
Chapter 40: Palm and sweet dates


Andre returned after being missing for an hour. Before he could sit firmly on his butt, he was suddenly slapped hard by Li Muye. The guy was stunned by the beating. All the reasons for his disappearance that he had thought of before were thrown out of the sky, leaving only an angry look glaring at Li Muye.

"This is the last time." Li Muye said mercilessly, "If you do this behind my back again, I will make you disappear from this world."

Andre didn't get the news he expected, nor did he see the scene he imagined, but as soon as he met him, he was slapped hard by Li Muye, and he was stunned. I originally planned to give Li Muye some strength and then step in to rescue him, but I didn't expect that Cui Kefu, who had always been invincible, would be subdued by Li Muye. The plan was disrupted, and now he was even more unsure of Li Muye's details.

"Dear Li, I think there may be some misunderstanding here." Andrei did not see Chuikov and said with fantasy.

Li Muye ignored his words and said straight to the point: "Cuikov didn't want to meet you and left with his wine. The reason why I am still willing to talk to you is entirely for Meng Fanbing's sake. If you can't learn to be smarter, Son, I don’t mind giving you a harsher lesson!”

"No, there won't be a next time." Andre was completely suppressed by Li Muye's fierce and decisive way of acting, and he hurriedly expressed his position.

Li Muye snorted coldly and said: "Whenever you have any unrealistic thoughts, first think about where you picked me up from today. Don't think that I can't live without you, let alone fantasize about extracting anything from me. The benefits that don't belong to you can only be given to you by me. If I don't give them to you, don't move, otherwise you will have to bear the consequences that you cannot bear!"

Andre was submissive. Jin Xiangji looked on with cold eyes, calm on the surface, but secretly she was shocked by the young Chinese's methods.

Bringing down Chuikov showed cunning and bravery, while appeasing and subduing Chuikov showed Li Muye's methods and scheming. When Andre was finally dealt with, in addition to the rare tough attitude, powerful means and scheming of the Chinese, he also borrowed the power of the Karelina couple.

Andre drove the two of them to the Metropolis Hotel. When they parted, Li Muye gave him another thousand dollars and ordered: "Buy a better mobile phone and turn it on 24 hours a day. You must be on call at all times." "

After giving him a slap in the face, Andre took it in his hand and claimed that it was no problem. His tone was completely different from his previous tone of equality.

Li Muye added: "I have made you feel a little wronged tonight, but don't be angry. We have just started cooperating with each other. You don't know me well enough, so you got this misunderstanding. Wait until you have some understanding of me." After a deeper understanding, you will know that you will make a fortune by doing business with me, and I have never been a solitary boss."

Andre immediately expressed his position: "Yes, boss, please don't worry, I already know how powerful it is. What happened tonight is over, and there will be no next time."

Li Muye nodded with satisfaction and said: "Think more about what happened today when you can't sleep when you go back. If I was as simple as Meng Fanbing introduced to you, how could I receive an invitation from Director Timov as soon as I arrived in Moscow? So what? Do you have so much money to do business? How can you recruit talents like Miss Jin so quickly?" Pointing to his head, he finally said: "I'm not afraid of you being greedy, but I hope you use your brain more before being greedy. "

In the presidential suite, Bai Peng was packing up his personal belongings with an aggrieved look on his face, muttering: "If you go out to eat, drink and have fun, you won't take me with you. If you bring back a pretty girl, I will be kicked out. I, Bai Peng, really made a bad friend and ran away all the way." Come hang out with you in this damn place.

Li Muye went over and kicked him in the buttocks and said, "You're really talking nonsense. If you don't follow me, you've been lying dead for a long time. Are you going to give him a presidential suite and a meal worth eighty dollars a meal?"

Jin Xiangji smiled and said: "Are you acting for me? In fact, there is no need for him to move out. It doesn't matter where I live. Isn't there a guest room?"

Li Muye said: "Don't get me wrong, I have no other intentions. You live in the master bedroom and I sleep in the guest room. This guy snores like thunder. I won't sleep in the same room with him."

Bai Peng sounded a little confused. Isn't this girl a call girl from a bar? Why did Brother Xiaoye talk so politely to her? If she wasn't a call girl, how could she have followed her to the hotel so casually just after they met her

Li Muye urged: "Don't think about it here, pack up quickly and go out. I'm sleepy. I need to take a shower and go to bed now."

Jin Xiangji took the initiative: "I'll put the bath water for you." After saying that, she walked into the bathroom with her charming body.

She was not wearing a fur coat at the moment, and even took off her jacket. She was only wearing the sweater underneath. Her tall and slender figure looked even more graceful. Bai Peng couldn't control his drooling at the sight, and said: "This bitch is really exciting, Brother Ye, where did you get it?"

Li Muye said angrily: "Don't ask what you shouldn't ask. You will know it naturally when you get familiar with him in the future. Now if you ask me, I can't tell you what a ugly Yinmao is."

Bai Peng moved out with infinite regret and nostalgia. Li Muye sat alone on the sofa and smoked, but his thoughts could not be suppressed.

From the time Chen Binghui's second sister came to tell Li Mu that he had come to Russia, he thought carefully about the series of things that happened. Withdrawing from Hongye Investment was a retreat in order to temporarily avoid Ji Xuemei's sharp edge. At the same time, Wang Hongjun and his sister kept these two secret moves in preparation for their return to China in the future. Wulanzhu and Qiqige stayed behind to look after the house. With Wang Hongjun taking care of them, there should be no problem. These are all within your control. What is really worrying is the series of events that happen after boarding the train.

The dead train conductor, the Qi brothers, the Karelina couple, Chu Qinchuan and this Jin Xiangji didn't have a fuel-efficient lamp. I don’t know what the hell the Kazan is. A set of electrical engineering drawings is worth 200 million. I didn’t make that much even though I worked my butt off. Thinking of this, I can't help but sigh to myself, this is the real big deal.

Higher profits mean higher risks. If he had a choice, Li Muye would never want to be involved in this matter. But now, it's like sailing against the current or you will die if you don't make progress. You can only bite the bullet and take one step at a time.

Jin Xiangji came out of the bathroom and reminded Li Muye that the water was put away. This bitch couldn't hold her fart in at first glance. She actually took off her sweater in the bathroom. Her upper body, which had not undulated so obviously, suddenly became rugged, like a unleashed savage beast that was impacting Brother Ono's endurance. Force.

You must hold back! Li Muye secretly reminded himself that this beautiful rose was not only thorny but also highly poisonous.

"The water temperature has been adjusted. Go take a bath. Don't forget to ask me to wipe your back later." Jin Xiangji said softly.

Li Muye stood up and walked to the bathroom. He turned around at the door and said, "I'm sorry to bother you so much. Just wipe your back or something. We're not that familiar yet."

Jin Xiangji said: "That's right. That's what I do. No matter what I do, everything is for General Kim and the North Korean people."

The water temperature is moderate and it is very comfortable to soak in the bathtub. The bathroom door was ajar, and Jin Xiangji was standing at the door, looking straight at Li Muye in the bathtub with her big watery eyes, as if she was ready to teach him.

"There's no need for you to keep looking at me like that." Li Muye laid his head on the edge of the bathtub and looked at her helplessly.

Jin Xiangji said expressionlessly: "This is also my job."

Li Muye said: "How come you, a Korean, have become Chu Qinchuan's minions?"

"Don't say it so harshly, I am not anyone's pawn." Jin Xiangji frowned and corrected seriously: "I am a member of the great People's Army and will always be loyal to General Jin and the Workers' Party. Chu Qinchuan can only Someone who helps me get things done.”

"Your job doesn't seem to be very good." Li Muye said: "People are born free and shouldn't live so reluctantly. I can feel that you don't actually like to be alone with me like this, and I don't like it very much either. Why don't you go back to your room and stay there, there's no one here to monitor you anyway."

Jin Xiangji said: "Please stop talking nonsense, I will not do anything that is sorry to the general and the people."

Li Muye was a little surprised: "You didn't seem to be such a stubborn person in the bar before."

"That's because the training I have received requires me to respond appropriately in any situation." Jin Xiangji said: "Here, I don't want you to have any unrealistic ideas, such as leaving me and doing something alone. .”

Li Qizhi said that absolute faith is a terrible force. Whether it is used for good or evil, the consequences will be extreme and terrible. Many seemingly absurd scams that ordinary people would consider unreasonable are the result of making good use of this belief.

This big girl has been completely brainwashed, and she is really stubborn.

Li Muye sighed and said, "You don't want to spy on me like this even when I'm sleeping, do you?"

Jin Xiangji said: "My mission is to be with you all the time, including sleeping in the same bed with you."

"Your sacrifice is too great." Li Muye said indifferently.

"For the general and the Korean people, necessary sacrifices are inevitable. When I left home, I was ready to sacrifice everything." Jin Xiangji's tone was full of pride.

"Actually, what I mean is that I don't need you to pay so much. To tell you the truth, I am just a small gangster in China. In the eyes of you professionals, I am not even a piece of fish. I can't afford to do much even if I am alone for a while. When the big waves come, there is no need for you to monitor us at such a high level."

"It's not that I haven't seen little bastards before, but I've never seen you like this. You seem to have endless money to be friends with high-ranking officials of the Russian Federation. You easily brought down a man weighing more than 300 pounds with just a few words. A local snake in Moscow took care of me." Jin Xiangji said with an angry face: "We are all peers, you can underestimate my IQ, but please don't insult my professionalism."

"I can't tell you clearly." Li Muye cursed with a grin.

"Please don't use language that insults grandma." Jin Xiangji actually opened the door and walked in. While taking off her clothes, she said: "I am a member of the Qingyu Special Forces. I have experienced training thousands of times more painful than this. You Stop wishing that you could shake my determination to complete the mission!"

"Hey, let me go, what are you doing, you crazy bitch?" Li Muye was startled by her actions. At this time, her upper body was only left with a close-fitting bra, which was exposed like white porcelain. There were a few bright red scars running across the smooth and clean skin, but it did not diminish its beauty and sexiness at all.

God knows what this bitch has been through

"Are you still pretending to be confused with me?" Jin Xiangji said: "You know what we want is the launch system removed from the Balkan. Rather than being destroyed and wasted, it is better to sell it to us at a high price. Director Timov only needs to do this. It can be achieved by agreeing, but he has always been very cautious, and the only person he trusts is Ms. Karelina... "

She was no longer naked, and the sight of her perfect figure made Li Muye's mouth go dry, and his brain began to short-circuit. He watched helplessly as she walked over, raised her slender breasts, stepped into the bathtub, and lay on top of him, gently saying: " As long as you help me get what we want, my motherland will give you everything you desire, isn't that good?" (End of Chapter)