
Chapter 70: Stunningly gentle


In the world of scammers, the key to success often starts with winning the other party's trust. The best crooks are people with a thousand faces, and can always show the right side to the right person. Li Qizhi has taught many practical skills in this regard. For example, it is best to act like a kind son or grandchild in front of an old woman, to establish the image of a personal life mentor in front of a fledgling and ambitious young man, and in front of middle-aged businessmen and successful people, the best disguise is to be a newcomer. boy.

Middle-aged successful people are at the peak of their lives in terms of intelligence and physical strength. In front of them, smart people are easily resented and wary, stupid people are underestimated and excluded, and guys who are too sophisticated are often not considered good people. one's business Patner. The most appropriate degree is that young people who are smart and impulsive, with obvious flaws and abilities are their favorite partners.

Li Muye's poker skills are superb and impeccable, and his reaction to Elena shows his young and impulsive side. Rhetoric is a mistake that all young people are prone to make, but there is no doubt that behind Li Muye's boastful talk is his absolute confidence in his connections in the Yakutia region.

As we all know, in addition to the harsh natural environment, that place also has a very unique humanistic environment. It’s almost impossible for outsiders to blend in. In such a natural environment, if there are no solid and reliable local connections, it is almost impossible to establish stable business channels there.

When Li Muye thought of this, he fully understood the true purpose of this test. After realizing that his unique value and flawless performance were enough to win the recognition of the other party, he suddenly burst into flames and angrily said: "What is the right way to sit here and discuss it until this summer is over? Business opportunities are available as soon as they are available." I don’t want to miss it, so I need a partner who is equally ambitious and enterprising.”

Finally: "I'm sorry everyone, I think it was a mistake for me to come here today." After saying that, he turned around and walked away decisively.

Sitting in the car, I kept holding the phone in my hand and counting the time.

The process of waiting for Timov to call was actually only ten minutes, but it seemed as long as more than ten years.

The phone finally rang. Li Muye stared at the phone but had no intention of answering it immediately. Lao Cui looked at him in bewilderment and reminded, "Sir, haven't you been waiting for this call?" Li Muye bared his teeth at him and said, "I'll teach you to be a good boy. If you quarrel with your wife, After a fight, she calls you when you run out to drink. Even if you are willing to reconcile with her, don’t answer the phone immediately."

"Why?" Lao Cui was confused.

"Because only in this way will she realize how valuable you are." Li Muye was confident.

Lao Cui scratched his head and nodded thoughtfully.

The phone stopped ringing, but soon started ringing again. Li Muye decisively pressed the connect button.

"My dear brother, you are finally willing to answer my call." Timov first expressed his deep regret on the phone, and then continued: "I regret their lack of respect for you. You have reasons and qualifications to express Dissatisfied, I completely agree with your position, but my good brother, you have to understand that you cannot be so willful when doing business in Moscow. Sometimes we need to cooperate with some more powerful partners to ensure our business. It won’t deviate from the right track.”

"Before today, I thought we had a 100% problem-free relationship." Li Muye tried his best to sound indignant, and continued with a tone of suppressed indignation: "But now, I Suddenly I realized that I had made a serious mistake, and it turned out that this had been a unilateral misunderstanding on my part.”

"Look, you are always so impulsive." Timov said: "A mature person must first learn to realize that nothing is 100% between men, but what I can assure you is that you have always been in my heart. In the ninety-nine list, our trust in each other will not change, but you are Chinese and I am Russian. On the basis of our personal relationship, we still have a national position. I must act cautiously to ensure that we are safe. This kind of relationship can develop healthily.”

Li Muye listened silently, while mentally evaluating his words.

"Women can do things completely based on their emotions, so they can demand 100% emotion. Men must respect rules and rational needs. We Russians have a famous saying, the Volga River will not stop flowing for the tears of women, but it can stop flowing for the tears of men. He turned with anger." Timov's tone was modest, but he preached in the tone of a life mentor: "My dear brother, you must first confirm that we are men and must follow men's rules. Willfulness is the right thing for women and Children’s rights.”

"I am no longer a child." Li Muye said promptly: "The reason why I am angry is not because of you, but because I cannot accept their arrogant attitude. As a businessman with hundreds of millions of dollars in assets in Russia, I have the right not to accept them. rudeness and assumed superiority.”

"Yes, you have every reason to do this." Timov said: "But my dear brother, what I must know is that your anger is over now?"

"What? Do you think it is necessary for me to discuss cooperation with them again?"

Timov said: "Yes, I am unswerving on this point!" He went on to say: "You can question their attitude, but you must believe that in Moscow, only they have the strength and willingness to cooperate with you. To operate a channel in Yakutia, it is officially recognized and the only one that does not encounter legal obstacles.”

There was a hint of threat in his words, which not only reminded Li Muye that he had no choice, but also warned Li Muye that this was Moscow, and if he wanted to do business well, he had to look at their faces. Li Muye pretended to ponder for a moment, and then said in a troubled tone, "Then we will arrange a suitable time. I would like to hear what better plan they have."

"Very good!" Timov expressed his appreciation and changed the topic: "Karelina is full of praise for the frozen fish and caviar you brought back from Yakutia. She misses you very much and hopes that you can have time. Go see her."

Fuck your sister's emotional cards. Anasayev's advice is correct. None of these greedy old men have become good birds. Li Muye glanced at Lao Cui after hanging up the phone. He couldn't generalize, Lao Cui was a good guy.

Sometimes we have to accept facts that make us feel helpless.

For example, Zhang Na has an awesome fiancé, Chen Binghui’s second sister is always full of tricks, Ana Sayev will never be able to turn back to Li Zhonghua, and Li Muyuan, the sister whom Ri Ya misses, always misses her. And passed. Even though he had shown his utmost sincerity, he still could not establish a so-called 100% relationship with Timov.

There is no news from Nana for a long time, and I can occasionally talk to Meng Fanbing on the phone a few times. Thanks to the continuous improvement of the general environment, her business in Shanghai is developing well. She specializes in women's brands, and with fashion as the theme, she has created a women's exclusive international brand direct store with rich content. The sales content covers a series of international famous products such as clothing, jewelry, and leather bags. She likes to show off her success in front of Li Muye, while Li Muye hopes to hear the news about Nana's One Scale Claw from her.

The domestic development momentum is rapid and rapid, which can almost be said to be changing with each passing day. But the areas with the fastest economic growth are mainly concentrated along the coast. Coal City is obviously not among them. This city can no longer meet the development needs of Hongye Investment Group. Wang Hongjun told Li Muye on the phone that currently Hongye Group's main investment direction is in the commercial real estate business. The group headquarters is about to move from the provincial capital to Oucheng. He decided to withdraw his shares and continue to stay in Coal City to live his small life. .

Li Muye had nothing to say about this. Wang Hongjun's talent was limited and the upper limit was there. He could no longer keep up with the pace of Hongye Investment's development, and he would not achieve anything if he continued to stay there. For Hongye Investment, Li Muye, the third natural shareholder, is almost a hands-off manager. The real owner has been indifferent for a long time, so it is not surprising that Wang Hongjun made such a decision with help.

Although he has opened up a new world in Russia, Li Muye has been paying close attention to the domestic situation. He knew very well that sooner or later he would have to go back. Except for the plot of the Chinese people returning to their roots, Li Muye has never been a particularly ambitious person. In Lao Chu's words, truly ambitious people would not be as radical as him.

Since arriving in Russia three years ago, Muye Company under Li Muye has not only engaged in cross-border trade, but also controls 55% of the equity of the Agricultural and Industrial Bank. Its business areas span agriculture, animal husbandry, fish forestry and mining, hotels, entertainment, and nightclubs. , grain trade and other industries. Although they are only in the ascendant and their profitability is average, as long as they maintain this momentum and with the support of Chen Miao and Anasayev, it is only a matter of time before they earn one billion US dollars.

After the last gathering broke up, Timov said he would arrange another one, but there was no concrete action. Li Muye wasn't sure what they were thinking, but there was no other good way besides waiting. This is a competition of patience. Whoever loses his composure first will lose the initiative first.

Li Muye was waiting for an opportunity. Liusinski and his group would not let go of the hawk until they saw the rabbit, so let them see it first.

In early August, Petrovich returned from Yakutia, along with the first batch of in-demand goods purchased from the Kut Trading Company. Li Muye ordered people to keep all the fur goods and divide the rest into two parts. One part was sent to Ukraine and the other part was distributed locally in Moscow.

Elena's fur store is on the famous Old Arbat Street. Her fur clothing is only for high-end customized groups and has no brand logo.

In the evening, Li Muye and Lao Cui drove to Old Arbat Street.

At the beginning of the lanterns, the street lamps decorated with round glass lampshades on both sides of the square stone road looked like ancient knights wearing masks, standing proudly, guarding the ancient street market.

He ordered Lao Cui to park the car, take the fur samples he brought back from Yakutia, and follow him on a stroll through the streets. I have been in Russia for so long, and I have never had so much time to wander around. This commercial street with a history of more than 500 years exudes a unique charm that combines ancient times and modern times.

No. 53 Arbat Street is the former residence of Pushkin, the greatest Russian poet. Pushkin was born here in 1799 and spent 12 years before going to Tsarskoe Selo Middle School. After ending his exile in the South, he returned here again. In 1831, after marrying "Russia's first beauty" Natalia Goncharova, she lived here.

Irina's fur shop is adjacent to here, and opposite is the famous modern world of Russia's nouveau riche. Ancient and modern, art and copper odor, are focused in this inconspicuous corner.

The door looked inconspicuous, so Li Muye climbed up the stairs, opened the door and walked in. At a glance, he saw a tall girl with snow-white skin, waterfall-like blond hair, and a graceful figure practicing an extremely difficult ballet movement in front of the mirror, leaning back and twisting in an incredible way. When she heard someone coming in, she seemed a little flustered. She stopped all movements and turned sideways to look over.

Li Muye couldn't help being secretly surprised after seeing her appearance clearly.

There is a kind of beauty called stunning, shocking beauty!

Dignity, beauty, sexiness, radiance, youthfulness, purity and cuteness, almost all the imaginable beauty are concentrated on one person's face. Li Muye thought of the sexiness of Zeta Jones, the elegance of Sophie Marceau, the beauty of Monica Bellucci, and finally came to the conclusion that he thought of the purity of Hepburn and combined the four beauties. With all his advantages put together, he might not be as good as the girl in front of him.

Who are you? (End of chapter)