
Chapter 11: Re-enter the world


The most important thing in a person's life is to have a goal. Once you have established a clear goal and find the life you want, you must pursue it boldly. Some people have clear goals and pursue fame and fortune by any means. Although there is something shameful about it, it is far better than those guys who sit there and do nothing, just sit there talking and eating all day long, waiting to die.

Li Muye's goal is not fame or profit, but to marry Zhang Na home as his wife. If in the process of achieving this goal, he needs to be famous, he will seek fame at all costs. If he needs to have a lot of wealth, then he will go all out to pursue wealth.

Thinking of Zhang Na, Li Muye suddenly remembered that in a certain TV series, the last big devil finally dominated the world and was proud of the imperial city, but was suddenly told that the love of his life had committed suicide. In an instant, this invincible devil lost all interest in everything in the world.

What’s the point of solo dancing without an audience, even if it’s magnificent

Without Nana, what’s the point of the stable and prosperous life that we can expect in the future

On the platform of Tianhe East Station, Li Muye looked around blankly and finally saw that mediocre face in the crowd. This person is said to be a relative of Li Qizhi. When I contacted you before, I sent a photo via the Internet.

"Are you Li Muye?" The middle-aged man came over, looked Li Muye up and down, nodded and said, "Follow me."

After getting in the car, the middle-aged man drove and let Li Muye sit in the passenger seat. He walked all the way through the city center with many high-rise buildings. After an hour and a half, he arrived at a relatively less prosperous area, dominated by mid- to low-rise buildings. area.

The commercial vehicle drove into a yard, and the strong man at the door closed the big black iron door.

Li Muye got out of the car. On the platform on the second floor, Li Qizhi was looking at him happily with a cigar in his mouth and said, "Little brother, you came to see me after all."

"I'm here to get some money." The way he looked up made Li Muye feel a little uncomfortable. Li Qizhi's condescending attitude was obviously intentional.

Time has passed, and the original relationship between master and apprentice has become insignificant in the face of the natural barriers of Jianghu people. When they met after many years, both of them were somewhat wary and competitive. It will be difficult to return to the simple relationship we had at the beginning.

"So, didn't you think of hanging out with me when you were desperate?" Li Qizhi flicked the ashes from his cigarette, sat down on a chair, and said calmly: "Since you are here to find money, you might as well tell me how you plan to find it. Bar?"

Li Muye tried his best to look sophisticated and calm, pointed at his head and said: "I have a plan here, and you have a mature team, and now you have a black money that has been laundered. As long as we cooperate, it can be said that It’s very easy to get, I wonder if you, old man, are interested?”

"You kid, you are really promising. We haven't seen each other for several years, but you can't even call him master when we meet?" Li Qizhi didn't answer, but blamed Li Muye for his lack of etiquette.

"There are still countless threads on my body that are being chopped off. I'm afraid that we men won't have that fate between us." Li Muye said: "I'm here to find a partner, not to ask for help. Once this matter is done, it will be a good thing for you." I have benefits. If I can't bring you any benefits, you may not like to hear me calling you "Master" a few times in a false sense. If you think the plan is feasible, if you don't call me "Master", you will still consider me Li Muye in your heart. Become a disciple."

"Tell me about the money first." Li Qizhi nodded, walked down the stairs to Li Muye, took out a cigar from his pocket, played with it in his hand, and said, "Let me hear first whether it is worth the trip. trip."

"The money is about 50 million." Li Muye said: "A while ago, Hong Wenxue, the deputy mayor of Coal City, presided over the special steel factory to establish a joint-stock joint venture with Hong Kong businessmen, and asked the workers to raise funds to buy shares, at least 5,000 per person. Later, This money was taken by him and the factory director Zhang Li to Hong Kong Island to receive imported equipment. In the process, Zhang Li was framed and became the sinner who lost 50 million in a Macau casino."

"Actually, this money was swallowed up by Hong Wenxue." Li Qizhi took over and said: "The factory director named Zhang Li took the blame. Externally, this money has been lost to the casino in Macau. In fact, he won The person who took the money was an accomplice of Hong Wenxue." He paused and said, "If my guess is correct, then this group of Hong Kong businessmen are not simple."

Li Muye was a little surprised: "It was Hong Wenxue who set up Zhang Li. What does it have to do with Hong Kong businessmen?"

Li Qizhi chuckled and said: "How else can I say that you are not qualified to be a disciple?" Then he said: "What does Hong Wenxue do? How many years does it take for an ordinary person to grow into a deputy mayor? In the domestic environment How many complicated Jianghu enchantments can he come into contact with? Do you think he can design such a fairy bureau?"

Li Muye blinked, raised his thumb and praised: "High, really high, worthy of being a master, I'm convinced."

Li Qizhi waved his words humbly, but with a proud smile on his face and in a good mood, he continued: "According to my analysis, this matter was a set-up from the beginning. The so-called Hong Kong businessmen are actually a group of mature and experienced big businessmen." The scammer negotiated cooperation with the special steel factory under the guise of investment, but in fact it was for the purpose of defrauding."

"If it was for fraud, why didn't you leave after getting 50 million?" Li Muye really couldn't figure it out this time.

Li Qizhi said: "Of course it's because their purpose is not the funds raised."

“If it’s not for the fundraising money, then what is it for?”

"Of course it's money." Li Qizhi said with a strong southern accent: "Is it possible that when they are full, they go to the place where Lei Feng fought to learn from Lei Feng?"

Li Muye thought about it carefully, then suddenly realized, his eyes lit up: "They are getting investment from banks for the Coal City Government!"

"You can teach me!" Li Qizhi nodded: "Nowadays, the whole country is engaged in attracting investment. In order to seek political achievements, some local governments are so hot that they can bake sweet potatoes. When they see foreign investment, they rush in without caring. This This gave many professional crooks an opportunity to take advantage of. This group of people clearly took advantage of Hong Wenxue’s greed. While they defrauded Zhang Li, they also dug a big hole for your special steel factory.”

"It means they helped Hong Wenxue set up Zhang Li, and then used Hong Wenxue to defraud the city of loans?" Li Muye extended his thinking and analyzed.

For this matter, Li Muye did a lot of homework before setting off. The total investment in the special steel plant joint venture project is 1.2 billion. It is jointly operated by three companies, with the city government as the leader bearing 40% of the total investment, and the special steel factory providing 25% of the factory equipment as compensation. The more than 50 million raised funds are used to purchase equipment. The person responsible for contacting the equipment is a Hong Kong businessman. At the same time, they have to bear 35% of the project funds.

Li Qizhi had never done any homework, but he just listened to the beginning and guessed the whole story.

Now, there is a problem in the equipment procurement process of the special steel plant. Hong Kong businessmen can choose to withdraw their investment and sue the coal city government and the special steel plant for breach of contract at the same time, thereby demanding large amounts of liquidated damages. But this is not their ultimate goal, because the city will definitely not accept it. They will definitely use their best efforts to mediate. In order to retain Hong Kong businessmen, they will use funds to purchase equipment for the second time. Hong Kong businessmen can take the opportunity to ask for full intervention in the capital management and control process for the sake of capital security...

In this game, Hongwenxue is the only door to life and death. Through those 50 million, they have completely mastered this person.

Li Muye was completely convinced after hearing this, and said with some worry: "If it's just Hong Wenxue, I'm still a little sure, but if the other party is an experienced con man, then these two moves won't be enough for me."

Li Qizhi chuckled lightly and said: "I debuted at the age of sixteen, and have been on the road for thirty-two years. What formations have I not seen before? The so-called Thousand Gates and Six Formations, which have been put around, never change from the original, these three rings Taoyue's ecstasy formation seems complicated, but it's actually nothing special. As long as we capture their cover generals and watch their fire generals, there's still a chance to cut them off."

Li Muye said: "So, do you have a way to break into this game?"

Li Qizhi glanced at the strong man, then at the mediocre-looking middle-aged man, and said: "Nowadays, the bowl of rice in Jianghu is becoming more and more unpalatable. Since the beginning of last year, the country has severely cracked down on pseudoscience. All the masters were beaten to death, and those who were not laid down have all gone abroad. The tricks we played in the past no longer work. I have always been thinking about finding an opportunity to earn a pension. Today, this opportunity came to my door. Here you go, would you like to come with me?"

In Wuyang City, people come and go in a hurry.

Three days later, a group of five people had returned to Northeast China.

These five people are: Wind General Li Muye, Zheng General Li Qizhi, Ti General Qiu Xuehua, Fire General Lu Yuan, and Yao General Wang Baoshu. Among these people, except Li Qizhi, Li Muye had only come into contact with one Lu Yuan, his second senior brother back then.

The laoqian pays attention to the upper eight and the lower eight, and the upper eight is also called the eight generals of Qianmen. The division of labor is careful, they are Zheng, Ti, Fan, Tuo, Feng, Huo, Chu and Yao, collectively known as the Eight Generals of Qianmen. The next eight generals are Chong, Liu, Tian, Feng, Zhong, Ma, Zhen and Kun.

The so-called "Eight Lower Generals" are also the most unorthodox and incompetent among the crooks. It turns out that the scammer only has "eight generals" and he only uses clever "surgery" to deceive others. But gradually, some unlearned and unskilled people just want to achieve the purpose of defrauding money, regardless of other things, and even use violence when things go wrong. People in the world call these unorthodox scammers the "eight generals" .

Li Muye provided the funds and was the initiator of this bureau, but as a con man he was still too young, so Li Qizhi had to be the leader.

The five people left the train station and immediately split up. Li Qizhi checked into the hotel with the young and beautiful Qiu Xuehua. Kong Wuli's second senior brother Lu Yuan stayed alone in a small hotel where registration was not very strict. Wang Baoshu went directly to the newspaper office.

Li Muye returned to the Internet cafe and immediately called Wang Hongjun for a private discussion.

"Brother Wang, have we been friends for a few years?" Li Muye threw a cigarette over.

Wang Hongjun said: "Brother, if you have anything to say, just tell me. I will sell this Internet cafe to my family at such a low price. This favor will be enough for my brother to pay for it for a lifetime."

Li Muye said: "It's nothing big. I just want you to take us two to the China World Hotel to stay for a few days."

Wang Hongjun was stunned for a moment and said: "Brother, are you okay? That place is extremely expensive, and you can't even charge management fees. Why do you want me to live there?"

"I'll pay for it, so you guys can live and eat for free, and keep an eye on one person for me." Li Muye said, "This person's name is Wei Dongming."

"That Hong Kong businessman who is often talked about in the news?" Wang Hongjun asked with a straight eyebrow: "Why are you staring at him?" Then his eyes lit up: "What's the matter? Brother, do you want to make a fortune from him?" (End of Chapter)