
Chapter 82: The great escape


It is April, and in the days of waiting, spring has quietly arrived in the Caucasus, and the valleys are full of wild flowers.

Li Muye sat comfortably under the eaves of the stone house, watching Vasily's sons practicing wrestling on the grass. While tasting fresh blueberry jam, the French bread and Italian cheese secretly sent by Andrei were placed on the table next to her.

Vasily's wife works in a city outside the mountains, and the meager income she saves throughout the year cannot even buy new clothes for the children. Under Li Muye's instructions, Andrei opened the department store to Grozny through Kirichenko's channels. Vasily's wife was arranged to take charge of the situation and be responsible for liaison affairs.

The reason why he went around in such a big circle was because he didn't want Timov to notice his small actions, although this small thing was not enough to have any impact. But Li Muye still made this arrangement based on the principle that scammers would rather go a hundred miles around than risk a hundred meters.

Kirichenko is a Ukrainian, and it is even more convenient to transport goods into the Chechen Republic from there than from Moscow. This guy has now tasted the benefits of cooperating with Brother Xiaoye. Under the influence of money, he has taken the initiative to lower his attitude. He has always treated Li Muye as a boss and almost obeys his words.

Chu Qinchuan nominally worked for Li Muye, but in fact he had a strong domestic background. The relationship with him is that of boss and employee, but also of master and friend.

Diana is Li Muye's wife, but her true identity is an elite agent of the Russian National Security Agency. This chick acts like a ghost and is completely unpredictable. Li Muye was obsessed with her body, but he didn't trust her mentally.

Li Muye's inability to control these two people does not mean that he has completely given up control of the company.

Kirichenko, Petrovich, Bai Peng and Andrei, as well as all the staff in Yakutia, are actually still firmly in their hands.

It is not difficult for Li Muye to secretly mobilize some resources.

The spring sun is shining on my body, the cool breeze from the valley is blowing, and my whole body is bathed in a comfortable and comfortable feeling. If there weren't all the messy things outside, living in the valley would actually be pretty good. Li Muye thought.

It's a pity that General Yevgeny's son Durm is already on the way, and his time here is running out. When Durm returns, he will make a formal handover with Yevgeny. Then Yevgeny will break his promise, and then it will be Li Muye's turn to appear, kidnapping Yevgeny and rescuing everyone. With Durm's cooperation, Yevgeny, who was terminally ill, was finally brought back to Moscow for trial. If nothing happens, Yevgeny will die in the hospital and end his heroic life.

Vasily took two cans of beer and came out of the house, sat down next to Li Muye, and said, "Aren't you going to see your wife? The conditions in the cave prison are very bad. After being locked up for such a long time, she has suffered a lot. .”

"It's better to let her suffer a little." Li Muye said nonchalantly: "This bitch is too evil-minded and has worn away her spirit. If she loses her arrogance, I will take this opportunity to tidy her up and make her submissive." .”

Vasily said: "I followed your wishes and arranged for Demi to act in a scene with you. When do you think the time is suitable?"

Diana's life has been very difficult recently. Although she was mentally prepared for the life of a prisoner, she still underestimated the hardship of this hellish place. There was no need for torture as she imagined. As long as she was detained indefinitely, she could eat the kind of black bread that could kill people and the dry and touching rat meat, and drink the limited supply of less than 500 milliliters of water per day. Although she lived in It was a single room, but the wooden bucket for the toilet was only emptied once a week. That feeling is beyond the reach of pain.

In comparison, the life of the Kalpins is easier, and the gender difference makes it easier for them to adapt to this hellish place. Now, they can eat more than half a piece of brown bread every meal, and they are already proficient in using the poop stirrer to go to the toilet.

These days are Diana's menstrual period. She is always on time. Li Muye counted the days and decided to choose today to visit her. Before going, I had to make some preparations. In order not to let her see any flaws, I first put on makeup to look like I was recovering from a serious illness. Calling the full-time orderly Colonel Vasily, the two of them came to the cave prison together.

As soon as she arrived at the door, she heard Diana's angry and weak voice coming from inside: "Fuck you, bastard! If you dare to touch me, I will make you lose interest in women forever." A rough voice with a thick He shouted drunkenly: "Ah ha, what a hot girl. I just like hot guys like you."

This is Demi, the short man who brought Li Muye and others to this damn place. Li Muye and Vasily walked into the cave together and went straight to the cell where Diana was detained. The door was open, and Demi, who was drunk, was shaking his body and approaching the shackled Diana.

"Fuck you!" Li Muye rushed in with a single stride and kicked Demi to the ground with a flying kick.

Vasily followed closely, took out his pistol and shouted: "Stop, stop, don't do it again, or I will beat you to death!"

"Shoot!" Li Muye fearlessly stood in front of Diana with his chest raised, and said, "Whoever wants to touch my wife today will kill me first."

Vasily said: "Mr. Li, why are you doing this? You are about to be released, why take risks for a woman who doesn't love you? This woman's true identity is a Security Bureau agent, and she is not worthy of anything you do for her. sacrifice."

"Fuck you!" Li Muye cursed loudly, "She is my wife!"

No matter how strong a woman is during her menstrual period, she will be affected by psychological suggestions and naturally consider herself to be weak. If a con man wants to deceive a woman's feelings, women these days are most likely to become dependent on men and seek protection.

After these days of torture, Diana was extremely fragile and exhausted, both physically and mentally. When Demi came over just now, she even had the consciousness of death. At this moment, seeing the man's strong arms across his body in front of him, he was suddenly moved to a complete mess. His psychological defense was relaxed, and he collapsed on the ground and burst into tears.

Demi jumped up from the ground, grabbed the gun from Vasily's hand, raised his hand and pointed it at Li Muye's head, saying angrily: "Damn it, you son of a bitch, have you had enough of your life?" ?" The muzzle of the gun was passed forward again, almost touching Li Muye's head.

"Stop!" Vasily shouted: "Demi, you can't kill him. This person is also part of the deal. He will also leave with those boys. This woman can't go anywhere. By then, You can do whatever you want? Why bother to make the general angry for half a day?"

Demi angrily spit a mouthful of phlegm at Li Muye's feet. After cursing, he said, "You're right, it's not worth upsetting the general because of him."

Vasily said: "To fulfill your wish and let you say your final goodbyes, Mr. Li, let me remind you that time is precious, and you should not waste it on stupid things like being angry with Demi." Then, with a wave of his hand, We left together with Demi.

Only Li Muye and Diana were left in the prison.

"How are you?" Li Muye came over and asked with concern. His voice was full of emotion, and his face was full of anxiety and concern. Then he asked: "Have they abused you these days?"

It took Diana a while to calm down and said, "No, it's just been locked up like this." Then she asked, "How are you? What did they do to you?"

Li Muye looked unconcerned: "It's nothing for a man like me to suffer some physical pain. I just lay in bed for a few days to recuperate." He added: "If Andre hadn't sent some supplies, they wouldn't have done it either. Let me go so easily."

"You are always so resourceful." Diana was completely confused. She snuggled into Li Muye's arms and said sadly: "Is what that bastard just said true? Moscow has agreed to make a deal with them? Isn't that right? My name is not part of the deal?”

"Don't worry, I will never leave you alone no matter what!" Li Muye said categorically: "I can't admit how much I love you, but I will never give up on the responsibility of marriage. If They are unwilling to release you together, and I am determined not to leave!"

"Why are you doing this?" Diana was deeply moved and said in a trembling voice: "When I heard you say that, I already felt that I had not come to this world in vain. I don't want you to die here with me. , I want you to go back to Moscow, live well, and always remember that a silly woman named Diana once married you and loved you!"

"No, you won't die here!" Li Muye patted her shoulder gently and comforted: "I won't die here either. If they refuse to let you go with me, I still have one last chance. way!"

"What can be done?" Diana concluded that Li Muye was trying to comfort herself. Although she didn't believe it in her heart, she still couldn't help but ask.

The transaction took place the next day, and the location was Grozny.

That morning, Li Muye boarded the jeep while Diana was crying and saying goodbye, and he was dragged to the trading location with Kalpin and others. Before leaving, I said harsh words, "Wait for me, I will definitely take you away with me." Diana didn't take it seriously, but she still nodded subconsciously, preferring to keep this illusion in despair.

On the dilapidated Petroleum Street, representatives sent by the government handed over Durm to representatives of the guerrilla armed forces as agreed. Just when the deal was about to be completed, Vasily suddenly turned against him, pulled out a gun and wounded Kalpin's leg.

A fierce gun battle broke out between the two sides. The guerrillas were well prepared and gained the upper hand in a short period of time. Just as the government troops on standby gathered around, an armed helicopter unexpectedly appeared. The powerful firepower locked the government troops on one side. Suppress firmly. Finally, Durm and the hostages including Li Muye were taken away.

In the mountains, after the helicopter landed, Kalpin and others, who had gone from hope to despair, cried and wailed bitterly. Thirty-year-old Durm stepped out of the helicopter with a determined look and hugged Yevgeny tightly in his dying years. The father and son made their final farewells during a brief exchange.

Li Muye saw the opportunity and, as agreed in the plan, suddenly struck down Vasily, took his pistol, and rushed over to control Yevgeny.

With the cooperation of Durm, Diana, who had no hope at all, was finally released. She was so surprised that she boarded the helicopter with Li Muye and others... (End of this chapter)