
Chapter 89: Thousand Kings


Chinese culture is extensive and profound. Among the four ancient civilizations, only China's culture has been passed down to this day. Li Muye is vulgar and has no writing. He is not interested in too advanced knowledge, but he is very interested in food culture. Not only do I like to eat, but I also like to study how to make it.

Master Lu also shares this point.

Family banquet, authentic Shandong cuisine, all prepared by Master Lu. There are not many dishes, the ingredients are common, but there is something special about it. The taste was so exquisite that Lao Cui's three children wanted to eat it on their tongues. Lao Cui's wife realized some kind of crisis and was worried that her children's taste buds would be spoiled by this taste in the future.

During the dinner, we talked freely about our daily life.

Lu Yuan lives alone, his daughter is studying in Shanghai, and his old mother suffered a stroke and cerebral hemorrhage last year. After being rescued, she became a vegetative state and went to the West. It’s not that Lu Yuan couldn’t afford medical treatment. During the rescue, he hired transfer experts from Shanghai and the capital to come and see him. After he finally announced that he had lost consciousness and the ability to take care of himself, Lu Yuan stopped renewing the fee and the hospital refused to give him medicine. The old lady simply Left neatly. Because of this incident, his daughter Lu Shaofen was annoyed by him and went to Shanghai to take college entrance exams. He did not return home for more than a year.

When Master Lu talked about this, there were not many emotional changes on his face. This made Li Muye feel unpredictable. The old Lu Yuan showed his true feelings when talking about his mother and daughter, and he looked like a sincere and sincere person. But the Master Lu in front of him made Li Muye feel completely elusive.

Loneliness, wisdom, rationality, and carelessness. It is far less approachable and has a long aftertaste than the dishes he cooks.

The moonlight shines on the sea, as if covered with a veil.

Two men were sitting on a stone by the sea. Li Muye looked at the sea in front of him and broke the silence: "Uncle Lu, can I ask you a question?"

"As a con man, you should never believe what you see with your eyes and hear with your ears." Lu Yuan curled up a smile on his lips and said a little mischievously: "But now, I have retired, Jinpen You can wash your hands, do what you like, or take off the mask on your face. This will probably be the case for the next few decades."

"I suddenly want to know what Li Qizhi is like now." Li Muye said: "There are also Qiu Xuehua and Wang Baoshu. I don't know how they are doing now."

"You don't know yet?" Lu Yuan said: "Your master is very wealthy now. He is a visiting professor at a university in the south, a famous scholar, a speaker, a motivational master, a Taoist health expert, and a master of Yi Xue. He has a big halo above his head. Covering it is not the original pattern." He added: "After Xiaoqiu went to South Korea for plastic surgery, there was no news. But Wang Baoshu came here once last year. I hid out and didn't see him. Listen Lao Li said he had created some kind of health care drug brand, and at that time he was soliciting investment from everywhere to build a network worth selling as a team."

"I'm more used to you talking like this." Li Muye said with emotion: "I didn't expect that my master wandered around the world for most of his life and only turned around in the second half."

"This is called Qianlong ascending to the sky, unstoppable!" Lu Yuan said: "What senior brother Li lacks in this life is an opportunity. He can be where he is today, which can be regarded as a accumulation of hard work."

"What about you?" Li Muye asked, "How are you? I don't mean material, but spiritual. When I first met you, I felt like you were almost empty of everything." He handed over a cigarette.

"I haven't stopped drinking and eating meat. I just have a peaceful mind." Lu Yuan waved his hand to reject Li Muye's cigarette and said: "I quit. I promised my old mother when I was in the hospital. My daughter has been away from school for more than a year. I have been there for a long time." Never smoked a cigarette."

Li Muye said: "Did the old lady go away peacefully?"

"I died at the age of eighty." Lu Yuan said: "It's a pity that my daughter doesn't understand this. The child has a deep relationship with grandma and cannot accept my decision."

To die with dignity, or to linger on the hospital bed without any quality or dignity

For future generations, this is a difficult multiple-choice question. From the perspective of an eighty-year-old patient, this should not be a multiple-choice question.

Lu Yuan continued: "The quality of life is a matter of life. It is more important to do what I want than to do what I can do. Don't look at me now, I am a little lonely, but my heart is full. There is no harm in reading more. The door is right I read this from a book. It’s a bit ironic, but it reminded me not to blame others and be conceited. Many times we are actually toads at the bottom of the well. We are trapped in the world and lack of vision and cultivation. Even if we are from a high position, But in the sea, you can only see the gauze but not the sea."

"Master Lu, you are naughty again." Li Muye said with a smile: "I have been a secular person all my life. I get dizzy when I go to the temple, but wallowing in the rivers and lakes is suitable for me."

Lu Yuan said: "You are still too young, and you have too much room for choice. And you have caught up with this era where immortals are competing for success. You should live your life to the fullest."

"Twenty-five years old, that's not too young to say the least." Li Muye said, "I just can't grow up and settle down. I'm afraid I won't be able to survive a life like yours now."

Lu Yuan said: "I don't think the way of people like you is like those who follow the world."

Li Muye said: "Didn't I tell you on the phone that I would send my sister to Shanghai for further study? That old man is my brother and driver. Her wife took her children to Shanghai to accompany my sister. Coming to you is just a way. Come and see you."

Lu Yuan smiled and said, "You have the air of not going to the Three Treasures Palace for nothing, you just have this sentence written on your face."

"Okay, all my thoughts are in your eyes." Li Muye said, "I really want to ask you something." After that, he told the story about Hong Wenxue. Finally he said: "That's what I plan to do. I'm not short of money. I don't want a penny of how much money this deal will bring. I just want to get this person. The helper I'm looking for must be an old Jianghu. Reliability is secondary. In the end, The main thing is to be greedy enough, and of course the stronger the ability, the better.”

Lu Yuan thought for a while and said: "There is indeed such a candidate. In terms of ability, he may not be worse than your master, but he is a little bit worse in luck. He has traveled all over the country for so many years and has not become famous. When I was young, the relationship between you and your master There are still some grievances, and the signs have been gone for many years. At this age, the energy in my heart is not small at all. I would rather live in the rivers and lakes and go to jail than lead the horse to be kicked by your master. "

Is he no worse than Li Qizhi? Li Muye was secretly surprised and asked quickly: "What is this person's name? Where is he now?"

Lu Yuan said: "His name is Ye Hongyou. He and your master are brothers from the same school but different divisions. He is from Jiangxi. In terms of layout, he is not as good as Li Qizhi in terms of eloquence, but when it comes to juggling knives and bullets, turning cards and hiding pills, we here In a group of people, he is second best and no one dares to be first, and your master is not even close to him."

"How is your character?" Li Muye asked.

Lu Yuandao: "Eight words can sum it up: ruthless and ruthless, chivalrous and tender!" He sighed and continued: "He is very capable. If he hadn't sacrificed himself for a woman back then, his current achievements may not be as good as your master's. Worse."

"Be specific. It's a big deal. The more I know, the better."

Lu Yuandao: "Actually, it's not complicated. I was just a golden partner with your master when I was young. Later, they fell in love with the same woman. He was better-looking and had better skills, so he got in first. Your master was originally I wanted to ask him to help deliver the news, but it ended up like this. The two of them fell out over this matter, and then the woman married Ye Hongyou, and your master broke up with him in anger. "

Breaking the kiln is a jargon, which is equivalent to the cross talk called cracking point, which means partners who are in the world of martial arts fall out with each other.

"What happened next? How is Master Ye doing now?"

"The person should be in the south now." Lu Yuan continued: "The woman was seriously ill back then, and Ye Hong used all his savings to treat her. When he didn't have enough money, he had to go back to his old business. As a result, he caught up with the special treatment operation and was A man was betrayed and arrested, but later he found out that it was the woman who betrayed him.”

Li Muye was slightly surprised: "Why did that woman betray him?"

Lu Yuan said: "Hate, the things here are quite complicated. I don't know the specific reasons and processes. Anyway, the woman didn't have any serious problems at the time, so she designed a game to trap him."

"With his ability, how could he be deceived to this extent by a woman?" Li Muye felt a little incredible.

"At that time, he and the woman already had a son and a daughter." Lu Yuan said with a playful expression: "Think about it, is this game powerful?"

Li Muye couldn't help but sigh: "This is not a magical game, but a decisive game. Killing the enemy and killing oneself has tied the two of their lives together. A con man can encounter such a game in his life and lose in this game. Above, this life can be regarded as worthwhile.”

Lu Yuan said: "The interesting thing is yet to come." He continued: "After Ye Hong was released from prison the year before last, he planned to seek revenge on that woman. When he came home, he saw that the woman was waiting for him, and then this time She is really sick, both children have been raised by her, and she has been waiting for him to be released from prison and tell him the truth."

"Why did this woman cheat on him?"

"Revenge, back then Ye Hong cheated someone else of 10,000 kilograms of national food stamps on the train. That person committed suicide after he couldn't explain it to his work unit after he returned."

Li Muye suddenly said: "That woman is the relative of the person who was cheated."

"She is a biological sister. She was raised by her brother and sister-in-law. She is almost like a daughter." Lu Yuan said: "This girl is good-looking. I met her once when I was young. I don't know what Xishi is like. I guess she will not be better than her." It's so good to see, not only is it good-looking, but it's also very clever. He devised a scheme to lure both Li Qizhi and Ye Hong out, and finally put Ye Hong into a deep prison again."

This is a regrettable and chilling story. No one is right or wrong, only entanglements and common losers.

"You just said that Ye Hong is short of money now?"

Lu Yuan said: "The woman was really ill this time. She had been lying down for more than two years. She could cry, couldn't move or speak. She was just a bottomless pit of money. Ye Hong also said that he would keep her alive and suffer. He refused to take out the tube for anything, and for that woman, he went everywhere to borrow money from his past friends."

"I have found this person!" Li Muye said: "I can't go directly to find him. He is an old man in the world, and his eyelids are deeper than the sea. The person who sets up the platform and is the banker is too young to be able to catch his eye. I still need to lend you an old face. I will be able to arrive in Shanghai almost tomorrow night. It is best to ask him to buy a plane ticket and go there to meet..." (End of Chapter)