
Chapter 31: Meeting an old friend in a foreign land


"My daughter is hungry." The female officer said in less proficient Chinese: "Please don't look at me like this. This is not good. Although you are still very young, staring at me like this makes me feel uncomfortable. "

Li Muye came to his senses, turned around quickly and wanted to go back to the bed to lie down. Then he remembered the purpose of getting up, turned around and walked towards the door. He opened the door as if to escape and walked out of the private room quickly. My heart was beating fast, and my mind was still thinking about the white and plump artifact. I made some dirty comparisons in my mind: bigger than Meng Fanbing, more delicate than Wang Hongye, I wonder how delicate it is compared to Nana

There was a dazzling array of products in the duty-free supermarket. Li Muye bought a lot of cooked food and pure wheat dishes, and also bought two four-liter barrels of mineral water. When I was checking out and leaving, I accidentally went back and bought some milk beans and cheese snacks. Plus some Russian sausage and grilled fish. Finally, I picked up a bucket of fresh Far Eastern goat milk.

Back in the carriage, the child had already fallen asleep. The female officer was wearing a clean long-sleeved shirt and holding dental equipment in her hand. It looked like she had just finished washing.

Li Muye stuffed part of the food he bought under the bed and placed the other part on the table.

After a while, the female officer came over and said, "I'm sorry for disturbing your peace."

Li Muye looked out the window, waved his hands and said, "It's okay, it's not easy for you, eldest sister. You should have a comfortable place to rest after walking such a long way with a child."

"I have wine here." The female officer opened her luggage bag and took out a bottle of liquor.

Li Muye refused: "I don't drink."

The female officer took the initiative to sit across from me and said, "Do you mind if I drink a little?"

Li Muye pointed to the sausages and grilled fish on the table and said, "Eat whatever you want. Isn't it said that drinking alcohol during breastfeeding is bad for children?"

The female officer smiled and said, "We Russians are not so particular." As she said that, she poured herself a glass.

"Sister, I couldn't help myself just now."

"It's okay. You're still young. It doesn't matter if you take a look. The most important thing for a breastfeeding woman is her child."

"No, I'm talking about my refusal to let you move in before."

"Oh, that's okay. That's your right. The train conductor violated your rights by being special, and it's all because of me." She picked up the cup and said, "For your generosity." She raised her head. Drink it all. He poured a second cup and said, "This cup is for your grilled fish." He drank it all in one gulp.

The third cup is for our friendship. The fourth cup is for the friendship between China and Russia.

The wine bottle is large, with typical Russian-style packaging. The alcohol smell is strong, and you can tell it is a high-strength liquor when you smell it.

The fifth cup was for God's sake. After drinking it, she decisively capped the bottle. When she was eating grilled fish and sausages, she was already a little drunk. She squinted and said, "You Chinese men are good at everything. You don't drink and beat your wives. You can cook delicious meals. No matter how much money you make, you don't go out to cause trouble." flower."

Li Muye said: "Then you haven't met that bad guy. Not only do you drink and beat your wife, you never do housework and go out to fool around after making money."

The female officer yawned and said, "That's also because I have developed bad habits after not meeting any powerful female talents." Before Li Muye could refute, he waved his hand and said, "You are a child, and you don't understand what I said. , I should go to sleep, I won’t tell you.” After saying that, he stood up unsteadily, walked back to the bunk, and fell asleep.

Li Muye noticed that she deliberately avoided the sleeping children when she lay down, and she still remained sober even when she was drunk.

I didn't sleep much all night. First there was the snoring of the Russian elder sister, and then the deafening cry of the little girl who wet the bed in the middle of the night. Finally, I was able to cook quickly. The little girl didn't sleep, so the Russian elder sister played with me for a while. . It was not until four o'clock that the two of them became completely quiet.

Li Muye stayed up all night, and no matter how energetic he was, he would still feel sleepy, so he could only use the existing conditions to meditate and rest his mind.

Next, besides eating, Li Muye spent almost the whole day reading.

In addition to feeding herself, the Russian eldest sister also has to feed the little girl, otherwise she will have to listen to her strange singing voice. The more I listen to it, the more I get used to it and it doesn’t feel particularly noisy anymore.

The train conductor came once at noon and brought money for a refund. Li Muye took it in his hand unceremoniously.

The conductor brought some food to the Russian eldest sister, said a few words and then left. From the beginning to the end, the Russian eldest sister was indifferent to him.

When the train enters Mongolia, it needs to change carriages. It is said that the reason is because the tracks are different.

Mongolian soldiers boarded the car to check passports and visas. From the front of the car to the back of the car, the inspection was extremely careful.

When Li Muye was carefully interrogated, he noticed that the Russian eldest sister had made special arrangements and was exempted from inspection!

From this, I became more and more curious, who is this lady in military uniform who is nursing a baby and can drink a large bottle of high-strength alcohol

After the interrogation, another group of passengers boarded the train and continued westward. In the evening, Li Muye wanted to go to the dining car to get some hot food, so he went outside and walked straight into the dining car. As soon as he entered, he noticed something was wrong in the atmosphere. When he came to his senses, there was already a sharp blade around his neck. dagger.

"Don't move!" The knife holder said in Chinese: "Honestly take out the money and I will spare your life, otherwise..."

"Brother, I'll give you some money." Li Muye interrupted him and politely threw the ticket money returned by the train conductor on the dining table.

The gangster behind him opened his eyes when he saw the money and immediately went to get the money. The moment the knife left his neck, Li Muye seized the opportunity to duck down and get rid of the control of the gangster behind him. The gangster went to grab the money and ignored Li Muye's bold move. Li Muye glanced at him out of curiosity and suddenly recognized this person.

It was actually Bai Peng.

Li Muye looked at him, and Bai Peng also happened to look over. Their eyes met, and they both recognized each other.

We met again after a long absence, but I didn't expect it would be under such circumstances.

As expected, this kid embarked on the road of being a car gangster and a road bully. Li Muye had known for a long time that this day would come to him. This could be regarded as realizing his ideal in life.

Some people are born unwilling to learn well. It is not that Bai Peng has no chance to be an upright and good person, but compared to having a relatively normal life, Bai Peng, who is lazy and worships force, is more willing to use his innate conditions to get something for nothing. In Lu Yuan's words, some people are naturally unwilling to keep their own rules and are lazy, so they can only be bad people who hurt others to get something for nothing. Such people will also have family and loved ones, and sometimes they will have the feeling of risking their lives. , but in a broad sense, he is an absolute bad guy.

"Aren't you Li Muye?" Bai Peng looked surprised, still holding tightly the money Li Muye just dropped.

Li Muye wanted to pretend that he didn't recognize him, but his eyes and facial expressions already recognized his identity, so he had no choice but to nod and smile: "It turns out to be Bai Peng."

Bai Peng said: "I really didn't expect to meet you here again." As he said that, he stuffed the money in his trouser pocket.

Li Muye noticed that he was not alone. There were three knife-wielders in the carriage who were searching the passengers in a rough way. He chuckled and said, "I didn't expect that either."

Bai Peng asked with a smile: "Are you rich now? Have you become an international bankrupt?"

Li Muye shook his head and said, "No, I just can't survive in China anymore and want to find a meal in Russia."

Bai Peng shook the dagger in his hand and said: "After so many years, the two of us can meet again, which means that we two brothers are really destined. How about you come with us? Anyway, you are going to Moscow to beg for food." life."

Li Muye said: "Forget it, I don't have the talent to do your job. Look, you are all big and round, which makes people scared. With my small body, I can't even put together all the clothes." Jin, God didn’t reward me with this bowl of rice.”

Bai Peng laughed happily, shaking his body like a bear, stretched out his big hand like a cattail leaf fan and patted Li Muye on the shoulder, saying: "Isn't your boy quite strong? Besides, in our line of work, physical fitness is not the most important thing. , but courage, I remember that you escaped because of murder, right?"

"Let's forget it." Li Muye said resolutely, "Bai Peng, considering the hardships we have endured together, I have no idea if you took the money away, but I ask you to let me go. Don’t embarrass me, buddy, I just want to go to Russia now, find a job, and live a good life.”

Bai Peng's face turned cold, he stared at Li Muye, and said grimly: "Are you really confused, or are you pretending to be confused? You have already recognized me, which is called taking a photo in the jargon, do you understand? Understand? I recruited you to join my gang just to save you, why do you have the nerve to ask me for your money?"

This is trouble. It's not that Li Muye doesn't understand the rules, it's just that he still takes a chance on Bai Peng's humanity. Unexpectedly, this kid would fall out of favor faster than turning over a book. I was wondering whether I should kill him immediately or jump out of the car and escape if necessary.

At this moment, four people hurriedly walked in from the other end of the carriage. The leader was a short man who strode forward and came to Bai Peng. He raised his hand with a big mouth. He scolded: "You are a puppy, you are still here to tease me. Did I ask you to come to the dining car to get money?" He spoke with a southwest Bashu accent.

The tall and tall Bai Peng didn't even dare to show off in front of this man. He quickly nodded and bowed and said: "Brother, I was wrong. Brother, I was wrong. He is not here. He should be in the tall bag in front."

The short man ignored him and ran directly in the direction of Gaobao. The others followed closely, and Bai Peng quickly grabbed Li Muye and followed.

Of course Li Muye didn't want to go, but if there was a conflict with Bai Peng in this situation, the capable dwarf would kill someone if he couldn't protect him. Li Muye noticed that there was a pistol pinned to the waistband of his trousers, which was obviously not the same as those imitations. I had to lower my head and follow behind.

The short man came to the door of a carriage, kicked the door open, took a look inside, and cursed: "You're a bastard." He turned to the young woman and the old man who were having sex and asked, "You two Happy, have you ever seen a beautiful foreign woman holding a baby?"

Li Mu's ambition suddenly moved, and it turned out that they were coming for Karelina.

Li Muye had met the young woman several times before. She was dressed in a coquettish and vulgar manner, and behaved frivolously. She always asked people if she wanted to hunt rabbits. Rabbit is a code word for a female professional who is dedicated to accompany people on this train to relieve their boredom. Not only are there rabbits, but there are also rabbit masters who specialize in serving some lonely female prostitutes.

Women always like to pay more attention to beautiful women. When this bitch saw this situation, she immediately realized that something big had happened and shouted quickly: "Brother, don't kill me. The person you are looking for is in the No. 9 private room in front."

The short man looked at her coldly and cursed: "Shameless bastards, I hate women like you who go around hooking up with wild men." As he said that, he pulled out his pistol and shot at the woman's white body. Three shots!

Those who draw their guns and kill people are the real outlaws. No wonder Bai Peng, a six-foot-tall man, is so afraid of him.

The old prostitute was so frightened that his body was like chaff and he howled and screamed. The short man simply refused to do anything else and sent him down to be a couple with the same destiny.

When the short man turned around, he noticed that there was an outsider in the team. He glared at Li Muye and asked, "Who is your kid?" (End of Chapter)