
Chapter 8: Buried in her gentle world


A few days later, Meng Fanbing came to Li Muye alone one night and said something from the bottom of his heart. She first asked Li Muye not to hold a grudge against her, and then said that it's not that you are not good enough, but that this society is too realistic. Li Muye said, it doesn't matter. I'm a cheap person and I'm used to being dumped. Even my parents didn't pamper me, let alone you

Meng Fanbing said, don't say that. I know you never take me seriously, but I really like you. As a man, that person is much worse than you, but there is no way. Who let him have it? A good father, a good future, but you only have one good brother

This sentence was very ambiguous, but it was what she really meant. This woman was gifted, in her prime, and in great need in some areas. Li Muye's family genetics are good. In addition to his handsome appearance, he is also light and healthy, and has great wealth. After more than a year of live-fire shooting, my methods have become more sophisticated. It's really a big deal for Meng Fanbing. So, she came here tonight to enjoy it one last time.

Wang Hongjun is an uneducated scoundrel. Apart from his family having a bit of money and being a somewhat loyal person, there is nothing else wrong with him. But there was something he said that Li Muye admired very much. He said that when a young woman likes a man, she likes him from the top down. Look at the face first, then the clothes or pockets, and finally the third-party goods. When you get older, you start looking at your pockets first. Finally, when you reach a certain age and you have looked at everything, the only thing that matters most is the bottom three.

The so-called love that lasts for a long time is really not just talk.

It's a pity that women have feelings, but men don't.

That night, Li Muye flatly rejected Meng Fanbing's last desire. The reason is that although I am shameless, I still have to follow the rules. Since I received the breakup fee from your father, I naturally want to break up with you completely. Meng Fanbing said bitterly, "Li Muye, I hate you!" Just ran away.

Men can tolerate their hatred for someone for a long time, but women are often on the contrary. Revenge often cannot wait until overnight, and is often revenge without regard to the consequences.

Meng Fanbing went to see Wei Lili that night. As a result, Li Muye's small restaurant was visited by the health and tax authorities the next day. The inspection results were unsatisfactory. Sanitary inspections revealed spoiled food, and the tax department used makeup and fishing methods to catch evidence of Li Muye's tax evasion.

It's not like I've never encountered this kind of thing before, and it's usually easy to find a way to solve it. Li Muye adhered to the principle that the people should not fight with the government and tried to communicate and negotiate with others through multiple channels. But I didn't expect that the other party has a clear goal. They will not accept tobacco, alcohol, sweets and tea. They only handle official business and they have made it clear that they want you to be shut down.

The small restaurant was closed indefinitely for rectification. Li Muye had no choice but to sell the well-run small restaurant at a low price.

This year, Li Muye was nineteen years old. He saw how good women are and how cruel they are. But for the 30,000 yuan, he did not try to retaliate by ruining Meng Fanbing's reputation. Just pass the message to Meng Fanbing through other people, and the matter ends there. If you trouble me again, don't blame me for turning a small matter into a big deal.

The summer of 1999 was extremely hot. Li Muye's home was extremely tidy because there were too few things, only a bed and a cabinet. A bachelor's life is simple, but he doesn't have to live so simple. Although the sale was forced to be transferred, it was still considered a stage of primitive accumulation. The deposit of more than 200,000 yuan in the account could be used to do a lot of things.

The first Internet cafe appeared on the street, and Wang Hongjun and others became obsessed with a game called Half-Life launched by Snow Mountain Company. Spending time in Internet cafes every day is as if they have no money. The four yuan an hour Internet fee cannot stop their enthusiasm to participate at all.

Of course, at this time, Wang Hongjun rarely gave money to eat, drink and have fun on this street. But others still have to pay, and the spectacle of dozens of people queuing up to wait for a machine is really tempting. Li Muye is not very interested in games, but he is interested in Internet cafes.

Seeing that Sun Laosi, who used to sell sesame oil, was making money by opening an Internet cafe, Li Muye wanted to open one too. Young people have nothing to worry about. They do things based on their feelings and do whatever they say. The venue is at their own home. Li Muye's house is on the first floor, so it is very convenient to enter and exit.

Run in business and apply for qualifications. An old horse knows the way and a familiar road is familiar. Only the part of buying the machine was difficult. Wang Hongjun boasted loudly and boasted that he would be the one to take care of it. However, he found several so-called knowledgeable friends, but they all had only a superficial understanding of what machines are good, how to debug them, and even how to connect them. , not enough to watch at all.

Fortunately, Zhang Na was on winter vacation at this time. As soon as she heard that Brother Ye was going to open an Internet cafe, she immediately came to intern as she had just learned computer-related courses in college. I was busy every day helping with everything, from machine selection to installation and debugging. I was busy all day long. Almost all food and accommodation are at Li Muye's house.

Nineteen-year-old Zhang Na is much more promising than she was four years ago. After studying and living in the capital for the past six months, she has gained a look that is unique to people from big cities. Her facial features have never been very delicate, but they are very attractive. She has an outstanding figure and a cheerful and sunny personality. She can be said to be a very attractive girl. To Li Muye, she was an angel and he could never get enough of her.

There was only one bed in the house, and they had been brother and sister since childhood. Zhang Na had never put her guard up when facing Li Muye before. Occasionally when staying overnight, she would lie down with her clothes on, and would ask Li Muye not to mess with the sofa and to go over and sleep with her. Li Muye was afraid that he would fall asleep and make an unforgivable mistake because of his unsteady stance. Although he had ten thousand intentions in his heart, he missed many opportunities one after another.

Sometimes when she gets annoyed, she tells her half-truths and half-falsehoods to be careful of your wild brother not being firm enough and asking you to be his wife. Zhang Na always said with a smile, brother, you have a thief heart but no courage. I told my mother that I was not allowed to stay overnight outside, and that I was not allowed to go to my best friend's house. I was only allowed to stay at your place. Many people have said that you are not a good person, and that you are the one behind the bad things done by Wang Hongjun and others. But to me, you are my brother, the brother who will protect me no matter what happens.

This relationship didn't change until an accident happened one morning.

The night before, Zhang Na stayed in the Internet cafe very late to install the system and debug the machine. Li Muye said he would take her home, but she was too tired to walk back. I called home and said I wanted to stay overnight. The godmother agreed immediately. She simply washed up and slept in the only bed at home. Li Muye followed the old rules and slept on several sofas with clothes on. Zhang Na had a cough when she slept until midnight. Li Muye heard the noise and was afraid that she would catch a cold, so he went out and bought some medicine.

After Zhang Na took the medicine, she slept soundly. When it got up at dawn, she found that Li Muye had not prepared a fragrant breakfast as usual and had squeezed out toothpaste and was waiting for her. When he went out to buy medicine last night, Li Muye's coat was covering Zhang Na. He just put on his sweater and walked a kilometer to the 24-hour drug store at the market to buy medicine. When he came back, he waited on Zhang Na. He fell asleep after taking the medicine, but unexpectedly he made himself suffer from fever.

Li Muye has a bad habit of talking nonsense after having a fever. This problem is often more common in people who are very thoughtful and talk less. It has been suppressed for too long, and it will be revealed at such inadvertent moments.

Zhang Na found out that Li Muye had a high fever, and she was a little panicked at the time. She has always been clumsy and not very good at taking care of others, so she immediately called her mother Shi Zhenzhen to tell her that my brother had a fever. Shi Zhenzhen didn't take it seriously. It's not a big deal for a young man to have a fever. Just give him a few pills and some hot water.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Na found a few pills that Li Muye had bought her last night, and came to the sofa to feed them to Li Muye. At this moment, the half-conscious Li Muye smelled the familiar smell of the girl next to him. He suddenly hugged her and kissed her desperately.

Zhang Na was frightened and struggled hard while being embarrassed and annoyed. Li Muye murmured in his sleep, calling her nickname, expressing his longing for her and his love for her from the bottom of his heart. It was like being struck by lightning. Zhang Na was dumbfounded for an instant. She never thought that Brother Ye would be so affectionate towards her. All the tender details of the past came to her mind, making her even forget about her struggle and rejection.

But just when she was also a little confused and infatuated, Li Muye suddenly heard her cry, suddenly woke up, and suddenly pushed her out of his arms.

"Nana, I'm sorry, I'm not a human being." Li Muye knelt on the ground, looking at Zhang Na who was in messy clothes and crying. He wanted to stab himself with a knife and slapped himself hard.

"No, Brother Ye, don't blame yourself." Zhang Na lowered her head, reached into her thermal shirt to straighten the underwear that Li Muye had torn off, and said, "I know you are confused by the fever, and you haven't What will you do to me?" She finally said in an inaudible voice: "Actually, even if you did something bad, I don't blame you."

Li Muye was a little dumbfounded. He sat there and said, "Nana, aren't you angry with me?"

Zhang Na said: "I'm just so used to your favor that I never thought that you don't regard me as your biological sister."

Li Muye blushed with shame and asked hesitantly: "Then, what about you? Are you now..."

"I don't want to regard you as my biological brother anymore." Zhang Na said flatly: "If you like it, you just like it, if you don't like it, you don't like it. I have always been a straightforward person."

"Then do you like it or not?" Li Muye was confused by her and asked with sweat on his forehead.

Zhang Na looked at him infatuatedly and said softly: "Brother, I'm so stupid that I can't even boil a pot of hot water."

"I can!"

Zhang Na added: "Since I was a child, I didn't know anything except reading."

"I know everything!" Li Muye said, "With me, you should always be your little princess."

Zhang Na pursed her lips and asked, "Why are you so nice to me?"

"Because Brother Ye is curious about you." Li Muye said excitedly: "I have been since I was very young, but I always felt that I was not worthy of you, so I have been trying to be a man worthy of you, but unfortunately I found that The gap between us is getting wider and wider.”

Zhang Na suddenly stopped talking and turned around with her face flushed. Li Muye thought she was angry and suddenly felt at a loss.

"You idiot, you messed up my bra."


Li Muye jumped onto the sofa, but he was a little too excited. He used too much force and pushed Zhang Na down. He hurriedly struggled to get up, like an antique dealer who accidentally knocked down Yuan Qinghua. As a result, Zhang Na suddenly turned around and took the initiative to hug his neck.

How can any girl not be pregnant

A deep kiss made all the sweet words pale and empty.

"My godfather will beat me to death." Li Muye looked vain, even afraid to look at Zhang Na's face.

"Then don't tell him yet." Zhang Na said, "We didn't do anything bad anyway."

"I still feel like I'm in a dream. Even though I know I'm not worthy, I still hope I'll never wake up from this dream."

"I seem to be a silly princess who has just been awakened from a dream." Zhang Na gently stroked Li Muye's chin with her little hand and said, "Unknowingly, you have started shaving, and I am still stupid. I treat you like a playmate who pees and makes mud."

"You're not stupid. You know a lot more than me. I don't think I can understand those computer programs in my life."

"But you, a person who doesn't understand computers, know how to open an Internet cafe to make money." Zhang Na said: "Brother, you have always been a very outstanding and ambitious man. I just never thought that I had a share of the credit for your ambition."

Li Muye grabbed her little hand, pressed it against his chest, and said numbly, "Feel it, the things here are always beating for you."

Zhang Na smiled tenderly, grabbed Li Muye's hand with her backhand, pulled it to her chest, and said in a trembling voice: "Brother, from now on I will start beating for you too."

Li Muye's hands were trembling. He was half excited and half ashamed.

"Do you like it?" Zhang Na asked gently.

Li Muye forcibly restrained his impulsive desire, withdrew his hand and said, "I like it so much that I want to cry. Today is the most lonely day in my life."

"Silly boy." Zhang Na opened her arms, took Li Muye's head into her arms, and said, "Brother, I will be your home and your partner from now on, and I will never let you be alone again."

Li Muye buried his head in her gentle world, feeling as if he owned the whole world. Tears of emotion gushed out like spring water, wetting her clothes and purifying the coldness and loneliness deep in her heart.

"Brother, do you want me?" Zhang Na asked softly.

"I want to, but not now." Li Muye said seriously: "One day I will give you the best married life. Now I just want to hold you like this and I will be satisfied."

"Then what do I want you to do?" She lowered her head, pressed her face against Li Muye's ear, and said, "There are TT vending machines in the school, and the two sisters in my dormitory have already tried it with their boyfriends. After that, I suddenly wanted to give it a try."

"Then choose a special day." Li Muye was a little shocked by her initiative and enthusiasm. His heart beat like a drum and his physiological reaction was violent, but he still resisted the urge to execute her on the spot. He hesitated and said, "Am I being a little pretentious? You know, I actually cherish you so much that I even feel that I will be satisfied as long as I live like this for the rest of my life."

Zhang Na chuckled: "Silly brother, I'm so happy that you can respect me so much, but you can't pamper me like this anymore, you'll spoil me to a fault, and then I'll have to rely on you for the rest of my life. La."

"Okay, then I'll let you see how powerful I am now." Li Muye suddenly turned over and pressed forward. However, Zhang Na broke away laughing and said: "There are still four machines to be debugged, and your friends will be here soon."

"If you don't like them, I'll tell them all to get lost." Li Muye stood up and said.

Zhang Na smiled and said: "I believe you have your own sense of discretion. My parents have discussed your relationship with those people before. My mother was particularly worried that you were a bad learner. Then my father told her not to worry about it. A person has a lot of things. You are a person who knows how to gain a foothold in society, and you are very measured in doing things."

"Hey." Li Muye sighed and said, "This time I finally lost my temper. I guess if my godfather knew about our affairs, he would have to break my legs."

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard the sound of using a key to open the door. As soon as he entered the hall, the voice came first: "What are the two dead children doing? Didn't they say they were sick? How is it? I called you so early in the morning. What's wrong? I've even delayed the fellow practitioners meeting." When the sound of people arrived, Shi Zhenzhen walked around the room full of machines and chairs, walked a few steps to the small bedroom, opened the door and took a look, and suddenly became furious: "Two little bastards, you two What did you two do?" (End of Chapter)