
Chapter 100: A capable woman is difficult to control


Let me tell you a joke first: South Korea.

A relatively common reaction to a slap in the face: Japanese people will be motivated, saying that they will do well next time! Americans will be excited, asshole, you violated my human rights. The Chinese will be irritated and will slap people in the face or not, I will fight with you! The South Koreans will be furious, ah! Oh my God! oh! When you are angry, you will evaluate in your heart what kind of reaction you should give. Should you cry bitterly and then show another face, or should you tentatively fight back

"Idiot, where are you looking?" Li Muye withdrew his hand and stared provocatively at the middle-aged man opposite.

He was slightly fat, with a pig belly and a few pimples on his face. His eyes were wide-eyed, and he stood up angrily.

This is a man who has learned how to adapt to slaps since he was a child. When their eyes met, he immediately chose to avoid it. Li Muye could clearly see the consideration and caution in his eyes. He raised his finger and pointed at Li Muye and asked angrily in his native language: You son of a bitch, why did you hit me? He thought Li Muye couldn't understand, but he didn't know that Li Muye had already learned Korean in the process of dealing with Jin Xiangji.

"What are you looking at?" Li Mu said savagely, "Are you not convinced?" Pointing to the health club behind him, he said, "Idiot, grandpa has no time to talk to you now, so I'm going to let you take advantage of it today. Do you see that? I made an appointment with someone to play cards inside. If you are not convinced, just go there and wait. After grandpa wins the money, he will have fun with you."

When he heard Li Muye say he had an appointment with someone inside, Zheng Yunzhi visibly hesitated. At this time, the woman next to him stood up and hugged his arm. This move gave him a step up. He took no further action other than continuing to curse in his native language.

Bai Xue also turned around to persuade Li Muye, and waved to Zheng Yunzhi and Park Shuxian to apologize. Li Muye was still angry: "What the hell, why are you pulling me? This little stick is still not convinced. What kind of place do you think this is? In this three-acre land, I can kill both black and white." He..." Just like the local ruffians with local characteristics, they brag and talk nonsense.

The two of them pulled and pulled towards the club. In the process of pulling, Bai Xue "accidentally" dropped Li Muye's handbag, revealing a stack of colorful bills. He immediately picked it up and stuffed it back to Li Muye as if no one was watching. He hurried into the club.

In the room, Bai Xue was a little worried: "Will he follow?"

Li Muye shook his head: "It's hard to say. The chances are 50 to 50. It depends on his gambling habit and how much he wants to take revenge on me."

Bai Xue received the wireless signal from the surveillance personnel outside, and her eyes lit up: "He's coming!"

On the gambling table, there was a fierce battle.

Zheng Yunzhi, who couldn't hold himself back, had already sat down at the gambling table. Several cooperative players had lost all their money, leaving only Li Muye and him still competing for the final winner. In the current situation, he has a slight advantage, but Li Muye still has a lot of chips left, so at least he is not considered a loser.

"I've been watching you for two days. I thought you had a fat donkey, but I didn't expect you to be an expert." Li Muye picked up a chip representing two thousand yuan and threw it into the circle. He lay back and said, "It seems Not only will I not be able to steal any fish today, but I will also make a big fuss."

Zheng Yunzhi touched the face that had just been slapped, looked at the chips in front of him, smiled proudly, and said in blunt Chinese: "I'm very lucky today."

Li Muye took out a cigarette, and Bai Xue beside him immediately lit it, took a deep breath, and said: "If you win, you win. Don't be too proud. Don't forget that you haven't taken the money out of this room yet." Look around. There were several young people standing around.

Zheng Yunzhi looked around calmly, then glanced at the woman beside him, spread his hands and said, "What? You want to be a rogue because you can't win the bet?"

Li Muye sneered and waved his hand. A young man behind him brought a box and placed it on the table. After opening it, he revealed a box full of money and pushed it in front of Zheng Yunzhi.

"All this money belongs to you." Li Muye said angrily: "It's more than enough to redeem your chips. I just want you to know that this little money is not in my eyes yet."

Zheng Yunzhi rolled his eyes, leaned forward, grabbed the money box in his hand, and asked, "My friend, can I leave here with the money?"

Li Muye made a sign of "please do as you please" and said, "I'm willing to admit defeat. I'm here to eat. Of course, I have to follow the rules of this industry."

This is called playing hard to get, and it is a part of the plan.

Zheng Yunzhi's reaction was exactly as expected. He thanked him, picked up the money box, and prepared to leave the room.

At this time, Bai Xue was extremely worried, but she followed Li Muye's previous instructions and resisted not looking at him. She focused on Li Muye, wondering what this top con man would do in this situation.

"I sent you away with just one million. It's a pity that you have developed such a high level of gambling skills." Li Muye stood up and said, "To tell you the truth, I am preparing a big business. In addition to needing money, I also need a partner of equal strength. I am destined to meet you today. I wanted to kill you as a fat donkey, but you cut off a piece of meat instead. You can eat this piece of meat, but you have to promise me. One condition.”

The implication is, if you don't accept my conditions, you can't even think of leaving this door.

Zheng Yunzhi glanced around, then decisively returned to the gambling table, put the money box down as a bachelor, turned around and left without saying a word.

Bai Xue suddenly became desperate. It was over, this person had already woken up. Li Muye's approach was too hasty. It would be strange if he didn't scare people awake with such a direct threat.

But Li Muye spoke more directly: "You and I work together to do this business, just like picking up money. I have people and you have skills. There are not many opportunities to change your destiny in this life."

A crook is not an agent who is not allowed to make mistakes. Jianghu people are inevitably aggressive and aggressive. At this time, some direct statements are needed to be more consistent with his identity. Being too restrained will arouse the suspicion of this old fox. Li Muye looked at Zheng Yunzhi's back confidently.

One step, two steps, three steps.

Zheng Yunzhi had already reached the door, and suddenly paused.

At this moment, Bai Xue's heart almost jumped out of her chest.

"How much?" Zheng Yunzhi stepped on the threshold with one foot, turned around and asked, "If I agree to cooperate with you, how much money can I get?"

He's in.

People sometimes decide to take risks, not because they are not smart enough, but because they are too greedy.

An old and common scam induces an old and common mistake.

The key to success or failure is actually the details.

Li Muye's gambling skills and this relatively superficial scam, Zheng Yunzhi's sense of vanity and confidence brought about by turning back after seeing through the gamble, and the greed stimulated by the last box of money made him unable to refuse the cake drawn by Li Muye.

When these details came together, Zheng Yunzhi lost his rational judgment.

Li Muye has been recognized by him as a charlatan, and the next thing will be easier to handle. According to the original plan, now is the time to make friends.

When Jianghu people make friends, they usually have two ways of communicating, alcohol and sex.

In the suite, the dishes on the dining table were messy. Two women were chatting.

Li Muye took Zheng Yunzhi to exchange gambling skills in the living room and talk over wine.

"I think the first step is to stabilize the other party."

Zheng Yunzhi is very talkative. Before becoming a member of the special front, he was a less successful professional gambler. He was later recruited into this industry because of his special skills. After bidding farewell to the days of never having a good meal, his gambling skills gradually improved, but there were fewer and fewer places to use them, which was a pity for him. Obviously, he was more interested in Li Muye's big business.

"Drink!" Li Muye seemed to be a little drunk, shaking his body and said: "We can put aside the things at the gambling table for a while. Tonight we are just making friends and having fun. We can have fun as much as we want." Then, he drank a large glass of wine. Bai Xue followed the plan and came to stop her. Li Muye laughed and held her in his arms savagely, raising and lowering his hands, kissing and chewing her randomly. Bai Xue struggled half acting and half instinctively. Li Muye became furious and gave her a slap in the mouth with his backhand. Bai Xue screamed and rushed towards her to fight. Li Muye pinned her down.

"If you want to embarrass me and throw me back home, and come here to spoil my fun, believe it or not, I will strangle you to death?"

Not to be outdone, Bai Xue said: "You bastard, you are mentally ill. Do you have the guts to strangle me to death?"

Li Muye said: "Do you think I don't dare?" As he said that, he pretended to strangle him to death.

Zheng Yunzhi couldn't bear to watch and hurriedly stepped forward to stop him. After some persuasion, Li Muye felt that the heat was almost over and let her get up. Bai Xue ran back to the room crying. Zheng Yunzhi looked a little embarrassed when Bai Xue entered the room, and asked, "Do you need the two of us to avoid it? You can go over and persuade me."

Li Muye waved his hand and said, "No, it's all just an act. No matter how much she drinks on weekdays, she never talks nonsense. I don't know what kind of wind she got from smoking today."

The more the two of them messed around, the more at ease Zheng Yunzhi felt. According to common sense analysis, being a secret agent is a meticulous profession, and it is almost impossible to do such a ridiculous and eye-catching act.

Zheng Yunzhi looked at Li Muye with squinted eyes and insisted: "It's better to persuade her. If the woman's mood is not calmed down, I'm afraid something will happen."

Li Muye followed the trend, got up and returned to the room.

**No one was there. Bai Xue's clothes were scattered on it from inside to outside, and the sound of water being discharged came from the bathroom.

Li Muye sat on a chair and smoked. He carefully thought about every aspect of tonight. It was quite satisfactory and no flaws had been revealed so far. I kept hearing the sound of Bai Xue showering in my ears. This girl is not a good girl.

When making the decision to return to China, Li Muye had already expected that Chen Miao would not simply let him go freely. Daily supervision is what the question is about, it is both protection and control. For Li Muye, the feeling of being stared at was not very good. If he could refuse, he would have refused.

If you can't refuse, you can only find a way with the person responsible for supervision. Regarding Bai Xue, Li Muye had recently done a lot of work by insinuating Lao Chu and found out that this woman had been divorced twice, the first of which was a foreign marriage. Bai Xue was twenty-two years old at the time, and the woman from Lockheed Martin was The top project engineer was fifty years old. Half a year after his marriage, this old-hearted American suddenly suffered a stroke and became a vegetative state due to excessive indulgence.

Bai Xue filed a lawsuit in court on the grounds that the other party could not fulfill her marital obligations, and received a large sum of property.

In her second marriage, the other person was a Chinese-American physicist who owned his own laboratory and company. The two had a cooperative entrepreneurial relationship. In the early stage, Bai Xue appreciated each other's talent and did not hesitate to give money to support the other's career, but after making a breakthrough After the sexual success, they quickly agreed to divorce. The reason is that life is not harmonious. And the main responsibility lies with the man. Bai Xue returned to the country after dividing most of the property. The physicist fell ill shortly after the divorce.

Hence the reputation of the poisonous widow.

Bai Xue's professionalism is very high. Before this incident, it can be said that there was no chance to develop any special relationship with her. To this mature and intelligent woman, Li Muye did not dare to appear too deliberate or eager. When Bai Xue approached him about this matter, Li Muye immediately realized that this was an opportunity, but in order not to arouse her suspicion, he deliberately acted very resistant at first. It wasn't until Bai Xue brought out the evidence of Wang Hongye's mother's crime that she relented.

When making the plan, I had been thinking about how to take the opportunity to develop a special relationship with her. It was not until this moment that I realized that a simple relationship between a man and a woman was not enough to make this bitch one of my own.

Listening to the sound of the shower, I imagined that there was a curvaceous beauty taking a bath inside. Li Muye is a little distracted. Suddenly I thought: Is this fucking thing I want to pick up with her, or is this tiger bitch taking the opportunity to take advantage of me? Or maybe Chen Miao deliberately sent this bitch to him for the same purpose? (End of chapter)