
Chapter 62: Asking how high the sky is, the heart’s ambition is higher than the sky


The tail is too big to fall off, which means that the subordinates are too powerful and unable to command and dispatch, or even take the lead.

Li Muye was very aware of his situation. Chen Miao was cultivating him, but at the same time he was taking advantage of him. Brother Ah Hui was unable to do anything about it, and Chu Qinchuan's attitude was a bit fueling the situation. You can't count on anyone, you can only rely on yourself. In this situation, only when one's own strength reaches a certain level can one have the opportunity to have the right to dialogue on an equal footing. Now, when Chen Miao makes any decision, he will never ask himself a question, no matter whether the decision is related to his own destiny.

Li Muye didn't like this feeling, even if the decision Chen Miao made was beneficial to him.

Things are unpredictable and unpredictable.

Now she is training Brother Xiaoye, and of course everything is going in a good direction, but what if the situation changes one day and she no longer needs her? Li Muye didn't like this assumption, just as he didn't like his fate to be manipulated by others. In Li Qizhi's words, a man who is used to being wild in the world cannot adapt to the feeling of being a grandson in a greenhouse.

The purpose of finding Kirichenko is first to expand his sphere of influence and seek to enhance his strength. Even if one day, you lose the support behind you, you can still stand firm with your own strength. The second is to use this to test the bottom line of Chen Miao's tolerance for himself and see how much room he has for misbehaving.

Kirichenko is a rational and cautious person, but Li Muye is very confident to convince this man to become a business partner for his own use. What he heard from Kirichenko's mouth was caution and rationality, but what he saw in his eyes was fanatical ambition.

A smart person will not be pulled into the water by other people's words, but will only be driven into the water by his own ambition.

Lu Yuan said that as a con man, the most important quality is not how beautifully you draw the cake, but to be good at discovering people who are eager for your cake.

Li Muye did not draw the pie for Kirichenko. After handing out the check for two million US dollars, Kirichenko could already imagine the sweetness and taste of the pie in the future. Li Muye then only half-hidden the truth and let him use his imagination.

Low-level scammers like to use the method of "I want you to believe me" to achieve their goals, so they often say nonsense such as "You must believe me". They like to quote scriptures and play language games. When they meet smart people, they often talk about it. Nose gray. High-level scammers often target groups with high IQ and high wealth. In front of these smart people who have accumulated a certain amount of social wealth, the previous low-level methods targeting uncles and aunts are simply not popular.

Comparatively speaking, Li Muye prefers to let the target enter the game on his own. When dealing with smart people who don't see rabbits and don't let go of hawks, he not only has to talk about his strength, but also skillfully uses the opponent's desire to move to the next level to seduce them. The other party took the initiative to join in.

Jianghu is everywhere, and there will be such gangsters who take both black and white everywhere. It was just a random choice for Li Muye to find Kirichenko, but after seeing this person, he immediately decided that this partner was the right one. The reason why he made the decisive decision cannot be ruled out as the psychological suggestion of a bastard looking at mung beans, but the main factor that impressed Li Muye was Kirichenko's gentle and gentle upbringing and his calm demeanor in the face of huge sums of money.

No heavy hammer is needed to play the drum.

Li Muye's words were just the beginning. Kilichenko had already heard the elegant sound of the string and understood its elegant meaning. He suddenly waved his hands to dismiss everyone. When Li Muye saw this, he immediately cooperated and ordered Lao Cui to go out and wait. There were only two of them left in the private room. Kirichenko looked at Li Muye with stern eyes and asked: "So you can get the import and export quotas for legal channels between China, Russia and Ukraine?"

"I can also provide safe and stable official channels." Li Muye looked at him with a smile and said: "What I need is a partner with strength and ambition to establish a long-term relationship of common development, not only for grain trade, but also for Including other commodities such as energy, in-demand goods from China that require official quotas, as long as the Ukrainian market needs it, I can get it, and at the same time, I will also need you to provide some services or channels that you can provide."

"What about?" Kirichenko did not hide his interest at all.

“For example, I need a stable and reliable seller, a supplier who can provide me with products with Ukrainian characteristics, a broker who has his own special channels and can complete some special product transactions that are not officially recognized by the government but are accepted in private. ." Li Muye gave him a "you know" look and let him experience it for himself.

Kirichenko pondered for a while and said: "This kind of business is never something that people like us are qualified to get involved in. Judging from the fact that you made millions of dollars in one move, I think your business must be very big. But I can’t afford a lot of cash to participate…”

"I definitely want to occupy a dominant position." Li Muye said decisively: "So you don't need to worry about the initial investment. You only need to provide manpower and space." He added: "In addition, you don't have to worry about the distribution of benefits. You need to think more, except for the input costs, no matter what the business is, you and I will split it 50-50!"

There are roughly two types of good businessmen. One is the type where every penny will add up to make more. The other is the type who will come back after all the money has been spent. He is open to all rivers and makes the plate huge, so that many people can gain benefits and experience success. of. The former gathers sand to form a tower, while the latter gathers sand to form a city. All have the possibility of collapse, and all have the opportunity to build an enduring legacy.

Li Muye heard the above words from Chu Qinchuan recently. At that time, he asked himself what kind of businessman he wanted to be. Li Muye said that when I came to Russia with entrepreneurial capital, I was thinking about how to become the first type of businessman. But now, I feel that I have the conditions to become the second type. Chu Qinchuan asked again, why? Li Muye said: Everyone has limitations. The basis for achieving a career is to first learn to tailor it, find your own position, and then make a decision that suits you.

Now, Li Muye has found his own position and business direction.

When Kirichenko heard the words "50-50 split", his eyes suddenly lit up...

After that, for several days, Li Muye visited various clubs and other entertainment venues under Kirichenko's name. The explanation given to Chu Qinchuan was that he was going out to eat, drink and have fun, but in fact he was inspecting Kirichenko's strength on the spot.

Reaching intentions is the basis of cooperation, and professional managers will take care of the specific things in writing. Li Muye handed over all matters in this area to Andrei, who manages a team of professional managers in Volgograd, a city in southern Russia. Most of Kirichenko's affairs are handled by him, a top student in the Department of Political Economy of Moscow State University.

Li Muye never hesitates when employing people. Although Xiao Anzi is a little slippery, his ability is still good. He is definitely an expert in cross-border trade. The most important thing is that he is a greedy guy who is afraid of death, so he is very controllable. He was transferred to Kiev to contact Kirichenko, and Li Muye himself became the big boss. He only needed to grasp the channels and money.

Chu Qinchuan has been very busy these days and rarely asks about Li Muye's whereabouts. Li Muye knew very well that in name this old man was his security adviser, but in fact he was the party representative Chen Miaoan placed beside him. It was Brother Ah Hui who recommended him here that day, but Li Muye now knew that he was actually self-recommended. Because Jin Duxun was his brother-in-law and an old friend of Tuogu, the reason why Lao Jin came to find him was because of the instigation of the old man behind his back.

Everyone knows each other well, no one says anything, and on the surface they maintain a friendly and cooperative relationship. Li Muye is doing everything possible to achieve his ultimate goal, while Chu Qinchuan is working to mediate the rescue of Markov. They do not interfere with each other, at least temporarily forming a tacit understanding.

Li Muye was not sure whether everything he had done could really be concealed under the current situation. Still, these little tricks had already been mastered by Chu Qinchuan, but because they were within his tolerance, he didn't say anything. Or is it that he is happy to see success and see himself using their channels to expand his business territory

As time went by and cooperation deepened, new problems arose.

The territory expanded too fast, and the capital chain was finally in jeopardy.

Kirichenko has a total of thirteen properties under his name, three of which are suitable for transformation into shopping malls. Of the other ten locations, nine are used for warehousing and logistics, and one was converted into a hotel. Andre hired an accounting firm to create a complete budget. The total investment is approximately US$60 million.

This money is a big problem for Li Muye. It’s not that it can’t be taken out, but there are too many places where money is needed.

The scale of the farm in Bisike has expanded a thousand times, and the investment will naturally increase accordingly. Although the government bears most of it, the part of the rights and obligations summarized in Li Muye's name is still an astronomical figure. The business there is the basis for maintaining a close relationship with the federal government, and must be given priority no matter what.

After setting aside the funds needed by Pisk, Li Muye now had very little cash available. It is possible to use part of the equity of the Agricultural and Industrial Bank to realize cash, but Li Muye did not want to do so unless it was a last resort. Because this is the critical stage of acquiring the equity left by Gurnov, it is too stupid to use equity to cash in at this time.

The funding gap is not small, and it is not convenient to cash out with equity. Spring is approaching, and Andrei and Kirichenko do not know the truth and have already started construction in accordance with Li Muye's wishes. The existing funds can be used for a while, but once the farm on Bisk begins to break ground for spring plowing, without new capital injection, the capital chain here may be immediately disconnected. What Li Muye is most worried about is that if this happens, it will inevitably affect Kirichenko's confidence in him.

This old boy is shrewd and ruthless, and he is definitely a powerful character. Even though you are being completely obedient to yourself now, once you fall out, it will be a big trouble.

For this matter, Li Muye considered many solutions. The easiest thing is to find Chu Qinchuan and apply for loan support from domestic officials through him. But the consequences of doing so are so great that they are almost unbearable. Li Muye could fully imagine that once he opened this hole, official funds would immediately pour in continuously. Maybe Chen Miao now has a clear understanding of his situation and has already prepared money and is waiting for him to speak.

Another solution is to bring in local third-party partners, such as the National Bank of Kyiv. But doing so is not without side effects. Due to factors such as policy and credibility, Timov would need to issue an official letter to provide a guarantee on behalf of the Agricultural and Industrial Bank. In this way, he will immediately show his timidity in front of Timov.

It’s not that I haven’t considered asking Kirichenko to build a bridge and find other private capital forces to cooperate. Li Muye even decided to do just that.

Kirichenko has an uncle who is a retired military general who made a fortune from the arms trade a few years ago. Later, he was reported and forced to retire. After his financial path was cut off, he always wanted to seek new career opportunities. Kirichenko once approached Li Muye specifically for this purpose and expressed this meaning in a roundabout way. At that time, Li Muye's capital chain was not so fragile. Out of his pursuit of absolute control, Li Muye flatly rejected his request.

But now, there is a problem with the capital chain, and he goes back to Kirichenko to contact this third party. Firstly, Li Muye can't bear to lose face. He doesn't want to do this until everything is exhausted. Secondly, he doesn't want to be in this cooperation model. Absolute dominance has been shaken.

It was February. On this day, Li Muye, who was helpless about the matter, was in a irritated mood. He ordered Lao Cui to drive the car to the bank of the Dnieper River. He sat in the car and watched several local young people drilling through the ice on the river to fish. play. There were an astonishing number of fish in the river, and they would just dig into any hole they wanted. Li Muye was looking at it with interest when suddenly his cell phone rang. He picked it up and saw that it was a call from China. The number was unfamiliar, but the voice that came over was familiar. It was Wang Hongye!

Two years later, Li Muye left his hometown. He missed many people and the people and things in his hometown, but he never seemed to remember that there was such a caring girl beside him. It can be said that this girl has almost been completely forgotten.

People always feel helpless when encountering difficulties. Although Li Muye is perseverant, he is only a 23-year-old young man after all. Facing the current complex and difficult situation, it is inevitable that one will have shaken confidence and a psychological need for comfort. It was really an unexpected surprise to receive a call from her at this time.

"Is that you?" Wang Hongye asked tentatively on the phone.

"It's me." Li Muye immediately recognized her voice, suppressed the surprise in his heart, and answered firmly in the affirmative.

"Thank God, your number has not been cancelled." Wang Hongye's delighted voice came from the other end of the phone.

"You know I have to go back sooner or later, so of course I have to keep this number." Li Muye said, "Even if it's just to make it easier for my former friends to find me."

"When did I become our former friend?" Wang Hongye's voice was deliberately suppressed. It was obvious that she was suppressing her emotions, but she was having trouble controlling herself. She said sadly: "Li Muye, are you still unwilling to forgive me? ?”

"I've said it a long time ago, it doesn't matter whether I forgive you or not, because I have never resented you for anything." Li Muye said with relief: "There is no question of who is sorry for whom between you and me. Those things were done by your mother. As a Daughter, what can you do?"

"Hey!" Wang Hongye suddenly sighed deeply and said, "I mustered up the courage to call you because I don't want to tell you this. In addition to wanting to know whether your life is good or not, there is actually another important thing. Things tell you.”

"What's up?"

"The equity structure of Hongye Investment is about to undergo new changes." Wang Hongye said: "The country has developed rapidly in the past two years, and the business of Hongye Investment has also grown bigger and bigger, especially the real estate business. My mother, she I've been thinking of making new moves recently. In order to prevent you from knowing about this, I even kicked my brother out of the board of directors. I didn't want you to be kept in the dark, so I made this call to you..." (End of Chapter)