
Chapter 4: Lone Fox in Coal City


Things are far less serious than thought.

Article 17 of the Criminal Law [Age of Criminal Responsibility] If a person who has reached the age of sixteen commits a crime, he shall bear criminal responsibility. Anyone who has reached the age of fourteen but not the age of sixteen who commits intentional homicide, intentional injury causing serious injury or death, rape, robbery, drug trafficking, arson, explosion, or poisoning shall bear criminal responsibility. Anyone under the age of fourteen will not be held criminally responsible. The parents will pay civil compensation to the victim, and if necessary, will be sent to a juvenile detention center for reeducation through labor.

Li Muye, who had been on the run for half a year, was sent back by the police. She didn't even have a chance to enter a juvenile detention center because Zhang Na's mother reported that the child was abandoned by her parents one after another, which led to mental stimulation. She was different from other children on weekdays. She was taciturn and not lively at all. He stabbed the tree with a knife at every turn. It's like a landmine, it can explode at any time. If you send it to a juvenile detention center, there's no guarantee that it won't cause problems again.

Send to a mental hospital? That won't work either. It costs money to send me to the hospital. Who will pay for it? The police station certainly does not have this obligation. The company where my parents work is in the process of diverting laid-off workers, and they don’t have the funds or responsibilities. Finally, Zhang Na's mother slapped her thigh and said, "Leave this child to me." If something like this happens again, I will be responsible.

Li Muye was lying on the cement table tennis table, holding his head in his hands, looking at the sun in deep thought. Two teenagers squatted opposite, each holding a table tennis racket.

"Brother Ye, why don't you let us go back to the classroom? If you don't go back and the teacher won't tell you, we can't do it." The tall boy with good looks begged.

"You are the only ones who are still on the school team?" Li Muye turned over, picked up a worn-out table tennis racket on the table, pointed it at the two of them, and said, "I can shave your heads with such a broken thing. , why are you two practicing like this every day?"

"Li Muye, you are bullying people here again." A girl with fair skin and big eyes in a ponytail came from the playground and said to the two people squatting on the ground: "Zhang Hao, Chen Tao, class is about to begin. What are you two doing here, do you want to be as useless as someone else?" He said and gave Li Muye a hard look.

"My mother asked me to ask you, why didn't you go home for dinner yesterday?" She asked angrily, then took out an aluminum lunch box from her close-fitting arms, stuffed it into Li Muye's arms, and said: "Eat. Eat, eat, my mother specially made these buns for her least promising godson, why won’t you be stuffed to death.” After saying that, he turned around and left.

Li Muye held the lunch box in his arms and watched dreamily as she walked into the teaching building and disappeared from sight.

The lunch box still contained the girl's body temperature. Li Muye opened the lid, picked up one and stuffed it into his mouth. It was filled with the aroma of chopped green onion and pork. Zhang Na's father is the section chief of the factory's purchasing department. I heard that the factory is currently undergoing joint-stock reform. Her father, as the most educated and knowledgeable person in the factory, is competing for the position of factory director. Their family lives in the cadre building, and their food and clothing are the best among the children in the school.

Suddenly he thought of Bai Peng again. This turtle grandson sold himself for one hundred yuan. The old bastard is right. It turns out that the so-called loyalty in the world is sometimes priceless, but more often it is so cheap. Looking at the familiar environment and smelling the smell of cinders, Li Muye felt that those few months of free wandering were like a pretty good dream. And Bai Peng is the one who wakes up his sweet dream.

After missing a semester of classes, Li Muye, whose grades were already in a mess, couldn't keep up. Since the Chinese New Year, his test scores have been disastrous on many consecutive occasions. Now he simply hates going to school.

But Zhang Na's mother insisted on forcing him to come to school and stopped going to school until he was in the second grade of junior high school. What would such an older child do? Entering society and fooling around? When does it end? Do you want to be like your father, who has nothing but strength? Compared with your father, you don't even have the strength.

My godmother is a very good person, but she likes to nag too much. Once you start there is no end. The couple and their wild father were educated youths who went to the countryside together and returned to the city together. When the wild father was young, he liked to dance with guns and sticks. Both his godmother and godfather were from scholarly families and belonged to the ninth class with bad backgrounds. In those difficult years, the fate of such people was destined to be very difficult, and this Both the couple were once protected by their wild father.

Li Muye was thinking a lot, but he couldn't figure it out. How will you live your life in the future? Should I continue going to school or find another way out? The more than three months of following Li Qizhi in the arena have made Li Muye understand a lot, gained a lot of knowledge, and learned that life outside is not that easy. Compared with the waiting hall of a train station, the warm heated building and comfortable quilt are obviously more attractive.

These few months of wandering made him realize that he was just a half-grown child who had been cared for and grown up. In terms of temperament, even that idiot Bai Peng was better able to adapt to the outside life than he was. But how to live in the future has to be rethought.

The factory has always had a succession policy, and with the godfather's ability, it probably wouldn't be a problem to get a spot for himself. The only difference is that he is still under sixteen years old, not even the minimum age limit for apprentices. But there will be no problem in falsely changing the age by two next year. But is that kind of life really what you want? Li Muye was very unsure.

The sound of footsteps reached my ears, and it was Zhang Na again. As the only daughter of her godfather and godmother who was only thirty years old, she is the apple of the Zhang family's eye. Although she is not of noble birth, she has developed the disease of a princess. At the age when love first emerged, she was a princess in Li Mu's ambition, even a little unattainable.

"Brother, I'm asking you a favor." She walked to the stone table, her 80% face shining with a 100% light, which was almost dazzling.

Like a soldier who heard the charge, Li Muye sat up and asked without any hesitation, "Tell me, what's the matter?"

"Meng Fanbing asked me to go see a movie at 6:30 in the evening. I really want to go see the Hollywood blockbuster Operation Broken Arrow. My mother said that unless you go with her, she won't trust us two girls." Zhang Na pulled her gently. Li Muye looked up his sleeves and said, "Meng Fanbing and her brother Meng Fanyu will also go. I still have a few questions to ask him."


It is always spring when a girl is pregnant with spring, but unfortunately it is not Ye Ge who is pregnant with her in spring.

Li Muye was a little disappointed.

Strictly speaking, this is definitely a good job. Because, if Zhang Na is the princess in this school, then Meng Fanbing is the most beautiful flower in this school. Her twin brother is the well-deserved school darling of Cold Rolling Factory No. 2 Middle School.

Although Li Muye likes Zhang Na very much, he doesn't like that pretentious school beauty. He even disliked Meng Fanyu who looked like a peacock with his nostrils pointing towards the sky.

The factory cinema was built in the 1950s as a two-story red brick building with a spire. On both sides are the video hall and the billiards room, where idle and unemployed people often gather, with sharp eyes that will not let go of the pockets of every primary school student who passes by.

There was a movie at 6:30, and Li Muye accompanied Zhang Na to the cinema at 6 o'clock. Whenever there is a movie, there will be a tricycle selling melon seed soda at the door. Zhang Na wanted to eat melon seeds, so she said, Brother, buy them for me. Li Muye walked over and bought two packs of melon seeds and a bottle of soda. The money she brought back from her last run away from home had not been spent yet. Before she came out, Zhang Na's mother gave her another ten yuan, including three yuan for a movie ticket. The remaining money was used to buy snacks for Zhang Na.

A young gangster staggered over and waved to Li Muye frivolously: "Kid, give me the melon seeds and soda, and bring the rest of the money as well." He spoke in a completely matter-of-fact tone.

Li Muye rolled his eyes, looked at this guy, and said, "Are you from No. 1 Middle School?"

The little bastard nodded, threw a cigarette into his mouth, lit it, took a deep breath, and replied: "Yes, what? Are you not convinced?"

Li Muye said: "I am Li Muye from No. 2 Middle School. Have you heard about what happened at the old Qianmen? Get away!"

The gangster's expression changed. The incident of Gao Xiaosong's assassination had been widely spread in the corners of this city.

Various versions of Jianghu legends have become more and more magical after being interpreted by the three Chenghu. Some people say that Li Muye, who stabbed people, is mentally ill and killing people is not illegal. It is also said that Li Muye never leaves his body with his triangular scraper. He draws human acupuncture points on big trees every day, and then practices his assassination skills. His knife skills have become so perfect that he can pierce a big tree with one knife. There is also a version that says that Li Muye and his son were both born with horizontal stripes, and were destined to be generals who would kill thousands of people if they took action.

Only Li Muye knew that he was just a half-grown child who could not afford to eat three meals a day and was dependent on others. If it weren't for the sworn hatred between Gao Xiaosong and Gao Xiaosong, he would never have committed such a deadly attack. More than a month of wandering life made him deeply realize that the outside world is not as romantic as shown in the movies. The so-called rivers and lakes are mostly filled with unjust people besides loyalty.

The gangster took a photo of Li Muye and his son, who had a bad reputation in the factory area and retreated regardless of face.

Li Muye returned to Zhang Na carrying the melon seeds and soda he bought.

"Brother, why have you been there for so long?" Zhang Na said unhappily: "What's there to say to that kind of person? If you dare not learn from me, I won't ask my mother to deal with you."

She is still young and doesn't understand that there are some bad people in this world who won't tell you what is right. Treat a few gossips as a kind of communication. As a daughter of a good family, she is accustomed to treating young bastards as ferocious beasts, and if she messes with them even a little bit, she will become a bad person. She has liked to control Li Muye like this since she was a child, and she said this out of concern.

Li Muye chuckled: "No, you must not go home and talk nonsense, otherwise my godmother will not allow me to go back to live in her own house. I don't want to go to your house and live a life where I have to wash my feet every day, no more than once every three days." Take a bath, and there can be no smell in the bed." Zhang Na's mother is now Li Muye's legal guardian, and with the impression of authority she has established since she was a child, she has a strong sense of responsibility, both from the perspective of legal obligations and from an emotional perspective. He can be said to be the person Li Muye respects the most at the moment.

Li Muye was not afraid of anything, but he was a little afraid of the godmother who was nagging her.

Zhang Na smiled proudly and said: "Brother, don't say that I, a girl, don't miss you. Today I asked Meng Fanbing out. More than half of the boys in our school have written love letters to her. I have already written them in front of her." You're so proud, then it all depends on your ability to seize the opportunity."

"Didn't you say before that she dated you?" Li Muye deliberately and mercilessly exposed her inconsistent words.

"Disgusting!" Zhang Na unreasonably pinched Li Muye's arm and said, "If you laugh at me, I will tell my mother about you when I get home tonight." Brother and sister Meng Fanyu came, because they were Dragon and phoenix twins, so they look very similar. Just entering puberty, sister Meng Fanbing's body has begun to grow. He is tall, with shoulder-length hair, delicate and handsome features, and an arrogant face. He always looks at people with a condescending look. Meng Fanyu is taller, nearly 1.8 meters tall, and is already the tallest in his group. He has a good face, is a top student, an active member of extracurricular activities, and is a basketball captain, so he naturally attracts many girls.

Zhang Na's grades are above average, she is healthy and lively, and her face is 80%, but she is not the most outstanding among her many admirers. If there is anything special about her, it is her father who is likely to become the first factory director after the restructuring. The parents of the Meng family brothers and sisters both work in the factory. Their father is the captain of the factory's small fleet, and their mother is the accountant of the branch factory below. They work both jobs. They do all relatively good jobs. Naturally, they hope that Director Zhang can continue to maintain his position after he takes office. current status.

When they met each other, Zhang Na excitedly pulled Meng Fanbing and greeted Meng Fanyu with a shy smile. The latter just nodded slightly and said hello, Zhang Na. Li Muye didn't even bother to say anything and went directly to buy movie tickets.

The movie is very exciting. During the whole playing process, Zhang Na was distracted and peeked at Meng Fanyu from time to time. Meng Fanyu, on the other hand, was watching the movie intently with a proud look on his face. Li Muye stood on the other side of Meng Fanbing, smelling the fragrance of the virgin. The young man couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable. I finally made it to the end of the movie, but I couldn't remember much about such a classic movie. I just remember John Travolta saying with a sarcastic look in his eyes that life is just about enjoying yourself in time.

When I walked out of the cinema, I was shocked by the battle in front of me. I saw that the door of the theater was already full of uncles, aunts, uncles and aunts, grandparents. There was music accompaniment playing on the radio, and a baritone voice was saying that Qigong master Zhang Hongfa, the top disciple of Master Zhang Hongfa, Qizhi, the top disciple of his mentor, and his close disciples, the Celestial Eye Soul Boy, treated the illnesses of the people of Coal City, sought good luck, avoided bad luck, eliminated disasters and solved problems. The on-site power report conference is about to begin.

The cinema, which is also the factory auditorium, is the venue they rented. After the movie ends, the merit report will begin immediately.

Li Muye planned to send Zhang Na home. Zhang Na said, don’t you want to go back to your own house? It's better that Meng Fanyu gave me a ride. Meng Fanbing said that when I came out, I promised my mother to bring her some fruit back. How about you accompany me to buy fruit and let my brother give it to Zhang Na.

Seeing the expectant look on Zhang Na's face, Li Muye suddenly felt angry, but finally nodded in agreement. Zhang Na warned, if you come to my house for dinner tomorrow morning, you are not allowed to talk nonsense when my mother asks. Li Muye said, I just told my godmother to send you downstairs, just don't reveal the secret yourself.

The four soldiers divided into two groups, and Li Muye accompanied Meng Fanbing to buy fruit. Meng Fan, the ice-man kid, was trying to build a bridge between his brother and the future factory director's daughter. He had no interest in Li Muye, and Li Muye had no feelings for her. The two of them had nothing to say to each other along the way. When we arrived at the fruit stall at the market entrance, we selected a few oranges and walked back together, heading straight to Meng Fanbing's house. As soon as they arrived near the factory building, a few social youths were sitting in front of an open-air barbecue stall. They saw Meng Fanbing's tall figure from a distance and whistled.

When the two of them were approaching, several social youths stood up one after another, all swaying a little, and it seemed that they were all drunk. The intention of standing in the middle of the road was very obvious. Meng Fanbing glanced at Li Muye in horror and helplessness.

"Now you turn around and go to the fleet duty room in the factory office building to find someone to take you home. Don't worry about things here." Li Muye said calmly: "Everyone there knows your dad, and they will definitely not ignore you."

Meng Fanbing didn't hesitate at all, turned around and ran towards the factory office building. Several young people from society immediately set off to chase him. Li Muye crossed the road and blocked the road. There was not a word of nonsense between the two sides, and they started to grapple with each other as soon as they made contact. Li Muye pounced on the young man running at the front like a monkey and bit the other man's nose.

A scream!

The young man threw Li Muye to the ground hard, covering his face with his hands, and blood spurted out from between his fingers. Li Muye stood up from the ground and spit out blood. He scolded: "Fuck you, you are not a man if you have the ability to attack me, Li Mu, and bully women."

This time mentioning names didn't work. Under the stimulation of alcohol, several young people had been angered by the blood and pounced on them regardless of the consequences. Li Muye tried to fight back but his arm was already held up. Fists and leather shoes rained down like raindrops. He was beaten until he was unable to fight back. If this continues, there is no telling which blow will hit the vital part and he will be killed. At the critical moment of life and death, Li Muye roared like a wild wolf, raised his leg and kicked one of them in the crotch, and then ran away while the man bent over and cried out in pain.

The young people were chasing after him, and Li Muye panicked and ran to the backyard of the cinema in a daze. Seeing that there was no way forward, and when he was anxious, he suddenly saw a thin, middle-aged man with a mustache coming out of the back door. He couldn't help being surprised and happy, and he hurried forward and shouted: "Master, help me."

The man with the mustache was none other than Li Qizhi. He looked over with sharp eyes and immediately recognized Li Muye, but he seemed to be in a hurry. He asked anxiously: "Little boy, don't say anything else. Did you see it?" A boy about the same size as you is coming out of here?" (End of Chapter)