
Chapter 55: The strong need no mercy


Kim Do-hoon is a poor man who doesn't need anyone to pity him. He encountered many misfortunes in his life, but all of them were self-inflicted. Chu Qinchuan spoke highly of him and did not hide his sympathy for each other in his words. But he didn't sympathize with Jin Doxun's experience at all.

He told Li Muye that the strong make their own choices, so they don't need anyone's sympathy. Even if he is betrayed by the motherland to which he has been loyal all his life, it is his own choice. Chu Qinchuan finally said: "People in our profession rarely have good results. He has been fighting for his country all his life, and it is time for him to be willful for himself."

Li Muye keenly grasped some unusual contents from Chu Qinchuan's words. I couldn’t help but ask: “You mean, what he is doing now does not represent the position of the country?”

Chu Qinchuan thought for a while, nodded and said: "If you know about Quan Fengzhu, you should know that Jin Xiangyun is the one who forced Jin Doxun to send his wife away."

Li Muye understood many things at once and said: "Jin Doxun did not want to save Jin Xiangyun, but wanted to kill this person."

Chu Qinchuan said: "This old friend of mine has been waiting for this opportunity for many years. He is now terminally ill and has not much time left, so he wants to settle his daughter before leaving and end this long period of old times. hatred."

So that's it. Li Muye suddenly realized, "No wonder he said someone was following him before he left."

"The person following him is called Park Jung-eun, who just returned from Switzerland to take over his job." Chu Qinchuan said: "Kim Do-hoon was diagnosed with terminal liver cancer and should have stayed in the hospital to wait for death. The first thing Park Jung-eun did after taking over his position was Just to adjust Kim Hyang-hee’s work, Kim Do-hoon immediately left the country privately and came to Moscow after getting the news.”

"So, Jin Xiangji didn't go on a mission, but was hidden by Jin Doxun like her mother?" Li Muye stared at Chu Qinchuan with burning eyes and asked, "You must know that Jin Doxun hid Xiangji Where have you been?"

"I do know." Chu Qinchuan looked a little weird and said, "But even if you ask, I won't tell you. It's a long story. I was entrusted by my friends, so I will naturally tell you what I need to say. Speaking, I won’t say a word that I shouldn’t say.”

He refused to tell, so Li Muye could only make random guesses and said casually: "Could it be that he gave his wife and children to you?"

The speaker did not mean this, but the listener did. Kim Do-hoon has a withdrawn and arrogant personality. Outside of work, he hardly interacts with anyone in private. After a lifetime of revolution, Chu Qinchuan was his only friend. That day he took his wife across the Tumen River to China. When he was desperate, he only thought of his friend Chu Qinchuan. So Quan Fengzhu was entrusted to Chu Qinchuan's care.

He originally planned to take his wife back when the limelight was over, but he didn't expect that the two countries would be at odds with each other. In a blink of an eye, there would be eight years of no communication. When they contacted her again, Quan Fengzhu had become Chu Qinchuan Xuxian's wife. Jin Duxun was furious when he suddenly heard the bad news, but after understanding the whole process, he reluctantly forgave his wife and old friend.

It turned out that after Chu Qinchuan brought Quan Fengzhu home, he had been using the nanny he hired as a cover. But unexpectedly, something unexpected happened. Chu Qinchuan's first wife had an accident at work, leaving Lao Chu and his three children behind. Their parents died early, and Chu Qinchuan was busy with work, so the whole family was left to Quan Fengzhu.

As time goes by, the three children have a deeper and deeper affection for Quan Fengzhu, and Quan Fengzhu has a growing sense of belonging to this family. Chu Qinchuan gradually had other thoughts about her. It's just that due to the loyalty of my friends, I dare not pierce this layer of window paper. It wasn't until the fifth year after Chu Qinchuan's wife passed away that a census gave the two of them an excuse.

In the second year after their marriage, one day, Jin Doxun came to the door. He did not take his wife back, but he saw the crystallization of love between his wife and his best friend. Jin Duxun was furious at first, but after hearing the truth, he could only leave with sadness. From then on, he completely gave up his plan to find Quan Fengzhu. A few years later, Quan Fengzhu had completely established herself in China, but she missed her eldest daughter Jin Xiangji all the time.

Chu Qinchuan felt sorry for his wife, so he had no choice but to shamelessly contact Jin Doxun. Unexpectedly, Jin Doxun had just been diagnosed with terminal liver cancer at that time and was planning to make funeral arrangements. Naturally, it would be more reliable to entrust Jin Xiangji to her biological mother and old friends. It's just that this thing is easy to say, but it sounds really embarrassing, especially for Chu Qinchuan, who has been correct all his life.

Li Muye revealed the secret with one word. Even though he was embarrassed, Chu Qinchuan still nodded slightly and spoke of the past calmly. After listening to this for a long time, Li Muye couldn't help but sigh: "Lao Jin has made you a friend in this life. He didn't misjudge you, but he misjudged the world."

Chu Qinchuan said: "You are not old, but your vision is very vicious. You can see the world's people very clearly. This is not simple."

Li Muye said: "Are you praising my skill or are you trying to hurt me as a philistine?"

Chu Qinchuan said seriously: "I am reminding you not to live up to Lao Jin's expectations of you. There are some things that it is not convenient for him to say. As his friend who entrusted his wife and daughter, and Xiangji's stepfather, I must remind you that we It’s acceptable for her to like anyone, but it’s never acceptable for her to be hurt by anyone!”

This was a father's warning. Thinking of the night before Jin Xiangji left, Li Muye couldn't help but feel pity in his heart. He was silent for a long time and was speechless.

The death of Gurnov continues to unfold, and now the most troublesome person in Moscow is Timov.

What was least expected to happen before inevitably happened. Gurnov's two sons refused to return to Moscow to take over, which directly led to the Tire Gang being leaderless. Petrovich had all the talents, but did not have the financial resources to support the operating expenses of the aluminum ore plant and those nightclubs. Just when he was worried, Gurnov's wife suddenly ran to London and bought a mansion, making it clear that she had no intention of returning to Moscow.

This move made Petrovich completely infuriated. For three consecutive working days, the Tire Gang members caused trouble everywhere. In the end, all these troubles fell on Timov. The Tire Gang stirred up trouble everywhere. While Timov was tired of dealing with it, he was always looking for a fundamental solution.

At this time, he certainly hoped that someone would step forward to take over and stabilize the situation. In fact, a very powerful person did indirectly express his willingness to accept it. It's just that this candidate is not ideal in Timov's opinion. Because this person is the metal industry magnate who is as famous as Gurnov, the big oligarch Chalmov.

Gurnov's wife left the country with the money and entrusted all the assets that could not be taken away to be auctioned. Because of the existence of the Tire Gang, these high-quality assets have not attracted much interest. Chalmov was the first to express his intention to acquire the company, and so far he was the only candidate.

And the instigator of all this is currently hiding leisurely in a house in the southern suburbs of Moscow, waiting for the opportunity.

Since Chu Qinchuan came to serve as a security consultant, Li Muye's life has become better. Mr. Chu is a tireless teacher. As Chen Binghui's former teacher, he can teach Li Muye a lot. From close combat skills, to the use of firearms, to body language analysis, and communication skills, what he taught was completely different from what Li Qizhi taught.

Li Muye personally killed Gurnov's youngest son, but before the incident could take place, Gurnov died suddenly and violently. At least in the eyes of outsiders who didn't know what was going on, there seemed to be nothing direct about the two incidents. connect. Regarding Gurnov's death, apart from the two parties involved, Jin Duxun and Li Muye, only Chu Qinchuan knew the inside story. Li Muye did not even tell the Timovs the truth.

Timofu was extremely busy with his work, but Li Muye hid in Lao Cui's house and learned skills from Chu Qinchuan in seclusion. Comrade Lao Chu is a very good teacher. The main advantage is that he teaches students in accordance with their aptitude and does not stick to clichés. He would not teach Li Muye anything seriously through class training, but would inadvertently teach Li Muye what he hoped Li Muye could understand by playing chess or chatting.

On this day, the two were playing chess in the living room of Lao Cui's house.

Lao Chu is best at Go, but Li Muye can only play chess. Lao Chu didn't want to play chess with Li Muye, so he didn't care about chess or Go.

After the fight, Li Muye used the Jianghu endgame techniques taught by Li Qizhi and indeed took some advantage in the strangulation stage. But just as he was rushing forward, Chu Qinchuan suddenly made a series of clever moves and sneak attacked Li Muye's rear, and finally won the final victory with a partial advantage despite the young eldest son.

"When you play chess, you pay too much attention to the gains and losses of one place at a time, and you lack the overall strategic vision." Chu Qinchuan pointed at the chessboard and said: "I must admit that some of the tricks you know are really good. If you are a strong general in the hands of others, To charge into battle, you can be said to be qualified, just as you have shown when doing intelligence trading before, but now, your role has changed. As an independent trader, you have not adapted to this change, and your vision is still the same. The previous level of turmoil in the world."

Li Muye was about to argue a few words. However, Lao Chu waved his hand to interrupt, smiled slightly, and continued: "I am not looking down on the wild snakes in the world, but I want you to understand that there are mainstream thoughts and ideologies in any period. If you want to be a trader, you must first Learn to see the big picture clearly, you know what I mean?”

Li Muye quietly rearranged the chess pieces, and then said: "To be honest, I came to Russia mainly to find my sister. As for other things, I just did it while hunting rabbits. Now, I already know that all this is caused by Sister Chen. As a result of the arrangement, Brother Hui told me that if she didn't want me to find my sister, no matter how hard I tried, it would be in vain, so I had given up hope of finding my sister in Russia. The most important thing to me now is Low-key and make more money because I need the money.”

Chu Qinchuan casually used the immortal guide and said: "We are not Puritans, so we cannot do without money. Your idea is fine, but I would like to remind you that while making money, you must learn to see yourself and your surroundings clearly. Only in this way can we advance and retreat freely and remain invincible."

Li Muye put on a five-seven-gun attack stance and said: "I feel that doing business here is very different from doing business in China. There are many factions in the country with clear boundaries. How deep the foundation is to build the tallest building. If you work within this framework, everything will be stable, and you will not be hungry even if you can't survive. As for Lao Maozi, there is a lot of chaos waiting to be done, there are many opportunities, and the risks are also high. The brave will be starved to death and the timid will be starved. This is just suitable for me. Stupid and bold."

He added: "Old Mao people are tough and look down on the weak, so I have to be tough enough to gain a foothold. Just like this Gurnov, he has no peace of mind from the very beginning when he comes into contact with me. If I weren't smart enough, at this moment I’m afraid I have no chance to play chess with you here.”

Chu Qinchuan smiled and said: "You will not be twenty-two forever. The world is changing, and the environment around us is also changing. You are getting older, and your mind must keep up with this change. It is time to attack. Of course you have to attack when the time comes, but if the foundation is too shallow and you don’t have enough follow-up pieces, you have to remember to stop and solidify the foundation, otherwise it will be easy to go deep alone and turn a good chess game into a bad move."

The two of them went back and forth, and the battle on the chessboard was fierce. Li Muye tried his best to create murderous intent, and finally gained some advantages on the left side of the chessboard. Said: "Teacher Chu, these are the words of people who have experienced it. As you said, I am still too young and have never experienced many things. But it is precisely because of this that I have to dare to take risks and experience them. Of course, the experience you imparted It's valuable, but in comparison, I still prefer to learn some specific methods to solve troubles from you."

Although an old man has rich experience, it is inevitable that he lacks the energy of a young man because of his rich experience. In a barbaric land, in an era of barbaric growth, experience is far less important than means.

Chu Qinchuan burst out laughing, pointed at Li Muye and said, "A newborn calf can be taught."

Li Muye took the last step, general! He raised his head and said, "Having said so much, it's time for you to tell me how you can help Timov solve the trouble at hand, right?"

Chu Qinchuan smiled and asked: "The most important thing is how can I help you eat the tires?"

"Teacher Chu, smart people always know what they are thinking, but they are confused with their words. A smart person like you is good at everything, but your mouth is too merciless. I also want to save face." Li Muye smiled awkwardly when his thoughts were revealed.

Chu Qinchuan chuckled: "I have lived for sixty years, and I have never seen a master who is more ugly than you. If you really care about face, just don't do it."

Li Muye's eyes lit up: "No, although face is valuable, it is not as real as face. So you already have a charter in your mind?"

"This matter is easy to handle." Chu Qinchuan said: "But the prerequisite is that you have to give up your face."

Li Muye pondered for a moment, then raised his head decisively and said, "What should I do? Tell me!"

Chu Qinchuan said: "There is a play called Wolong Diaoxiao, have you heard of it?"

Zhou Yu's plan to destroy Guo in a false way was discovered by Kong Ming, and he was defeated outside Jingzhou City. He was so angry that he fainted and sighed, "Since Yu is born, how can Liang be born?" and he died. The generals of Soochow blamed Zhuge. Zhuge Liang was not afraid of his own safety and went to express his condolences. He was deeply moved by his sincere words during the memorial service. All the generals said to each other: "Everyone knows that Gong Jin and Kong Ming are not on good terms. Looking at his memorial ceremony, everyone is talking nonsense." Then doubts are eliminated and trust is won.

Li Muye had never heard of the play, but he had heard The Romance of the Three Kingdoms many times and was no stranger to the content of this play. When Chu Qinchuan said this, he immediately understood and said: "I will contact Timov now, and we will go to Gurnov Manor tonight!"

"Tomorrow, let Timov have time to make preparations." Chu Qinchuan reminded. (End of chapter)