Sha Qing

Chapter 74: Countdown to death outside (1)


The black-haired agent picked up the pushpin on the desk and walked to the huge country map on the wall, pinning it near one of the cities. "Phoenix, the'gallows killer'. At ten o'clock we will call the relevant agents for a meeting, set up the operation, and we can set off tomorrow."

He grabbed a handful of thumbtacks with colored plastic heads, used them as darts, and threw them on the map one by one: "For meetings or the like, don't expect me to speak. In addition, the pig teammates are not as good as no teammates. I don't mind doing it alone."

"You have to learn teamwork, Luo Yi, personal heroism is not welcome here."

"Why should I be welcomed by them?" He snorted in disdain.

Leo sighed helplessly. He knows that if he wants to become a real FBI partner, there is still a long way to go.

There was a knock on the door, and Jane, who was in charge of logistics services, walked in with a package in her hand: "Luo Yi Lin's express, just received."

Just as he was about to reach out to take it, Leo took it away first, and squeezed it in his hand, which seemed to be a light file bag. He asked Jane: "Has it been scanned?"

"Yes, there is no abnormality in the contents."

After Jane went out, Leo frowned and said: "This is not quite right. You have just entered the headquarters. Who will send you the courier, and even the specific department scores the same?"

"Maybe it's my true love fan?" The closing tone was light, and when he took away the package, he knocked on Leo's arm by the way, "Dear partner, you are like a vigilant military Doberman, with your ears cut off. The kind." He tore open the package, took out the empty kraft paper bag, and poured out a micro USB flash drive from it.

Leo asked him to bring his laptop and insert the USB flash drive to read it.

A video file automatically jumps out and starts to play.

The first scene was filled with colorful fragments falling all over the screen, which at first glance looked like colored paper ejected from a salute at a celebration. But soon they discovered that it was the petals of various colors scattered from several low-altitude helicopters, almost covering the entire street.

The tires ran over the wet road in the rain, and the black cars passed slowly, one after another, creating an endless illusion. The roofs were all decorated with snow-white garlands. The car was full of people, and on both sides of the obviously cleared road, there were at least hundreds of men in black suits and red umbrellas standing in the same direction.

Obviously this is a huge funeral procession, whether it is a helicopter throwing petals, hundreds of funeral convoys, or the blood-colored umbrella blooming above the black crowd, all of them reveal a high, strong and coldness from the solemn grief. mean.

"... This is Timothy Berardi's funeral!" Leo stared at the screen and said in a deep voice, "I remember, it was just the third day after you escaped from prison."

He shrugged his shoulders: "The third day after I had a scapegoat."

"I know. But all the evidence points to you—your room, your bed, your dagger, your fingerprints; there are even prison guards who testify that Timothy entered your cell that night. The situation in the courtroom You have also seen that more than one-third of the jury members think you killed him." Leo said.

"So what do you think?" he asked with a wicked smile.

Leo sternly replied: "I think if you did it, you would admit it; you said that you had a scapegoat, so the murderer was someone else-of course this is just my personal feelings and cannot be used as a basis for evidence collection. In this case , I haven’t found any evidence to prove your innocence."

"Sure enough, it's a standard agent-style answer, with a clear distinction between public and private." He smiled, his eyes and tone cooled down at the same time: "However, I want to know more than who sent me this video and what the intention is, Simon. How did it fall from the top of the twelve-story building."

Leo was silent for a few seconds and said: "The police investigation concluded that it was suicide. This is a local security case. We have no right to intervene."

He smiled sarcastically: "You, don't include me."

Leo warned him: "You are also one of us now!"

Don't turn your face away to ignore it, and continue to watch the screen.

The camera has followed the convoy and arrived at a funeral home in the city. The coffin was held above the head by dozens of hands and placed carefully on a giant black and gold carriage that was carefully built. The band outside the door is playing the theme song of the movie "The Godfather." Posters with a bust of Timothy hung on the surrounding high walls. The slogan reads: "You have conquered New York, and now you will conquer heaven."

He rolled his lips around, and finally spit out: "...this gang of mafia really know how to play."

"It stands to reason that I have to say'respect the dead', but from this funeral, I didn't see anything worthy of respect. Some were just provocation and deterrence." Leo said, "The purpose of their sending you the video is obvious—' Sicily’s revenge.’ You’d better be careful in the near future. Although no one of them is your opponent when it comes to fighting alone, there’s an old saying that it’s easy to dodge an open spear and be difficult to defend against an arrow."

"Thank you for your advice." He got up and walked to the wall map, unplugged the pushpin above the "Phoenix City", and traversed the entire continent eastward, pinning the pushpin firmly to "New York."

"I changed my mind. The next target is the'dark alley ghost' in New York." He turned around, put his hands in his trouser pockets, and leaned his back on the map. The thumbtack pushed into the wall three-pointer on his cheek, as if a silent and firm announcement of the battle.

Although Leo was not surprised by this, he still objected immediately: "Since you said that public and private are distinct, you should avoid it in private, and don't hit the gun yourself; Yu Gong, we have information about the'gallows killer'. More fully, the success rate of arrests is also higher."

"That's right, but you forgot a little, the cooling-off period. The last time the'Gallows Killer' committed a crime was last week. According to his previous crime interval, it is speculated that there will be a cooling-off period of two to eight weeks. And'Dark Alley Ghost' 'It has been silent for nearly three months, and counting, it's like a drug addiction is about to happen, he should be ready to move. I guess the next victim will appear in the past few days, that poor, innocent, and beautiful blonde girl was beaten. She was not human, and lay desperately in a certain dirty dark alley. At that time she even begged for death to come, because in this way she would be able to get rid of the endless torture and pain caused by the murderer-do you have the heart not to save her?" The voice was low, and he looked at the agent in front of him with pity.

Leo knew that he was playing tricks, but the other party used the expression he couldn't refuse-now the girl's tragic corpse was in his mind, and there was no way to turn a blind eye.

"As for my personal safety, you don't have to worry about that. No matter how back I step back, I won't capsize in the gutter."

Leo was about to say something more, and shut his mouth with a single sentence: "I am your advisor now, yes, but I am a soldier from beginning to end. When you tell me to face death threats, choose Retreat?"

"... Okay, you won." Leo stepped forward and pressed the thumbtack on the side of his face with his fingertips and pressed it deeper into the wall. "Let's go to New York first to solve the perversion."

Turning his head and looking at the computer screen, the luxurious funeral in the private cemetery is over. The picture is staying on a dagger inserted diagonally in front of the tombstone, and a bloody line of words is spelled out with bullets: Welcome death. .

"—It's two perverts." He said softly.

New York in April still had a bit of chill in the late spring, especially in the rainy night, it was even more damp and cold. He flipped the hood of his jacket up and walked off the gangway of the plane. Leo opened up a black umbrella, and soon the hem of the windbreaker was wet by the light rain. They walked to the FBI special vehicle waiting on a secluded road outside the airport.

Due to the weather, the plane was delayed for more than an hour. The driver was tired of waiting. He slept on the steering wheel. Looking in from the closed driver's seat window, he could just see the back of his head with his hat on.

Leo stepped forward and tapped the window of the car. The driver fell asleep and didn't hear him. So he opened the back door, ready to sit in and wake him up.

Su Qing suddenly held his wrist: "Don't move! Let go of your hand slowly... Back, back..."

Leo immediately became alert and carefully let go of the door handle and backed away. After retreating to fifty meters away, he picked up a stone from the side of the road, weighed it, and threw it at the car. Fist-sized stones flew in accurately through the open door and hit the bottom of the car.

At the same time as the fire and loud noises exploded, he pulled Leo to the ground.

After the dust settled, they got up and found that the entire car had been blown up beyond recognition and turned into a burning iron overhead shell. "The chassis of the car is loaded with a gravity-sensing bomb." Leo wiped the dust on his face and looked solemn, "How did you find the driver is dead?"

"Can a retro British-style blue suit wear a hip-hop rivet baseball cap?" he asked.

"I can't wear it out, but I can't just assume that others will not mix and match like this." Leo said.

"But for a man whose tie and pocket scarf are matched with his jacket, his taste in clothing is enough to drive that baseball cap out of the country. Obviously the hat is not his, and the visor is facing the car door, indicating Someone buttoned him from outside the door. What was the purpose? I only thought of covering up the bullet hole in his head—"Scene shrugged, "Professional response. Didn't you notice that his skin color on the sleeves of his shirt is not normal?" "

Leo looked at the body that was still burning and sighed: "We should call the bomb disposal expert first, so maybe he can leave a whole body."

He said disapprovingly: "Whether it was fried into coke or buried in the ground and bitten by insects and rats, do you think he would care now? What's more, the limited edition of "Royal Oak" on his wrist is rare, not like him. Identified people can buy it, and a wealthy New York businessman who owns a piece of it reported to a police report last year that the watch jewelry was stolen, but it has not been recovered. If you follow the newspaper news, there are photos of the watch on it, as well as the preliminary investigation results of the police, suspected to be By local theft gangs."

Leo connected the clues in his words and quickly inferred from one another: "The local thieves often provide popular goods to the mafia bosses through'partners'. He obtained this watch through this channel, indicating the relationship with the mafia or the stolen goods sellers. Very shallow-he is a traitor bought by the opponent!"

"Anyway, you are also undercover in the Mafia, and the two sides are even." Killing Wei ridiculed, "Assuming that he also has a part in this assassination mission, but for some reason, he flinched at the last minute and even planned to turn back and was irritated. The other party was killed in the car. The other party set up a trap along the way to send the hateful me to the west. As for you, baby, you are just a hapless accessory, don't be too disappointed."

Leo's expression was a little unhappy: "You just escaped from the dead and you are still talking cold words? Look at the murder files of this group of mafia, bombs, cold guns, alcohol blowtorches, ice cones, twisted ropes... I don't know how many more endlessly appearing. The methods of assassination are waiting for us. You have to take a bite of your own life. First, start from the attitude."

He was babbling enough to kill him, and rubbed his eyebrows with his fingers, "Okay, dad, let's call the police quickly and let them drive a bulletproof police car to escort, how about?"

Leo gave him a helpless look and took out his phone.

A text message happened to be sent at this moment. He clicked to read it. It came from an unknown number and contained only a set of solitary numbers: 23, 52, 37.

"What do you mean..." Leo Si asked. "Time?"

He rushed in and took a look: "It should be. It has been about 8 minutes since I opened the door just now."

"It's a countdown. They are counting down the planned death!" Leo gritted his teeth.

"—My death," added the killing face unchanged.

A wave of uncontrollable anger emerged from the black-haired agent's eyes, as if the dark tide rushed out of the deep ocean and set off raging waves on the ocean surface. "No one can predetermine your death," he said in a cold voice. "They have to pay for this self-righteous stupidity."