Sha Qing

Chapter 78: Extraordinary force majeure (2)


Returning to the rented apartment, the phalanx put a bandage on his head while watching with interest how to deal with the series of forced questions from the Riot interrogator.

"The day before yesterday, I received a summoning order, and the publisher was a phalanx."

"Phone? Mail? Why don't I know?"

"It uses the internal code of the'Arctic Fox', which can be seen all over the world." He stretched out a finger and shook Leo, "Don't ask the way, I won't say it."

"Okay, so you pretended to be a pick-up girl and went to that nightclub, which is your contact point."

"One. And it will be deprecated after this time."

"How many members of the'Arctic Fox' have gone?"

"Most of the survivors."

Leo turned his gaze to the big black man: "You said the convener is a phalanx, but why does he appear bloody in front of me?"

"I also want to ask him why he didn't show up, the last one turned out to be... the captain."

He turned his head and looked at his former comrades in arms: "You don't seem to be surprised by this? I think you owe us an explanation, the phalanx."

The phalanx touched the bandaged wound, "It started when the Interpol hung up my wanted warrant-the fuck is just a wall-riding jerk informant, and he is slaughtered. Can you be so pretentious!" He is fierce. Angrily glared at the black-haired agent: "I know it was you who told the secret, and you are the only one who knows the inside story, the treacherous government eagle dog and dog leg!"

Leo sneered: "This has nothing to do with the transaction between us. Do you want a law enforcement officer to turn a blind eye to the murder under the nose?"

The phalanx roared: "The shit has nothing to do with it! Obviously it is to kill someone with a knife! If something goes wrong with me, you have to complete a damn deal!"

Leo said: "If you go to jail or get killed, I will go to your prison or tombstone and tell you everything I have investigated. Don't worry, I am a trustworthy person."

The phalanx had an old blood stalk in his throat and looked towards the final with annoyance. The latter shrugged at him with a helpless expression of "He is in this style, you better understand and understand before you talk about the deal".

"Since you are still alive, put this one out in advance and continue to talk about the topic." Leo urged.

The phalanx took five or six deep breaths before suppressing his anger, and said angrily: "Anyway, they chased me and I escaped. The last time the situation was in a critical situation, I was rescued by the captain. At that time I really believed he was the captain, and he was in the explosion. Fortunately, he survived. Then he asked me to come forward and summon all the team members, including those who left, and said that they would regroup the "Arctic Fox"."

"How did you find that something was wrong?" he asked.

The phalanx asked, "How did you find out? I spent almost a month with him day and night, but you only had contact with him for a few minutes."

"He is disguised very much, it can be said to be almost exactly the same. But there is always a difference in Hundred Secrets-he should not take off his clothes. That's right, every scar on his body is in its original shape, where it should be, and the other players Because of this, I am convinced, but he spent the last part of his life with me. Only I know that before the explosion, he was framed by iron in order to withstand the falling gate and give me a chance to escape. Poke. If he is the real captain, there should be a triangle scar on the shoulder blade." Shaoqing tried to use a flat tone to conceal his low mood, but this time it was not so perfect.

The phalanx is very clear about his feelings for the captain and his master, so he can understand that even if he hasn't entered the ring, he still feels shocked and mixed about it.

"I smelled the smell of a huge conspiracy." Leo said, "Someone did everything possible and did not hesitate to spend to forge a captain of the "Arctic Fox" who had come back from the dead and called all the players together. What do they want to do? These people are top-notch people. International mercenaries, their combat power is as amazing as their destructive power."

He got up and poured himself a glass of wine, and drank it all in one go. The glass was pinched in a circle between his fingers, and his emotions were completely calmed, and he said: "He needs to gather the power of the'Arctic Fox' to do an extremely difficult and extremely important thing. This matter will be effective. It will not be too long. It will not take more than a month for the phalanx to detect something wrong. It will not take more than a month, otherwise there will be a risk of revealing. As of today, apart from me and the phalanx, a total of 12 players are present. I don’t know if there are any more. A latecomer, but based on my observations at the time, everyone else believed in this'captain', except for Xueyuan... but he also accepted it later."

"Xueyuan didn't notice it either?" The phalanx was a little surprised, "I thought he was on the team with the same acuity as you."

"According to his character, if he finds something wrong, he will leave alone, but he did not leave. It can only be said that he chose the latter out of three-point suspicion and seven-point belief." He put the glass on the table and returned. On the edge of the sofa, "We can't count on the snowy field for the time being. Only me, you, and him can solve this problem." He pointed to the black-haired agent on the other end of the sofa.

"He?" The phalanx squinted at Leo, his face still irritated, "He is eager for the'Arctic Fox' to do something earth-shattering, so that logically throws us all into prison!"

Leo shook his head: "No, you are wrong. Thinking of how painful your so-called'world-shattering event' will cause the people to hurt, I hope to eradicate the crisis before it happens. As for the members of the'Arctic Fox', whether to go to prison, the law Have the final say."

He chuckled and said, "No, no, you were wrong too, it's your skill. I bet they can't get into the prison, and the prison can't keep them."

Leo stared at him with hatred of iron and steel: "Don't forget that you are now an FBI consultant, pay attention to your standpoint!"

He put his hands together, and replied insincerely: "Sorry. Can we get back to the subject and tell us what you found about the inside story of the destruction of the Arctic fox? Although two years have passed, I always feel that this is the same as the present one. Things are inextricably linked..."

Leo said: "The phalanx once said that someone combined employers, middlemen, and targets to put the'Arctic Fox' in an ambush on all sides. That's right, the task itself is a trap: from the southeast of Sierra Leone under the control of brutal rebels. Rescued the senior executives of multinational mining companies held hostages in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and at the same time seized a batch of blue diamonds weighing more than 100 carats, FL (Flawless) grade, with a total estimated value of 600 million pounds. The entrusting party is the board of directors of the mining company, and the intermediary is The IX security company, known as the "blood broker", and this company has a close relationship with the local government army, everything seems reasonable. But in fact, the mining company, IX and the rebels are all in the same group. Drills are just bait, and the hostages are physical bombs. I used some internal relations to talk to a senior executive of IX. He personally admitted that this plan from the senior executives of IX was called "polar fox hunting". It is to elicit and attack the extremely sharp and mysterious "Arctic Fox" in the mercenary organization, and to eliminate the leader of the organization, the "Captain"."

"Strike... Eliminate the captain..." Frozen eyebrows contemplated.

"I think this is only part of the truth about the incident that year, and there is a deeper inside story hidden in it, but I need more time and resources to continue the investigation." Leo said.

The phalanx gritted his teeth: "Anyway, these three parties are our enemies, and none of them can escape! The head of the rebels has been killed; the mining company was so scorched by us, it lost several diamond mining rights, and it was on the verge of Bankruptcy; then it's the turn of the culprit IX!"

Leo suddenly said: "Last year this group of rebels committed public outrage because they kidnapped UN peacekeepers soldiers. Leader Senke was arrested and went to the UNSEP Special Court. He died strangely in prison before the sentence was pronounced. The United Nations declared. It's a stroke... So it was your hands secretly?"

The phalanx bared his teeth at him, showing a bloody grin.

"Will the fake captain this time have something to do with IX?" he said, "If this is the case, we need to move away in two ways: I will stay with the counterfeit and see what he wants to do to gather the team members; The phalanx did not respond to the assembly order this time, and it is difficult to guarantee that the other party is not suspicious, and simply responds from the outside."

Leo waited for a while and found that there was no answer, and raised his eyebrows intentionally: What about me

He smiled: "Go back to your class, agent. Oh, don't forget to unblock my ankle ring."

"It's impossible." Leo refused, "I will not let an outside prisoner wearing a locator leave the surveillance area."

"Then expand the monitoring range to one thousand, no, ten thousand kilometers in diameter?" He said in a serious way.

"Why don't you talk about expanding to a light-year?" Leo sullenly, "I will apply to the bureau for a micro-controller to wear on my body, and then no matter what you do, you never want to be one kilometer away from me."

The "Arctic Fox" with the leader of the group of dragons soon had a second gathering. A total of 17 members including the captain participated, including the finale and the other three who left. They left because of the captain. Also returned because of the captain.

"We want to make a big vote as a fund for the restart of the'Arctic Fox'." The captain's announcement received a warm response from all the team members. As professional mercenaries, it is their heart to love war, and it is their nature to seek profit only. "Whoever pays will sell his life for whom" is the principle they all abide by.

Many members shared their mission resources, but they were rejected one by one due to the lack of demand and insufficient compensation. Finally, the team leader provided a domestic mission.

"Gennady Zhukov, fifty-seven years old, Russian-American." The captain clicked on the old man with gray hair, tall nose and rimless glasses on the projection screen. The person in the photo looks like a profound and stubborn old scholar, staring at the camera impatiently. "He is a professor at George Washington University. Two years ago, he cooperated with SRC Strategic Resources Corporation in the United States to research a new technology that can significantly improve the performance of memory chips. A major breakthrough has been made recently. Next Friday, he will bring a new technology based on this technology. Prototype products from Washington DC to Ohio to participate in an international academic conference."

"So we have to protect this old man to prevent him from being killed before the meeting?" Aurora threw a handful of dice up and down, and interjected with a smile on his face.

"No, we have to kill him before the meeting." The captain said.

"Wait, I heard you right." Wolf exclaimed anxiously, "Who didn't know that SRC had a military background! You mean, on Uncle Tom's site, kill a scientist who cooperated with the U.S. military This task is not difficult to complete, but the difficult thing is that no matter whether we succeed or not, we will all become the thorn in the eyes of this behemoth country. We had better think clearly about the reward and the consequences."

The captain stretched out his palm, pressed it in the air, and the whispering voices stopped abruptly, "A little patient guys, listen to me. In fact, this guy is not only a scientific research expert, but also a hidden technology spy, trying to We used international academic conferences to leak this technology to Russia. So SRC hired us and killed him before then."

"Why don't the military do it themselves?" Wolf asked.

"Gennady has a good reputation in his research field. They did not intend to disclose his true identity so as not to cause adverse effects. Even SRC will send a team of security personnel who do not know the truth to protect him. Later, the scapegoat was thrown to the Russian side, saying that the Russian side hired people to assassinate American scientists in order to manipulate international public opinion."

Aurora grabbed Wolf's neck and pressed his head down with a grin: "It's not normal. We don't help the government with dirty work. Sierra Leone, Iraq, the United States-all of them are the same."

"Each person is 250,000 U.S. dollars, pay a deposit of 100,000 first, and pay the balance after the incident. How about it, do you want to do it?" the captain asked.

The team members expressed their opinions: "Go!" "Just give it money!" "250,000 a week, why not do it?"

The captain turned his gaze to the silent snowy field and finished. The former stood in the corner and was wiping his love gun intently, which was a sign of acquiescence, while the latter languidly leaned on the back chair and nodded with a smile.

Professor Gennady Zhukov said that he would take the flight on Thursday. In fact, he took a special train to Ohio on Wednesday under the close protection of a group of security personnel with professional military training.

The wild mountains and forests flying by outside the window have sunk into darkness, and the lights in the No. 3 carriage are still as daylight. The female flight attendants wearing uniform skirts and beautiful looks are pushing the dining car to and from, and the rich fragrance of various delicacies floats in the air.

"The oyster steak you want." A tall female flight attendant with heavy makeup respectfully placed the plate on the table in front of the old man.

The freshly fried steak was steaming, Gennady lowered his head and took a deep breath, sighed happily, cut a piece and put it in his mouth. At both ends of the carriage and at the front and rear dining tables, dozens of security personnel in black combat uniforms stood guard.

In the aisle of Car 1, two male flight attendants with blue caps walked one after another, their feet close together.

He reached out his hand and pressed the brim of his hat, and complained in a low voice: "This has nothing to do with you, why should I keep up with the car!"

Leo replied behind him: "You are one kilometer away from me. The train is currently speeding at 180 kilometers per hour. I don't get on the train. Will I drive a helicopter to follow? Besides, without the help of my friends in the railway administration, you can do this. Easily get in the car?"

He was speechless and had no choice but to say: "Don't intervene. Don't forget that our target is not the spy professor, not the fake captain, but the black hand hidden behind the scenes."

"While achieving the goal, I hope to avoid casualties of innocent people." Leo said.

"Amazing justice!" He chuckled, "But when the war comes, justice is the first victim." He walked to the end of the carriage, suddenly attacked, knocked down and knocked out two security guards who were guarding the door of the cab. He raised his head and looked at the emergency brake valve near the top of the wall, then raised his wrist and waited silently as the stopwatch quickly counted down.

Three kilometers ahead of the train, a military Hummer parked on a low slope. Two big guys in camouflage combat uniforms with painted faces jumped out of the car. One of them was carrying a Russian-made RPG-29 individual rocket launcher.

Wolf held the bazooka on his shoulder and aimed at the railroad track not far away. The Kuai Ke around by his head looked down at his watch, and counted down the countdown with the stopwatch quickly: "... 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, launch!"

The armor-piercing projectile flew out, with strong light and loud noise, directly blasting that section of the rail out of a large crater tens of meters in radius, and iron and stones splashed in the air.

Kuai Ke blew his whistle: "It's rude, the railway administration is about to cry."

Wolf laughed: "We are now Russian mercenaries, fighting people, it's so simple and rude."

At the same time, he categorically pulled down the emergency brake valve. The pointer of the pressure gauge next to it dropped rapidly, and when it dropped to zero kilograms, he released his hand. The train slid for more than two kilometers due to inertia, and came to a complete stop at a distance of three to four hundred meters from the broken track.

There was a sudden commotion in the carriage.

He finally unscrewed the door of the cab, and said to the dazed special train driver, "If I were you, leave immediately, the farther the better", and at the same time photographed the button to open the whole door.

Several Hummer off-road vehicles rushed out of the wilderness on both sides of the rails and approached the roadbed. More than a dozen camouflage-wrapped mercenaries climbed up from the opened doors with machine guns.

The two sides exchanged fire in the blink of an eye. Gunshots and bullets flew across the carriage, mixed with the startling screams of the female flight attendants.

As he walked out of the cab, Leo grabbed his wrist, his eyes stern.

"This is the military's instruction. The Arctic Fox will not take it, and another group of mercenaries will take over." Qingqing said, "They used to be my teammates."

"I know. But I don't want you to face the rain of bullets again." The black-haired agent insisted.

After thinking for a while, he smiled: "Well, let's watch the changes first. Anyway, these former Blackwater security guards are not opponents of the Arctic fox at all."

Gennady was guarded by a group of security personnel when the train stopped suddenly. The well-trained security guards shot back while calling for support. They found that the attacker had extraordinary skill and fierce firepower. It was just a "mini-gang" rapid-fire machine gun with six barrels spinning, and the rate of fire of 6000 rounds per minute was almost instantaneous. Shattered the entire carriage beyond recognition. The security guards had to fully cover Gennady's transfer outside the train, trying to seize an off-road vehicle and escape.

At the time of the incident, the female flight attendant serving at the table was so frightened that her makeup was distorted, she curled up and clung to Gennady's thigh. The security guards tugged twice. Although Gennady was flustered, he kicked her away because of his male self-esteem, so he had to ask the security guards to take her with her.

People were shot repeatedly and fell to the ground in blood splashes. Under the attack of the attackers like thunder, the security guards were killed or injured. The remaining six or seven guarded Gennady rushed to the off-road vehicle and pushed him up.

The captain led the "Arctic Fox" members to jump out of the car and continue to chase, leaving only the Aurora in the car with a cunning face, and dragged out a metal password box from under the dining chair where Gennady was sitting.

He opened the box almost effortlessly, took a laptop out of it, plugged it in, and turned it on. "New electronic technology can significantly improve the performance of memory chips? Can it be sold for a lot of money." Jiguang took off the huge earrings, plugged one of them into the USB port, and prepared to copy the data.

As countless research theories, design drawings, and simulation demonstrations were presented on the screen, Aurora's eyes widened in astonishment, and the dignity that had always been on his face disappeared.

"What is this?" He murmured, "New helicopter, fighter-borne electronic warfare system-the "Prophet"? Use digital radio frequency memory technology to achieve a multi-beam antenna array, interfere with and counter any enemy defense system, including the "Patriot" 'Air defense missile system... The radar intelligence collection function can effectively identify electromagnetic radiation from other countries. The built-in database can respond to different types of electronic facilities, and can quickly determine the target type, implement effective reconnaissance and interference... What the fuck is this memory chip technology It is clearly a secret military combat system! If this is moved, we will be siege and suppressed by the superpowers worldwide! Fuck, fuck, fooled!"

He suddenly pulled out the USB flash drive with half of the earrings copied, put it in his pocket, jumped out of the carriage and ran towards the captain.