
Chapter 45: Dance on the edge of a knife


Orthodox Christianity believes that God did not distinguish between good and bad people when he created the world, only the difference between pious and impious people. All living beings are God’s people, and all those who do not believe in God are guilty. should be conquered and punished. If God does not want to do it himself, then an army of devout believers should do it.

Anyone familiar with world history cannot deny the greatness and greed of the Russian nation, which gave birth to many thinkers, writers and bastards.

Traveling 7,000 kilometers and spanning eight time zones, I have yet to leave this country.

When Li Muye got off the plane, in addition to feeling deeply tired, he couldn't help but sigh at the vastness of this country. When he came out of the airport, Chuikov followed him closely with his luggage. Jin Xiangji, whom he hadn't seen for many days, had been waiting for him for a long time.

No need for pleasantries, both parties went directly to the topic. Li Muye found a senior official in the Far East Military Region according to the contact information provided by Karelina. In addition to sending greetings to Timov, he also sent a check for half a million US dollars to the lieutenant general.

Li Muye once thought that the money was too small to match the value of the lieutenant general's role in this matter. But Karelina said that in the intelligence community, everyone and everything has value. It does not necessarily mean that the higher the official position, the more valuable it is. The most important factors that determine the value are vision and location. The matter itself was of high value, but the Lieutenant General, who had a handle in the hands of others, was only worth so much in Timov's eyes.

The transaction is completed and the money and goods are cleared.

The Tumen River under the moonlight reflects the moonlight, and the Jin Xiangji standing on the bow of the boat is particularly beautiful. Li Muye looked at her and suddenly regretted that he didn't cook rice with her during those days when they shared the same bed.

"Although we have the greatest army, I must admit that my motherland is a weak and unrecognized country." She pointed to the green mountains beside the river and said: "If you want to protect these thousands of miles of mountains and rivers from being taken away by the enemy, We paid a huge price, both in the lives of our soldiers and in the wealth of our country."

Thousands of miles of mountains and rivers, surrounding the national border? Li Muye felt contempt in his heart. This woman doesn't seem to be very kind when she says this. A warship has been following behind, and several soldiers with live ammunition are looking over here with unkind eyes.

"I have transferred the money back to Moscow. It's too late for you to regret it now." Li Muye said in a half-joking tone: "You have been with me for a long time. You should know that I always give up my life rather than my wealth."

Jin Xiangji shook her head and said, "You misunderstood me."

Li Muye said: "I hope I'm too sensitive, but I don't know why, but I always feel like the soldiers on the ship behind are aiming their guns at me."

Jin Xiangji said: "You are a very capable businessman who is willing to provide help to people's power. We sincerely hope to continue this relationship."

Li Muye thought for a while and said, "So, what you mean is..."

"It's not that I mean anything, but the great generals and leaders of the Workers' Party believe that I should continue to stay with you. Only in this way can I better serve the motherland." Jin Xiangji turned back to look at Li Muye and said: " If we have to get something, we'll get it no matter what the cost."

This is a naked threat.

Li Muye glanced at Cuikov next to him. This guy couldn't understand Chinese and kept drinking. This guy is indeed very powerful, but it is unrealistic to expect him to protect himself against the soldiers with live ammunition behind him.

"It seems that I have no choice at all." Jin Xiangji said: "I will take the team members with me. I am your employee on the surface, and I can protect you secretly. If there are any gangsters who want to find you again. Trouble, I can guarantee my team members will keep them from seeing the sun the next day.”

Li Muye wanted to say that I am not afraid of any Russian gangsters. What I am most afraid of are you half-crazy people with fanatical beliefs. But when the words came to his lips, he turned into: "If that's the case, that's really great. I'm looking for people now, and I'm short of talents like you around me."

Jin Xiangji added: "If you need me to do anything for you, you can always tell me."

Li Muye swallowed, pointed at Cuikov, and said, "I'd better drink with him first."

It was rare for Jin Xiangji to laugh wildly.

By September, pastures and farms have initially entered a healthy development track.

With the support of the intelligence business, Li Muye's capital chain had no problems and he successfully persisted until the harvest season.

Bai Peng is in charge of the overall situation in Biske. The food produced by the farm is mainly wheat. He has established a joint food factory with the local processing factory to process the wheat into flour and directly stuff it into the oven to turn into bread to meet the orders of the local government. After that, the remaining ones are continuously transported to relatively densely populated cities such as Moscow and St. Petersburg for wholesale sale.

Li Muye rarely went to the grain, oil and non-staple food store in the city to work, so that place was left to Jin Xiangji to manage. He used his connections to sneak into a training camp affiliated with a special agency of the federal government. Focus on learning how to use firearms.

A land of tigers and wolves, a dance on the tip of a knife. In such an environment, you must learn to use your skills.

The camp instructor thought that Li Muye was a specially recruited member of the Federation who would be dispatched to perform missions in East Asia. Since he had been greeted by a big leader like Timov, he naturally had to focus on taking care of Li Muye during the training process.

It is said that sharpshooters are fed by bullets. This sentence failed to apply to Li Muye. Thousands of rounds of bullets are fired in the air a day, such as intentional aiming and unintentional firing, and three-point and one-line elimination of false light. These tried and tested golden rules of shooting have become nonsense when it comes to Brother Ono. As soon as the gunshot rang out, Li Muye couldn't restrain his excitement and nervousness, and started to crackle happily. No matter how hard the camp instructor tried to correct him, he couldn't change it.

It was eventually characterized as a behavioral disorder by the camp doctor. It's called hyperactive shooting syndrome. I came to this camp mainly to learn shooting. As a result, my shooting level is not to be praised, but I can practice other subjects well. No matter how rigorous and arduous the training was, Li Muye completed it without any compromise.

Li Muye knows the risks of the industry he is currently engaged in. The deeper you get involved in this industry and the more you know, the more you realize that you must learn some life-saving methods. During this period, in addition to learning many fighting skills to defeat the enemy with one move, he also mastered the driving skills of various vehicles and even airplanes.

As the training time progressed, Li Muye's speed, explosive power, and endurance have greatly improved. In the final comprehensive evaluation, he received a score of four and a half points. This is a mediocre result. The camp instructor believes that this level is sufficient for field tasks. Li Muye actually didn't want to leave, but this bearded instructor who was said to be very sharp was determined to send him away.

It turns out that since Li Muye entered the camp for training, he only ate one canteen meal and stopped working. He decisively ordered Chuikov to contact the Chinese restaurant closest to the camp. Baijiu Fat Chicken is served every day, and various delicacies from Sichuan, Shandong, Liaoning and Guangdong are served.

Although Li Muye is a bit lonely, he knows the importance of sharing with others in collective life. So every time I order takeout, I never eat alone. There are a total of eighty-five students in the same group in the camp. Based on the principle that they would rather not give out a round than miss one, everyone gets a share every time, whether it is cigarettes or fine wine.

Of course, this is a bit nonsense, but the camp itself is a collaboration between the government and private parties. As the manager of the government, Timov has absolute authority over the survival of this place. And now Li Muye, as the couple's most important friend and brother, naturally enjoys Timov's greatest respect.

Because Li Muye was a non-staff member and had the unconditional support of Timov, a big backer, the instructor who co-founded the camp with the government did not dare to use camp rules to restrain him. After a few months, watching all these students being corrupted by Brother Ono into followers, the bearded instructor, the former Alpha Elite, could no longer sit still.

He finally got a chance to send this plague god away, how could he miss it

One afternoon in late September, Li Muye said goodbye to the camp in the warm afternoon sunshine, and eighty-four fellow students reluctantly walked outside the gate. Brother Ono spoke with a strong accent from the southern suburbs of Moscow and said goodbye to these Russian buddies who had shared weal and woe for four months.

Farewell, my comrades and brothers, we will part ways eventually. If I die in the war, I hope you can forget me and just remember to take care of the violets I once planted in the camp. Be at ease, my friends, if I leave, I will die a worthy death. Because I can put my life and even my reputation on the line without hesitation, but I will never sell my freedom.

During this time, Li Muye settled in the camp, thinking about many principles of life while training hard. It is good that people are born free, but this freedom does not mean that there can be no bottom line. There is a time for life and a place for death. Everyone has his own roots, everyone is a member of society and a child of the country and family. There is a responsibility on the shoulders, and the size of this responsibility is related to ability.

I used to think people like Jin Xiangji were mentally ill, but now I suddenly started to understand. The freedom of Jin Xiangji is the life of their own choice. It seems dull and boring, but in fact it is like a person who knows whether drinking water is warm or cold. She is content with what she is doing and will be very happy when she achieves a little success. Doing what you like is the most beautiful freedom in life, right

Jin Xiangji is like this, and so is the instructor in the camp. What about me? Li Muye asked himself, and the look of Nana's faint smile and slight anger came to mind unconsciously. Then I thought of Chen Binghui's tragic and desolate figure in front of the sunset on the grassland.

No matter what life path you choose, without struggle, wouldn’t life be particularly boring

Once a person has the desire to struggle and fight against fate, he is destined not to remain silent.

Three days later, at nine o'clock in the morning, Li Muye was sitting under the eaves in front of the renovated Chuikov's house, enjoying the warm autumn sunshine. Listen to Lao Cui's two daughters arguing in the yard about who is more powerful, Lao Cui or Big Bear.

A black car drove up on the path outside the door, and finally stopped in front of Lao Cui's house. A bald man got out of the car. Li Muye noticed that when Lao Cui, who was over two meters tall and as majestic as a mountain, saw this person, he immediately trotted over to greet him as if he was shorter.

Li Muye had never seen this person before, but judging from Lao Cui's attitude towards this person, he must not be simple.

The bald man said nothing to Lao Cui, just nodded slightly, walked straight to Li Muye, and said: "Mr. Gurnov assigned me to invite you to have a delicious lunch at his manor. The banquet will start in two hours. Please freshen up and get ready and then come with me."

"Who is Gurnov?" (End of chapter)