Sha Qing

Chapter 75: Countdown to death outside of the game (2)


The local police took over the scene of the explosion. Finally, Leo thanked Absolutely for his intention to send a police car to escort him, and drove a taxi. It was already midnight, and they decided to go to the apartment of Leo's parents on East 86th Street in Manhattan for one night, and then go to the FBI branch building the next day.

When entering the door, he sighed intentionally or unconsciously: "It has not changed much from last year. It is really nostalgic."

Leo said: "I think it has changed a lot, especially in my bedroom, where there is an extra box of clothes and sundries that someone mailed-why should I wash the underwear that you wore for you?"

"You don't need to wash it, so you can taste my breath from time to time?"

"I don't have any fetishes!" Leo pulled him over and kissed him like a punishing one. "You can feel it personally anytime."

"Do business first." He smiled and pushed aside the endless lover, pulled out the previously hidden black tea from the refrigerator, and made a pot of thick tea.

In the fragrant tea fragrance, the two looked through the bloody photos of the scene and the investigation data about the "dark alley ghost" before the finalization.

"This guy only picks young women to start. The dark alley is not the place where the crime occurred, but the place where the corpse was abandoned. The victims have some things in common: blond hair, plump body, and wearing stilettos. They had been tortured and raped for a long time before they died. Some of them were assaulted twice after their deaths, their clothes were cut, and the corpses were in weird poses—this, and this.” He clicked on some of the photos with the tip of his pen, “These are ritualistic, and the details may come from. Because of the murderer’s long-term fantasy. For the murderer, the result of killing is not the most important. What he enjoys is the pain and fear of the victim."

Leo twisted his eyebrows into a stern ball, and used a marker to draw a sentence from the information:

Carefully design the murder script, rigorously select the victims, ritualize the killing process, have a complete set of strategies such as approaching, seducing, and bewildering, and show control throughout the process—determined as a "enjoying killer" (Holmes & Berg classification system) and "Anger-inspired killer" (Kaipel classification system).

"Your definition of a murderer coincides with the BAU profiler. The report they provided also pointed out that the murderer paid attention to preparing for the crime and enjoyed the killing process. He even had a special purpose for torture and murder. The toolbox he built. He is very vigilant and will erase the evidence on the scene, hide corpses and discard corpses at a distance. The hunting circle and the living circle will be in two separate areas, living a dual life of being safe on the surface and being secretly addicted to killing and killing. This also increases the difficulty for the police to solve the case."

He nodded and said, "Even in my opinion, it is a type of killer that is very difficult to catch."

"So, that's it?" Leo raised his eyebrows at him, "Do you want me to believe that you have as much information as BAU profilers?"

He smiled: "Do you think all the serial killers in the country are already in my trouser pocket?"

"Not all, but the 13 you delineated are more than just sketches on paper, right." Leo said confidently.

Shrugged nonchalantly.

"I know what you want to do, but you have to give up, don't let the old way go back and take it privately, let alone make the city full of blood and blood!" Leo glanced at his ankle pointedly, "You must cherish your promise to me. ."

He knocked the bottom of the cup on the metal positioning ring of his ankle, and rolled his eyes in a sudden sound: "No! No! Oh, oh, your tone is like a suspicious control freak husband."

"Then tell me more. For those key parts that have been concealed in the information, how close are you to the'Dark Alley Ghost'?" Leo pressed.

He threw the empty tea cup into his arms, got up and walked towards Leo's bedroom: "I know he can hide the murder kit and death memorabilia, but he can't hide his wanton venting perverted desire. In order to experience a stronger sense of excitement. , He participated in a search team organized by the local police."

"You mean, we will see the murderer's name in the police station's volunteer list?" Lioten stood up, "Then what are we waiting for?"

"When dawn, the management staff of the City Police Department's Archives will go to work. Do you think all the policemen are like you?" He yawned lazily, "Tell me, where are those underwear, are you under your pillow?"

An empty taxi parked at the entrance of an Italian restaurant called "river cafe" in Brooklyn, New York.

The taxi driver Iverson walked into the room under the supervision of two bodyguards, took off his hat, and stood respectfully in front of the sofa.

Sitting on a luxurious leather sofa, a man in a suit and leather shoes was sitting in his 50s. His dark brown hair was well-groomed and his body was a little blessed. But the abrupt and sharp hooked nose and contemptuous squinted eyes, like a sharp knife, broke open the bloated and clumsy illusion, revealing some characteristics of the commander in his bones.

"Are you sure they lived in that apartment?" Joey Bollano, the second boss of the family, asked with a hoarse voice and a strong Sicilian accent.

"OK, apartment at 103 East 86th Street in Manhattan." Iverson repeated the address again, and nervously picked up the hat in his hand. "I was still squatting on the corner for half an hour. The lights were always on in the room. Come out, it shouldn't be a guise."

Joey tapped his cane in front of his toe: "I don't need someone to judge for me!"

"Sorry, second boss." Iverson bowed and apologized immediately.

Joey waved the tip of his stick, motioning him to withdraw.

Joaquin, standing behind Joey, stepped forward and lit his cigar for him. This 30-year-old Cuban was originally an expert in stolen goods, responsible for taking the lead between the theft gang and the mafia. After more than two years of observation and test, Joey is quite satisfied with his agility and loyalty. This year, he is considering including him and promoted from a "partner" to a full member of the family. In fact, except for a symbolic initiation ceremony, they already regarded him as their own person.

"Send more people over. I want that house to have no one to live." Joey spit out the smoke ring, his tone lightly as if saying, "I want an extra plate of roast chicken on the table tonight."

Joaquin replied immediately: "I will arrange it now."

"When will he come out?" Joey asked again.

Joaquin knew this "him" specifically, and replied: "Tomorrow morning, the Federal Court for the Southern District of New York will make a final judgment, and he will be acquitted."

"No wonder the 24-hour deadline is set." Joey sneered and sprayed smoke from his nostrils. "Within 24 hours, if I don't get rid of the murderer, Alessio will be able to avenge his brother after he is released from prison. Under the banner, sit firmly in the position of the head of the family."

"However, who is the "Godfather" is not determined by an old ring. In the new capital era, some untimely traditions should be abolished." Hua Jin said.

Joey nodded in satisfaction, "Follow me, no one dares to provoke you. If Yanniello doesn't know the current affairs and wants to follow Alessio, then the position of'counselor' in the family must be considered for whom to leave. ."

Joaquin resigned with gratitude.

Joey turned his face to the half-open window, and Manhattan across the river was brightly lit in the night.

Under the cover of night, a group of people in black quietly opened the door lock and intruded into a two-story apartment on East 86th Street in Manhattan. They controlled the entrance and exit very ably, and at the same time kicked open the bedroom door, armed with submachine guns and fired frantically on the bed. As the tongue of fire spit out, the hail-like hail under the shell slammed on the solid wood floor.

After one shot, feathers and cotton flocked in the air in the bedroom. One of the assailants stepped forward and pushed aside the messy sheets with his gun, and suddenly found that there were only two big, riddled pillows underneath.

"There is no one in this room." His accomplice came in from the door and said.

"Withdraw." The leader made a decisive order.

They quickly left the apartment and fled in their respective cars. The nearby residents who heard the gunshots called the police as soon as possible. A few minutes later, the police car dragged the stern whistle to the police.

Leo drove a black Chevrolet SUV on the way to the city police station.

The phone vibrated, and the clever man sitting in the passenger seat put his hand into his jacket pocket.

"SMS with unknown numbers, 20, 15, 24." Checked the current time, at 3:45 in the morning, "The time matches... I guess your parents' apartment is going to be unlucky."

"These bitches are raised!" Leo exploded with a heartache.

"Your persistence saved our lives, Mr. Workaholic. So the countdown will continue until either of the two parties dies."

"Or you take the nearest flight back to Washington DC, which is far away from the Mafia territory and they are beyond their reach."

He grinned: "Don't waste your saliva on improbable suggestions, agent."

Leo stared straight ahead blankly and stopped talking.

Soon after they walked into the city police station, after some wrangling, waiting, and routine procedures, it was already 6 a.m., the personnel in charge of the archives rushed from home to find out the list they needed in a pile of paper bags, and then Going for coffee with a bitter face.

Several agents from the New York branch of the FBI also rushed to the police station. Leo passed the list of volunteers who had organized the search team three times before and after the police to detective Terry of the Information Service Section, and said to him: "Make a program to include these. Everyone on the list, including their height, weight, physical characteristics; work, address, growth history, scope of leisure activities... Then I will use the method of elimination to screen suspects."

Terry took the list, called up the relevant electronic files, and started programming like an enclave. An hour later, he said: "It's done, sir, there are 268 people in total."

"Very good." Leo turned his head and said, "Luo Yi, your time."

"My show." The youth twitched his mouth jokingly, "In order to have more time to design murder scripts, he is engaged in a highly free profession, fixed at work and not easy to take leave of absence.

"His living circle will be far away from the hunting circle, and the four corpse throwing sites will be connected to draw a circle, and the residence will be excluded within a radius of 20 kilometers of concentric circles.

"Anger-inspired killers generally commit crimes after they are fully sexually mature, and those younger than 30 years old are excluded.

"He is very smart. Although he may not be so gregarious, he will perform better in both academics and military service. He is not well-educated.

"He is good at showing off his charm, to seduce and confuse the victim, and reduce the other's guard. Therefore, he will have a good figure, a look above the standard, and he will be too fat and ugly to rule out.

"Okay, tell me how many people are left on the list?"

Terry replied blankly: "Seven."

He printed out the details of the seven people, took it, and patted Leo on the chest: "Go and hunt, Captain America. Don't forget to spend more time in the basement, attic, garage, etc., then It's a secret base for the'dark alley ghost' to store murder kits, victims' limbs and death memorabilia."

"Are you not going?" Leo asked.

He flexed his fingers and made a beast-claw like a favorite of the little girl to take selfies at him: "I'm afraid I couldn't hold back one, and concocted him like a victim-no, there is a difference, I will torture, Divide the body, but will not rape."

His gestures were dumb and cute, but his tone was serious and cold, and there was no joking at all, so that the nearby police officers cast surprise glances.

Leo wiped his face vigorously with the palm of his hand, and said in an indescribable tone: "You fucking stay in my sight! Otherwise, you will get a needle in your ankle and sleep twelve in the confinement room. Hour!"

He retorted, "Do you think that by keeping me in a police confinement room, you can escape Sicily's revenge gunfire?"

"Anyway, it's better than if you were alone in going deep into the knot with them! Do you dare to swear that you didn't have such an idea just now?"

"Do you think I can't deal with them, so I have to entrust my personal safety to the police? Come on, even your FBI safe house is full of loopholes!"

"It's not'your FBI', it's'us','us'! How many times do I have to emphasize?"

Terry was sandwiched between two violent colleagues, and raised two chubby arms: "Can you guys quarrel after getting out of the police station, it makes me feel a bit... embarrassing..."

"Shut up!" The two turned their heads and shouted at him at the same time.

Then Leo took out the handcuffs from his trouser pocket, shook him threateningly in front of the killing, grabbed his wrist and pulled him out of the police station.

The FBI teamed up with the City Police Department and dispatched two teams at the same time. They were busy from 8 am to 12 noon. Four of the seven suspects were excluded. The remaining three were to be searched. The addresses were the furthest away from the city.

Leo bought two set meals at a roadside fast food restaurant and went back to the car to eat his beef parsley cheese burger. He finished his bacon burger with thorny mountain jam, and took a picky bite, "Have you arranged the remaining three in order?"

Leo nodded.

"According to the general laws of film and television dramas, the real culprit is always the last one, so can we skip the first two and save some time?"

Leo laughed, swallowed the orange juice in his mouth, and asked: "I have a little doubt. You are only one list away from the'Dark Alley Ghost'. This is not difficult for you. Why is he still alive now?"

"I originally planned to kill him before going to Luna Island, but he was lucky. At that time, the golden wig and stilettos I bought online were still on the way." He explained in a serious manner.

Leo couldn't help but shook his head, then he narrowed a smile, and said sternly, "Baby, you have to control yourself."

"I know." Qing Qing replied indifferently.

"For the chain that binds the beast."

He was silent for a moment, and he hummed with his nose.

Rio started the SUV, led several police cars, and galloped towards the residence of the next suspect on the list.

"I thought you were all powerful players in the family." Joey's face was gloomy, and his cane hit the ground next to his feet. "But two consecutive misses made me have to reassess your importance to the family."

Yi Gan, standing in front of him, lowered his head, not daring to argue.

"You know, my tolerance is limited. There are 12 hours left. This is his countdown, and it's yours." Joey said.

One of them couldn't help but boldly asked: "He is surrounded by a bunch of slivers. We can't find a chance to start. Can we give more time?"

The tip of Joey's stick moved up and the point was on his chest: "You're dragging time, aren't you? Tomorrow morning, when Alessio is released, you will be fine."

The other's face changed, cold sweat oozing out: "I have no doubt about my loyalty to you, boss!"

"Then use actions to prove it. I don't care what you use, I just want his life, remember, 12 hours."

Watching his men filed out of the room, Joey stood still with his cane and closed his eyes for a while, then picked up the telephone receiver on the desk: "Hua Jin, come here."

At 2:30 in the afternoon, after the rain, the water stains on the streets were soaked by the sun. After the temperature rose, there was finally a bit of warmth in spring.

He took off his jacket and sat idly in the car, listening to a song while waiting for Leo and the commandos to come out of the suspect's residence. Apart from him, there are four other local police officers who are left behind.

On the other side of the street, behind the street trees is a row of old-fashioned buildings. Most of the rooms are cheap rental houses and small hotels.

Behind one of the inconspicuous windows on the second floor of a building, the crumpled curtain was opened a gap, the camouflage barrel of Roba QR2-F sniper rifle came out of it, and the crosshair in the scope locked the window. The heads of Asian youths inside.

The sniper fine-tuned the position of the front sight skilfully, stopped chewing the gum, and the index finger in the glove hit the trigger.

The bullet was ready to go, but the phone suddenly vibrated silently in his pocket.

The index finger stopped unwillingly and left the trigger. He took the phone out of his pocket and looked down.

After a few seconds, he returned his sight to the scope, shifted the sight to the right, and then pulled the trigger without hesitation.

Shaoqing never believes in supernatural powers, but he believes in neurological warning, which is an extremely keen intuition forged from countless blood and crises on the battlefield, and for him, the battlefield is everywhere. This instinct prompted him to open the door of the passenger seat suddenly in the drowsy afternoon sun, lower his body and roll out.

The bullet that followed smashed the rear-seat windows, splashing glass shards.

Police officers rushed out of the car, using the body as a cover, and aimed their guns at the dense windows of the opposite building.

The sniper barrel had already been retracted from the curtain gap, and the sniper neatly dismantled the gun, hid the parts in the cleaning cart, and left the guest room while whistling the cart.

When the commando came across the road, surrounded the building, and searched layer by layer, the sniper had already escaped.

"So the guy who lives here isn't a'dark alley ghost'? Then let's be the next one." Shaking the list between his fingers, Chao Leo shook.

The black-haired agent was full of frost and sternly said: "Don't take it seriously, Luo Yi! They even sent snipers. What would happen if you reacted slower just now? It seems you can't do it anymore. Act with us. I will send you back to the branch building first. You will stay in the office and don't go anywhere until I come back."

"If you are worried, then quickly grab the'dark alley ghost' and leave some time for me to solve this mess." said Qing Qing.

Leo put him in another police car without saying a word.

"Wait!" he shouted, walked to the side of the SUV, checked the glass shards scattered in the rear compartment, and looked up at the window of the building across the road. "If this shot really wanted my life, that guy would definitely fail the sniper course. He was aiming at the rear window..."

"You want to say that the sniper is merciful to your subordinates? Why are you handsome?" Leo remained angry.

"I don't need to talk about the obvious." He smiled, "Come on, catch the mouse in the dark alley first, and then I will kick the Italian in the ass."

"You are walking a tightrope on the cliff with your life!" Leo took out his phone and showed him the newly received text messages: 8, 21, 30.

"I've always been in this style, don't you know?" he asked, retorted.