Sha Qing

Chapter 73: Till the end of the line (2)


Beast, willing to be bound by you with thorny rose vines, let you be my beast chain. But one thing cannot be changed-they must die. Whether it was poisoned to death on the injection table or rotten to death in prison, in short, once they were caught, they would never see the light of day again. Otherwise, I will return to my old business and use my own method to dig out these rotten sores for the incompetent FBI and the federal government. "

After the shock in Leo's heart receded, a huge ecstasy surged. He hugged the unparalleled lover in his arms tightly—and at the same time, he will be the partner who can deliver his life in the future, and let out a choked sigh: "Roy..."

They hugged each other until the poor food became cold and hard to eat.

"Now let me feed our stomachs first, and then delve into the specific operation process, how about?" Finished the suggestion.

Leo’s arm slid from his back to his waist, buried his face in his neck, and said vaguely: "Between the two you have missed the most important item-the one that needs to be fed, but not just Stomach, what do you think."

*Note: Regarding the story of the prison escape expert Rodman and the undercover agent Sean, those who are interested can read my short story "Prison Break Expert", published in the fifth issue of 2014 of "The Most Reasoning" magazine.

Ep 2 A sweet day


The alarm clock went off. Ten seconds later, a white and sturdy arm stretched out to the bedside table and shook off the bell.

Withdrawing his arm, he continued to put the light wheat-colored back of the person in his arms, naturally staying on the smooth bare skin, and stroking it up and down for a moment.

Li Qing opened his eyes while lying on the soft mattress. From Leo's perspective, he could clearly observe the length of his eyelashes. The serial killer at this moment is very lazy and confused, like a beast that briefly degenerates into a soft and harmless cat.

Leo absolutely loved this moment. Because he knows that he is the only person in the world who can enjoy this moment. "Baby..." He kissed the other person's auricle and gently rubbed his earlobe between his teeth. "We should get up. Today is the first day of your official report."

"But I think it's still early, don't you go to work at 9 o'clock." He replied lazily and moved. The sheet slid down from him, revealing a strong waist and round and tight buttocks, with the aftermath of the passion of the previous night remaining on it.

Seeing those colorful hickeys, finger marks, and even a few wounds cut by nails, as well as tooth marks that were accidentally bitten too heavily, Leo was embarrassed and annoyed, but he couldn't help but think about it.

His expression made him laugh eagerly, and easily lifted the sheet on his side, exposing two young and fit bodies to the morning light that spilled into the bay window. Obviously, because of his fair complexion, the traces of passion on the mixed-race agent are more obvious than his lover.

Leo turned over and pressed the final touch under him. "Hey, you are so angry," said the latter. "No, you are right, it's still early." The former replied.

Chenbo firmly pressed the base of the opponent's leg, Leo gently rubbed the place he entered last night, trying to recover the lost ground again with his fingers. If reality permits, he hopes that his sword can occupy this ecstasy city forever-simply fall into it and don't have to come out again.

Stroking his back indulgently and indulgingly, also enjoying the desire to be provoked. Those who burn in each other's energetic bodies, besides instinct, are more loving, so they become more hungry and thirsty. No matter how many times they are combined, this desire cannot be subdued, just like eating the marrow and knowing the taste, greedy and never satisfied.

Leo held his knees and raised his knees, sending himself into the lover's body inch by inch, while holding the opponent's lusting desire.

He panted quickly, and said, "Do a calculation problem, dear. Five minutes for brushing your teeth, washing your face and changing clothes, five minutes for breakfast, 25 minutes for your journey, how many minutes do you have?"

"The Americans hate doing calculation problems," Leo stepped into the bottom, racing against time, "but he is punctual. Don't worry, if there is not enough time, we can still make up for it in terms of intensity and efficiency."


The black-haired agent opened the door and walked into the busy office lobby. Then came a handsome Asian youth, wearing a low-key dark blue suit. He raised his eyes, looked around with a smile, and immediately calmed down. People stop to look, meet and whisper the same message:

Look! This is the legend / the dick has exploded / I can bite us back when I go to court / I have been urging new books / I said we should hire him a long time ago / The upper hand actually agreed / How faint even this kind of dangerous elements are recruited in the bureau Head/Doesn’t look like a dangerous person/I heard that I have an ambiguous relationship with Agent Lawrence/I heard that it was his guarantee/Oh my God, working with the male god, people are so excited—it's finished!

Leo walked in front, the stern look on his face cut off a lot of prying eyes, and entered his office with a calm and composure. The outer wall of the office is made of semi-transparent frosted glass, and every move inside can be seen vaguely, so there are still a lot of gazes that pretend to pass by, sneaking a few glances inside.

It didn't take long for Rob to push the door in excitedly, and greeted Tie Qing with a grin: "Hello, special non-staff agent!"

He also grinned and replied: "Hello, agent of the Information Processing Center."

Rob was choked by him. It was not his intention to transfer to the civil service department, but a girl he was recently obsessed with refused to accept her boyfriend's dangerous field work, and he wanted to develop a further relationship with her, so he had to apply for transfer after weighing the pros and cons. Information processing center.

"Hey, Xinding, you are now called'Luo Yi Lin', and you must abide by the rules and regulations when you enter the bureau." He deliberately said in the tone of a senior and senior, trying to restore a little prestige, "You know We have a rule here, is the newcomer responsible for delivering coffee?"

He shrugged indifferently, went to the coffee machine and took two paper cups, made a latte and a macchiato respectively, and came back and handed it to Rob: "You choose first."

Rob didn't get the expected counterattack, but was surprised by his obedience. He stretched out his hand and wandered between the two cups: "You... didn't move anything, right?"

"If you don't dare to drink, it's ours. Go and pour it yourself." The Qing Qing withdrew his hand indifferently and took a cup of it and placed it in Leo's hand.

Rob immediately rushed over and snatched the cup in Leo's hand. He just said, "This cup belongs to me". The hot coffee leaked out of his pants and even his leather shoes were wet. He screamed when he was so hot that he threw his cup to pull his trousers. The coffee cup rolled on the floor several times, and the entire bottom of the cup disappeared, leaving only a roll with two empty ends.

Leo frowned, criticizing the new consultant and saying, "Don't bully Rob!"

He shrugged, "It won't hurt. I mixed a lot of cold water." He walked to Rob and scratched his chin like a cat: "Listen, I'm here to hunt a serial killer, not here. Coffee delivery."

Rob wiped his coffee stains with tears in his eyes, while cursing his own owe and committing sins in his heart, he said: "Okay, I'm just a little jealous-now my partner is yours. Don't be polite. Use it. !"

He smiled: "Don't worry, I will use it in all directions."

Leo lowered his face intolerably: "This is the office! I only talk about business in the office! Rob, go back to your workplace; Luo Yi, come and see the information about the 23 serial killers you provided. We have to pick first. One start."

PM: 12:15:23

A bag of fast food was placed on Leo's desk. "If you don't want to spend time in the restaurant downstairs, at least you have to eat a hamburger to cushion your stomach." He said grimly.

Leo looked up at him from the action plan he was writing, smiled soothingly, his expression suddenly softened. He got up and washed his hands, opened the fast food bag that was sent to him, took out the beef parsley cheese burger and orange juice in it, and ate it hungrily.

"In the afternoon, we will convene the relevant agents for a meeting, set up the operation, and we can set off tomorrow." He picked up a colored pushpin on the desktop, walked to the huge country map on the wall, and pinned it near one of the cities.

He put thorny mountain jam on his bacon burger, and took a picky bite, "It's a meeting or something, don't expect me to speak. Besides, the pig teammates are not as good as no teammates. I don't mind going it alone."

"You have to learn teamwork, Luo Yi, personal heroism is not welcome here."

"Why should I be welcomed by them?" He snorted in disdain.

Leo sighed helplessly. He knows that if he wants to become a real FBI partner, there is still a long way to go.


Leo's white shirt is surrounded by an apron, washing dishes by the kitchen sink.

After eating dinner that was cooked by himself, the warm feeling of fullness made him feel happy, but it also brought certain sequelae—the office fast food at noon became very unpalatable, and he would have to spend more self-control in the future. Go bear it.

His lover and partner is nestling on the sofa, soaking a pot of scented Lapsang Souchong, holding a laptop, looking like he is browsing the web, while watching it, occasionally laughing a few times.

"What are you looking at?" Leo finished washing the dishes and took off his apron and walked over. He sat down tightly, wrapped his arms around the opponent's waist, and took a sip from the teacup on the dwarf table in the other.

"—Do you know what admonition is?" The other party asked a dumb question.

Leo reflexively took up the textbook: "Admonishment is a lighter coercive measure. It means that the court criticizes and educates people who obstruct civil litigation behavior with lesser circumstances, and orders them to make corrections. They must not repeat them."

"Wrong, the admonition is that I use a calf leather whip to whip your balls and ass." He smiled, and moved the computer screen to show him.

Leo quickly scanned the text on the webpage, pinching the ears of the cup with his fingers stiffly, and widening his eyes in astonishment: "This is... what the hell!"

"The same humanities written by the girls on the Internet, their fantasies are really omnipotent. Look, I have roughly counted them, I have 40% of you, 30% of you, and you and me. There are 20% of the above. Oh, the remaining 10% are so-called ghosts, admonitions, sexual abuse, and teaching texts-you know I will use police handcuffs to cuff your hands and feet on the dining table and feed your ass Drink red wine, then put your stick in and stir while saying,'Look, how hungry and thirsty is the little mouth below you'?"

Leo sprayed all the black tea on the carpet.

He coughed half-dead, and cried out with loss of demeanor: "What the hell is this!"

"I think the creativity is pretty good, we can try it tonight." Finished said.

Leo snapped on the computer screen immediately, and said with a black face, "You are not allowed to watch these messy things on the Internet! Also, can't the relationship between the two male protagonists in your novel be simple? To provoke those crazy..." He remembered the term Rob used to popularize science, "Slanting fans? These young girls are really too, don't you go out in love and have sex all day long!"

"The two male protagonists are very innocent, they didn't even have a kiss. And you see, the law can't control things like adultery. They just entertain themselves in their own circles, and they haven't violated the rights of others. , Right?" He put on a tolerant gesture.

Leo was still annoyed: "They violated my rights-why didn't I handcuff you to the dining table?"

He laughed: "It seems we are going to have a fight tonight, and use the victory or defeat to decide whose ass is drunk."


Rob and an agent nicknamed "BLUE" are on a night shift in the computer room of the information processing center. The two chatted one after another, drinking drinks and yawning.

"Today the topic of the whole bureau is focused on the'special non-staff agent'," BLUE said gossipingly, "I heard that he has a leg with Senior Agent Lawrence. Is this true?"

Rob gave him a white look: "Why don't you ask the person?"

The other party shrank his neck, "Come on, I couldn't speak as soon as I looked at Agent Lawrence's face-from the hair to the chin, it reads'I am an elite, an iceberg, a workaholic, and I'm doing business, I'm fine. Is it? I leaned over and asked this if I was looking for a chance?"

Rob was amused by his scornful and mean tone, and accidentally spilled his drink on the console.

"Oh my God, it depends on what you did!" another agent exclaimed, jumping up and wiping his sleeves frantically, "I told you earlier that you are not allowed to bring drinks in here. You are so careless! "

Rob apologized again and again, and hurriedly cleaned up with him. Inadvertently, I don't know who touched a button. After a few rustling telecommunication noises, clear voices rang from the loudspeaker.

Obviously the voices of two men, gasping, groaning, growling... The two voices of deep, mellow and clear are intertwined, and each has its own hoarse and sexy because of the lust, as if two completely different and perfect fits. Musical instrument. It was mixed with incomparable flirting, and the blood of the two bachelors was almost bloody.

BLUE covered his nose with his hand, and said in shock: "What did you drive?!"

"Didn't you drive it?" Rob retorted, and the more I listened, the more I heard these two voices were quite familiar.

BLUE's panicked eyes moved among the countless buttons on the console, and there was a word in his mouth, and finally remembered, and shouted: "It's this! This is the eavesdropping function of the new monitoring positioning anklet. The old wristband does not have it. Let me see. Number 006, it's... Luo Yi Lin, the location is... Ow!"

He completely changed his tone for the last time. It turned out that Rob pinched the fat on his waist, and then quickly turned off the button that caused the trouble.

"Shut up!" Rob threatened him viciously. "This is highly classified. If you dare to disclose it, the boss can't spare you!"

BLUE rubbed the sore area in his waist, and said in a puzzled manner: "What secret... Why don't I know? Also, one of them is the'special non-staff agent', right, who is the other man?"

Rob said sternly: "Don't ask more about things that have nothing to do with you. Do you want to be investigated internally?"

BLUE shook his head again and again.

"Very good, let's forget about this mess, just as a late-night radio linking the wrong channel." Rob patted his arm warningly, and thought: I have to call Leo right away. He quickly applied for a permission and blocked the monitoring function. If this is listening to their sex scenes every day, who can stand it!

—No, not right away, these two can be tossed, I guess they will have to do a good job for a while.

—Unexpectedly, Leo is the one below!

BLUE stood there desperately, feeling that his brain was greatly stimulated, and he couldn't turn around for a while. After a long time, Rob went to the bathroom, and he suddenly woke up: Another man... Isn't that the voice of Agent Lawrence? !

-So they really have a leg!

—I didn’t expect that he was the one below!

(End of special non-staff agent)

Trailer Fan Wai 2: The Godfather's Love and Punishment