
Chapter 39: Give it a try


Late at night, Sharif Street, Paradise Bar.

Amidst the loud music, the **girl with an exaggerated figure is exciting the whole audience. Andre held up the wine bottle and swayed along. Jin Xiangji sat quietly next to the stage. Li Muye leaned into her ear and said, I want to go to the bathroom. After saying that, he set off and ran to the bathroom. Jin Xiangji said, I happen to want to go too. He got up and followed. Li Muye said that I want to do big things very slowly. Jin Xiangji smiled and replied, It's okay, I'll wait for you.

In the bathroom, Li Muye quietly took out the wax pill, crushed it and found that there was only a small note inside, with a line of small characters written in twisted Chinese.

The third part has been secretly delivered to the mirror in the bathroom of your room. Make sure it is safe before handing it over.

What's the meaning

The third part is easy to understand. The electrical engineering drawing of the Kazan is divided into three parts. The first part has been delivered and was taken away by Chu Qinchuan. No date has been set for delivery of the second part. How come the third part has been delivered secretly? But why did Karelina ask me to ensure safety first before handing it over? Does she think Chu Qinchuan is not trustworthy? Or can't be completely trusted? Could it be that they will kill me to silence me after this is done

Time was limited, so Li Muye soaked the paper ball in water, crushed it into pieces, and flushed it into the sewer. After making sure everything was safe, he gathered his emotions and came out. As expected, Jin Xiangji was waiting at the door, her face full of joy and she said: "Didn't you say that we are going to do something big? Why so fast?"

Li Muye said: "False alarm, wasted half a day's efforts."

The two of them returned to the dance floor together. Li Muye returned to his seat. Before he could sit firmly on his buttocks, he saw a drunken man swaying towards him, staring directly at him. Seems to have bad intentions.

Sure enough, this big man, who was more than two meters tall and had typical Nordic male features, came to Li Muye and started talking nonstop. He was gesturing with his hands, seeming to be getting more and more excited as he spoke. Li Muye stared at him with a straight eyebrow, not knowing what this guy was talking about. Looking around, Andre was missing at this time. Jin Xiangji beside her suddenly said: "This guy said that we are Tatars and have taken away the few job opportunities from Russians. He wants you to buy him a drink, otherwise you will cause trouble."

Li Muye had already heard on the road that the security situation here was worrying. The reform has brought huge pains. Too many people have become drunkards after losing their jobs, which directly leads to frequent criminal cases. Especially the relatively weak Easterners are the key targets of robbery and extortion.

"Knock him down, is there any problem?" Li Muye said to Jin Xiangji.

"Impossible." Jin Xiangji refused: "This man weighs three hundred pounds, unless he uses a gun."

"Then just give me some money to spend." Li Muye said angrily: "You can't even send me away to a little ruffian, how dare I expect you to protect my safety?"

Jin Xiangji said: "If a girl like me casually knocks down a big man weighing 350 pounds, then you really have to worry about your own safety. The most important thing in our line of work is to keep a low profile, regardless of appearance. Whether you are outstanding or mediocre is just to paralyze your opponent. It is better to do less special actions." After that, he said something to the big man in Russian. Then he handed the big man a banknote.

The big man took the money but didn't leave. He waved his hands and pouted, and talked a lot.

Li Muye asked, "What did you tell him?"

Jin Xiangji frowned and said, "I gave him the money for the drink as you wanted, but now he wants me to go have a drink with him."

He's so shameless. Li Muye's biggest regret in his life was witnessing his sister becoming that bastard Gao Xiaosong's girlfriend in order to make a living, and suffering so much, but he did nothing until his sister left that city.

Professional agents should act in a low profile, but Brother Ono, as a semi-professional bastard, wants to be as high-profile as possible.

When Li Muye stood up, he picked up a wine bottle. Jin Xiangji looked at this arrogant man indifferently.

The big Russian man stood there like a wall of flesh, with an arrogant expression and cold eyes that conveyed contempt.

"Tell him, either take the money and continue to pour horse urine, or I will open a skylight on his head!" Li Muye's unruly eyes stared at the big man without fear, and said to Jin Xiangji in a arrogant tone. .

Jin Xiangji covered her lips with a smile and said, "You should think it over carefully before speaking. We don't have such a deep friendship yet, and I'm not as strong as you think."

Li Muye said proudly: "It's not just for you. If it were any woman today, even if she was a douchebag, I can't watch her being bullied by this bear-like man. Is this for the sake of the morality of the Jianghu people!" "

"It seems that you are serious about doing this." Jin Xiangji put away her smile, looked at Li Muye seriously, nodded, and said: "Then I will translate it truthfully." After saying that, she turned to the Russian man. Wow, he talked a lot.

After hearing this, the Russian man was not as furious as he had imagined. Instead, he burst out laughing with an arrogant expression. He looked at Li Muye with contempt. With his hands on his hips, he stepped in front of Li Muye, lowered his head slightly and pointed at his head, meaning where are you going to open a skylight for me

Li Muye squinted at him, thinking about the fighting tips Chen Binghui had said. If you are not a heavyweight opponent, don't try to win in a fair and aboveboard way, because the basis of this kind of contest is not fair. Unless your own physical cultivation has reached a level beyond the ordinary.

Obviously, Li Muye still has a lifetime of practice before he can reach that mysterious level. Therefore, while Li Muye raised the wine bottle, he also raised his legs.

This kick was sinister and vicious, viciously kicking the big Russian man in the crotch.

No matter how strong a man is, he can't live without a pair of weak balls.

The big man was suddenly plotted against, and he bent over in pain. The wine bottle in Li Muye's hand hit him hard on the bridge of his nose, causing his bones to break and blood to flow. The big man screamed in pain, and his hands were in a mess. Li Muye looked at him calmly, raised the wine bottle for the third time, and hit the big man on the back of the head with all his strength. The thickened wine bottle was broken into pieces, leaving only the mouth of the bottle, and a hole was hit in the big man's head. He fell to the ground with a thud.

"Damn it, you have no shame!" Li Muye spit at the big man, then went over and kicked the big man in the face. The big man turned over in pain. Li Muye was secretly shocked. This bear really resisted being beaten. It would not be surprising for an ordinary person to be beaten to death after such a heavy blow. This guy didn't even faint.

The big man struggled to stand up, but Li Muye rushed over and pushed him to the ground, knelt down on one knee and pressed on his neck, pointed the remaining bottle spout in his hand at his eyes, and shouted: "Don't move! He turned to Jin Xiangji and said, "Translate it to him, and then ask him if he accepts it. If he says no, I will destroy one of his eyes first."

Jin Xiangji had no idea that this seemingly harmless Chinese boy would have such a ferocious and domineering side. She was really surprised. After Li Muye finished speaking, it took her a while to react. She nodded repeatedly and translated according to Li Muye's meaning: Speak Russian to the big man.

The big Russian man looked at Li Muye, their eyes met, and he felt the ferocious will in the eyes of the Chinese young man. He suddenly became honest and said sorry several times.

At this time, the bar security guard also arrived. Li Muye threw away the bottle spout, took out a handful of cash from his pocket and gave it to the big man, saying, "This is over. Do you have any questions?"

The big man was in a panic, but he didn't forget to collect the banknotes that Li Muye threw in his hand. The security guard asked him what was going on? This guy waved his hand and said in Russian that it was a misunderstanding. The security guard said that the fight in the bar affected our business and a misunderstanding was not enough. It means looking for trouble. Jin Xiangji translated his conversation with the security guard to Li Muye. Li Muye walked up to the security guard and stuffed a few bills over.

The security guard retreated with understanding, saying, "Don't cause trouble, otherwise you will be in trouble." Li Muye cursed in Chinese, "Damn it, uncle, you're very picky about a broken place. Be careful, I bought it for you and raised a bear to play with. If you want all of you, get out of here." She turned to the Russian man and asked, "Brother, how are you?" Jin Xiangji translated this sentence.

The big Russian man covered the back of his head with his hand. There was a lot of blood there, but now the blood has solidified. The guy spread his hands and said it didn't matter in Russian.

Moscow is located in the high latitudes of the northern hemisphere. People in this bitter cold land love strong drinks and adventure, and fights are commonplace. This big man was also a man with extraordinary talents. He had a hole in his head and half of his sweater was dyed red due to bleeding, but he seemed to be fine and soon regained his consciousness.

"Okay, I'm a bachelor enough. I'm going to attack you with this energy. I can't let you get this beating in vain." Li Muye shook his neck, waved to the waiter, pointed at the big man, and then took it out of his pocket. He handed two 500 U.S. dollar bills to the waiter and said, "I'll treat him to a drink. Bring me a few bottles of the best wine."

Jin Xiangji continued to serve as the translator. The waiter was a little surprised when he took the money. After confirming that it was correct, he quickly ran back to the counter with a smile on his face and soon took out three large bottles of Supreme Vodka. Li Muye pointed to the seat next to the table and said to the big man: "The fight is over, it's time to drink. Not only will she accompany you, but your brothers will also drink with you." The big Russian man had already been eyeing the three bottles of wine, and he didn't wait. Jin Xiangji translated it and sat down with understanding and opened a bottle of wine.

The situation in Russia is currently in turmoil, and the new president is taking action on the domestic oligarchs and wealthy people. The seven oligarchs who bear the brunt have become extremely rich by taking advantage of the political reform in the past few years, and by plundering and embezzling national assets. Naturally, he is unwilling to be tied down. The result of the confrontation between the two sides is that the country's economy is facing a long period of stagnation. People's livelihood is in decline, and people have no money in their pockets. In order to drink alcohol, drunkards are even brave enough to drink shampoo synthesized from industrial alcohol to satisfy their craving.

On weekdays, this big Russian man can only earn some money by working hard, part of which supports his family, and the rest is just enough to satisfy his craving for some low-quality spirits. Where can I get the chance to drink this top-notch wine that costs hundreds of dollars a bottle? This guy is also a fool. He forgets all hatred when he sees good wine.

Li Muye smiled and watched as he poured himself a large glass. He picked up another bottle and unscrewed the lid, then poured himself a small glass.

"Ask what his name is?" Li Muye asked Jin Xiangji.

"Vasily? Berezovsky? Chuikov." Jin Xiangji asked the answer and translated it to Gu Tianyou, saying: "According to their custom, call him Vasily, and according to the Chinese custom, just call him Chuikov."

"Fuck, this name sounds a bit thunderous." Li Muye laughed at Chuikov. Seeing Chuikov finish three glasses of wine, he said again: "Old Cui, let me ask you another question. If you think that I am If you are a friend enough, answer truthfully. If you think I am not a friend enough, don’t say anything, and don’t fool me with lies.”

"Sure, just ask. As long as I can answer, I will tell you the truth."

"I just want to know who instigated you to trouble me?" (End of Chapter)