Qing said with a smile, "The correct answer is that there is no sacrifice. Once, my intention was to kill those scumbags-especially Enjoyer-single-handedly, doing its own way. I don’t need anyone’s approval or support. And now, my intention is to kill those scumbags—to be with you? Oh, that’s a really good idea, my dear. For this reason, I can put up with the way of working a little bit and try not to So bloody and violent."

Leo opened his eyes wide in disbelief, and even forgot to respond to the other's hug: "You mean... You mean?" This answer far exceeded his psychological expectations, so that he was almost speechless for a while. .

"Yes, the end of my heart is fierce